The development of the insurance industry is inseparable from the navigation industry. Without the insurance industry, maritime navigation, especially maritime trade, is difficult to guarantee. Navigation is very risky. The cargo on ships is often the life of the merchant. Once an accident occurs , The light ones are all losses, and the heavy ones lose their lives. Under such circumstances, often no one can come back intact. Because the loss of the goods is the life of the merchant.

Therefore, if South Korea’s maritime industry, especially maritime trade, wants to develop, it must have the support of the insurance industry. With insurance, at least merchants can recover certain losses, so that merchants can recover again in a short period of time. In the future, this is very important for developing trade and preventing accidents. This is an important guarantee for businessmen.

The temporary resident of the Northern Government of Wei State.

"The land is auctioned again?" A Wei businessman walked down the carriage produced by Qin in a beautiful silk dress and asked a person.

"Yes. The announcement posted yesterday will start selling today?" At this time, a small merchant in Wei State said to the Wei State businessman.

"Oh. Which piece of land did you sell this time?" At this time, the Wei businessman asked politely.

"It seems to be the piece of land in front of the train station. That piece of land is very good, but, the price, the price I can't afford. Qin State banknotes start price of 300 gold, I was just able to buy a piece of land for a shop, other Yes." Said the small vendor shook his head and saluted and left. The businessman nodded and said nothing.

In order to solve the problem of financial funds, as well as the needs of Wei Guo's development. Zhang Er thought of a good way to sell land. The land is not simply planting land, but commercial land. Zhang Er aimed at the need for the Hanwei Railway to stop at the temporary government station and auctioned off all the land around the railway station, so that he could get a lot of funds and at the same time stimulate economic development.

The convenience brought by the railway is very large, a large amount of logistics, the passenger flow is quite large, so that a large number of commercial areas can be built around the railway and the railway station, and the development problems of the Wei state can be quickly solved.

"Chu in the south, Qin in the west, Zhao in the north, and Qi in the east, all have to pass through our Wei. We Wei is in a strategic position and is in an unfavorable situation, but this The unfavorable situation is of great benefit to business. Now in order to solve this financial problem, we can only develop business, and the people of Qin also hope to develop business peacefully. This is the best demand." Zhang Er said to his cabinet members To.

Wei Guo is indeed in a bad position in the strategic situation. There is no dangerous terrain to defend. The terrain is flat and at the intersection of various countries. This is a very unfavorable situation for Wei. In national competition, this is unfavorable. Yes, but in a very advantageous position in the business environment, coupled with the confluence of railway materials, Wei can easily develop a prosperous trade.

There is also such a favorable situation. Zhang Er thought of the method used before to auction the land, but this time the auction was for commercial land and was used for development. Therefore, the price is much more expensive than the railway. You must know , The convergent logistics is quite large.

"Now the auction is from the No. 1 shop to the No. 20 shop on Che Street, Railway Station. The starting price is 6,000 gold. If you don't buy it at the whole price, you can take it apart and buy it." The auctioneer on the stage introduced loudly.

Hearing this, a large number of businessmen began to wave their arms, with a lot of money in their hands. Price auctions are extremely intense.

"What is this for?" At this moment, on an old-fashioned carriage, a man stretched out his head and asked a fully armed man.

"Oh. It seems that the Wei people are auctioning the land." The armed man looked around and replied at this time.

"Land auction?" asked the man with his head outstretched.

"Yes. It seems that they want to develop business and gather a lot of money. Then develop business." The armed man said.

"Yeah. Good idea." The man with his head out nodded.

This man is a special envoy sent by the State of Qi. He is going to South Korea. The State of Qin seeks sufficient financial support to build Qi State’s own railway. Qi State needs a lot of funds. But Qi Guo didn't. Lou Jing was ordered to seek funding.

Along the way. Lou Jing has been thinking about what kind of things can be used to cause Qin and South Korea to give out money. Now he knows some answers.

"The price is too expensive." A Wei State businessman looked at the price marked on the table, then shook his head and left.

"I don't have so much money." Wei Guo businessman continued.

"Haha. Let's go and see." Lou Jing got out of the car and let the armed man follow him. The other party didn't know what Lou Jing wanted to do.

"Okay. It's just that we have to take the train to South Korea, Qin State." The armed man said at this time.

"Don't worry, if we don't know these things, we will go for nothing." Lou Jing said with a smile.

"This Xiongtai. What is this for?" Lou Jing asked a young businessman from Wei State with a smile. He is dressed ordinary, but he has a money bag in his hand.

"Oh. This is an auction of land. With this land, shops can be built. The location is very good. The business must be good." said the young businessman.

"Unfortunately, I don't have much money and can't afford it," the other party said.

When Lou Jing felt it was a problem, a middle-aged man on the side stood up and said it.

"Will you not go to Qin State's bank?" the middle-aged man said.

"As long as you take things as a mortgage, or register a chamber of commerce, how much capital you register, buy land, and then you can borrow more funds." The middle-aged man said.

"This." The young man was a little surprised. He did not expect this.

"At first glance, you haven't been to Qin State's bank. I advise you to go and check it out. Maybe next time you have a chance. You think there are really such people with so much money, no. "The middle-aged man said.

"Then, I am here to thank this brother." The young man saluted at this time.

"No, no. I can't bear to see those Koreans coming to us to buy land, **** it, some money won’t put us Wei people in their eyes, so hurry up, buy more land, and anger these Koreans. "The middle-aged man said unconvincedly. Then he turned around and ran into the crowd.

"This brother, I'll leave." The young man saluted, and left quickly. Lou Jing watched this scene with a smile. He seemed to know something.

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