The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2307: Someone jumped off the building

Feng Jie did not express full support for Li Dao's idea, but he asked Li Dao to submit a detailed report to him. He believed that if necessary, he could submit it to King Qin to know about the matter.

Zhao Guo Handan, Handan stock exchange market.

"Haha. Handan Iron Factory is up. Go up. Buy it soon." There was a noisy voice in the venue. Everyone was paying attention to Handan Iron Factory's stock price, and Handan Iron Factory's stock price seemed crazy. It went up frantically as soon as the market opened.

"Twenty-seven. The Handan Iron Works is twenty-seven." a middle-aged woman shouted.

Just a minute later, the price of Handan Iron Works soared again, this time the soaring price suddenly exceeded two prices.

"Twenty-nine. My goodness. Twenty-nine. Hahaha." A middle-aged man was out of control with excitement. His arms kept shaking, he was so excited. Excited to death.

And upstairs in the stock trading floor.

"It has risen so much." Zhao Wenyuan said after looking at the stock price of Handan Iron Works.

"Let's put your head down?" a trader asked.

"Let it go, let it all out, if you don't let it go, I'll be damned." Zhao Wenyuan shouted loudly.

"But." The trader pointed to the stock price of Handan Iron Works.

"I know, let it go, just do what I tell you to do, you know?" Zhao Wenyuan shouted loudly.

"Okay. Okay, I'll do it now." The trader picked up the phone as he said.

"Handan Iron Works, thirty. Release. Yes. Release." The trader shouted loudly.

When the Handan Iron Works broke through the 30th juncture, it did not maintain the position of 30th.

"Thirty, thirty." Many investors exclaimed excitedly. But after the price hit thirty, it quickly became twenty-nine.

"Twenty-nine, why is it still twenty-nine. Go ahead," some excited people shouted loudly.

"Thirty, thirty." More people holding Handan Iron Factory yelled in the venue. For thirty, they think it is an important checkpoint, rushing past, Handan Iron Works will rise to an astonishing price, this price will make them earn a lot of money.

"It's all released. The transaction price of the last 100 shares was around the highest point of 30 gold." The trader reported to Zhao Wenyuan.

"Haha. Great. Looking back to find a good restaurant, I will treat you." Zhao Wenyuan said very generously. For such an accident. He feels very fortunate, and now he feels that it may be a good opportunity to go short.

"Can't go up. What's going on." The stock investors in the field looked anxiously at the rolling board. They doubted whether the rolling board surface was broken.

"Hey, why don't you move. Is your machine broken? Go up and check it." Some people who couldn't wait anxiously began to yell.

"Moved. Moved." At this moment, the scroll board jumped, and the results this time made their hearts beat out.

"Twenty-nine five." This is the price that has passed by just now.

"This. It's not right." Some people feel that something is wrong.

"No, no. It's just a small-scale retreat, just like a war. It's just a small-scale enticement to deepen the enemy." A retired soldier said nervously. Many people are willing to believe that this is just a small retracement.

But the development of facts is often not what they imagined subjectively.

"Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight. Seven." The latest quoted price made a lot of people panic. They feel like they are going to die.

"Oh my God." Some people in the room exclaimed.

"Sell, hurry up. Sell all my stocks." Some people reacted quickly. They felt that the situation was not good. At the very least, they had to maintain their profits.

"Sell it." Some people sell like crazy, while others buy boldly. They think this is the best opportunity to buy in. Such a good opportunity should not be missed.

"Sell, sell." But more people in the market are selling their stocks. Very few are buying stocks. As time goes by, more and more people sell their stocks. Driven by the violent decline in Handan Iron Works, six other stocks in the Zhao State Handan market fell one after another. The market is full of scrap orders to sell stocks. More and more people sell their orders. At the end of the day, the price at Handan Iron Works was only 17 gold.

"Oh, the newspaper didn't say anything about what caused the decline." Many Zhao Guo shareholders walked out of the stock exchange very frustrated. They wanted to know why the Handan Iron Works fell so much all of a sudden.

"There is news. There is news." Just when people finished their day's trading and bought a lot of newspapers to find out why, someone who knew of insider trading rushed over.

"Say it quickly." A woman asked very excitedly. Originally, he could earn one hundred and fifty gold, but today he lost 20 gold, and all the money he earned before went in.

"Oh, what the Qin newspaper said. They said that Qin's Northern First Army was very poorly equipped and severely lacking firepower. The Northern First Army is all the Huns. They are very capable of fighting, but their weapons and equipment are not good, plus South Korea. The current position of the new army is very uncertain. Some people say that the place where they landed from the sea is far away from the battlefield, and it is impossible to participate in the war. In this way, the Liaodong Xiangping is still in the hands of the Goguryeos, and the Qin people cannot defeat Xiangping. Then, Railway construction and the iron ore mining rights won’t make much sense. Many shareholders are worried that the investment in Handan Iron Works has been squandered. They withdrew one after another and sold their shares to cash out.” The person who came to report said To.

"Ah. Why is there such a thing? These Qin troops are not very powerful, how can they be equipped with such poor weapons. It really takes my life." The crowd cried.

"Ah." At this moment, there was a scream in the distance.

"Someone jumped off the building." Someone shouted loudly among the crowd.

"What?" Many people asked in surprise.

"Let's go and see what happened." Some people went to check the matter without knowing it.

"Needless to say. There must be no money for the stock loss. There is no family. This person, can't think about it, jumped off the building. Just like the price of the Handan Iron Works today, he went up to the sky all of a sudden, and then fell into the ground all of a sudden. This is jumping off the building." An old man said, shaking his head.

"Hey. I jumped off the building. It's really miserable. I heard that I lost money in stocks. I don't have anything in my house. I still owe a few thousand dollars in debt. This person, oops. What a terrible death." The crowd pointed out one after another. Give pointers, the lesson of failure in stock trading is at hand.

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