The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1968: Difficult to recruit

Zhao State of Handan.

"Unexpectedly, so many nobles would buy this share. Unexpectedly." Li Mu said while looking at the report.

"Qin Guo Wenyang Bank is also actively trying to solve the funding problem. The specific solution seems to be that they will sell part of their shares to them, and then they will join other banks to participate in it." Li Zuoche said.

"Well. In this way, our funding problem can be solved. With railway transportation, Zhao Guo's railway can transport coal to other places." Li Mu nodded and said.

"Prime Minister, I found something recently." Li Zuoche said.

"In the southern suburbs of Handan, some factories have emerged, such as glass production, and some factories producing plush series. These factories are all carried out by our businessmen." Li Zuoche said.

"Well. Very good. In this case, our taxes will increase a lot." Li Mu said happily.

"It's just that, Prime Minister, I think we should provide some concessions in this area, such as taxation, or some government loans. You know, Qin State did this. According to my understanding, although our overall tax revenue has been reduced a lot, The tax revenue of these factories has not been reduced much. In addition to Qin State’s technology patent fees, and the pressure of Qin State Bank’s capital repayment, the company’s living conditions are not very good." Li Zuoche said.

"If we can't provide certain support, it is very likely that the survival of the company will deteriorate. I think we should have special policies to support them, like Qin, so that they can develop and grow rapidly. Give them certain tax incentives, tax exemptions, or special government funds to support them. In this way, our enterprises will have a competitive advantage. In this way, the number and quality of enterprises will rise a lot. "Li Zuoche suggested.

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded and thought for a while.

"It is somewhat unrealistic to let the government fund and provide some interest-free loans." Li Mu said.

"The current government's financial funds are extremely tight. Although we have temporarily got rid of the oppression of royal spending, our financial situation has not undergone fundamental changes." Li Mu said.

"So, at this point, our situation is not optimistic, and it is not realistic enough. At present, what we need is to increase taxes, but for the moment, this situation is not very optimistic." Li Mu said.

"The finance does not have more funds to support the development of enterprises. What we can do is preferential corporate taxation, or tax exemption." Li Mu said.

"I think these are enough." Li Zuoche said.

"Although we can't provide financial support, we can at least support the further development of small enterprises. Qin State has a special policy for small and medium enterprises. I think we should do the same in Zhao Guo. There is more than just Factory, there are more business enterprises, such enterprises are also very helpful to Zhao Guo, Prime Minister. We can't do nothing like this, we must give them a certain amount of taxation and policy support." Li Zuoche suggested.

"You are right. For such a document, you should consult your opinion, then draw up a plan, hand it over to the cabinet for discussion, and release it as soon as possible." Li Mu said.

"Well. Three days. Do you think three days are okay?" Li Mu asked at this time.

"I think it should be possible. I have understood the opinions of those businessmen. This process can be omitted. As long as they are based on their opinions, they can be discussed. However, I suggest that the content should not be too full and leave a certain amount. Space. Improvements, once they become legal provisions, may cause unfavorable situations." Li Zuoche said carefully.

"Yeah. I can accept your suggestion." Li Mu nodded and said.

Maza Mountain.

"Look, what's over there?" A team member watched nervously as a group of Dawan cavalry appeared in the distance. Their number is only thirty, although the number is relatively small. But the people of Qin were also ready one after another.

"Alarm, alarm. Dawan people have appeared. Dawan people have appeared." The armed man shouted loudly. Soon a large number of armed men quickly dispatched, and they immediately came to their combat positions.

"What's the situation?" The officer on duty held a telescope and asked the sentry on the lookout post.

"There are thirty Dawan cavalrymen appearing near us, they are constantly hovering back and forth, constantly changing positions, our artillery can only destroy them with intensive firing." The sentry said.

"Looking at them, it doesn't look like they're coming to investigate, but who is waiting for?" said the sentry.

"Waiting for someone?" the officer asked suspiciously.

"Yes, sir," said the sentry.

"You see that they are very leisurely and not nervous at all. They seem to be very relaxed. If they are investigated, they will never appear in public like this. At least they should be cautious. After being discovered by us, they should retreat as soon as possible, and then avoid us. Contact, but they have no such situation at all. It is too strange." The sentry said.

"Wait. Wait. Don't shoot, don't shoot." At this moment, Zhao Kaizi exclaimed loudly.

"That's my friend. My business partner." Zhao Kaizi exclaimed excitedly. At the same time, there was a trace of worry on his face.

"Don't fire, don't fire, everyone, don't fire." Zhao Kaizi said.

"That's my business partner, mine, business partner, they are here to ship the goods, they will leave in a while. They will not take the initiative to launch an offensive. Everyone, sorry, everybody." Zhao Kaizi said with an embarrassed smile. . As he said, he took two gold coins and walked to the officer's side.

"This is a little meaning, don't be nervous. This is my business partner. Really." Zhao Kaizi put the gold coin in the opponent's hand.

"This." The officer looked at Zhao Kaizi with some embarrassment.

"So many people are up," the officer said.

"This. Tolerant and accommodating. Small business is also difficult to do. Otherwise, I won't come here all the way." Zhao Kaizi said with a smile. An veteran next to you felt sick when seeing Zhao Kaizi's face like a profiteer, and spit out disdainfully. In order to express his dissatisfaction, he vomited saliva on Zhao Kaizi's boots. Zhao Kaizi didn't see the same, and took out three more gold coins and put them in the opponent's hands.

"Brothers are out here. The one who came here is not to make a fortune. Now, this business is not easy to do. Everyone laughs and tolerates each other." Zhao Kaizi said to each other.

"Okay. Everyone has problems, and I don’t make it difficult for you. However, everyone has to eat better today. Last time, I heard that you brought a large herd of cattle and sheep. We want to roast some lamb at night today and improve it. , Eat canned food every day. This thing is almost vomiting." The officer put forward his own terms.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, it doesn't matter." Zhao Kaizi said with a smile.

"Okay. Brothers, it's okay," the officer said, waving his arms. The crowd cursed Zhao Kaizi, and then left.

"Everyone, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Zhao Kaizi said with a smile. Then he ran out of the passage quickly.

Soon Zhao Kaizi came to the officer sent by the chief of the tribe.

"My friend, I'll pick up the goods." A Dawan officer stepped forward and said. The Dawan soldiers next to him all looked at Zhao Kaizi.

"It's easy to say, the goods will be coming soon. Wait a minute." Zhao Kaizi called out loudly to the fortress built by Qin State, and then waved his arms.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Kaizi said with a smile. Then, from the fortress, a team of horses came out. There are all kinds of goods on it.

A post on the fort. The two sentries looked at the horse team with interest.

"Damn, arms dealer." A sentry with a beard scolded dissatisfiedly.

"In the Western Regions, this thing sells quickly. Others, nothing works." Another sentry said.

"They came here to make a fortune. It's really unfair that we came here to fight," said the bearded sentry.

"This is what you think is wrong. Look at you. Before them, there were a lot of people who were soldiers, but they fought and fought and became merchants. They robbed a lot of trophies and then reselled them. The munitions were finally issued." Another sentry enviedly said.

"This time, we didn't grab it. If we can grab it, let's send it too." Another sentry said after watching the horse team go out. He also wants to have his own horse team one day, and after selling these things, he can make a fortune, and he doesn't need to be such a small soldier anymore.

"My friend. We hope to stop fighting with you. Can you do it?" said the Dawan officer.

"This is what our leader meant. We don't want to fight like this anymore. Your weapons are too powerful. A few of you can defeat us. We want to stop fighting with you, so that we can free our hands. . Do business together.” said the officer.

"I still need to talk about this. After all, this kind of thing is not my sole responsibility. But I will try my best." Zhao Kaizi thought about it. he knows. If this condition is established, then there will be many business opportunities, but other people will do business in this way. The pros and cons are on each side.

"Well. If this thing is done, you will get more money." With that, Officer Dawan led a horse out.

"If the thing is done, you will get such a horse again." Dawan officer said. On the horse's back, there were two boxes. Zhao Kaizi knew that there must be gold coins in the boxes. This is his favorite thing.

"Good. Good. Good." Zhao Kaizi said excitedly after seeing the gold coin.

"We will meet again. My friend." The Dawanese left Malaysia. And Zhao Kaizi excitedly led the horse back.

The business is done in front of everyone. Everyone knows what Zhao Kaizi sold, and they will surely guess what is in the two boxes of horses that Zhao Kaizi got when he was back.

"Fucking, it really happened." The sentry in charge of the sentry looked at Zhao Kaizi's horse greedyly.

And Zhao Kaizi just kept smiling silly. The skin textures on his face are all twisted together. It looks very ugly, but what does it matter? Anyway, he made a profit. He doesn't care about these.

Tianshui Town, East Mengzhou, Qin State. Because the water in this small town has a sweetness, this small town is called Tianshui Town, which is the only small town within a thousand miles of nearby.

Because most of East Mengzhou is grassland and the four deserts in the north are Gobi, East Mengzhou actually has a lot of land, its land area is equivalent to two and a half of Chu, but the population barely exceeds 200,000, which can be described as a real vast population dilute.

"How is this morning?" A lieutenant officer walked into the office and asked a corporal.

"Sir. The situation is very bad," the corporal replied.

"Someone came this morning and we tested it. Oh my God. He was actually deaf. What I said, he couldn't hear anything. His mother actually said that if you are a soldier, you can get a certain salary and come to apply. "The corporal shook his head and said.

"Haha." The lieutenant smiled, and sat down rather unirritated. He is a draft officer in Tianshui Town. His subordinate is a corporal, and their task is to conscript. After getting permission from Shang Wen, the General Staff began to recruit troops across the country. The number of recruits this time was 30,000. Formed as two infantry divisions and another brigade, the rest are all disrupted and replaced in a scattered manner. After receiving the order, the garrisons everywhere began to set up drafting stations in the densely populated small towns.

To attract the attention of conscripts. They also advertised specifically. A large number of conscription posters have been issued, but in this way, their situation has not been greatly improved.

"Sir, we should think of a way. If this goes on, we will not complete the task. Let's see who we have met these days?" The corporal said dissatisfiedly.

"Today is a deaf person, and there was a hunched man who came in yesterday. Oh my god, the hunched man, this man will definitely be beaten when he is standing in the military posture," the corporal said.

"Okay. Old Xue." The lieutenant sat down and said.

"Our situation here is the same as other situations. Today I received telegrams from various places. It is clear from the above that the condition of the soldiers recruited in various places is not very good. Although there are only 30,000 people, these Most of the people have entered the job position, that is, as an apprentice. Their salary is the same as our second-class salary. Our advantage is not very obvious." The lieutenant said.

"Qin has a shortage of population and needs a large number of people to enter jobs. Otherwise, there would be no railway workers who were introduced from Chu and Wei," said the lieutenant.

"Qin is now very wealthy, and the civilians have guns. The high-intensity military training has been beyond the end of us. So our conscription work is relatively difficult." said the lieutenant. As Qin became more and more prosperous, joined the army and obtained the title of nobility, it is no longer shown to find a way out.

In Qin, there are many ways to go. You can go to sea to do business, or find a job, and you can earn a pretty good salary as an apprentice. Because Qin strictly regulates the amount of workers’ salary, the population of Qin itself is not very small. In addition, the large number of territorial expansion has made the population more and more tense. At this time, it is too difficult for them to recruit.

"We have to think of a way, we can't go on like this. Otherwise, our soldiers will be very difficult to complete." The corporal said at this time.

"Boom." At this moment, someone knocked on the glass door. The corporal looked over. He saw a northern nomadic tribe man standing in the doorway with a disheveled hair. He was wearing a sloppy blended cloth and his feet were covered with mud boots.

"Boom." The few tribesmen kept knocking on the door. And pointed to himself.

"Open the door," the lieutenant said to the corporal.

"It's the sir," the corporal said. Then the glass door was opened.

"Hello, sir." said the man from the few nomadic tribes.

"Come in and talk," the corporal said.

"Yes, it's the sir." The man said nervously.

"We are not a shop, we are a drafting station," the lieutenant said to the man.

"Well, I know, sir, I can see the words on it." said the few tribal men. Hearing this, the lieutenant looked at the opponent carefully. The opponent was in his early twenties and was relatively young. The beard is also softer, with no shaved marks.

"What's your name?" the lieutenant asked at this time.

"My name is Tuomu. I am a herding slave on the Zhangjia ranch in the south." Tuomu said.

"Oh. Why did you come here alone?" the lieutenant asked.

"This, I came out to **** cattle and sheep to the slaughterhouse." Tuomu said.

"Oh." The lieutenant nodded.

"Are you alone?" the lieutenant asked.

"No, there is also my father, just me, he is eating out. Our master is very relaxed about us. As long as we don't run away, he will arrange to do this. The words above are also what he taught us." Tom said.

"Oh. Do you want to join the army?" the lieutenant asked at this time.

"Yes. Yes, I really want to join the army. My master said that only if I join the army can I get rid of slavery and become a citizen of Qin. Then I can do what I want to do." Tuomu said.

"I have been paying attention to this matter. I wanted to come when I saw your conscription information today. I wanted to come this morning, but I am worried. Now I, I will try it." Tuomu said To.

"If, if you don't accept it, it doesn't matter, I, I don't have to participate." Tuomu then said nervously.

The lieutenant looked at Tuomu.

"Do you really want to be a soldier?" the lieutenant asked.

"Yes, I really want to be a soldier, if I am a soldier, I can. However, I am agile, I can ride a horse, and fight bravely." Tuomu said.

"Oh." The lieutenant nodded.

"As for your conditions, I understand." said the lieutenant.

"I want to help you, but now." The corporal said at this time. He knew that the conscription work was aimed at people from the Qin country, and non-Qin people were not among them. This is an order issued by the General Staff. Obviously, the slaves of the Qin people are not included, and the few nomadic tribes are also not included. As a result, they only recruit people from the Qin country, those who have the nationality of the Qin country, and those who are not from the Qin country. People of nationality are excluded. Under such circumstances, the Qin State is developing rapidly, and when there is an urgent need for the population, it is difficult for the conscription to spread smoothly.

"You can register, and I will consult the above opinions to solve your case for the following questions." The lieutenant officer said to Tuomu.

"Here, sir. Really?" The corporal came over and asked at this moment.

"It's true, this is what we have to do." said the lieutenant.

"You don't have to worry about this matter. I will respond to it as soon as possible. Only in this way can we solve these problems." The lieutenant said.

"Okay. Officer." The corporal nodded helplessly. He knew what the lieutenant meant. Under the current circumstances, if these ethnic minorities are not targeted for conscription, they may not be able to recruit enough soldiers. 3. There are not too many soldiers per 10,000 people, but 30,000 people can meet the needs of many farms, about one-fifth of the personnel in a state. It is impossible not to consider such a large number.

The lieutenant also knew that these ethnic minorities might be the potential targets of Qin's conscription. The people of Qin are getting more and more prosperous, and their willingness to be a soldier is not too great. The affluent places are not very willing to serve as soldiers, and the only places where Qin can recruit soldiers are these ethnic minorities. They have the hope of urgently changing the fate of recruiting, and they are fierce and combative. This may be the best soldier. .

The telegram quickly reflected the Qin State Staff.

"This is a telegram of the new response. This is the original text of the telegram. It was sent by a conscription officer. It is very representative." Yang Duanhe handed the telegram to Wang Jian and said.

"In the past seven days, the effect of our conscription has not been filled in. In seven days, we have only recruited about the size of a company. At this rate, I am afraid that we will not be able to complete such a task within a year. Moreover, This is still nationwide." Yang Duanhe said. Wang Jian took the telegram and looked.

"I didn't take this situation into consideration," Wang Jian said.

"We Qin is too rich. Many factories need a large number of people. Many people are willing to enter the factory but are unwilling to join the army. Their salary and development capabilities far exceed those of the army." Wang Jian analyzed.

"If we follow the idea of ​​this lieutenant, all the objects of our recruitment this time may be ethnic minority soldiers. Will they listen to our orders?" Wang Jian asked suspiciously.

"I think, maybe, we can use our personnel officers. Non-commissioned officers, and then mixed staff, this problem may be resolved." Yang Duanhe said.

"The crux of the problem is not these." Wang Jian said worriedly.

"Send this telegram to the prime minister, and the king will also know. If we don't do this, will we really not be able to recruit soldiers?" Wang Jian asked himself.

"Well, I'm going now." Yang Duanhe said.

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