"Xinzheng, South Korea, has a population of about 1.7 million. It is now divided into five areas: Xincheng District, Old Town, Xinzheng District, Dapu District, and Fengshan District." Zhang Liang introduced to Han Shu. Two people put on makeup and check people's conditions. This is also the best way to get a direct understanding of the living conditions of the people in Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Are the commercial districts concentrated in the new city and the old city?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang as he walked. They are now in the new city of South Korea, where the high-rise buildings are denser and the streets are cleaner. This is the mainstream shopping paradise in Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Yes. Xinzheng District is a wholesale place for all kinds of goods in South Korea. There are more vendors and chaotic." Zhang Liang explained.

"The situation in Dapu District and Fengshan District may be even worse." Zhang Liang said, shaking his head.

"Yeah. I knew it." Han Shu shook his head and said.

"Let's go, let's go to Xinzheng District to see how our people live." Han Shu said. For people in the upper class like Han Shu, they naturally don't have to go to those remote places. And shopping places are mainly concentrated in the new city and the old city, because it is a traditional commercial area, the rent is very expensive, and most of the people who shop are from the upper class, or the middle class of the society, because the shopping is still relatively orthodox. From here, I did see that Xinzheng in South Korea is better. But Han Shu believes that if you look at the problem in this way, you can't see anything. For them, looking at these new urban areas is of no use at all.

"Just, safety. This problem is very serious." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"With you, I am still worried about safety. Go away. Let's go and see." Han Shu has already decided. She must do what she decides. What she couldn't do, she was unhappy.

South Korea's Xinzheng, Xinzheng district, here are low shanty towns everywhere. The shop is slightly better, but the shop looks messy and large. It is also densely populated, and it seems to be more lively than South Korea’s new city and old city.

"There are still a lot of people here. I think we should be like this in South Korea." Han Shu said with a smile. Both sides of the street look very dirty and messy, but at any rate it is very lively, with a large number of shops full of various goods. These are the products produced by the factory to meet people's various needs, such as ready-to-wear, shoes and hats, and a large number of various daily necessities. People who look at the various packaging are dazzled, not only these, but also For those who set up snack stalls, the cars are one after another, which looks very lively.

"Yes." Zhang Liang looked at the surroundings worriedly and said. Although there are many guards around, they are guarding their queen from near or far, but people still break into their protection zone from time to time. This makes the guards extremely anxious. If their queen has a situation, they will end up. It will be very bleak.

"Look, it's not bad." Han Shu said when he saw the good side.

"Yeah." Zhang Liang nodded. But at this moment, Zhang Liang saw a scene he least wanted to see.

Two South Korean Xinzheng police officers patrolling in the distance. The police is a new profession, but it contains the content of the previous government. This is the police system established by South Korea after Qin State initiated the police system. As long as there is society, this kind of profession is indispensable.

The two policemen lay their big caps flat.

A middle-aged man wore an apron, looked around with sweat on his face, and then put a few dollars into the big cap.

The police nodded in satisfaction. Then walked to the next stall. In the same move, the stall owner could only smile slightly and put a few dollars in.

"They are asking for bribes openly." Han Shu said angrily when he saw such a move. However, Zhang Liang stepped forward to block Han Shu's impulsive actions.

"My lord, we'd better watch it quietly." Zhang Liang stepped forward and said. Zhang Liang is also very aware of such things, and he has seen too much. But it cannot be prevented at all.

"Yeah." Han Shu was a little angry. Then walked to a small stall. This is a stall selling tofu flowers. The owner is an old woman in her sixties.

"Grandma." At this moment, the policeman walked to the stall and shouted loudly.

"Grandma," a young policeman shouted loudly.

"Oh. Coming. Sir." Grandma looked at the two police officers embarrassedly.

"Sir. I only have so much." The grandma took out a dollar embarrassedly.

"Grandma. Did you make a mistake? Just one dollar. We are two people, 50 cents a person." A policeman asked loudly, placing his hand on the **** of the pistol.

"Business is not good. Recently, I still have some illnesses. There is no way, no way, sir, please be accommodating." Grandma pleaded with both hands.

"We also eat. If you do this, the whole street will be like this. We are also very embarrassed." The policeman said reluctantly.

"Sir. Sir, please. Look at my old lady's age, please." Grandma pleaded.

"Forget it. One piece is one piece. Next time we need to order more." Another policeman said when he saw such a scene.

"Well. Forget it. One piece is one piece. It's really unlucky, just a glass of soda. What's the matter," the policeman said.

"We can just give you more next time." Another policeman persuaded. Then the two went to the next booth.

"These beasts." Han Shu saw this scene. On the side, Zhang Liang has nothing to say. He knows things like this, but he knows what it can do. The government simply cannot manage these things.

Not long after the two police officers left. People like unnamed ruffians and hooligans appeared on the street. Like the police, they walked over from stall to stall. It seems to be the same as the police. But if they don't give it, they will also scare the other person. Unlike the police, they seem to be more unscrupulous.

"Grandma. Do you have any money? If you don't have any money this time, I will smash your stall. You know, if you change to another big brother to protect you, you can get more." A ground ruffian showed his tattooed arm, and then frightened him.

"This. Everyone, please be forgiving, I only have these." Grandma said tremblingly with two dollars.

"Brothers are all tired. Let's finish the tofu flower first. Grandma, let's eat a few more bowls. Can we?" the leader asked.

"Yes, you can." Grandma was a little embarrassed. But I have to say so.

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