The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2380: I'm roaring, I'll kill you.

Jimo City. Jimo City under the occupation of the new Korean army began his new chapter.

"Jimo City is already an old city. Especially these city walls have a great hindrance to the development of the city, which is not conducive to the development of the city in the future." A Korean engineer gestured to the Jimo development map that was just made. .

"What do you mean?" a planning official asked. South Korea transferred some officials from South Korean officials directly to the city of Jimo. South Korea has very high expectations for Jimo's development. Because this is the largest port city currently in control of South Korea. When South Korea first positioned itself, it developed Jimo City into a city with a population of one million. This is a lot of pressure for South Korean officials, because there are currently permanent residents in Jimo City. The latest statistics show that there are less than 10,000 people, that is to say, this task is very difficult. The scourge of successive wars has also caused considerable losses to the population here. In order to complete this task, South Korea is also very hard. They temporarily set up a city management system, which is called the small cabinet of Jimo City. Because this prime minister's cabinet members have a very similar relationship.

"Take them all down. These walls are meaningless. You know, Qin State Xianyang, although the walls of Qin State Xianyang are much stronger than here, I heard that cement and steel reinforcement were used at the beginning, but in the end, Still quite a few have been taken down. What is the reason?" said the engineer.

"What?" the official asked curiously.

"The development of the city is extremely fast. In the development of the city, it is all about an inch of gold. Therefore, these walls take up too much space. For example, they are all demolished." The engineer said. At the beginning of the design, South Korea told them that this is a brand new city, and the development of this city is of great significance. Therefore, South Korea sent a telegram specifically to ask them to design without pressure and plan vigorously. If there is something they dare not do, just feel relieved and boldly do it. So, these engineers began to use their skills. Imagination, they began to plan the entire city in a comprehensive way.

"Well. How to build the port?" the official asked concerned. This is the issue that officials are most concerned about, because Jimo City should give full play to its greatest transportation advantages, especially maritime transportation advantages, which are extremely important for the future development of Jimo City.

"Jimo City will also need to build a large shipyard, where a large number of shipyards will be established, in addition, the South Korean Royal Navy also needs a large number of warships to anchor in the port." The official said.

"In addition, in the future, it is expected that there will be a lot of commercial ports here. Because there are a lot of merchant ships that need to be berthed. There is also room for development." The officials viewed from a long-term perspective.

"Well. In this case, I suggest that the whole of Jimo City be developed to the southwest, because there are more ports, and here, if you develop to the northeast, there will be considerable hills. In this case, it will be very inconvenient to develop. The area needs to be re-divided. In addition, the urban development here is not very good because the development space here is relatively narrow." The engineer said worriedly.

"Well. You'd better re-examine it. We need to establish a plan that will develop better in the future. This plan is extremely beneficial to us." The official said.

"Yeah." The engineer nodded and developed.

The development of Jimo City does have a lot of restrictions. Jimo City is a city that focuses on defensive functions. Such a city with outstanding defensive functions can hardly take into account the factors of economic development.

But now the factors have been reversed. The development of cities no longer regards urban defense as the first consideration factor, and the first consideration factor is economic development. Only economic development can make the function of the city play a greater role.

What South Korea wants is such an outstanding result.

For urban defenders, the large-scale popularization of gunpowder weapons has reduced the role of urban defense, because no matter how you defend, you will not be able to withstand the powerful destructive power. In the face of such destructive power, it is obviously not to continue to defend. Appropriately, it is better to give way to urban defense to urban economic development, and the leading function of urban economic development is already obvious.

This is an era of rapid urban development and rapid population growth. For rapid economic development, larger cities must emerge. Jimo has been given such a function.

However, as far as the current development plan of Jimo City is concerned, Jimo has great restrictions on its development on the basis of the original city. Such restrictions can no longer meet the various requirements of South Korea. First of all, South Korea wants to be in this place. There are factory areas, residential areas, urban commercial areas, office areas, port areas, and railway transportation areas. In addition, there are a large number of warehouse areas, because the first thing that meets here is trade and transportation, and Jimo Obviously, the city cannot satisfy the many urban functions of South Korea in such a place. The re-selection and construction of cities has become an urgent need.

Outside of Jimo City, South Korea sent a large number of military police to patrol to maintain law and order. At the same time, they have to carry out propaganda. The main function of this propaganda is to let a large number of Qi people who have escaped the war to enter the developing city of Jimo. They are the main source of cheap labor.

In order to solve these problems, the South Korean New Army accepted a considerable number of the new Chu State Army's garrison, and sent a large number of military police to maintain law and order where there was the Chu State New Army. The military police acted as temporary police.

South Korea also actively negotiated with Xin Chu, restrained, and strengthened the disciplinary supervision of Chu's new army. In order to further alleviate social conflicts. Let the social crime rate drop a lot.

In Korea. Han Shu is also actively encouraging investment, allowing more investment funds to be invested in the construction of new cities, but South Korea has not yet determined the final investment place, which makes many Korean businessmen take a wait-and-see attitude.

"Sir, why do we keep patrolling. These days, my foot is almost broken. This military police's errand is really exhausting." Second-class soldier Xu Lie complained. In order to strengthen public order and publicity. They had to patrol outside all day. Only a small number of horses, carriages, and bicycles were provided for them, because most of the cavalry horses were conscripted away. The purpose is to strengthen the logistics supply.

"This is our accusation. Don't give me any nonsense. You are a military policeman. You must have a lot of patience. If you guess wrong, your situation will be thrown on the battlefield. "Zhang Guang learned.

"Yes. Sir." Xu Lie said helplessly.

"Do everything for me. Today we are going to Xishan Village. There is a Chu army stationed in that place. We must pay attention to the problems there. Do you understand it?" Zhang Guang emphasized.

"Yes. Sir." Xu Lie said helplessly. Xishan Village is about 20 miles away from their station, and after walking this way, they will be tired and half dead, because they have to maintain the good style of the soldiers. The military police are different from ordinary soldiers. They are responsible for picking and discipline. While picking up the discipline of the other party, we must do a good job of discipline ourselves. Therefore, they demand themselves more strictly than others.

If they want to maintain a good military demeanor along the way, they must hold their chests up and walk all the way to Xishan Village in a positive posture. Although no one is watching, they must have such strict requirements.

Xishan Village is a small village near a section of hills. Originally there was no village here. However, because of avoiding the war, a few families lived here temporarily. If soldiers came, they would take refuge in the mountains. Later, the frequency of warfare decreased. Some people have gradually come out from the inside, and they have also begun to settle here. The big reason for choosing this place is to avoid the chaos of war. It is conceivable that the war was very cruel to them.

South Korea’s new army military police patrolled. The reason why Xishan Village was chosen this time was because there was a training base for Chu’s new army stationed here, which mainly taught some middle-class combat skills of Chu’s new army. For example, dig trenches and build fortifications. Launch an offense. Use their weapons proficiently, these are after some recruit training. A stage that soldiers must go through after some running-in. After going through such a stage, the combat effectiveness of the Chu army will be greatly improved.

"Sir. Can we take a break." He quickly entered the village. Xu Lie said to his chief.

"Sir, take a break. We really need to rest. The big guys have been away for such a long time." Chen Wen stood up and said. He is also a military police, but he is a military police sergeant. Is a veteran. He had previously served as a supervisor in the combat force. This is the kind of soldier who is armed with a bayonet when charging. They are responsible for supervising the battle, and if someone retreats back, he will assassinate the opponent mercilessly. In an attack against the Chu army, he executed a recruit. This incident made the whole army extremely disgusted with him. Because the soldier couldn't advance just because he was nervous, he was stabbed to death with a bayonet. In the eyes of others, such people simply cannot get along. As a result, he was transferred from the original army, and his superiors felt that such a person should serve as a military policeman because he carried out the chief's intentions well. So he became a military policeman.

"Okay." Zhang Guang looked at the others, their clothes were all wet with sweat. Going this way is not a solution. They need to be groomed and face the Qi people with their best faces. Only a clean and tidy face can win the favor of the other party. Zhang Guang thought so.

"Come here. Catch the Chu thief." At this moment. Zhang Guang suddenly heard a bad sound.

All the military police heard it.

"There is a situation." Zhang Guang jumped up first, and then ran in the direction of the sound.

"Damn it. Get out. Don't get out again. Lao Tzu killed you." Zhang Guang suddenly crossed a mound and saw three soldiers wearing Chu army uniforms. All three of them were dressed in messy uniforms. None of the soldiers’ pants were worn properly.

"Go away." At this time, a Chu army kicked away the middle-aged Qi State man who was holding the Chu army soldier's thigh.

"Puff." At this moment, the Chu Army soldier was very angry and stabbed the opponent's back with his bayonet.

"Ah." A scream.

"Grab it." Zhang Guang was very angry when he saw it. Immediately waved his hand to let his military police catch the assailant.

"Ah. Not good. There are military police." Similarly, those Chu soldiers saw the Korean New Army military police. They also feel very bad.

"Run." The Chu Army soldier at the front slid away and ran away. The one behind is still unclear what's going on. At this time the military police rushed up to arrest people.

"Run." The Chu Army soldier who ran away shouted.

The Chu army soldier only started to run, but he could not run. Because Zhang Guang was the first to rush up and kicked the opponent with one kick. The Chu army soldier who was hugged by the Qi people in his thigh was also captured by the South Korean military police after he assassinated the opponent twice.

"Go, chase." Zhang Guang saw after catching two people. He quickly ordered his people to catch the other party, and for the injured Qi people, he ordered them to deal with the wounds urgently. At the same time, people were sent to the nearby military camp for treatment.

"Don't run." Chen Wen shouted out of breath. But the opponent ran faster than the rabbit.

"Damn it." Xu Lie followed closely behind. He was okay, but his strength was a little out of touch at this time, and he just chased too hard. And the Chu Army soldier ran away. Soon a military camp appeared in front of him. The military camp belonged to the Chu army, and the soldier went in all of a sudden.

"Grab him. Don't run." Xu Lie and Chen Wen shouted loudly.

"Stop." But the sentry at the door stopped the opponent.

"This is the military forbidden area of ​​our Chu army. No one is allowed to enter without a pass." The Chu army sentry looked at Chen Wen and Xu Lie seriously.

"Damn it. Those are criminals, we want to catch them." Chen Wen shouted loudly.

"We don't care, anyway, no entry is allowed here, this is a military restricted zone. No one is allowed to enter." The sentry exclaimed with great excitement. The New Army Gendarmerie of South Korea and the New Army of the Kingdom of Chu were very inconsistent, because the picketing discipline was the job of the New Army of the Republic of Korea. They usually punish the New Army of the Chu State for a small matter. But there was no alternative, but everyone was disgusted with the new South Korean military police. Now that they saw the other party arrogantly coming to the door to go wild, they naturally ignored it.

"Have you not seen anyone enter?" Chen Wen roared loudly.

"Roar. Roar again, you are one step forward, and I will kill you." The sentry raised his gun while speaking, and the other sentry raised their guns nervously at this time. The officer in the distance watched this scene coldly. It seems that none of these things can be managed by him.

Chen Wen looked at the cordon close to his feet, and once he crossed it, there was nothing wrong with the opponent shooting.

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