Those rascals ate more than a dozen bowls of tofu flowers and left without paying them. And grandma can only look at the empty bowls and chopsticks and sigh.

"Hurry up and give money." The voice of the ruffian asking for money came from a distance.

"Grandma, why do you give them so much money? Do you have to give it every day?" Han Shu asked directly. Regardless of the relatively large exchange between South Korean currency and Qin State banknotes, in real life in South Korea, one or two yuan is also very useful. One can buy a glass of soda, and one can also eat five bowls of tofu. You can buy two sesame cakes, two sesame cakes weighing a pound, and the amount is very sufficient.

"Hey, there is no way. These people come back every day. These scumbags and the police are the same." Grandma sat down and said. She kept pounding her waist, obviously grandma looked a little tired.

"Every time we have to pay a piece of two yuan, we can make a hundred yuan a day, when the business is at its best. But if we encounter illness or lack of labor, this situation will not be the case. Okay." Grandma said.

Han Shu felt very angry when he heard this, but Zhang Liang tried his best to prevent Han Shu from having an attack, and Han Shu tried his best to suppress it.

"Then, grandma, why do these police care about the ruffians?" Zhang Liang asked at this time.

"Control? I can't control it." Grandma shook her head.

"Those policemen are worse than the land ruffians. If you don't pay for these land ruffians, they will just fight or smash their stalls. Loss is better than being in a bureau." Grandma said.

"What should I do after entering the game?" Zhang Liang asked further.

"In the bureau, if you go in, it will be a beating. If the police see you not pleasing to your eyes, in addition to a beating, you will be tortured to extract a confession and let you confess some crimes you don't admit." The grandmother shook her head at this time.

Then grandma looked around. It seems that something is scared.

"I'll tell you, I heard that there is a young man in his early twenties from Chu State who sells snowflake cakes. He looks good. There are already several girls who want to marry young men, young men, and honest people. , Diligent. It's such a good guy who didn't give money to the other party once, but he was arrested by the police. I went to the police station to see it once. The human, the nose and the swollen face were light, and the person who beat him was no longer human. "Grandma said.

"Seeing, blame the poor. It is such an honest man who was finally arranged by the nasty police for a crime of insulting other girls. In addition, many murders were also arranged. Finally, the inexplicable one was shot to death. It’s really hateful that those reporters who didn’t know the reason reported back.” Grandma said.

Hearing this, Han Shu was shocked. She did not expect that under her governance, such a thing would happen.

"The police are worse than the local ruffians. No one can come out if they enter the police station. If the local ruffians want to harm people, the police and the local ruffians will join forces to harm people and enter the station. I think there is no one yet. I can come out." Grandma shook her head and said.

"This." Han Shu looked at grandma in shock, and grandma kept talking.

"Fighting. Fighting." At this moment, there was a yelling voice in the distance.

"Grandma will give you money." Zhang Liang paid. And Han Shu has already arrived.

"Damn it, you didn't give it. You kid, get into the game." The two policemen before speaking waved and shouted, and then looked at each other fiercely, waving his gun in his hand.

"Isn't it just getting into the game? I'm not afraid of you." A young guy shouted loudly.

"My lord, let's go. It's not safe here." Zhang Liang saw that it was too chaotic. Persuaded immediately. But at this moment, a thin man passed by Han Shu, and without knowing it, he took the small blade away from Han Shu's purse. The nearby guards were rushing over here, because it happened so suddenly. They had encountered such a thing before they had time to prepare.

In desperation, Han Shu could only leave here with Zhang Liang, and Han Shu himself didn't know what happened.

"My wallet can be stolen. These thieves are really too arrogant." Han Shu scolded angrily.

"There are also those policemen, ground ruffians, how could something like this happen under my rule? The police used to be an anti-violent police officer, but now, these policemen are worse than those ground ruffians. I really can't say it." Han Shu was upset. Scolded. But Zhang Liang couldn't help it, after all, such a thing had already happened.

"My lord, this matter." Zhang Liang wanted to persuade.

"Returning this matter, I think, there is a problem in my entire South Korea, Xinzheng, this is under the rule of a widow, and such a thing will happen." Han Shu scolded angrily.

"This." Zhang Liang really had no choice.

"For these policemen, the ruffians and the widows look at them, and they will all kill them." Han Shu scolded angrily. In front of Zhang Liang, except for ministers, Han Shu rarely used the term widow, after all, the widow was a little cold. The feeling is different for Han Shu and Zhang Liang. But now Han Shu is very angry, she can no longer take care of this.

"The king, Cheng believes that the most important thing at the moment is to find a way to solve these problems. Moreover, if we take the method of killing, we can certainly solve some problems, but the fact that there is a shortage of population is still before us." Zhang Liang Speaking of.

"This matter, the minister believes that it should be treated calmly, if it is too bloody, it will cause greater danger." Zhang Liang persuaded.

"Humph." Han Shu hummed coldly.

Han Shu, who calmed down a little bit, also felt that what Zhang Liang was talking about was a big problem. Currently, South Korea is actively expanding in Southeast Asia and requires a lot of manpower. Even some criminals have been sentenced to exile. Deliver them to various islands in Southeast Asia.

"Huh." Han Shu exhaled heavily.

"Well, let's discuss this matter carefully. We can't be so impulsive." Han Shu said.

"Yes, King, Xinzheng has a population of over one million, and there are big problems in management. For such a big city, there are indeed many thorny problems. However, the minister thinks that we can learn from the experience of Qin. Or we can explore it ourselves, if we can solve it." Zhang Liang said. For these problems, Zhang Liang believes that it is time to solve them. "Well. It's true, with a population of over one million, I have never thought about it before." Han Shu said.

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