The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2157: Contract to workshop

"In order to express my gratitude to all the neighbors, I will grind the noodles for everyone for free today and invite you to visit the flour mill." Mao Yang said happily.

Hearing that the newly-established flour mill can immediately grind noodles for themselves for free, many people have come to visit and grind their own flour.

Inside the flour factory. The rumbling sound of machinery continued to be heard, bag after bag of flour poured into the wheat entrance, and the huge machine was like a beast that couldn't eat enough, bag after bag poured into it.

"If you pour in wheat like this, aren't you afraid that this machine will eat it badly?" Uncle Yu asked worriedly as he watched the huge machine continuously pour the wheat into it.

"Haha. Uncle Yu, it’s okay. This machine can eat 1,500 shi of wheat in one day. When I bought this machine, the people of Qin State told me that the largest, the closest to the limit of noodles, Wheat that can reach 2,700 shi a day. Don't worry about that." Mao Yang said with a smile.

"Oh my God, this stone mill can grind 15 shi of wheat in one day. This is already the sky. If you want to grind 1,500 shi of wheat this day, your making a flour mill is equivalent to One thousand stone mills work together. This stone mill requires donkeys to do this. But you, the flour mill, don’t need so many donkeys. It seems that you have a good idea. This machine of the Qin country is good. Okay. Ah." Uncle Yu said with a smile.

"Let's go and see what kind of donkey is needed for this noodle grinding machine." Uncle Yu asked Mao Yang to take him for a tour.

"Uncle Yu, look, this is a steam engine. As long as you keep adding water and coal, you can continue to drive it. Moreover, the speed and power are very large. In terms of price, although it is more expensive, it costs a lot. I am about 950 gold, but as long as the machine keeps working, I can earn it back at once." Mao Yang introduced excitedly.

"Yeah. It's this thing, a stone mill that can bear those thousand donkeys?" Uncle Yu asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Uncle Yu, it's such a machine, capable of supporting a thousand donkeys. Uncle Yu." Mao Yang then introduced excitedly.

Mao Yang’s mill has a flour processing part in the front and a steam engine running part in the back. Two people hired by Mao Yang are adding coal. From time to time, they also look at the water in the water tank so that the steam engine can run smoothly.

"Isn't this something used on a train locomotive?" Yu Bo was also a trainee, and he suddenly saw that it was a steam engine.

"Yes. It's the thing used on trains. It's called a steam engine." Mao Yang introduced.

"Yeah. I know this thing. As long as it keeps supplying coal and water, this machine can continue to run. This steam engine is a good thing. This thing, he can run a long way, and it can stand up to it. There are a thousand donkeys." Uncle Yu said with a smile.

"Haha. Uncle Yu, you don’t know that this machine is very common in Qin. When I bought it, it was because the steam engine was cheap. I think there is no shortage of coal near Handan. We have a lot of coal and water. , And some are, so I ordered this steam engine. And the previous series of equipment." Mao Yang said with a smile.

"Not only these, I also specially ordered a lot of accessories. These machines operate quickly and wear out quickly. If the accessories are not available or the time is delayed, I can repair them in time. Mao Yang explained with a smile.

"People say that you Mao Yang is doing business. That's it. Now, I believe it." Uncle Yu said with a smile and raised his thumb.

"Thank you for your compliment, Uncle Yu." Mao Yang said with a smile.

"Uncle Yu, I took a look at the flour mills of Qin people in Qin and heard that they have begun to process these wheat with electricity. The price seems to be cheaper than ours. Unfortunately, we don’t have electricity. It's not realistic to use electricity." Mao Yang continued.

"Oh. There is such a thing?" Uncle Yu asked.

"Yes." Mao Yang nodded and said.

"However, I also inquired. There are special machine tools in Qin State for special processing. We don’t have the strength of Qin State. I heard that the largest flour processing factory in Qin State can process only one day. It can meet the needs of the millions of people in Xianyang of Qin State, and we, it is estimated that a factory like me, if needed, will not be able to order it." Mao Yang said with some regret. His flour mill has just started and he needs a lot of things, and he doesn't have enough funds. At this time, it is impossible to expand further.

"Well. Take your time and stabilize first. If necessary, I can still provide you with some funds." Uncle Yu patted the other side's shoulder and said.

"Thank you, Uncle Yu, I think, let's try it on my own strength," Mao Yang said firmly at this time.

"Well. You, I didn't make a mistake." Uncle Yu said with a smile at this time. Then the two continued to visit the flour mill,

A Chen's mill not far from the flour mill.

"Maoyang's house suddenly set up a flour mill. I heard that this flour mill can produce more than a thousand stones of flour in one day." A woman was cooking while sitting in front of her. The man in his thirties at the door babbled. The man sat at the door with a sad face, thinking about things.

"This flour of more than a thousand stones can need wheat." The woman continued.

"The Maoyang family's flour mill is better than ours. Once this flour mill is opened, it can grind so much wheat a day, our mill can't be opened." The woman babbled. The man sat motionless at the door.

"I said, the owner, you should think of a way. In the past, Mao Yang was the first to make a donkey mill. Look at our house. Now you are the owner. But if this continues, our house will not be able to make it. Our mill must have been snatched from Mao Yang’s family. Before, we couldn’t get it. Now they have become a machine, a big machine that can match thousands of people in charge of you." Speaking more anxiously.

Indeed, with the increasing demand for flour, there are more and more mills, but now that there is a flour mill, this mill will be destroyed a lot at once. Thinking of this, the woman worries about the situation in her own mill.

"Master, you must think about what to do with the mill? Or, we will be eaten by the Maoyang family. The Maoyang family did a good job in the past, but now we must be beaten. Think of a way, The head of the house." At this time, the woman urged anxiously.

"Huh, Huh, you know Huh, but I don't know what you are in a hurry." At this time, the man said impatiently.

"I know the situation in our house, don't worry, you won't die from starvation." The man stood up impatiently, and then walked outside the door.

"Here. Owner, eat soon. You." The woman stopped the man.

"I'll go out for a walk. I'll come back to eat later." The man said impatiently. Then I went out. The woman is right. Men also have this concern. The Chen family mill still uses manpower to grind the flour, and the quality of the flour is not as high as that of donkey flour. In addition, the amount of flour is not as large as others. When a man is equipped with a machine, the speed of this machine is faster and more than that of a donkey. Such fierce competition, his Chen Family Mill will certainly not be able to keep it. When the man thought of this, he was very worried, unconsciously. The man walked to the door of the flour mill.

There was a rumbling machine sound from the flour mill, and it was hot and dry inside.

"Hey, this Mao Yang, and this **** machine, this is going to kill my Chen Shitou family." The man sighed and turned and left. Seeing this flour mill, he felt very angry.

With the application of new technology in the field of production, especially the promotion of steam engines in all walks of life, fierce competition in all walks of life is becoming more and more intense, especially the use of machines, the original small workshops established by human and animal power. It is no longer able to compete with the developed factories. This is an improvement in productivity, but at the same time increased competition has also brought new problems, such as the survival of some people. Such questions are extremely contradictory.

Inside Prince Yan's Mansion.

"Prince, this is a telegram request from Qin Guo's consultant." The Minister of Defense looked at Prince Dan worriedly.

"What's the matter? They arranged the border line?" Prince Dan raised his head and asked.

"This. Back to the prince, Zhao Jun's engineers have arranged a large number of minefields. As long as these minefields are still a month away, it is estimated that the initial effects will be completed." The Defense Minister said in a low voice.

"One month is too long, so that's good. I think we will transfer two more regiments over, let them learn the method of mine-laying, and arrange a lot of landmines, so that they can effectively prevent the Goguryeo people from invading northward." Prince Dan said Then opened the report submitted by Qin's military adviser.

"These people from the Qin country know that we have no money in the country of Yan, so they still want cannons. Such things are not enough for us to spend." After reading the report, Prince Dan casually threw aside the report sent by the military advisor of the country Qin. .

"This, Prince, I think we should do this for this matter." The Minister of Defense said at this time.

"What do you mean?" Prince Dan asked at this time.

"Qin's military adviser said in the report that they used artillery for defense, and it was difficult for the Zhao State engineers to complete the minefield layout work in a short period of time. They estimated that it would take about a month. However, this month, I think the Goguryeo people will not give us a long time. Therefore, the minister believes that they should be given a certain amount of artillery support." The defense minister lowered his head and said. He also knows that it is difficult for Yiyan to provide more artillery in the current difficult situation. But there is no way. The situation is critical now. If Prince Dan refuses to agree, it will cause the Goguryeo people to go north. This is what Yan Kingdom does not want to see. If Liaodong falls, it will suffer serious losses.

"This situation." Prince Dan was a little embarrassed.

"His Royal Highness, the minister thinks that we still have some old artillery in the country of Yan. These artillery arrangements are not very useful in the country. It is better to give them to the people of Qin. We also stock up a lot of artillery shells. These artillery shells will be too long. It cannot be used after the expiration date." The Defense Minister said at this time.

"Yeah." Prince Dan nodded.

"In addition, the minister also believes that the heavy rail artillery aided by the Qin people can also be provided to the Qin army at this time. Anyway, this type of heavy artillery can be used for defense. Siege is the best. Offensive is naturally not useful. And this is the case. The heavy artillery is powerful enough to deter those savage Goguryeos." The Minister of Defense further suggested.

"Yeah." Prince Dan nodded. If it weren't for the reminder from the Minister of Defense, Prince Dan really hadn’t thought of the weapons that Qin people had aided in the first place. They said they were aid. In fact, Yan Guo also spent a lot of money. I don’t know now. How about those heavy artillery. The heavy artillery is very heavy and inconvenient to use, and there are still some artillery shells. Instead of this, it's better to use it to frighten those Goguryeo people and make those Goguryeo people a little bit scared. Thinking of this, Prince Dan decided to use these heavy artillery.

"Okay. Just follow your advice. Go and see how many artillery there are in the country. They are all transferred to the people of Qin, and the heavy artillery can also be transferred to them at the same time." Prince Dan nodded and agreed.

With regard to things that can mobilize resources in this way, Prince Dan is still willing to do so, after all, it does not cost a lot of money to do so. He is still willing to accept such things.

Wei Guobei Liang.

In the office of the director of Li's Armory.

"What's the matter?" Li Feng was giving instructions on some documents. He is the director of Li's Armory. He is in charge of all the production projects of this arsenal. This Li's arsenal branch mainly produces some simple weapons, such as flintlock bullets, cone rounds, flintlock rifles, and some simple modifications of valve rifles. The final assembly of shells and propellant, in short, the things produced in the arsenal are simple projects that can only be completed with a large amount of labor. The labor cost of these projects is very large, and the cost will be very good if it is produced in Qin. Here, the cost is very low and very low.

"Yes." Li Ping nodded and said. He is the workshop supervisor and is mainly responsible for the specific production.

"Oh. If you have something, you can tell me specifically. I want to find a way to solve it for you." Li Feng did not look up but said directly.

"That's it. I think our production has a big problem." Li Ping said at this time.

"What's the problem with our production?" Li Feng felt strange when he heard such a question.

"I think our production efficiency is very low, and there are some problems with quality. The pass rate of the products is too low. And these Wei people don't understand how they produce." Li Ping said at this time.

"What do you mean?" Li Feng felt a little puzzled at this time. He stopped working and looked up at Li Ping. He didn't understand what the other party wanted to say.

"That's it." Li Ping said patiently.

"I found that our production qualification rate is low, and our work efficiency is not too high. Really." Li Ping knew that the other party definitely didn't believe what he said. He emphasized the facts he saw at the end.

"This is unlikely." Li Feng laughed at this time.

"You know, our production line, but the most advanced, is assembly line operation. These things are produced very fast in Qin, and the things that are produced at once are far beyond our imagination." At this time, Li Feng Speaking of unbelievable.

"This, I don't mean that. I also know that our assembly line operation is very advanced. In Qin, his production efficiency is very high, I understand this, but this is Wei Guo, Wei Guo The actual situation is far from as good as we thought. Our production line is advanced, but advanced things need to be matched in order to achieve maximum effectiveness. I mean," Li Ping explained at this time.

"Oh. Wait." Li Feng waved his arm and stopped Li Ping's explanation.

"I don't quite believe this. We use assembly line operations. You know, in Qin, there are many factories doing this, such as bicycles, automobile manufacturing, and mechanical parts processing. We do this. It's an arsenal. To put it bluntly. It is also a kind of mechanical processing. Why is there a problem with our production?" Li Feng asked in an unbelievable tone. It is really hard for him to believe that his arsenal uses the most advanced assembly line operations. Since the production efficiency is lower first, it is hard for him to believe and accept.

"Director, this is indeed the case. I hope you can listen to my opinions seriously. If you can't, I will leapfrog and report this matter to the headquarters." Li Ping said to Li Feng solemnly. He saw that the other party was using a questioning method to oppose this matter, and maybe the other party would never believe this matter.

"This is indeed the case. This is the State of Wei. Our assembly line is indeed very good in the eyes of Qin State. But here, especially the things we process, are finished bullets, shells, and a series of gun assemblies. This kind of thing seems to need to be completed last. In fact, I think we are in the last stage of a large assembly line, that is to say, we are in the last stage. At this time, we need skilled craftsmen to assemble and complete, and then count the pieces. Calculate the efficiency. In this way, our production can rise quickly, but the problem is that we are now working in a flow lane, and we can do things that can be done by one person separately. In this way, we can cooperate and finally complete the work in one go. No more. Especially the production of bullets and shells, which requires skilled female workers to complete the packaging at once, and then take the opportunity to quickly complete the last process of oiling and fixing, but we did it separately. This caused some bullets to pop out of the factory. It is the leakage of gunpowder. This kind of quality problem is too big." Li Ping explained solemnly.

"Maybe our assembly line operation itself is advanced. I have no objection to this. However, we are a big beam here. There is no shortage of people here, but there is a lack of machinery. The labor cost here is very low. Processing such products does not require much. The machinery of the company needs skilled labor workers. We use our own methods to manage these workers, so our management has a problem. This is the main reason why I think our production efficiency is not high." Li Ping explained himself.

"Yeah." Li Feng only noticed the seriousness of the problem Li Ping said at this time. Li Feng understands the products produced by his factory. They produce some finished products, and some raw materials and other parts come from different regions. For example, the bullet heads are from South Korea, the gunpowder raw materials are from Zhao, and the gunpowder is processed in Qin. Shipped to Wei to complete the assembly, even the muskets. It can be said that the arsenal here is the final finished product factory. Thinking of this, Li Feng feels that the problem is very serious. If this is the case, he is in the last link of all assembly lines. If there is a problem in this link, it will affect the final production result.

Thought of this. Li Feng felt it necessary to go down and take a look.

"Go, let's go and see. I want to figure out these things." Li Feng said solemnly.

"Yes, the director, you can follow me." After saying that, Li Ping took Li Feng out of the office to check in the workshop.

In the workshop, Li Feng really saw what Li Ping said. For example, in the processing of shells, the shells and the cartridges are combined together. The problem is not big, but the process of sealing the shells and cartridges should be done in time. If the adjustment is completed, then the problem will not be too big, but this process has to be transmitted to the next person, which causes the leakage of gunpowder, or the deformation of the medicine package, which invisibly causes the product to be damaged. The pass rate dropped. See this result. Li Feng checked other workshops, such as bullets, and other workshops. The same thing happens.

"It seems that I was indeed wrong. I thought that our production method was the most advanced, but I didn't expect that the most advanced things would also need to match the actual situation here." Li Feng admitted his mistake.

"I don't know if the supervisor has any way to solve this problem?" Li Feng soon needed a way to solve this matter quickly.

"The way is to divide some of our processes, or work here, and contract them to those small workshops, and let them do it." At this time, Li Ping immediately put forward his own suggestions.

"What?" At this time, Li Feng suspected that his ears hadn't heard clearly.

"We can contract all these processes to those small workshops, so that they have certain development opportunities. As long as we control the quality of the products, we will definitely be able to solve such problems. And it can also improve our efficiency. We only need piece counting. Production can completely solve this problem." Li Ping suggested.

"You do so, there is a certain risk. However, I think you can give it a try. But our production will continue, if the effect is good, I will further promote, of course. The most important thing is the quality of the product. We must guarantee the quality." Li Feng constantly emphasized.

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