"Damn, I don't know which reporter it was that reported such a thing." Wang Jian cursed when he saw the newspaper.

"Sir, there is a report on it. It is a reporter named Li Ling. Judging from the name, I think it should be a female reporter." Bai Qi looked at the newspaper and said.

"This reporter is really not supposed to report such a thing at this time. This report will seriously dampen our morale." Wang Jian said very worried.

"Sir, I don't think morale affects much, but the actual problems pointed out in the report are what we should be concerned about." Bai Qi said.

"This report has also produced other impacts. We are still unable to formally assess how large these impacts are, but the problems we encountered have not been resolved very well," Bai Qi said.

"Are you talking about the new South Korean army?" Wang Jian asked at this time.

"Yes, sir, the message from them is that they are far away from the battlefield. Although they are cavalry units, they are farther than the distance we can enter the battlefield. We have to consider this distance. "Bai Qi said worriedly.

"This position was also caused by the negligence of our staff. We don't understand the topography here. We haven't measured it accurately. It turns out that there are two peninsulas here. We always thought that the landing position of the new South Korean army was behind the Goguryeo people. But in fact, they landed in the direction of our flank. As a result, the actual position of the new South Korean army is farther than our position." Bai Qi said.

"How could there be such a mistake?" Wang Jian was shocked, but he quickly calmed down and he needed to solve this problem.

"We also checked the map recently and discovered that, in fact, there are two peninsulas in this area. One is occupied by the Goguryeo people. We call it the Goguryeo Peninsula. The other is the Liaodong Peninsula. Knowing the situation in the area, they thought they landed on the Koguryo Peninsula. But the actual situation is that they landed on Liaodong, behind us. If they want to enter the battlefield, it will take at least seven or eight days. And our First Army in the North, judging from the minimum advancing speed, they will be the first to reach the battlefield and enter the battlefield to fight the Goguryeos. The Korean First Cavalry Brigade, they need at least three days later to be able to Arrival, in this way, the South of the Goguryeo people, that is, our right wing, has a loophole in time and space. If we fill this loophole, our front will be stretched, in the absence of effective fire support. I see, our situation." Bai Qi told Wang Jian a result deduced by the staff, because the variables of the new South Korean army caused a big problem.

"In other words, the news reporters don't know the news yet?" Wang Jian asked at this time.

"Yes, sir, they just reported on the firepower problems of our first northern army, as well as the command and racial conflicts within the army," Bai Qi said.

"Damn it, how could such a big problem arise." Wang Jian is also not quite sure what to do.

"Sir, I think the most important thing for us now is to solve this problem as soon as possible." Bai Qi said.

"We have no extra troops. The only way is to delay the military actions of the Goguryeo people, or to attract the attention of Goguryeo. We did not use greater firepower to suppress the Goguryeo people on the line of defense between the east and the west. This is the purpose. But as a result, there are still problems. Those Goguryeo people will definitely pass through this loophole." Wang Jian said affirmatively.

"This. Do you use airborne troops to fight?" Bai Qi boldly proposed.

"No, there are not so many airships, the weather is not supported, and if preparations are not adequate, the airborne operation will become a huge disaster." Wang Jian shook his head and said.

"No, you can't do this." Wang Jian said.

"In this case, the entire plan will need to be adjusted. However, the Northern First Army has already begun to advance into the war zone. In this case, are we at a disadvantage?" Bai Qi said worriedly.

"Yeah. Think about it again." Wang Jian waved his hand calmly and said. He needs to readjust his combat plan to be more beneficial to the coalition forces.

Zhao State of Handan. Li Mu's prime minister's house.

"Unexpectedly, a Handan iron factory, a report, would actually lead to such a serious result." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche. He had reminded the overheated stock market before, but the result still did not prevent the stock market from falling sharply. Not only Zhao Guo Handan, but also South Korea's Xinzheng and Qin Guo Xianyang's stock markets have fallen.

"This, the stocks have gone up excessively before. This time the decline, I am afraid there is no way." Li Zuoche said.

"I understand this. But now, we have to find a way to solve the dilemma and slow down the stock market without too much fluctuation. On the night of the crash, twelve people committed suicide by jumping off the building in Handan." Li Mu shook his head and said.

"Many people went bankrupt. This kind of police will make the family safe." Li Mu said worriedly.

"But we can't help it." Li Zuoche said.

Qin State Xianyang.

"This report is too late. Do we take some control on the news and prohibit the publication of such reports." Meng Yi said to Shangwen, looking at the newspaper in his hand.

"No. We shouldn't do this." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"It's just." Meng Yi continued. But Shangwen waved at this moment and said.

"It's just that I know what you want to say, but the situation is different now." Shang Wen said.

"What you are forbidden to say will have a great impact on the prime minister's governance. Such an impact exceeds today's situation. The press is free and we have no right to interfere. We just did not do well by ourselves." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi. .

"Don't worry, what we should focus on is not the unfavorable situation of the news, but we must completely solve this problem. This problem lies with the Northern First Army and the delay of the war in northern Liaodong. We must solve this problem as soon as possible." Shang Wen said.

"For the specific situation, we still need to ask the staff. As for the lack of firepower equipment, let the Ministry of Defense find a way or directly display some weapons. In this case, we may be able to restore the confidence of the people. But the most important thing is as soon as possible. To solve the problem of Liaodong, delay is absolutely detrimental to us.” Shang Wen thought for a while and said.

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