The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2787: Arms smuggling expanded

"Why do our commandos do this every time. Damn it." A corporal Yue scolded. They were quietly crossing a trench, and in order to cross the trench they had to lie on the ground a little bit past.

"Damn it, crawl quickly. Don't talk, hurry up." A sergeant at the back yelled in a slightly louder voice.

"Damn it, I know." The corporal cursed, and then kept crawling forward. When he reached the edge of the trench, he stopped. First of all, he had to see if there was an opponent's sentry in the trench. He needs to be cleared. This is a reconnaissance activity of the Yueshi people. Such reconnaissance activities are carried out at the strong request of Li Lian, because he knows that Yueshi will definitely carry out a second offensive operation, and he must actively do it for the next operation. Prepare, they found out last time. Their reconnaissance is very careless, or they understand the situation near the fortress, but they don't understand the situation inside the fortress at all. This is very detrimental to them. They must understand clearly to effectively solve the problem.

So they often organize such reconnaissance activities. In the eyes of the Indians, this is harassment, serious harassment.

"No one," the corporal said after taking a look. Then motioned, he was the first to jump down. The sergeant at the back followed close behind. The sergeant chief is still crawling on it, they want to advance a little bit to form a small depth, after all, they still want to come back alive.

"Who?" The sergeant who had just stepped down snapped.

"Bang." With a gunshot, an Indian fired a shot into the sky, which was the sound of flintlock guns.

The sergeant was shocked, but he immediately reacted, shooting continuously, killing the opponent, but the gunfire also caused the opponent's alertness, and it was obvious that their reconnaissance activities were no longer likely to continue.

"Damn, why don't you use a knife, you have to come several times in a few days. It's really troublesome." The corporal scolded, but he couldn't do anything about it. The thing is such a thing, and he can't say anything.

"Bang, bang." The corporal had just finished speaking, and the gunshots rang intensively.

"This. Isn't it right? Why did the shooting come from the Indian side." The corporal looked at the sky in a puzzled way and asked. They are in the trench. But as for what happened above, he can only judge by listening.

"Retreat, retreat quickly." The sergeant could not say anything, but ordered the retreat.

"Be careful, don't get hit by your own bullets, that would be too short," the sergeant said.

"Ah." As soon as the sergeant climbed up, he heard a scream.

"What's the matter?" the corporal asked.

"My ass, **** it, a bullet hit me." The sergeant scolded, lying on the ground.

"If you can't die, retreat quickly." The corporal followed closely, and the two of them retreated like this. As soon as they went up, they knew. The Indians who fired on the opposite side did not know why the Indians had muskets all at once, and the shooting density was very high. This makes them feel very worried.

Then they retreated a little bit, and the officers on duty reported the situation to them. They thought this matter was very important. Because the Indians had muskets, they had only a handful of muskets before. Those were still obtained by payment, and they weren’t used very well, but now, their muskets and gunshots are extremely dense, which is not a very good signal.

Li Lian's headquarters.

"Are you true?" Li Lian asked very suspiciously. He felt that the Indians were unlikely to get so many muskets in such a short period of time. According to the report of the officer at the time, the density of muskets reached hundreds of scales, and they were fired continuously. This also shows that the muskets were fired continuously. There are at least seven to eight hundred muskets. Although such a large-scale musket does not pose much threat to the Yue's army that has artillery, it has caused a very serious problem. That is, the Indians have muskets. Siege operations are extremely disadvantageous.

"It's true, sir, we heard very clearly. The density of the muskets is very large. It is astonishing. I think there are at least a thousand muskets. The most important thing for us now is to check these muskets. Come out. Otherwise, our trouble will be very big." The officer said worriedly.

"I am very clear about this matter." Li Lian said.

"You go down and rest. I will take care of this. Don't tell anyone." Li Lian said.

"Yes, sir." The other nodded. Then left. Li Lian thinks this is definitely not a good thing. He told Bai Le that he was a member of the Qin State, and that the Qin State had a great say in the Yue family.

"Sir, this matter is very unfavorable to us. The Indians have muskets. We may encounter trouble in the next offensive operations. If this continues, I am worried that the trouble will continue to expand. I must take some measures. At the very least, these muskets cannot continue to flow into the hands of the Indians. We must be clearly aware of the source of the muskets." Bai Le learned of this situation. Meng Ping was immediately told that he was the highest rank of the Qin Army advisory group.

"Well, as long as the border is blocked, there should be no problem. However, I am not worried about this. Those guns will not have a great impact on us, as long as the Indians do not have artillery and use artillery. All the problems are not very big. The rifle will only cause a certain amount of casualties, but it will not cause a lot of casualties. I don't think you need to worry too much." Meng Ping told the other side this information wisely.

"But, sir, the other party has more than a thousand guns, and their threat is still relatively large." Bai Le insisted.

"I know this, but there is no way. Now the people of the Yue family are arguing. Admiral Moran has nothing to do with this. The army is in the process of repairing, and a large number of prisoners of war have not been digested. This robbery operation , Still unable to meet the needs of the Yue people, the Yue people seem to be considering whether to launch a second military operation. After all, they still owe us a lot of money from the Qin people. In contrast, they seem to be more concerned about this issue. "Meng Ping told Bai Le such news.

"What?" Bai Le asked almost in an unbelievable tone.

"Yes. That's what they worry about, and I can't do anything about it, but that's how it is." Meng Ping said.

It turned out that this looting operation received 370,000 prisoners of war and a large amount of food. The spoils were mostly gold, but the amount was not very large. After all, they were not looting rich areas. They are still looting the Indian war zone. How can there be a lot of gold and silver treasures in the war zone? In this way, the Indians' gains are calculated, and they don’t get much, because the value of arms is very large. In contrast, four or five prisoners of war may only be exchanged for a grenade. Their value is very low, coupled with a series of factors such as road consumption, the situation will be very bad. In this way, they must reassess the benefits of continuing operations.

In this regard, the Ministry of Finance and Parliament of the Yue people are discussing this matter vigorously. The military is also actively discussing this matter. They believe that it is necessary to proceed, but the current behavior of looting and leaving must be changed. The land must be occupied, not withdrawn. They should gradually occupy the land of the Indians, and then expand a little bit to the south, because the south is where the Indians are rich, and only there will there be a lot of wealth. Only by robbery can they have greater profits. The Yue’s Ministry of Finance thinks that the current large-scale spending will make them extremely crazy, because if they do so, they will have to borrow money to continue their offensive. The amount of borrowing may be even greater, and at the same time they will have to build a railway. This makes them extremely embarrassed, this is extremely crazy behavior, they don't want to do this, but if they don't, they won't have a good income at all, and the people of the Yue family seem to have only robbery.

"We can only strengthen the blockade." Bai Le thought for a while and wanted to say.

"Yes, I think so too. These guns cannot be flowed out of our hands. After all, they may come from the south. I heard from China that when Koreans hit the south, they would provide more muskets from the south. Indians." Meng Ping said.

"Perhaps so." Bai Le nodded and said.

Just when the high-level discussions were intense. The rat-like transportation gradually expanded. More and more Yueshi people are involved, including the army.

At night, a Yue's sentry whispered to a group of people to pass his defense line quietly, those people carrying heavy boxes. They quickly crossed the trench and climbed over the barbed wire.

"What are they transporting?" another sentry asked worriedly. He lay on the ground just in case.

"Arms, muskets, as long as they are not cannons," the sentry replied.

"Oh my God. They. This, we are, here." The other sentry didn't know what to say.

"I know, this is a crime. Give yourself trouble, but don’t forget. How much money we can make as a soldier like this, if we die, there will be nothing. It’s better to find a shortcut to make yourself rich and make enough money. Let's go to Qin and do a small business, which is better than being a soldier. This is not something humans do." said the sentry. The other sentinel nodded in agreement. After all, many of them had such thoughts, and it was not his business alone. After all, there are still quite a few soldiers whose salaries are not very high, and it is no wonder they do. Huge benefits always make many people take risks, and they don't care about them. They are in charge of their own money bags. The difference between the soldiers' risk and salary is too great, and this has to make them take the risk. They can only do so, and the arms smuggling trade has increased.

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