"They are very arrogant, sir. These Chu soldiers did hurt the locals, and they raped a local girl in turn, and the girl's father was assassinated and seriously injured. Whether it can be saved is really hard to tell. Sir." Zhang Guang reported to his sir.

Through a preliminary investigation, they learned that these Chu army soldiers sneaked out and looked for local women to vent. They did a lot of things like this before. Many of the military police pickets recently are about military discipline, and they don't seem to pay much attention to this aspect. In their opinion, the military police do not care about such things, so they act boldly and do such things.

"If you do this, it will be very stiff with the Chu army?" said his chief Gongsun Ding.

"Sir, the relationship has become stiff. This is what the military police did. Moreover, the Queen has issued new orders to stabilize the security situation in the area. Now something like this has emerged. I think this is an opportunity. This opportunity is for us. In other words, it is a matter of serious rectification of public order and the respect of local people." Zhang Guang said.

"You know, Chu people accused us of trespassing in the military camp. Do you know how serious this is? If this matter is known, what will happen?" Gongsun Ding said.

"Sir." Zhang Guang continued. But his chief had already waved his hand to stop speaking.

"I know what you mean, but what I want to tell you is that the current situation is like this, and I can't help it. I can suppress this matter." Gongsun Ding said. For such things as the military police picketing discipline, the Chu military was very upset. Those Chu soldiers would have some friction with them, and these frictions made them very unhappy. Such things embarrass him. Gongsun Ding believes that the current military police should not continue to expand such things. This is not good for him.

But Zhang Guang has other ideas. He believes that it is far better than the continuous propaganda of the Korean military police to take advantage of such things, especially the violations of the laws and disciplines of the Chu army. Power, because in the eyes of Qi people, Koreans and Chu people are the same foreigners, and they are not credible. If Koreans can make achievements in this matter, then Qi people will naturally trust South Korea. government.

But his commander couldn't see this. There was no way. Gongsun was definitely a downright nobleman. What he thinks about is his own family business and property. Here, the Chu military will give him more or less, for example, military cans and materials. He has made a lot of money by reselling these materials. This is what he thinks about. When something like this happened, he naturally turned into a trivial matter. Unwilling to expand further. But Zhang Guang believes that this matter has a major impact. It is of great help to South Korea's situation in Qi.

After Zhang Guang came out of the chief's office, he sat alone in a remote corner. For the people of Qi, he believed that they had suffered too much. War, disease, food shortage, cold, and various natural and man-made disasters. This puts the Qi people here on the verge of collapse. And now the South Korean government decided to help them. His chief is too indifferent to the survival of these people. Thought of this. Zhang Guang decided to take care of this matter. He stood up and walked firmly to the telegraph mailing room step by step.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Yesterday the Jimo cabinet sent a telegram saying that it would cost a lot to build the old site of Jimo City on the spot, because the old houses had to be demolished. At the same time, the original residents had to be resettled, which would cost a lot. In addition to these, we have great hopes for Jimo, such as the factory area, port area, commercial and trade area, office area, and residential area to be built in the future. It is difficult for these areas to be located in the current narrow Jimo city. In order to consolidate the need for defense, the location of Jimo City is very problematic. It is not conducive to commercial development." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang now runs from Xianyang to Xinzheng. There are some financial things that he needs to do, and he has to run back and forth like this to solve these problems.

"Yeah." Zhang Liang just nodded.

"They plan to re-select the site, what do you think?" Han Shu said of their solution.

"Well, I think it's better to choose a wider area. I looked at the map and I think that from the topography, Jimo City is better to the southwest. There is a large plain area over there, and there is also a harbor nearby. , It can be built into our military port, and it can further expand our shipyard. In addition, if we build a new city here, we don’t need to pay for the demolition. The capital cost is much less. In addition, if there is a vacant lot , We can buy it, or there is a land of no ownership, we can auction the proceeds to solve the problem of our financial shortage." Zhang Liang suggested.

"Well, this is indeed a very good solution. We must solve this problem in this way." Han Shu said with a smile.

"This area in the southern part of Qi State, we should call it the land of Qinan. He is now chaotically struck by the war, which is like a piece of white paper, how to write, how to draw. There is nothing on it." Han Shu likes it.

"This gives them a lot of freedom. As long as they are done well. No matter what method is used, I only look at the result, not the process. If it is good, we can do well in all overseas colonies in Korea. Learn and become a model." Han Shu said excitedly.

"Yes, King." Zhang Liang was a little worried. The problem of investment funds has not been solved yet. How this part of the money comes from has given him a headache. Although he thought of the financial method, he really didn't know how to use it.

"My lord, there is a special telegram." Xiao He said with some excitement.

"Yeah." Han Shu took the telegram. It seems that the so-called telegram is something that the South Korean Royal Intelligence Analysis Office believes has particular potential for development. Although it is a small matter, the telegram that can affect the overall situation from these small things is considered to be a special telegram. . The Koreans began to decide the collection of intelligence information from details.

"There is also such a thing, arrest, these people should all be arrested. Even Chu people have to be arrested." Han Shu said angrily after seeing it.

"Master King." Zhang Liang was puzzled, and Han Shu handed the telegram to Zhang Liang. After reading it quickly, Zhang Liang also felt that he should be caught.

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