The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2155: Increasing firepower company

"You said that you are using artillery to block the enemy's retreat?" Guo Sheng asked curiously, because he wanted to understand the Qin Army's combat style through contact with the Qin Army. After all, this has great benefits for them.

"Well. We did that. Our Qin army always attaches great importance to firepower. We will use landmines unless our firepower can't fully cover the reach. Most landmines play a negative defensive role." Meng Fang explained.

"Oh." Guo Sheng nodded and said he understood.

"So, do you have a way to solve the current problem?" Guo Sheng asked at this time.

"What do you mean?" Meng Fang didn't know why Guo Sheng would ask like this. After all, Meng Fang felt a bit too sensitive to such a problem.

"Oh, I mean, can we solve the current dilemma? You know what kind of situation we are facing." Guo Sheng said at this time.

"On the Yan State side, there are only three dissatisfied soldiers. The infantry regiment with very poor combat effectiveness is defending. Now they put all their hopes on us. They believe that as long as the large-scale mines are deployed, such a task can be accomplished. For such a task, I personally think that it is really not very good." Guo Sheng said worriedly.

"Oh." Meng Fang said with enlightenment.

"We Qin Jun just came to propose a consultant. There is no need for us to participate too much in other matters?" Meng Fang said embarrassedly. The order he received was to put forward some opinions, but how to do it specifically depends on what Yan Jun does? But Meng Fang was very disappointed with the Yan army, and he also understood that the main force of the Yan army suffered heavy losses. Under such circumstances, Meng Fang was not happy to ask him to propose specific advisory ideas.

"Just because you are consultants, I need your opinions as a reference. You said just now. It is useless to just lay out a large number of minefields. The other party can bypass our minefields. Moreover, when the minefields are deployed, After all, there are some blind spots, and any situation is possible. Therefore, I still hope to get the support of the artillery." Guo Sheng emphasized at this time.

"Oh. That's it." Meng Fang nodded and said.

"But you have seen the situation of the Yan army. Their artillery units have lost a lot, and, if they are covered, their range of firepower will be problematic. I am worried that they will not be able to do this. Moreover, the artillery units need a lot of cover. In a short time, it is difficult for Yan Jun to do this." Meng Fang said.

"Well, what you said is indeed a problem, but I think it is not enough to rely solely on minefields. I hope more that the current artillery units of the Yan Army can be as effective as possible." Guo Sheng asked again.

"This." Meng Fang still thinks that based on the current situation, there are many difficulties.

"If I report to the top and can provide enough artillery and artillery, I will agree to this plan." Meng Fang thought about it.

"Well, I hope it can be completed as soon as possible. Otherwise, the situation will be very unfavorable for us." Guo Sheng said worriedly.

"I will try my best." Meng Fang nodded and agreed.

And inside a Qin army barracks at the entrance of Qin Kingdom's northern borders. The Fifth Cavalry Regiment of the Qin Army was stationed here.

"Where shall we go next?" A Hun warrior asked his brother with the playing cards in his hand.

"I don't know, maybe our chief knows what we should do next." A sergeant holding an iron teacup shook his head and said.

"Sergeant, sir, we have been resting for a while. I think we might not want to stay like this anymore." A second-class soldier said dissatisfiedly. Because their Fifth Cavalry Regiment was placed in a position to the north, in this position, the distance from the Western Regions in the southern desert was too far, which also made their battle results not very good. This makes many Huns feel helpless. They want to fight, but the fight cannot come all at once. They hope to get rich spoils through fighting.

"Okay. Don't worry, everyone, there will be battle." At this time, their platoon leader saber walked into them.

"Sir." Everyone stood up, and the players who played cards also stood up. They knew that once their chief came, they would definitely have a combat mission.

"Sir, do we have a combat mission?" the second-class soldier asked anxiously. After all, if they didn't fight, they would get very limited rewards.

"Yes. But we must first learn to train." Sabre said to everyone with a smile.

"Now we need to assign new tasks. I need someone from a squad to operate the horse artillery. Which squad do you think can serve?" Sabre looked at everyone and said. Among those present, there were three of his monitors. Each of them has fifteen to twenty subordinates.

"Sir, I'll come." At this time, a middle-aged Huns with a scarred face raised his hand and said.

"Aim and shoot, I will. Moreover, among my people, they are from the Qin people's Manu and Qin people's muskets. They all operate very smoothly." The middle-aged man with Scarface said.

"Yeah. Good. Okay." Saber nodded and said.

"Chen Daoshi. In the afternoon, you will take your people to the logistics office to collect the horse artillery, and you have to study there temporarily for three days. After you finish your study, your class will be changed to the horse artillery class, and your salary will increase by a percentage. It's fifty." Sabre said while looking at Chen Dao Scar.

"Chief Xie." Chen Daoshi thanked him without any expression.

"Yeah. You deserve it." Sabre said.

"Sir, it's too easy. In this way, the salary can be increased by 50%." A second-class soldier said unconvincedly. However, most of the Huns soldiers are reluctant to accept such tasks. Although 50% of the salary is very attractive at the moment, the Huns still disdain the cavalry because they are cavalry units. If they are on the battlefield, They can collect the trophies they want in the first time, and because the artillery troops are supported by firepower, they are unlikely to get the trophies in the first time. Although the Sabres have already stated 50% of their salaries, there are still quite a few soldiers who are unwilling to accept such tasks because their salaries are very low after all. Most of them still rely on their trophies. This is what they most hope for.

"Well, it's really easy, but it's the task arranged above." Sabre glanced at the other person and said.

"For such a task, don't speculate wildly." Saber glanced at everyone and said.

"Well, everyone is actively training well, we have to prepare for these days, we may have to transfer." Sabre continued.

"This." When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized that they had a task. This is a new task that they have waited a long time to get, and having a task means that they can get a lot of spoils. Such exciting news makes them very excited.

"Sir, do we have a new mission? This time, where are we going? Are there any battles to fight? We brothers are going crazy. We came out to fight." Zhao Laosan followed. Sabre asked anxiously. Zhao Laosan was the second squad leader of Sabre. Chen Daoba used to be a slave and a slave of the Qin people. Later, the Qin people made him a soldier for his birth. Zhao Laosan was born as a slave just like Chen Dao Scar. The difference is that he came from the Zhao country. He came here from the Zhao country when he heard that the people of Qin were recruiting. Fortunately, the people of Qin State did not ask him too much about his affairs in Zhao State.

"I know you are in a hurry, let me tell you, this time we may have to go to the west, to the site of the Dawan people. I don't know exactly what we are doing." Saber said in a low voice.

"Well, what are we going to do there?" Zhao Laosan asked curiously.

"Don't ask too much if you shouldn't ask, there are some orders, and I don't know." Saber looked around and said.

"But this time, it's quite strange. This time we are equipped with horse cannons. We used to use such weapons intensively, but I don't know why, but they are so generous this time. I really don't know what Qin people want to do?" Sabre also asked strangely.

"Forget it. These are not what we are worried about. We know that there is a fight to fight. We can't control what exactly happens." Said the saber impatiently waving his arm. Sabre is also a Huns, but he learned a lot from the Qin people. He was the first to be captured by the Qin people as a slave. In order to obtain sufficient bank loans, his master mortgaged him to the bank. Later, he didn't know what happened. , The bank sent him to the army. Now he is still in a semi-free state. He needs to redeem himself. Every month, he needs to pay the ransom money of fifteen golds. In order to get free early, he constantly fights and gets into the position of the current platoon leader, but this The position is still not enough for the monthly ransom money, and the salary of the platoon leader is only twelve gold. He needs to fight to be replaced by such a task.

"Yes, sir, I won't inquire." Zhao Laosan said with a smile and salute.

"Get off." Sabre smiled and drove away. Then Sabre went to reply to the order.

At the headquarters of the Fifth Cavalry Regiment, the head of the Cavalry Regiment and his chief of staff are discussing their views on this matter.

"Lao Bai, what do you mean by the above? Disperse all our artillery and conduct urgent training. Isn't this distracting our artillery firepower?" Mengquan worriedly said of his opinion. The Fifth Cavalry Regiment was established in the north. There are more than 2,500 people in the regiment, most of which are Huns, and a small number of Donghu cavalry units.

"Well, at the beginning, I also had this concern." Baitang nodded and said.

"To be honest, I really didn't understand what the above meant at first?" Baitang nodded and said.

"But later, I studied it carefully." Baitang said with a smile.

"I found that it may have something to do with our future combat targets, so this gave us such a strange order." Baitang analyzed. The Fifth Cavalry Regiment is mainly composed of the Huns, but in order to control these Huns, the command system of the Fifth Cavalry Regiment is composed of Qin army officers, but this only reaches the battalion level, and when it comes to the company, there are basically no more The people of the Qin State came to take up most of these positions, and the basic-level military officers selected by the Huns themselves were to take up most of these positions. Baitang was the chief of staff of the Fifth Cavalry Regiment, and Mengquan was the commander of the Fifth Cavalry Regiment. Their troops were established in the north. Meng Quan was directly promoted from a regimental staff member to the position of regimental commander. For such a combat regiment formed by the Huns, he did not have full confidence in controlling such a force. At least, he had not fully mastered this force. The temper of the troops.

"Oh. You analyze, what is our next battle target?" Meng Quan asked Baitang to talk about his reasons.

"Well, recently we analyzed the direction of giving us orders and mobilization. I think the biggest possibility is Northern Xinjiang. Because the force of Li Xin's ministry is very tense, their number is only more than 20,000, and more than 20,000 people are required. The area of ​​defense is huge. Under such circumstances, I think the most likely direction for our next move is to move north and enter the northern Xinjiang region.” Baitang analyzed.

"Well. It makes sense. Our troops are too far north. We didn't get much from the last combat mission. As a result, many people complained a lot to me, especially the Huns. They wanted to be in the next battle. In the battle, they got a lot of spoils. As a result, they didn't get anything. This kind of loss was too great for them. They had a lot of grievances, but I couldn't help it. It's all right now. We can move north , Li Xin's staff is very small, and we are a mobile cavalry unit, and we must have combat missions. At this moment, these Huns have nothing to complain about." Mengquan nodded and said.

"Well, but this time our combat target may be the Shah Nation cavalry who are also cavalry." Baitang continued.

"You mean, we might have to use troops against the Parthian nation next?" Mengquan asked in a somewhat unbelievable way at this time.

"Yes, this is how I analyzed it, and our combat direction is already in the direction of Li Xin's Ministry. And their greatest threat is these Parthian cavalry, so I think we have encountered a very strong opponent." Bai Don said.

"I really don't know if we can win this kind of battle. You must know that the opponent is the Parthian cavalry. Our Xiongnu cavalry has not been fully integrated. Is it too risky to fight hastily." Mengquan worried. Speaking of. In professional habit, after all, he was also a staff member before, and the staff member must consider various possibilities. There is a lot less decision.

"Perhaps it is for this reason that the upper part allowed us to disperse the artillery units and assign them to the lower part to strengthen the company's combat capabilities. I think the meaning of the above is already very clear." Baitang said.

At this time, Mengquan nodded and began to think about his intentions in this regard, dispersing artillery. This is definitely a military taboo for the Qin army. The Qin army has always attached great importance to the suppression and attack of firepower. This may be the first time that the Qin army has mastered firearms. It does matter, this made the Qin army a habit of suppressing firepower, but this time the order was very strange, that is, to provide more horses. Distribute the horse artillery to various companies to form a horse artillery squad. In this case, the artillery of a battalion cannot be concentrated, and firepower suppression cannot be formed. In battalion-scale operations, there is no advantage in firepower, and the Qin army will inevitably fight. It's very difficult, and this is what Mengquan is worried about.

"The firepower is dispersed, but the firepower of the company is strengthened. Although the firepower is dispersed. But the firepower based on the company is strengthened. Does the above mean let us fight separately and split a regiment. This is not Smash it into pieces and disperse it?" Mengquan suddenly woke up.

"Yes, our next combat mission must be like this. I think the above intention is like this." Baitang continued.

"But if you do this, it won't help the other party to defeat us. It's not good for us?" Meng Quan asked puzzledly.

"This is the difference in the above combat intentions." Baitang said at this time.

"I think that the above may be to let us spread out, and the target is not the opponent's army, but the opponent's tribe, or the logistics base, don't forget. We are cavalry troops with very strong mobility. We can quickly By bypassing the opponent’s line of defense and entering the opponent’s rear, one of our companies can eat a large part of the opponent’s logistics at once, especially equipped with muskets. We have great advantages in range and power. Now, We also equip the cannons to the company, and from a long distance, we can quickly design. This way, we have a great advantage in company-scale operations, even if we can’t hit the enemy. We have a large enough firepower advantage. Such threats still exist. For us, this is our advantage. Regardless of our scattered firepower, we have strengthened our basic company to a certain extent. Firepower, scattered attacks, will be more conducive to weakening the basic strength of the Parthian nation, this is the weakening of strength." Baitang analyzed.

"Well, your analysis is very reasonable." Mengquan nodded and said.

"But, I think, what is the purpose of doing this? What are the benefits of distributing the forces?" Mengquan asked doubtfully.

"I think the biggest possibility is that we can't fight on a large scale at the moment. Therefore, the only thing we can do is to attack and harass the other party. If we do this, the other party will be tired of dealing with us, and We can also weaken the enemy as much as possible. This is our most fundamental purpose." Baitang analyzed.

"Well. Maybe it's such a reason, but I don't think such a reason is enough for us to launch such an offensive. No matter. This has exceeded our analysis, and the news we have received is not very much. Such a mess. Conjecture, on the contrary, is not conducive to our judgment." Meng Quan thinks that Baitang's analysis is correct, but it is not comprehensive enough because the information they have is not very sufficient. Under such circumstances, he naturally cannot get the results he wants. After all, they are regiment-level combat units and regiment-level combat units. Their situation is very embarrassing. They can't further know the above combat intentions, but they can only roughly understand the role of their combat intentions above. One-step combat plan without further intervention is the backbone of the regiment.

Li Xin had already received a telegram from the staff at this time.

"Unexpectedly, the above would let our people sneak attack on the tribes of the Parthian nation for these **** Dawan people." Li Xin said while looking at the telegram of the staff.

"Sir, do we have a combat mission?" an artillery staff member asked excitedly.

"Well, almost." Li Xin said as he passed the telegram in his hand to the artillery staff.

"Look at it, this is the combat unit given to me above, the Huns cavalry unit, and it has also been strengthened by artillery." Li Xin said. The artillery staff took the telegram and looked, and the other staff also came over excitedly.

"It is true. Each company is equipped with artillery. In this case, the artillery of the company has been strengthened. However, the overall combat artillery capability has not improved, but has dropped a lot." The artillery staff said puzzled.

"The above means that these Huns cavalry will use the company as the combat unit to disperse and attack the habitats of the Parthian nation. In this way, the Parthian people will be scattered and tired of coping. In the firepower showdown, they are not as good as us. We can fight a beautiful attack. The Xiongnu cavalry have very fast maneuvers. In this way, our chances of winning are very great." Li Xin analyzed.

"But, sir, there is still a big problem." At this moment, a logistic staff member said worriedly.

"Logistics supply missions, what about these logistic supplies? Although the Huns cavalry are very fast, they will consume a lot of ammunition after all. One shot of special horse artillery shells is just one shot less. This way. , And they are deep into the enemy's territory. If they can't withdraw in time, I am worried that their situation will be very dangerous." The logistics staff said worriedly.

"Yeah." Li Xin nodded.

"Perhaps, we can rely on our methods to solve the problem." Li Xin thought for a while and said.

"Those Dawan people are not enough offensive. They are extremely afraid of the Parthians, but we can make them defensive. We have a lot of defensive weapons, mines, barbed wire, plus enough artillery. Guns, I think they are enough to deal with Parthian cavalry with strong mobility." Li Xin said.

"But these are not enough. We need them to establish strongholds step by step to take over our cavalry. In addition, the biggest purpose of our attack is not to attack each other, but to capture a large number of slaves and take them over. This is what we need most. Something." Li Xin said.

"However, doing so will pose a big challenge to the survival of the troops." The logistics staff said worriedly.

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