The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2154: We are not playing anymore

"Are you really not stealing technology from Qin State Glass Factory?" Li Mu looked at Wu Huan seriously.

"Back to the prime minister, we really did not steal Qin's tempered glass technology. This technology was developed by ourselves." Wu Feng said with some excitement. He saw that his factory manager still didn't know what was going on, but Wu Feng who was on the side knew what was going on. He could be found by the Prime Minister's mansion for technical matters.

"Yes. That's right, back to the prime minister, this is our own discovery. Such a thing should have nothing to do with Qin Guo Glass Factory, it belongs to our own technology." Wu Huan said firmly. He recently made some money from tempered glass, which was given by tempered glass. In the face of such interests, he must do so.

"It seems that you really did not steal the tempered glass technology of Qin people." Li Mu heard such a firm answer. He also believed that the people of Zhao were capable of discovering tempered glass. However, the people of Qin took this matter very seriously, and Zhao was importing a lot of technology from Qin at this time. If this matter is not handled well, it may be Qin. None of the technologies will be imported from Qin. This is what Li Mu worries most.

"I don't know if the prime minister came to us, he came to us for this technology?" Wu Feng asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Li Mu nodded.

"You are in trouble." Li Mu said to Wu Huan and Wu Feng.

"This, but these tempered glass are developed by ourselves, this shouldn't be." Wu Feng said to Li Mu with a hard smile. In his opinion, it is a legitimate thing to use the technology he has discovered for profit.

"No, you are wrong. Let's see what the laws of Qin State say. Especially what the technology patent bill says." Li Mu had a headache and handed the Qin State Patent Bill to two people. Two people look at me, I look at you. The bill looks immediately on the results.

"Qin State’s bill clearly stipulates. Even if the parties have discovered the technology for the patented technology that has been registered, if there are similarities, the technology cannot be used for profit, and you have not paid for the corresponding patent. The expense is to seek benefits, which in itself is already an infringement." Li Mu said embarrassingly.

"This." Wu Huan was still a little unwilling. He thought that this was discovered by his own people, and this shouldn't be done.

"This, this is the law of the Qin State, and we are using it on Zhao State. This. Prime Minister, this is a bit ridiculous." Wu Huan still said unwillingly.

"I also know that you would think this way. Now the standards of Zhao and Qin are the same. Patent is originally a double-edged sword. Qin can use such technology patents. Then, Zhao can also use such technology. Patent to restrain the people of Qin. Therefore, I have agreed to use Qin’s law as a basis to formulate Zhao’s patent law. This situation is very unfavorable for you. I hope you can take the initiative to do so. . There may be some help for you." Li Mu said.

"This, Prime Minister, this is a bit embarrassing for us." Wu Feng said puzzledly.

"We discovered it by ourselves and did not rely on the help of the people of Qin. Why let us do this? This is very unfair." Wu Feng said, feeling very aggrieved.

"I know you are wronged, but there is no way. Your doing this indeed violated the interests of the people of Qin. I really admire you for discovering this kind of technology." Li Mu continued.

"But now Zhao is in a period of rapid development. During this period, there are many things that need to be done. For example, we need a lot of Qin technology. These technologies are very important to us, but if we take the lead in not complying with the laws of Qin people If stipulated, then our Zhao Guo’s credit will be severely damaged, and the cost of this loss will affect the time for a very long time." Li Mu said embarrassingly. What Li Mu said was the fact that if Zhao Guo did not do this, he would lose a lot of opportunities for technology introduction, which are very rare. If you miss it, it will take a long time and money for Zhao Guo to make up for it. These are things that Zhao cannot allow. Therefore, Li Mu could only sacrifice them to do so.

"This. I know your feelings. But doing so will benefit Zhao Guo. Zhao's technology is still very backward and requires a lot of technology. You still have a long time to accumulate things to learn." Li Mu encouraged at this time. .

"But you are worried that if you discover new technologies in the future, you can register for technology patents for free. Not only that, I will also give you major financial rewards. The future of Zhao Guo will also require those of you who understand technology. Talented people are fine." Li Mu patted Wu Feng's shoulder and encouraged.

"This." Although Wu Huan was still unwilling. But I heard Li Mu say so. There is no alternative, he can only admit punishment. He was thinking in his heart that if one day in the future, he has a patent for a technology, if the Qin people use it, he will double it back.

When Li Mu saw them doing this, although he felt a little unbearable, he still relaxed a little. After all, he solved an important matter.

Qin State Xianyang.

"The patent case. It's resolved." Meng Yi rushed in and said to Shang Wen.

"How to solve it?" Shang Wen raised his head and asked Meng Yi.

"They decided to punish the glass factory. Our Ministry of Justice has sent someone to deal with this matter." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"This matter must be explained to Zhao Guoren through the media, otherwise, they will think that Qin Guoguo has deliberately suppressed it technically." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"Well. This has been caught by the news." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Next, Zhao Guo’s will have reason to introduce Qin’s technology on a large scale. I think Qin can do the same. After all, with the protection of technology patents, the rights and interests of the owners of these technologies will be greatly improved. Guarantee." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"Yeah." Meng Yi nodded and said.

"It's just that we can release those technology patents?" Meng Yi then asked Shangwen.

"Now there is a lot of infrastructure construction. I think the main ones are cement, steel, and some simple mechanical manufacturing. These are also things that Zhao Guo has always wanted." Shang Wen thought about it.

"The construction of railways requires a lot of rails and rails. Although the output of steel is very limited and cannot meet all railway needs, we can promote steel technology. This will help us further develop related industries, but we do not We should pay too much attention to the State of Zhao. Qin State itself also needs a lot of steel, and we can build large-scale steel production bases in some areas to meet our needs." Shang Wen said.

"Well, I think this is easy to handle. As long as there is a large amount of investment funds, this demand can be fully met." Meng Yi said.

"Even so, we still need the active role of businessmen. Do you think this is okay?" Shang Wen put down the pen in his hand and stood up and said to Meng Yi.

"In the Western Regions, as well as in the northern regions, we can give great discounts on the stock market. We can allow them to issue a certain number of stocks and sell their stocks on the stock market. With such financing methods, I think their The speed of development will be faster than before, what do you think?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"Well. This is indeed a good way." Meng Yi nodded and agreed.

"I think such a method should have been implemented long ago. In this case, those railways and trading companies will have made considerable progress." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen with a smile.

"Well, if it has been implemented long ago, there will be a big mess." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"You should be very clear about the situation after the issuance of those stocks, and the entire stock market will have a great impact. We still don’t know how Qin’s stock market develops and how strong it is. However, if all of a sudden There are quite a few companies listed on the stock exchange. I think this is too risky." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"Well, but this development is indeed very effective for us. You must know that the development of securities trading has a great promotion effect on the development of enterprises. We cannot ignore this promotion effect. Nor can it be because of such and other problems. And we can’t delay letting it play its due role.” Meng Yi saw the benefits of the company’s issuance of stocks, but he ignored the crisis risks to a certain extent. After all, Meng Yi had not personally experienced such a thing.

"Perhaps, what you said is right." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"We still have many areas that have not been developed. For us, the development of these areas is a potential market. The existence of these markets will save many of our companies." Shang Wen said. Shangwen shifted the hope of risks brought about by the final listing to the development of the market. In Shangwen, as long as the market is wide enough, the crisis will continue to be postponed.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Qin’s proposal for two financial centers is very attractive to us, and Qi has also mentioned such a requirement before. They hope to be listed here. After all, with Qi’s current conditions, establish a securities trading center. I personally feel that something is unlikely." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"My lord, the minister believes that we should agree to Qin's request in this regard. After all, with such a request, South Korea can develop rapidly." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. I agree." Han Shu nodded and agreed.

"You are right, after all, we have very few cards in our hands." Han Shu said.

"If we don't make capital injections, the situation will be very bad, and now that there are capital injections like securities trading, it will also be of great benefit to our business." Han Shu continued. What Han Shu said is a fact. Although South Korea continues to release funds, such a method cannot be used all the time. If it is used all the time, it will cause a lot of pressure to depreciate the Korean won. Bonds have become another method, but this method requires a lot of credit. The Korean government's current credit is not enough to issue a large number of bonds. As a result, the bond method cannot be satisfied. In addition, the rapid development of South Korean industrial and commercial enterprises , The funding gap is getting bigger and bigger. As a result, the South Korean government has to focus on other funding channels.

At this time, Qin Guo just proposed such a method as a financial center. In this way, South Korea thought of using a financial center to complete its own funding problems.

"It's just that the king has a problem, we need to pay attention to it." Zhang Liang said.

"For now, we may not be able to list the stocks of many companies at once. After all, our stock market is too thin to withstand the impact of such a large number of stocks. Think about it, release so many stocks at once. , It will crush this market." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"Well, that's it." Han Shu said with some disappointment. Originally, she wanted to solve the funding problem through a large number of listed companies, but at this time Zhang Liang put forward such a view and had to let Han Shu a little disappointed.

"Wang, although we cannot solve the problem by issuing a large number of shares of enterprises, we can concentrate our efforts to solve these things. For example, the number of shares of the listed companies and enterprises can be solved by allowing them to continuously expand their shares. The problem, in this way, we can also have a group of powerful companies in South Korea. This is a very promising thing for us in South Korea." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Yeah. You are right. In this way, although the number of listed companies we have has decreased a lot, it can solve the problem of weak corporate competitiveness, and when these companies continue to expand themselves, they can also drive a lot of money. The development of a series of enterprises, you are right, this is indeed what we should pay attention to." Han Shu said with a smile at this time.

"My lord, in addition, Chen believes that this stock market also needs to be raised. Just like Qin Guo, we continue to participate in the growth. Only when people continue to participate can our stock market continue to develop. Only in that way, We, Xinzheng, South Korea, can become an important financial center as Qin people say." Zhang Liang suggested.

"Well. I remember." Han Shu suddenly thought of something when he heard Zhang Liang's suggestion.

"Zhao Guo's securities company, Qin Guoren provided such a suggestion before. Looking back at Korea, the number of securities companies is much less. If we have such a securities brokerage company to operate, slowly, our market There will be great development. This is a matter of great development for us." Han Shu said with a smile at this time.

"Exactly." Zhang Liang's suggestion was exactly this kind of suggestion, but Han Shu responded very quickly. She suddenly thought of the suggestion Qin Guo had provided before and thought of this way.

"However, we also mentioned that Qi Guo came to the listing of Xinzheng in South Korea. I think we should put forward some conditions for this matter. As long as such conditions are met, we can let them go public. The specific operation, I think, we Not only do you have to learn from the people of Qin, you have to learn it yourself, and then specifically operate the listed companies in Qi. In this way, our interests in South Korea can be expanded, and the title of this financial center is not for nothing." Han Shu Speaking with a smile.

"The suggestion made by the king is exactly what I need for the future development of Korea." Zhang Liang nodded. In this way, the specific measures for the development of South Korea's financial center are officially on track.

The border between Yan and Liaodong.

"The layout of this landmine area must be concealed, because after the passage here is blocked, the enemy may return the same way, and may attack another defensive point of ours from the side path." Guo Sheng took his own staff. Commanded to the map. The specific layout of the minefields needs to be laid out according to the requirements of the terrain, and the enemy’s combat intentions must be clarified. Only in this way can the mines be deployed flexibly, so that the mines can not only be defensive weapons, but also can be blocked and effectively ambush kills. Weapon.

"Chief of Staff Guo is so busy." Just as Guo Sheng was busy directing the layout of specific minefields, Meng Fang smiled and walked over.

"Oh. It turns out that the consultant has arrived." Guo Sheng stopped the arrangement in his hand and said with a smile.

"Haha. Consultants are not considered observers, at best they can be regarded as observers. There is nothing for me to come here." Meng Fang smiled and walked over and said. Meng Fang was a military adviser transferred by the Qin Army from the northern defense zone, and Meng Fang was a colonel in the artillery. But after coming here, he found that his profession was not available because of the shortage of soldiers and the backward weapons and equipment. The artillery are all old smoothbore guns. This type of artillery is very inconvenient to use, and it is inaccurate. This makes his professionalism useless. He doesn't know why he sent himself to such a place. Therefore, after he came here, he was wandering around and looking around.

He and Guo Sheng met after a drink. Zhao Jun likes spirits, while the north is cold. Many officers and soldiers of the Qin army also like to drink spirits. In this way, the two met at a very occasional gathering of Zhao Jun. After all, he is a consultant to Qin Jun, and walking around is inevitable.

"What's wrong? Isn't it coming to me for a drink again?" Guo Sheng asked with a smile at this time.

"Of course, it's boring to drink alone." Meng Fang said with a smile.

"I can't do it now. I still have to be busy with military affairs. The officers and soldiers under me are busy every day. I can only drink less wine to relieve fatigue and dare not mess around." Guo Sheng said with a smile.

"Oh. I said I haven't been able to see you for the past few days. So you have been busy. I don't know what the man is up to? Can you tell me this consultant." Meng Fang said with a smile. Then he opened the small hip flask he carried with him and took a sip.

"Come on, I'll take a sip too to relieve fatigue." As Guo Sheng grabbed the Meng Fang's small flask and drank it, Guo Sheng didn't mean to be polite at all.

"I said, Lao Guo, you are also welcome. This is a good wine I bought in the north. Take a sip, don't let me finish it." Meng Fang yelled anxiously as he watched Guo Sheng drank heavily.

"Haha. Good wine. It really is good wine, or your Qin people's wine is good." At this time, Guo Sheng returned the jug to Mengfang and said with a smile.

"Oh my God, you can really drink it too. I only have this to drink at once. I also plan to count on this little wine for dinner this morning." Meng Fang said, looking at the lack of wine in the jug.

"I will pay you back in the future." Guo Sheng said with a smile.

"Also, you. Don't say it. Forget it. Even if I support Brother Zhao Jun. You Zhao Jun is good at fighting." Meng Fang didn't care about each other anymore at this time.

"Right. What are you doing here?" Meng Fang continued to ask.

"With mines, a large area of ​​minefields, only with these minefields can the Goguryeo people enter this area." Guo Sheng said.

"Minefield, blockade?" Meng Fang asked the other party in a suspicious tone.

"Um. What's wrong. Isn't it right?" Guo Sheng looked at Meng Fang and asked.

"A landmine is a dead thing, buried underneath, but you can’t move it. If you want to move it, you have to go down and plan it out, man, you said this landmine, you use it to block, can you let this thing, let After the enemy passes, it can still be buried in. I really don't believe it." Meng Fang said in a suspicious tone. He served in the military in the north. He knew that landmines were only defensive weapons. Many officers viewed it in this way. They never used landmines as active, flexible and changeable weapons.

"Hehe, this, I have my own way. When the time comes, you can check it with my brother. However, you must remember to bring good wine. I can provide you with canned food." Guo Sheng smiled triumphantly.

"I think it is more appropriate for you to use some artillery. Only this can complete the large-scale blockade mission. If the artillery is shot down, the opponent’s retreat will be blocked. Moreover, the artillery can complete the mission as long as the artillery is placed on a high ground. The cannonballs can be hit wherever they want, at least they are alive, my man, your mines, I see you, don’t hold high hopes, if you have this opportunity, I think it’s better to mobilize some artillery to deploy them on these commanding heights. At the very least, it is easier to block." Mengfang said with anxiety.

"How did you Qin Jun do?" At this time, Guo Sheng was not eager to answer the questions raised by Meng Fang, and he was aware of patiently asking Meng Fang's views.

"Of course it is to arrange artillery, and then the artillery forms a cover with each other. This kind of cover can effectively block the enemy's offensive route and retreat, and then cover the attack. It is very simple, and our artillery can only be arranged easily. No need. You engineers are so troublesome to deploy landmines on a large scale." Meng Fang said.

"Yeah." Guo Sheng nodded.

"I said, Brother Meng, why don't you let your superiors get you some cannons to try?" Guo Sheng asked with a smile at this time.

"Hehe. I think too. There is no way, who can make the country poor. We use new artillery. We don't play this kind of old artillery." Mengfang said with disdain.

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