The establishment ceremony of the Royal Navy of South Korea chose to establish the Nautical School. This school was specially set up by South Korea to train sailing talents. Although such a school is a Nautical School. But it is actually the Royal Navy Military Academy of South Korea. Many sailing talents in South Korea come from this school. So the inauguration ceremony is here. It means that this school is the cradle of the Korean royal navy.

The Royal Navy of South Korea was established and energized countries as usual. In order to declare the status of the South Korean royal family navy. But the status is played out by strength.

"Korea Royal Navy." King Qin muttered after reading the telegram.

"Where is our Qin's navy?" King Qin asked Zhao Gao who was on the side at this time, and Zhao Gao was silent. Qin is deeply inland and has no access to the sea. Under such circumstances, Qin established a navy, but the strategic considerations of the inland made it impossible for Qin to estimate more power in naval construction. Most importantly, the establishment of the navy. The prerequisite for this is maritime trade. Qin is a powerful land warfare country, with a large amount of capital, manpower, and material resources concentrated on land. Therefore, in terms of naval construction, the Qin State as a whole has fallen into a state of stagnant development, but it is worth mentioning that because of the large number of shipbuilding orders, the Qin State’s shipbuilding industry has made new developments.

"This." Zhao Gao bowed his head and didn't know how to explain it.

"Forget it. The widow knows the current situation of the Qin State. If another navy is opened at this time, the military expenditure will increase a lot. The prime minister's house and the naval department of the general staff will fight." King Qin thought for a while. . On the issue of military expenditures, the three services within the Qin State are fiercely competing, and the army has the most funds, because many wars are won by the army, so the army spends the most money. Next is the navy. The Navy does not spend a large amount of military expenditure on the construction of naval ships, but a large amount of military expenditure on the Marine Corps, which belongs to the Navy, but in fact, its marine warfare function is fully utilized. Therefore, a large amount of military expenses went to the Marine Corps to fight on the ground. The Marine Corps itself is the expeditionary force of the Qin State.

In the end is the Celestial Army. Although the Celestial Army is highly expected by the King of Qin, they do not have more financial support, and their development is not very good. Qin's Celestial Army can only help Zhao Guo and South Korea to train and sell them some junior and low Level aircraft to maintain, because a large amount of financial funds are used in the war, the conditions for their participation in the war are extremely harsh, so they have no war to fight, and the natural development speed is much slower.

"Leave this matter to the prime minister." King Qin said. King Qin’s attitude towards the favorable competition of the South Korean royal family’s navy is somewhat helpless. Shangwen has always advocated cutting military expenditures, and increasing military expenditures only when compelled to do so. At this time, increasing military expenditures for the purpose of building the navy is obviously very unrealistic. For infrastructure construction, it is obviously impossible to use it for this.

Fork town.

"Korea Royal Navy." Shang Wen said after reading the telegram.

"South Korea has established its own navy. It seems that they are going to develop into the sea." Fan Zeng said to Shangwen.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"But we can't help it." Shang Wen said with a shrug.

"Qin's current financial situation is tight, and it is impossible to spend more military expenditures to develop the navy. Moreover, Qin is a traditional land power. Most of its military expenditures are spent on the construction of the army. Moreover, the current economic construction is still based on construction. Railway is the mainstay. I think it will be impossible to develop maritime business for a long time in the future. Even if the Qin State powers do so, it is estimated that there will not be much development." Shang Wen said.

"In that case, Qin's funds are too scattered. What are the benefits of scattered funds, no." Shang Wen continued.

"Leave this matter aside, don't deal with it anymore," Shang Wen said.

"Just leave it like this?" Fan Zeng asked incredulously.

"Yes. Just leave it like this, Qin is too big. It's more troublesome to deal with, and financial funds are not supported. Therefore, Qin is not able to deal with it now." Shang Wen said.

"Oh. That's it." Fan Zeng nodded.

"The prime minister. General Wang Ben is here. Would you like to see him?" Shang Wen's assistant asked Shang Wen.

"I'm here, wait a moment." Shang Wen smiled at Fan Zeng.

"How about learning about the Western Regions unexpectedly by Qin Kingdom with me?" Shang Wen invited.

"Yes." Fan Zeng stood up and followed Shang Wen out.

"I also want to know what kind of place this Western Region is like?" Fan Zeng said with interest. Said two people came out.

"Parthian Empire?" Shangwen asked at this time.

"Yes." Wang Ben nodded.

"Parthian Empire, this is the information provided to us by the people of Yueshi." Wang Ben said.

"This Parthian Empire may be the Parthian Empire. Before, Li Xinbu mentioned this and similar information. They reported that the Dawan people they encountered also received military pressure from the other side. Moreover, we have also received military pressure from each other before. I have encountered cavalry from the Parthian Empire, I think it should be one piece." Shang Wen boldly analyzed. Although Shangwen is not interested in the history of Central Asia and does not know much, he knows that this Parthian empire is very likely to be the Parthian nation.

"It doesn't matter whether it is the Parthian Empire or the Parthian Empire." Shang Wen said.

"Our strategy is to use Qin's trade methods to win over the people of the Yue family and jointly deal with the Parthian nation, because I feel that this Parthian nation is what we should pay attention to. In addition, Qin also needs to expand its own business through trade. Career." Shang Wen said.

"Prime Minister, my chief of staff and I have established a trading company, which is mainly engaged in arms business and military training. Our people will come out of the army, and then send officers to establish a training center on the border of the Yueshi people. The base, their logistical supplies, and other materials, we will start trading with them, so that we don’t have to participate in the war." Wang Ben said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"You did a very good job." Shang Wen agreed.

"But, now, what I want to know is your situation, what else do you need?" Shangwen asked at this time.

"Funds. A lot of funds. We still lack enough funds. At present, we are only launching a series of military training. Such training does not require a lot of funds. We can earn a lot of training fees. However, in the future, We have to develop trade with them, various logistics supplies, and various needs. We all need a lot of funds. Without enough funds, we can't do anything." Wang Ben said.

"This is not just your problem, the entire Qin State has such problems at present." Shang Wen said.

"But, Prime Minister, our problem is more serious, and it is the Yueshi people. If we start with the Yueshi and Parthian issues, it will be very troublesome for us." Wang Ben said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"Soon, I think this problem will be solved soon." Shang Wen said.

"However, we still have another piece of information to be aware of, that is, there is an important way of communication on the side where the Yueshi people are currently located." Wang Ben introduced.

"A country leading to the south?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes." Wang Ben nodded.

"The people of the Yue family said that the main direction of their trade is that area." Wang Ben said.

"Yeah." Shangwen entered a state of contemplation. Wang Ben's news told Shangwen that the place occupied by the Yueshi and Wusun people is today's Afghanistan, and to the south of this area is the Peshawar area of ​​Pakistan, which is a transportation hub. Tao, and then you can enter today’s India. At this time, there was a large empire in Shangwen’s memory. This empire was the Maurya Dynasty. This dynasty unified the entire Indian peninsula. What is the current state of this country? Shangwen didn't know at all, he only knew that the Maurya Dynasty was only a short period. Then the whole of India fell into a state of division. Is India now divided or unified. Shang Wen is not clear at all.

"The prime minister. My idea is that we can trade with the Maurya Dynasty to the south through the Yueshi people, we can sell them muskets, and a large number of various military supplies, and then see what they have, import Some." Wang Ben said.

"In this way, our trading company can proceed." Wang Ben told Shangwen some of his thoughts.

"Yes." Shang Wen nodded.

"Your idea is very correct." Shang Wen said.

"We must try these as soon as possible, and cooperate with Yueshi people as much as possible. On the one hand, we should do business and understand our unknown situation on the other hand." Shang Wen said.

"In addition, the construction of railways is also among them. If you have enough funds, you should build railways as much as possible. After all, if this is the case, you can quickly expand more transportation." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. I understand this." Wang Ben said.

Later, Wang Ben introduced other things, such as the morale of the army. This is an old problem. Shang Wen already knew about this issue when he was campaigning. As their chief military officer, Wang Ben must repeatedly emphasize it. This is so that Shangwen can resolve this matter as soon as possible.

After Wang Ben left, Fan Zeng had big doubts.

"The prime minister. I don't understand, why don't you make friends with the Parthian kingdom and the Maurya Dynasty in the south, and solve the Dawan people together. In this way, Qin can expand a large piece of land without spending a lot of energy." Fan Zeng asked.

"No no." Shang Wen shook his head at this time.

"This is not what Qin wants." Shang Wen said.

"If you do this, it will be very detrimental to the State of Qin." Shang Wen continued.

"We have continuously hit Yueshi, the countries in the Western Regions." Shang Wen said.

"The power of these countries is already very weak. Moreover, they are also aware of what kind of opponent they are facing and what such an opponent means to them. Therefore, our opponents are not these countries, and they are also They will not take the initiative to start a war with us. On the contrary, in awe, they will find a way to close this gap, and the leveling of this gap requires trade and peaceful means." Shang Wen said.

"This is also the need of the Qin State. To launch trade, it is not a war. The cost of using war is extremely expensive. To digest this part of the area by means of trade, we agree very much here." Shang Wen said.

"At the same time, the area is a mountainous area, and our logistics supply lines are stretched. If a war starts, it will be very detrimental to us." Shang Wen explained.

"In the mountains, if they resort to guerrilla warfare, the war will last longer and our logistics pressure will be greater," Shang Wen said.

"Remember, not long ago, about Yan Guo?" Shang Wen said to Fan Zeng at this time.

"Remember, the people of Yan were defeated by Goguryeo." Fan Zeng said.

"Yes. What we have to face may be the situation faced by the country of Yan. Such a situation is a situation that we must try our best to avoid. The long-term combat will increase the cost of materials exponentially. In this case, the national defense and military expenses will increase exponentially. , Especially war expenses, will increase a lot. These are currently the Qin government cannot afford." Shang Wen said.

"There are also our logistics supplies that cannot be supported. We currently have only one railway. This railway not only has to bear a large amount of military materials, but also a large amount of commercial and trade materials. If we requisitioned it, the merchants would not agree to it." Shang Wen Speaking of.

"Moreover, this year is Qin's prime ministerial election year. We need the support of businessmen. Without the support of businessmen, my political ideas will be difficult to implement." Shang Wener said.

"Yeah. It's just that, why doesn't Qin adopt the strategy of distant communication and close attack?" Fan Zeng asked.

"No, no, absolutely not, we have to support weak opponents. The power of the Yue people is very weak, and the Maurya Dynasty in the South, and the Sabbath Kingdom in the West. And so on, these countries have not received much weaker power. Moreover, we don't understand them. If this is the case, it will be very difficult for us to understand." Shangwen said.

"What we know is the people of the Yue family. The people of the Yue family know what is going on around them, and after some blows, the situation of the Yue family is also very bad. If the Yue family wants to stand firm, it will be very bad. We need help from the State of Qin," Shang Wen said.

"The Qin country needs to spend more than three years to build the railway situation to the feet of the Yue people. That is when the Qin country really solves the problems in the region. It uses the Yue people to continuously consume the Parthian kingdom and the Maurya Dynasty. "Shang Wen said to Fan Zeng.

"Yeah." Fan Zeng seemed to understand Shang Wen's intentions at once.

In the Western Regions, Qin might be facing two first-class regional powers, one is the Maurya Dynasty, a major power in South Asia, and the other is a major power in West Asia, the State of Parthianism. The power of these two countries surpassed Qin’s military power in the Western Regions, and the situation of the Yue people could not get better there. The Yue people who were violently expelled to the region by Qin had already lost a lot. Unable to use greater power to resist the threats from the South and the West, now Qin has expanded to their borders. They have no choice but to cooperate with the people of Qin because they are too familiar with the people of Qin. Compared with the two countries with great threats in the South and the West, the Yue people have become an important buffer zone.

The Qin State united through this buffer zone. Slowly accumulate strength through various means, so that after a period of time in the future, Qin will inevitably hit these two countries.

It would be extremely unfavorable to Qin State if the method of close contact and close attack were adopted. The cooperation between the strong and the strong to attack the weak, in the process of attack, once one party loses balance, the situation will quickly develop very unfavorably.

Coupled with the various factors of the Qin State, the current financial situation of the Qin State is not good, and it will definitely not launch a war easily, and will do its best to carry out construction. In this way, when the construction of the Qin State is completed, Qin will immediately counterattack.

The northern frontier of Qin State.

"How much land do we have?" a big belly farmer asked in constant sweat. Because of lack of exercise, he only walked for about two miles. He was panting and sweating constantly.

"About 1,000 mu, and there is another farm nearby. The land is larger than this one, with 3,000 mu," said a housekeeper-like person on the side at this time.

"Oh. It's big." The farmer nodded and said. He never cares about the operation of the farm, because he only needs to hire a housekeeper and a few slaves. If necessary, there are labor companies in this area who have a variety of machinery and provide data references.

"Yeah. Yes, we Lizhou has a lot of land. This is the farm." At this time the farmer said.

"This. We can continue to grow wheat. The current price of wheat has risen a lot. As long as we ship to Xianyang, Qin State, there will be a lot of money. Planting wheat is still very beneficial." At this time, the steward suggested.

"No. There is enough wheat." At this time, the farmer said.

"Now Qin is growing too much wheat." The farmer said.

"We should plant something else." The farmer said at this time.

"Plant something else?" At this time, the butler looked at the farmer embarrassedly.

"What can we grow? Carrots? Still grapes. Or other things, or the melons, we can transport them to Guanzhong, but this is not the time to plant them." The steward said.

"No, no, these are not planted. This thousand acres of land, plant this kind of seeds." The farmer asked a servant behind to take out a bag of seeds.

"For the specific method, someone will come to help you, I don’t care. This thousand acres of land. They are all planted. Just plant this kind of thing. What is the specific thing, how to plant it, don’t tell others, this is the case. "The farmer said when he looked at the farmer who couldn't reach the head. The steward can only nod his head. He doesn't know what kind of seeds are planted, but he knows that no matter what, it will bear fruit in the end, and he will know it at the last glance.

The border of the Western Regions of the Qin State. A horse team of more than fifty people is advancing.

"I said Lao Qin. You said, let's go to the west for training. What kind of army is there for training in the west?" A second lieutenant officer with a big beard came over on horseback.

"I don't know." said a lieutenant officer next to him. Lao Qin is a young military officer, he is not over twenty-five years old, this young man, with such a rank, is already relatively fast. After coming out of the military school, after three years of combat, he has rich experience.

"I said, Lao Xue. You should know. If we say that we are going to train a group of people, we just need to train them. Don't worry about them." At this time, Lao Qin said.

"I'm a little worried." Old Xue said.

"I just know some local news." Old Qin said.

"I heard that the people above let us train the Yue people. If necessary, we can direct the Yue people to fight." Old Qin said.

"You haven't forgotten your artillery skills, that kind of old-fashioned gun." Old Qin asked when he looked at Old Xue.

"That kind of thing, you can't forget it at all." Old Xue said.

"That is the most basic thing, but, who else can learn this kind of thing?" Old Xue asked.

"Yueshi, our order is to train Yueshi." Old Qin said.

"Oh. I forgot. You just said it." Old Xue said.

"If possible, we can command the Yue people, but who are we going to fight with?" Old Xue asked.

"I know, it may be a rest person, but some people say it is a Parthian. I don't know who it is. I don't care about him. Anyway, as long as it is an enemy, we will kill them." Old Qin said.

"That's what I said." Old Xue nodded and said.

"Don't talk about it. Anyway, our mission this time is very easy. After training, we can make a lot of money. If we help them fight wars, we will make more. You kid, it's best not to go to the front line. That way. If it is too dangerous, don't make money. Spend lifeless." Old Qin said.

"Bah, what are you talking about?" Old Xue cursed.

"It's not that I said you, your artillery shoots close every time. It almost presses on the shoulders of the infantry and shoots. Although this kind of shooting can directly destroy the enemy, it is too dangerous." Old Qin said.

"I see." Old Xue said impatiently.

"You kid, if you're not so impatient, you might be able to join the staff. The work of the staff is easy and you can make money. I advise you to change it quickly." Lao Qin said to Lao Xue.

"I got it. I got it. Your infantry can move forward quickly and rush up, but our artillery can't do it?" Old Xue said.

"Our artillery can also. Your grenade can't hit anything fifty paces away, but we can. As long as we aim, everything can fly into the sky with one shot. What we want is such an effect." Old Xue said. .

"Every time it explodes into the sky, I feel excited." Old Xue said excitedly.

"Damn, this guy is here again." Old Qin cursed softly. To him, Old Xue was a lunatic, shooting at close range every time. Others who beat him simply couldn't resist.

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