The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2156: Main direction, steel

Regarding such concerns as the logistics staff, Li Xin believes that as long as he builds enough frontier fortresses, such problems will be resolved. The logistics staff worry not only about the frontier fortresses, but about their first-line supplies and the delivery of a large amount of logistics materials. You must know that northern Xinjiang has to pass through a section of mountain roads to reach the western regions outside northern Xinjiang, such as Dawan. Within the country. However, for this section of the road, Qin State does not have any railways or roads to support such a huge transportation. This has caused the display of transportation difficulties, which is also based on this reality. The logistic staff was so worried, but Li Xin also understood the situation, but he believed that the logistic problem could be solved under the highly mobile cavalry unit.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"For Qi Guo's listing, loan and investment, we already have results." Han Cai said to Lou Jing on behalf of the Korean Royal Bank. This is the largest commercial investment and commercial loan in South Korea. The main target of the loan is the Qi Guotian Group, which is a commercial interest group established by Tian Heng and others in Qi State. They contracted the construction of railways in Korea, Wei and Qi. Among them, the Qiguo section is in charge of the Tian Group.

"We agree to make a commercial loan for the commercial part of the Tian Group. For the railway investment part, we can provide a commercial investment worth 1.5 million gold." Han Cai said.

"However, the conditions for listing may have changed a bit." Han Cai continued.

"With regard to loans and investments, these conditions are not very different from those of our Qi. The key is to go public. Only when we are listed. We will have sufficient funds to make a profit." Lou Jing said worriedly. As long as Tian Group goes public, part of the problem can be solved to a large extent. Because of the conditions for listing, you can quickly get investment from Qin Guo. This part of the investment can continue to provide financial support, so that the Tian Group has a long-term development, and it is exactly this plan. Lou Jingcai is very concerned about the condition of listing.

"Mr. Lou, you should have noticed. According to the latest listing requirements, Tian Group must produce a one-year annual report and have a profit of more than 500,000 gold on the book before it can go public. Only when such conditions are met, Only the South Korean stock market can approve your report before it can be further listed." Han Cai explained.

"From the time you provide for the registration of the group, I am afraid it will take you about seven months to meet this requirement. Therefore, in terms of investment, we may consider avoiding some risks. The amount of investment will not be too much. 1.5 million gold, this is the maximum, and in terms of the shareholding ratio, we still adhere to our 87% shareholding ratio." Han Cai said to Lou Jing.

Hearing Han Cai got the conditions. Lou Jing squinted, then leaned back on the back of the chair.

Speaking of it, the conditions in Korea are much better than those of the people of Qin. Qin Guo's shareholding ratio reached about 90%. Moreover, the funds provided by the people of Qin were not very sufficient. Only about 1.2 million gold, this is the best result of his discussions over the past few days. The conditions set by the Koreans already met Lou Jing's requirements. But Lou Jing thinks this is not enough.

You must know that Qi is building a railway, and the investment in the railway is at least two million gold. This does not include the investment in locomotives and railway technology. If these are added, the capital needs are very large.

However, South Korea only provides so much funds, and the Tian Group still lacks sufficient funds to build railways. Compared with those of commerce and trade, railway projects have great potential profits, and railways are of great significance. Therefore, Tian Group, especially Tian Heng hopes that Qi Guo can completely own railway projects.

"Can we go to market earlier, we can't wait that long." Lou Jing said to Han.

"This is a bit embarrassing. After all, this requires very tough approval procedures." Han Cai said helplessly.

"In addition, Mr. Lou, according to my understanding, the Wei State Section of the railway has been laid out soon, and I think the railway will enter the Qi State Section soon." Han Cai kindly reminded. This is actually asking Lou Jing to find a way to solve this problem. After all, if the delay continues, the Royal Bank of Korea is also worried that things will change greatly.

"Okay. I need to think about things like this. After all, a rash decision, the risk caused is not something I can bear." Lou Jing still made a cautious decision. In this matter, Qi Guo still has some initiative, that is, he can choose the more favorable investor, and if the investor can be more inclined to them, he is still willing to introduce the other party's funds.

Lou Jing came out of the Royal Bank of Korea cautiously. He still doesn't know how to solve this problem. The amount of funds given to him above is too large, and it will definitely be difficult to complete in a short time.

In Qin Guo Wenyang Bank, there are also fierce debates on Wenyang Bank's next plan.

"Investment. Now there are a lot of investment projects, railways, trade, steel, cement, and arsenals, all kinds of demand are very large, you said, with so many projects, where do you want to invest?" The middle-aged man stood up and said to everyone with his fingers.

"Well, what I said is right. What Manager Wen said is right. There are a lot of investment projects now. We discussed just now how many projects are worth investing in." Yingyu saw an investment project seminar and was so noisy. It is very excessive. Some people suggest investing in steel, because steel projects are the largest project, and some people recommend investing in railways, because there are so many railway projects at present. But the railway project and the steel project are bundled together, which brings many people together at once. This formed the mainstream. On the other hand, some people collectively believe that investment in small projects, such as electricity, cement, etc., should not be relaxed. After all, these items are also in strong demand and they have a great market prospect. These are among the projects that are currently favorable to competition.

"There are indeed many current projects, but don’t forget. Our funds are very limited. Moreover, the funds are not only limited, but the projects we can concentrate on are also very limited. This is the same as fighting. Qin State’s Chang'an Military Academy, The first thing to learn is how to concentrate our forces. We do banking business in the same way." Yingyu said as she stood up and walked around. Everyone listened patiently.

"You said just now. There are many investment projects now, and there are only a few projects that are suitable for our investment. For example, we must first be satisfied that they can control more resources, and this company must be large enough and powerful. They have considerable resources to mobilize. Manpower, material resources, and huge financial resources." Yingyu said.

"In this way, the items that we can choose from have been reduced a lot at once." Yingyu said.

"If we blindly make random investments, the results will bring unpredictable consequences, and we all know this." Yingyu said.

"So, in this meeting, in order to solve this problem, I believe that our bank’s limited funds should be invested in one main direction. According to the main intentions discussed by everyone just now, I think there is a main investment direction. We need to pay attention." Yingyu returned to her position as she said.

"Steel and railway. These are our two main directions." Yingyu said solemnly.

"In reality, there is actually only one direction, steel. The purpose of building railways is to use a large amount of consumption, and steel can continue to develop. Therefore, our main direction is actually only one, steel." Yingyu went further Explained.

"Well. In this way, we can solve a lot of things." The manager Wen nodded and said.

"Do you have any additional comments?" Yingyu asked further at this time. For some details, Yingyu still hopes that someone can add it. After all, such a large-scale investment requires a lot of attention.

"Yeah. Chairman, I think we can focus on steel. In railway projects, we do not necessarily have to enter on a large scale. In this way, more concentrated superior funds can be used for steel construction." Manager Wen said.

"Yeah. Anything else?" Yingyu nodded, thinking that the other party was right. This literary manager, whose full name is Wentai, is from the south of Chu State. He is a scholar who studies in Qin State Wenyang School of Economics. Dropped out of school. Then he applied for the job and entered Wenyang Bank. In just six months, he entered the supervisory level with amazing results. This meeting was the first time he participated in such a meeting.

"Also, I have learned about the steel industry. Many of the side industries also need to be built intensively, such as machining, cement, and electricity. After all, they need a lot of integration. Moreover, steel The demand for coal and steel is very large, mainly coal. If coal is available, a large steel plant can be quickly built." Wentai added.

"Come here, we invested in steel and made a correct decision." Yingyu said with a smile after listening.

"Yes, chairman." Wentai nodded and said.

"There is also railway construction. We control the shares as much as possible. We can seek cooperation to occupy favorable share resources, because the development of railways takes a long time. If the railways continue to develop, steel will continue to grow. Develop." Wentai talked about the relationship between steel and railways.

"There is also the construction industry, which is also a potential market. We should not only focus on steel and railways, but also on the construction industry. After all, from the current big environment, Qin Guo For a long time in the future, we will not take the initiative to attack the six countries of Kanto. In this way, the six countries of Kanto will have a fairly long peaceful environment. Under such a peaceful environment, the construction industry will definitely develop, because if you have money, Everyone is still willing to spend on real estate. For example, there are several properties of their own. If possible, the real estate will have room for appreciation in the next few years.” Wentai analyzed.

"Yeah. Your analytical skills are good." Yingyu praised Wentai.

"Okay. In the next few years, everyone's investment plans are clear." Yingyu said to everyone at this time.

"Understand the chairman." Everyone nodded and said.

"Okay. Go back and sort it out and come up with a few good investment plans. We Wenyang Bank will go to the next level." Yingyu encouraged morale.

"Go to the next level," everyone shouted in unison. The morale of Wenyang Bank suddenly rose a lot. And Xiao He, who didn't make any comments during the whole meeting, laughed. This is what he wants to see.

Inside Yingyu's office. Yingyu personally made a pot of good tea for Xiao He.

"If it weren't for Mr. Xiao's reminder, I really hadn't noticed this." Yingyu thanked Xiao He. The reason why Yingyu held such a meeting was largely due to Xiao He’s reminder, especially in the main investment direction. Xiao He found that Wenyang Bank’s recent investment project reports are particularly scattered, and there is no centralized general direction. Yingyu was not alert to this either. She believes that Wenyang Bank is on the right track, and there is nothing to worry about. So she relaxed her vigilance.

However, Xiao He believed that there was a great danger approaching, and after a period of summary and analysis. Xiao He thinks. Wenyang Bank cannot go on like this anymore. At the very least, this momentum cannot continue to develop. There are many investment projects, but no major project exists. In this way, funds cannot be concentrated, and diversified investments can indeed reduce risks, but the returns will not be too high. Moreover, Wenyang Bank is going all the way. At the forefront of the bank, if they missed such an important opportunity for development, then it would be an important opportunity for others. Thinking of this, Xiao He took the initiative to find Yingyu and put forward his own views. After a series of discussions, the two men confirmed today's meeting.

"The chairman is polite. This is what I must do within the scope of the director's responsibilities. This is where my responsibility lies." Xiao He said modestly.

"Haha. Director Xiao is a trustworthy person." Yingyu said with a smile. Hearing this kind of evaluation, Xiao He nodded slightly, indicating that he accepts this kind of evaluation.

"Speaking of speaking, this Wentai is a talented person. I think such a talented person is of great help to us. The steel and railway development goals he put forward are of great help to our strategic choices." Xiao He Speaking of.

"Well. This is indeed a talent. Railways do require a lot of iron and steel. Not only that, but also a lot of construction industry. Not only Qin Guoguanzhong is constructing, but South Korea's Xinzheng, Wei Guo, Zhao Guo. In Handan, these places need to be developed. With development, the demand for steel will increase. It seems that we provide sufficient steel. It is indeed the focus that we should value." Yingyu nodded and said.

"Chairman, we need to pay attention to the development of the steel industry next. We need to focus on the layout and form several important steel production areas. With the demand for these steels, we can quickly expand our capital. In addition, for Railway, if we focus on steel, railway projects will lack considerable funds. I think we can cooperate with other banks on this issue. After all, our energy is very limited." Xiao He continued. To.

"Yes. You are right. Our energy is very limited. The steel industry is a huge industry, and the capital required is far more than we imagined. Once we focus on steel, it is difficult to draw capital in a short period of time. Therefore, our funds for railway projects will be much weaker, not only, but also trade investors." Yingyu said.

"It is indeed a good way to seek cooperation and cooperate with those Qin Guanzhong banks." Yingyu nodded and said.

"Chairman, I think that it is not only limited to the Guanzhong Bank of Qin State, but also many local banks, such as the Korean Royal Bank of Xinzheng in South Korea, and the Royal Bank of Zhao State. These banks can cooperate. If we cooperate with them, we can solve this problem with only a small amount of capital. We don't need most of the equity, but we only need to earn what we should earn from future railway investments." Xiao He suggested.

"Yeah." Yingyu nodded and agreed. After all, the purpose of Wenyang Bank's investment in railways is actually to expand the demand for steel, because only the demand for steel has opened up. In order to further increase the demand.

Zhao Guo Dongjiao Village in the outskirts of the east city of Handan.

"Congratulations. Congratulations. Your flour mill has expanded a lot." An old man smiled and congratulated a middle-aged man.

"Uncle Yu, you are too polite." The middle-aged man hurriedly bowed.

"Hehe, I watched you walk step by step, well done." Uncle Yu continued to praise.

"Uncle Yu can value me Mao Yang, so let me give you some flour for free today." Mao Yang said happily.

"Good." When everyone heard this, they applauded.

With the promotion of wheat and stone milling, flour has been widely accepted by various countries in Kanto. The fields used to cultivate millet have also been replaced with wheat. In addition, the price of wheat in Qin is very cheap, and you can buy it in less than two and a half. One stone, this kind of price is very cheap. Although the price of flour is a bit more expensive, the price of wheat has not risen much. Qin’s farm has a large amount of wheat accumulation, and Zhao’s land has been merged very seriously, with a large amount of land. It was annexed by the nobles and became their land. The land for growing wheat is not as good as Qin State Farm, and if it is sold, it is not as good as Qin State Wheat. This caused a lot of land to be deserted, because if the nobles planted wheat, they could not be sold. Zhao State imported Qin’s wheat with zero tariffs. The price of wheat grown from the land of Zhao’s nobles was much higher than that of Qin’s wheat. Therefore, most of Zhao’s land is barren, but wheat is not grown.

In the face of low-priced Qin wheat, Zhao continued to import to meet the domestic demand for rations, but wheat can only be further processed into flour. Most of Zhao accepts Qin’s wheat, and remote farms can use stone. Grinding is used to complete the flour processing work, but close to towns, especially in large towns such as Handan, most people do not have time to grind into flour. In this way, a new industry on the outskirts of the city was formed, flour mills. The people of Zhao State continuously imported wheat from Qin State, and then transported them to these mills to be processed into wheat. In the beginning, these mills still used manpower, but the demand was very strong and the manpower could not be met. Then they used donkeys, which were imported from Qin, but gradually they couldn't meet the demand because there are many people who grind flour every day. Su, which has become the staple food of the people of Zhao, has been eliminated.

Mao Yang developed under these conditions. He saw that many people did not have time to polish their noodles because they were rushing to work, especially some textile factories, mainly factories that do blended fabrics. After shoe factories recruited female workers, they were even more lack of labor. Women used to be able to grind flour at home, but as the factory started and after the recruitment of female workers, women walked out of the house and became an important labor force, because the wages offered by the factory were much better than those for grinding flour at home. As a result, a large number of mills are needed in the city to grind flour. But judging from the efficiency of the current mill's surface grinding, there is still a big gap. Because most mills still use manpower, after all manpower does not cost money.

Only a small number of mills use donkeys. Although the efficiency of using donkeys has improved a lot, the feeding of donkeys also costs. After calculating the cost, many mills still use manpower. After all, manpower is more cost-effective.

Mao Yang developed under such circumstances. He also relied on manpower to grind the noodles at the beginning. The husband and wife grind the noodles day and night. Even the children who are still fifteen or sixteen years old also participate, but they still cannot meet the demand for noodles. Mao Yang later saw that someone used a donkey to grind noodles, and he also bought a donkey, which resulted in a lot of efficiency gains. After a period of accumulation, a donkey became several donkeys, and his mill merged several nearby mills. This gave him some money on hand. After having this money, he went to Qin State Pass and planned to buy some donkeys to expand his mill, but he saw a flour mill in Qin State that uses machines to process flour. The amount of flour processed in a day is the workload of hundreds of donkeys for several days. He was shocked to see such a machine. So after he went back, he disposed of several of his own mills, and then borrowed the rest from the bank to buy a flour milling machine. He thought the machine would eventually defeat those donkeys. So he opened Zhao's first flour mill. In this way, he will occupy a larger market share in the market. This is definitely a result that other mills never thought of. This is also an important process of Mao Yang's personal development. Although this process was difficult, it was enough to convince everyone.

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