Within Dawan. Qin people live in a concentrated area. Two security guards from the State of Qin carried new rifles on duty on the high ground outside the fort.

"Damn it, recent things are really **** worrying." Meng Kuan said nervously.

"Don't worry, those people are just assaults. If we increase our vigilance during the day, there should be no problem. At night, we have to pay attention to the situation, there should be no." Hu Shaoyan comforted.

"No, I think the situation is not good for us. The government doesn't send troops to protect us, so we are allowed to be killed continuously. Those **** Dawan people, we should let them all die." Meng Kuan was nervous and resentful. Speaking of.

"I think you are too nervous. Relax, there is nothing, if there is something, they will definitely not be able to come in." Hu Shaoyan comforted.

"No, you are wrong. Don't you know?" Meng Kuan said nervously at this time.

"They robbed our arsenal. Among these arsenals, there are a large number of munitions and weapons, and their range is going to be very long. Our lives are seriously threatened." Meng Kuan said.

"There are also them, constantly harassing us, the situation is very serious. And they are still waiting for the prisoners, and then cruelly killed us." Meng Kuan said.

"Did you not see Agou's body? I saw it. The internal organs were hollowed out. The head was taken with a big hole. The limbs were chopped off a little bit. His mother." Mengkuan said angrily.

"I. I think you are a bit too nervous." Hu Shaoyan can only say that. He knew that before Meng Kuan followed some people to collect the corpses, the corpses of those who were attacked, after returning, those who collected the corpses were a little abnormal. Among them, Meng Kuan’s reaction was the biggest. In the past, he always talked and laughed and said something bad that others could be happy with. And very lively. But now, people look very nervous and have overreacted.

"I don't want to be such a person, I want to live, live." Meng Kuan said. When a person is faced with a certain kind of stimulus, he will become a little abnormal, and if this kind of abnormality is excessive, especially in a long-term high pressure state, the person's psychological condition will become very poor.

At this time, Qin State had not established a special psychiatrist. And for people who have psychological hidden dangers or mental illnesses. Qin can only recover on their own. If they can't recover, they will face long-term mental illness. This is the worst and worst thing for them.

At this moment, outside the fortress, several children were squatting on the ground. They were picking up the bullet casings on the ground because the bullet casings were made of copper. And this kind of bullets are only found in places where Qin people live.

"Look, those little children. Dawanese children. They must be spying on information here." At this moment, Meng Kuan looked at the children below extremely nervously.

"Wow." After Meng Kuan finished speaking, he took the rifle in his hand and pulled the bolt to shoot.

"Oh my god, are you crazy?" Hu Shaoyan immediately grabbed the opponent's barrel. He knew that Meng Kuan would definitely kill those Dawan children under such conditions. This is a crazy move.

"I'm not crazy. You are too ignorant. These little kids, they are spying on our situation. They must know our situation. If this happens, it will cause us very serious losses. They will shoot us, we The situation is that they were killed in this way, we can't do this anymore." Mengkuan shouted loudly.

"You disperse." Meng Kuan pushed Hu Shaoyan away.

"Damn it. Go to hell." Mengkuan said, aiming at one of the boys.

"Bang." There was a clear gunshot. After Meng Kuan pulled the trigger, he quickly pulled the bolt, and the second bullet entered the shooting position. The Dawan children were killed before they knew what was going on. They panicked and looked at the fortress without knowing it. The people of Qin on the Internet.

"Damn it." Hu Shaoyan cursed at this time. He knew that the problem was a bit big. Doing so would arouse the dissatisfaction of those Dawan people, in that case, the Dawan people would retaliate against them frantically.

"Bang." Then another bullet came out.

"Damn it." Hu Shaoyan immediately got up and grabbed Meng Kuan's barrel. Let him stop shooting, otherwise, it will cause a lot of losses.

"Damn it, you got into trouble." Hu Shaoyan shouted loudly. And those children suddenly realized something at this time, and then they ran away frantically. They left weeping. They encountered such a thing for the first time when they were young.

"Damn, you calm down, calm down." Hu Shaoyan stopped his further actions at this time.

"What happened?" At this moment, an officer with the rank of ensign on his shoulder rushed up and asked loudly.

"Nothing, Mengkuan shot and killed some children." Hu Shaoyan replied.

"Damn it." The officer looked at the situation below. He was stunned.

"This time it's a big mess," the officer said helplessly.

"Report on it," the officer said.

Zhao Kaizi soon learned about this matter, and he thought it was very tricky.

"Oh my God, how could such a thing happen?" Zhao Kaizi said incredulously.

"Uncle, there is no other way now. You represent the Qin government. Our own people shot and killed the other party. We are not wrong. Those children are probably the other party's spies. They are here to investigate our details." Zhao Lin also said very worriedly.

"It doesn't matter whether it's the spy problem or not." Zhao Kaizi said worriedly.

"Those Dawan people will besiege us frantically. In this case, the situation will be very bad. Before the telegram is cut off, we should report the situation immediately. Hurry up." Zhao Kaizi said anxiously. He was very worried. At this time, the Dawan people took advantage of their madness and launched a big offensive posture. In this case, they would face war. The war will escalate immediately.

"It's not good. It's not good. Mr. Consul." At this moment, his assistant rushed in quickly.

"There are a large number of Dawan people outside the fortress. They seem to be looking for something." The assistant reported nervously.

"Report this first. Other things. If they get close to us, they will be shot immediately. No matter how many people are." Zhao Kaizi could only issue such an order. If the Dawan people are allowed to rush in, in such a situation, their situation will be very bad, maybe everyone will be killed.

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