After reading the original text of the telegram, King Qin had a trace of concern. Qin people are not willing to serve as soldiers. According to common sense, Qin’s salary is the highest among all countries, and all guarantees are the best. But why are Qin people unwilling to serve as soldiers?

Regarding this question, King Qin couldn't figure out, if no one was willing to serve as a soldier, would the State of Qin really be over? Oh no. You know, the former Qin people were vying for the first time, and everyone was so excited when they heard the war, but now, the current Qin country is actively recruiting soldiers, but it can't recruit soldiers. This made King Qin very uneasy.

"What Qin needs is trade, and it uses trade to solve problems." Shang Wen said.

"Many people still don't understand what kind of situation Qin's Western Regions are facing." Shang Wen said while standing on the podium waving his arms. This was a night speech, and the people who came were businessmen from the Western Regions, slave traders, and all kinds of people who wanted to make a fortune in the Western Regions. They pursue wealth. Active adventure for the sake of wealth.

"War serves our trade, because we know that with Qin's favorable trading position. It is easy to obtain a large amount of funds. Qin does not need to spend a large amount of funds in war. War is costly for us. It is expensive. To start a war, you need to invest a lot. We need trade to proceed in a flexible way." Shang Wen said.

The audience below nodded their heads. In their opinion, the Prime Minister's remarks are of great significance to them, because many of them have already begun to do so. If the Prime Minister did so, it means that the federal government has agreed to their ideas.

"Trade is the cheapest way at the moment. I know that everyone at the seat is a good business man. You can keenly capture what the Yueshi people need, what the Dawan people need, as long as the Qin country produces things, It can definitely meet their needs. You are doing a very remarkable thing to open up the market in the State of Qin. You are the pioneers of the merchants of the State of Qin." Shang Wen waved his arms on the stage to encourage him. The businessmen present were very helpful, but they were pioneers. This is an inspiration to them.

"Sir, this is an emergency telegram from the Prime Minister, and it needs to be handled by the Prime Minister in time." Shang Wen's assistant said to Fan Zeng.

"The prime minister is giving a speech, I am afraid it will take some time." Fan Zeng said.

"However, this telegram is very urgent. It was sent by the General Staff. It may be an urgent military situation." said the assistant.

"Okay. I see. I'll take care of it. Give it to me." Fan Zeng said to the assistant. Then he quietly stepped forward, taking advantage of a neutral position and exchanged views with Shang Wen. Then Shangwen opened the telegram and read it, thinking that he continued to find a suitable reason and ended the speech.

"What do you think of this matter?" Shang Wen handed the telegram to Fan Zeng. Fan Zeng thought about it after reading it.

"I think that in this matter, the people of the Qin country should still be the main conscripts. In addition, a small number of non-Qin people can be considered to serve. After all, there are many people who still hope to have the identity of the Qin people. For such a purpose, it may be Better achieve the goal." Fan Zeng said to Shangwen.

"You are right. But I think Qin should revise the current recruitment method. For example, there should be more people who are not of Qin nationality. After all, there are many immigrants from other countries. If they can join in, this It is of great benefit to us." Shang Wen said.

"In this way, the Central Plains, the Huns in the north, the mountain people, and the Qiang people can all participate, and the problem of soldiers in the State of Qin can be solved on a large scale. On the one hand, we have given them a person who has the nationality of the State of Qin. Opportunities. At the same time, we have solved some problems ourselves. They have this opportunity to get rid of the current nationality factors that are very unfavorable to them. In Qin, they have a nationality that can greatly change their current welfare. Treatment issues." Shang Wen said.

"Qin's laws set the lowest standard for Qin people's salary. At that time, these non-Qin people did not have to follow this standard. As a result, their salary was greatly violated. Therefore, they were eager to get it. There are many other factors for the recognition of a nationality. It is not only a nationality factor, but also other factors. However, if Qin continues to do this, Qin will definitely not be able to go far." Shang Wen said to Fan Zeng.

"Yes." Fan Zeng suddenly thought at this time that although the conscription seems small, who is willing to join the army reflects the different situations of various social strata in a country.

Joining the army is a helpless move. People will join the army when they are forced to do so. The reason why Qin's farming war policy can well motivate soldiers is because of Qin's policy of poor people and rich country. The poorer the people of Qin, the more willing people are to fight, because if you join the army in battle, you can get the title, you can change your origin, destiny, and the inheritance of your family. This is a common portrayal of the people of the Qin State before, and this is also the time when the Qin State fought, the people of the Qin State were very excited to death.

But Shangwen's policy is a policy of enriching the people and the country. With this policy change, Qin’s economic strength has risen rapidly. This is because of the development of capitalism, emphasizing capital and humanism. Development requires a certain economic foundation, and this kind of foundation will inevitably lead to the common people. Becoming rich, after becoming rich, there will be buying demand, and there will be a market. Qin State needs such a market. With the market and demand, Qin's factory can continue to operate. It is precisely at this point that Qin people began to enter factories and commercial trade, and the social division of labor became more and more detailed and clear. The development of Qin State in just a few years surpassed the total development of Qin State before. This has never been possible before, but it also creates a harsh fact. After the people become rich, their desire for war is reduced a lot, and the enthusiasm for joining the army is naturally not high.

In this way, Qin needs a new group of poor people to join the army. This group naturally includes those few nomadic tribes who have been sold into slavery, and immigrants from other countries, because they don’t have many assets and want to change. There is only one way in the current situation, and that is to join the army.

"If we can give them certain household registration support in terms of the conditions for joining the army, such as their welfare benefits, etc., in this way, we will not only solve the problem of soldiers, but also solve other problems. For example, Qin Guo Attract a large number of immigrants." Shang Wen continued.

"The benefits of this are obvious. And it can completely solve the problem. With nationality and household registration, they can integrate into the fast-growing circle of Qin State. What Qin State wants at present is such an open attitude." Shang Wen said .

"It's just that, in this case, isn't the entire Central Plains entering the northern minorities? Central Plains' traditional status." Fan Zeng said incomprehensibly. When Shang Wen heard Fan Zeng say this, he did not continue to explain. He knows that some of Fan Zeng’s theories are understandable, but they have a certain nationalist sentiment. Shang Wen does not want Qin to have such sentiments, tolerant and open, not just talking, but specific do. Shangwen needs to absorb the excellent cultures of various nations, instead of solely emphasizing its own superiority. In that case, it would be too blind. It is not conducive to the further development of Qin State.

"I'll send my telegram." Shang Wen said to Fan Zeng. Then left.

Qin State Xianyang. Qin State Federal Bank Reserve Committee.

"This is a brand new share description. We Wenyang Bank and the Western Region branch need to set up three state banks in Xiaowangzhou, Wangzhou, and Lizhou. These banks all have the support of the local state government, and some also have state government finances. Capital injection." Yingyu explained at the hearing of the Qin State Federal Bank Reserve Committee.

The excessive expansion of Wenyang Bank of Qin State has caused anxiety among the major banks in Qin State Guanzhong. According to the internal regulations of the Qin State Federal Bank Reserve Committee, as long as Qin State’s major banks can mortgage their own certain shares, as long as they do not exceed 40%. , You can get enough funds, so many banks are mortgage shares, the Federal Bank Reserve Board has also quickly performed its functions, the market has sufficient funds for capital operations for a while, but it is After the big banks have fully prepared for the expansion, when they increase their share of shares again, the members of the Federal Bank Reserve Board are elected by the major banks based on their strength ratios.

The committee members suddenly discovered that Wenyang Bank frequently applied for share mortgages and then obtained a considerable amount of funds, which was more than the sum of all the funds of the major banks. The total amount is as high as 80 million gold, which is a crazy number, and such a huge number has caused anxiety among all committee members. They believe that Wenyang Bank's expansion is too great. It's too scary. If this development continues, other banks will have no room for survival.

"State Bank?" a committee member in his fifties asked Yingyu with glasses.

"Yes. State bank. Three state banks." Yingyu replied. To be honest, Yingyu feels that this speed is too fast. It is no surprise that I came here today to hold a hearing. Yingyu originally believed that as long as it took more than a year to be established, it would be enough. But what I didn't expect was that less than half a month had passed, and the applications from the three state banks were suddenly passed to her desk. This is beyond Yingyu's own imagination.

"Then, Madam Chairman, can you explain the reason for the establishment of the State Bank?" the committee member with glasses asked.

"Of course." Yingyu said.

"Because each state needs a state bank, just like Qin State also has Xianyang Bank. We in Qin State do not have a bank called Qin State Bank. However, the federal states do, because they need it. A lot of funds are needed to build the railway. They need a lot of funds, so we were established in this area. They mortgaged the shares of the railway company to the bank. We Wenyang Bank, and several local town banks, jointly established the State Bank, of course. This is of course. Among them is the Royal Bank." Yingyu continued.

"Oh." Hearing this, the people at the hearing were shocked. They didn't expect the Royal Bank to participate in it. King Qin's attitude indeed exceeded Yingyu's initial estimate. She thought it was impossible for her father to participate, but she was obviously wrong. Royal Bank is not only involved. Moreover, it also cooperated with Wenyang Bank on a large scale. Of the three state banks, two of the three state banks have the capital of the royal bank. They occupy about 20% of the shares, and the shares of Wenyang Bank account for only%. thirty. The other half are occupied by local town banks, state governments, private wealth management, and other companies and trade associations. But Wenyang Bank and Royal Bank have joined forces to actually control the State Bank.

"The registered capital of the three state banks exceeds 20 million gold. This is a very large number. According to the number of mortgaged shares, the three state banks exceed 30 million gold. The scale of funds is very large." A committee member said so.

"The reason is that the railway companies are in great demand. They need to buy rails, locomotives, and various construction materials. Moreover, the construction of the railway is two-way, and the amount of work has been doubled. Just paying the workers will cost more than a few. Millions of gold, but the railway project is of great significance. Moreover, the state government also fully agrees that they need to build their own federal states. Therefore, the scale of funds must be larger. There will be more in the future." Yingyu explained.

"Yeah. I understand." The committee member nodded. Then he put down his glasses and stopped asking questions. For him, such things are nothing at all. Qin State is indeed developing rapidly, and the construction projects carried out in advance require too much funds. Qin is short of funds everywhere.

"In order to explain the needs of the state bank, I specially invited the chairman of the White Horse Railway Company in Wangzhou, Chen Fei." Yingyu said.

Speaking of Chen Fei, he stood up and saluted each committee member.

"Mr. Chen, can you explain the status of your railway company?" A middle-aged committee member asked first.

"Our Baima Railway Company is responsible for the construction of all the Wangzhou Railway. The railway mileage exceeds more than 3,000 miles, and the engineers are two-way. A lot of funds are needed. Our initial registration fee was less than 800,000 gold, but it was not enough. , Later we contacted many business partners, but the scale was only maintained at about 1.3 million gold, we needed too much capital. The cost of this railway exceeded 10 million gold. There are follow-up maintenance costs and so on. . In short, this is a lot of money, we can't get it out." Chen Fei said.

"You can borrow from the bank." The middle-aged committee member suggested.

"We think the same way, but mortgages and loans can only solve 500,000 gold, because our urban banks are very small. Although we wooed banks to enter it, the gap is large, and there is still about more than 7 million gold. The gap. Without these funds, we can't solve these things. The scale is too big." Chen Fei said.

"We don't have such a big bank in Wangzhou. There really is no bank that lends millions of gold at once. Wenyang Bank can't come up with such a large amount of money. I think this matter may be ruined. It's over. All my hard work is in it." Chen Fei said.

"Now, with the state bank, most of my funds can be solved here, and the funds can be solved continuously and effectively, not only these. The state bank has a relationship with the local town bank, and they can solve the funding problem locally. , I can be very convenient, therefore, I support the establishment of the State Bank. This is very useful to me." Chen Fei said.

"If necessary, many of my friends also need capital borrowing. The grounding scale is very large. If there is no such large-scale capital, I think I would not do this at all." Chen Fei said .

"Well, all right." The middle-aged committee member nodded. Regarding the expansion of Wenyang Bank, the committee members have different ideas. They think that Wenyang Bank is expanding too fast. They didn’t know why the other party expanded so quickly. They wanted to explore such secrets through this hearing. However, Yingyu was very clever to avoid this. She chose the benefits after the establishment of the State Bank, such as , Qin’s rapid construction of the railway can get sufficient funds through mortgage loans, the state government can also solve the problem of funding and so on.

Wenyang Bank controlled the banking systems of the three states through large-scale mergers and reorganizations. With the banking systems of these three states, Wenyang Bank is in a leading position in the next expansion, even though other banks want to Intervened, but helpless, Wenyang Bank acted first. Other banks have fallen behind, and there is no way to do so.

"Okay. This kind of hearing can be over. The establishment of the State Bank is very important to the State of Qin. It is a great way for the State of Qin to develop the Western Regions and build railways. We need so many railways too much. "A member said. He was elected by Wenyang Bank. In order to show fairness, he also sat there, but did not ask questions to show fairness. Seeing Wenyang Bank had the upper hand, he came out to ease the atmosphere and let this matter pass.

When other committee members heard such a voice, they had no choice but to do so. After all, the opponent's strength is very strong.

Although many banks are dissatisfied with the expansion of Wenyang Bank, there is no alternative. The strength of Wenyang Bank lies here, and they can't do much. They also want to expand, but after Wenyang has already done it, they have lost the initiative and can only find a way on the next project.

"The next project is the establishment of the Western Region United Trading Company. It will be funded by our Federal Bank Reserve Board, and the federal government will have funds injected." One committee member whispered to another committee member.

"We must fight for this matter." Another committee member said. Immediately, the meeting began a heated discussion about this matter.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"In the future, our ships going to sea must purchase insurance. Ships without insurance are too threatened. The compulsory purchase of Qin insurance must be clearly stipulated in the South Korean Maritime Navigation Act." Han Shu stood up and said.

"My lord, we agree with the purchase of insurance, but the cost is too expensive. Why do we have to spend that kind of money? The insured money, ten times insured, is enough to buy a brand new boat. Doing this is not worth it. "The Minister of Economy calculated.

"Furthermore, after the insurance is insured, if something goes wrong, will Qin Guoren's insurance company really compensate?" The Finance Minister then stood up and said.

"I don't think I'm very good at it. The mandatory purchase of insurance is a bit too much." The Minister of Finance said with his head down.

"I think you are a little too shortsighted." Han Shu said dissatisfiedly.

"This." The Minister of Finance wanted to explain. But seeing Han Shu was a little angry. I dare not say more.

"My lord, it is compulsory, do you give it a try? If the ship does not settle claims, then our situation will be bad." Zhang Liang also said worriedly at this time. What he was worried about was that South Korea had provided such a fund, and as a result, the ship was damaged. He didn't come back, but the people of Qin State refused to pay compensation on the grounds of this condition. In that case, the loss would suddenly increase a lot.

When Han Shu heard this, he felt something was wrong. If he did what they said, wouldn’t it be that he won’t get anything in the end? This is a big loss for South Korea. Originally, going to sea requires a lot of money, and many things need to be prepared. If you encounter a storm or something, the accidental loss will be great. Insurance is the only guarantee that can protect you from going to sea, but if this is the case, wouldn’t it be true? Is it too much?

"This." Han Shu hesitated.

"If we are compulsory, it may cause dissatisfaction. If we voluntarily, we can make some trials. One of our ships is insured, and the other is not insured. Eventually something went wrong, of course. I am not. If something happens, let's see what the consequences will be. At the same time, we also need to know clearly whether Qin Guo's insurance will improve." Zhang Liang suggested. Zhang Liang tried his best to prevent possible situations. After all, no one has used such things as insurance before, and no one knows the effect.

"Yeah." Han Shu thought for a while and nodded. She feels that what Zhang Liang said is right. If blindly and compulsively, it may bring about the opposite result. However, if you take a step back, give everyone a room to think. After seeing the effect, everyone may think about it. If a countermeasure is taken and then promoted, the effect may be better.

"Well. Just do what you said. If you do this, it will be very good for us." Han Shu thought for a while and decided.

"Let's take it voluntarily. But the navy's commercial ships can give it a try. See how effective it is. If it's good, we have to promote it." Han Shu said to everyone. Hearing this, the Minister of Economy and the Minister of Finance breathed a sigh of relief. They saved a lot of money.

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