"Oh, what's the matter?" A woman came home from get off work and saw a lot of people crowded together, so she cautiously stepped forward and asked.

"What else? Investing in stocks and committing suicide by jumping off the building." A middle-aged man shook his head and said.

"These guys, money comes fast. The money we make in a day is money that ordinary workers can't make in a lifetime, but what will happen in the end? If we don't make it, we lost our lives all at once. How many stocks are there? This is a good end." The middle-aged man shook his head and said.

"Oh, this looks very young." The woman said after a glance. She was still very scared of such a **** scene.

"Isn't it? Young people have to do something, they have to enter this place. What happened? They died. They were dead. They lost their lives. Investing in stocks and getting rich overnight, this. Such a myth kills people." Middle-aged men disdain. Speaking of. Many young people are very impetuous and they find it difficult to calm down and do some things, such as. They calmly do some stable work so that they can at least feed themselves, but now, they can't feed themselves. Although they have created a lot of wealth, they have no life. What is the significance of this? It makes no sense anymore.

The Korean stock market has experienced a violent decline. It is said that Li Wen, who participated, has a large short position, followed by Qin Guo's consortium. It is said that the Bank of Korea is also involved, and some major shareholders have heard the news. They keep selling the stocks in their hands. As a result, stocks fell sharply, and the magnitude of the decline far exceeded their imagination. Such a decline made many people feel scared.

Zhao Guo's stock market is also very sad. Because there is no short-selling mechanism, they fell even worse. Because there is no buying order in the market at all, everyone is selling, and the magnitude of the decline has exceeded the short-selling mechanism. This made those investors doubt Li Mu’s IQ problem. They believed that the Zhao Guo stock market should resume their short-selling mechanism. In this case, the market is interesting for speculation. There is no speculation. Many people are even more pessimistic about the Zhao Guo stock market. The Prime Minister's Office did not give any more explanations.

There has also been a large number of sell-offs in the Chu stock market, but the impact is not very large. The main market is relatively closed, and only the Qin consortium and Chu local businessmen are buying. They already have the potential to invest, and their decline is not very large. On the contrary, many people are buying stocks. This is their only opportunity to invest.

The Qin State stock market has not fallen too much. Although many stock investors once sold short, the market quickly rose again. This makes them feel very regretful. They think that if there is a speculator like Li Wen, they may Will make more money. Unfortunately. Lee Wen is on the Korean stock market. This is doomed to not fluctuate much in the Qin State stock market.

Breaking waves.

"I don't know how our people are?" Wang Ying said worriedly. They can only park here. But nothing can be done. The language is barrier, they communicate as much as possible, but it is still a big obstacle, Wang Ying keeps buying knowledgeable slaves. In contrast, the price of such slaves is very cheap, because these people can't do anything. However, they have great talent for language, their learning ability is also great, and they bring a lot of knowledge, but they need time, and only enough time can they solve all the problems. They need to spend time to learn, this process is cumbersome, but it is the only fastest speed.

"Captain, do we still need to wait? Do we go back first, report the situation here, and then come back again? After they come back, they may pay more attention to the situation here. They will put it on record. I think we don’t need much. The news that can be brought back here for a long time. After all, there is already a telegram on the east coast of the western continent, and we can solve all the problems through the telegram." Guo Xiang put forward his own opinion, they are constantly parked here, there is nothing Meaning, because this will only waste time. They come here, not doing business. Although their products have aroused great interest from local merchants, especially the muskets, they are greatly shocked, but they are not here to do business. Business people come here for expeditions. In other words, they are the pioneers who come to know the world in South Korea. It is of great benefit to them to explore the world. They can know how the world is developing, and those areas can bring great profits.

"You mean, let's leave and return?" Wang Ying asked.

"Yes, Captain, we have to do this now. If we don’t do this, our condition will be very bad. Our purpose is to explore, not stay here. Staying here for a long time will be good for us. What kind of benefits? We can't stay here at all." Guo Xiang said.

"But, we can't give up our own people, they are our Koreans. They are our pioneers sent out. Abandon them, we." Wang Ying hesitated. Regarding abandoning his own people and returning alone, Wang Ying felt that he would do it. No, because this is a very cruel thing, but if they don’t do this, they will not be able to meet the requirements of the expedition. Their purpose is simple, to explore the world. However, trapped here, they can’t do anything. . This is not good for them, which makes Wang Ying very embarrassed.

"Captain, let's do it like this. I will stay here, give me a few people, I will stay there, and wait for them to come back, or wait for you to come back. We are here to record the local customs here, maybe this is useful to us, as long as we return Living, you will definitely be able to make greater contributions." Guo Xiang said.

"This. No, no." Wang Ying said, shaking his head.

"If you do this, it will be very unfavorable to them. You should know what kind of place this is. This is the country of Seth, a place we have never been to. We don't know what the attitude of this country is? What we can do , Just stay here." Wang Ying said. In fact, he thought about such a thing, but it is against morality to do so. This is very detrimental to expedition, if everyone can leave it, no one will come to explore.

"Captain, I personally would like to do this, because the customs here are very attractive. You can marry wives and children, and you can marry many wives. This is what those scholars told me. They know a lot of things. This is where Semitic people live. It’s very hot and arid here. Only in the north can there be the country of Seth, which is dominated by agriculture. We can wait, or we can continue to the north and look for the country of Seth. If we find this country, we can Get a lot of help." Guo Xiang said.

"At the same time, I personally think, Captain, it is very bad for you to stay like this. The reason is that there is no meaning at all here. You need to go back and tell the merchant ships to come here. There is a great opportunity here. Not only that, but also here. The customs, the situation here, and tell us South Korea, here is a country called Seth Country, this country needs a lot of trade, our businessmen can get a lot of benefits, which is of great help to our development , We need them. They also need us. If you don’t go back, no one knows about this country called Seth, and what we do will have no meaning.” Guo Xiang persuaded.

"This." Wang Ying still hesitated, he didn't want to abandon his own people.

"Captain, you are not abandoning us, but for something more important. What is the purpose of our coming here is to tell us all we know and see to Korea, but if there is no such a person to go back What is the meaning of our being here? We are on land, and the risks at sea are much greater than ours. Only when we go back can we know more things. If we don’t go back, the Korean mainland will know nothing. We It's nothing. Even if we die, we feel very bad." Guo Xiang said.

"Okay." Wang Ying nodded when he heard this. Although he was very unwilling to do it in his heart, Guo Xiang was right. They continue to stay here, what meaning they have, they have no meaning at all. South Korea needs to know the situation in the country called Seth. If they don’t If you go back, South Korea will not know such a country, and they will have no meaning in staying here. All they have to do now is to record everything here.

"Captain, you also take those scholars. It doesn’t make any sense to stay here. We need to know the language here. They are knowledgeable and know a lot of things. If we come next time, we can be proficient in their language and our affairs. It's very easy to handle." Guo Xiang said.

"This. I think it might be better for them to stay and help you, after all." Wang Ying said while holding Guo Xiang's hand.

"No, no. They are living specimens, but we can find anyone who studies, approaches, and approaches us here. We need such people. We don't lack such people." Guo Xiang said.

"Well, I will leave as many materials as possible for you. I hope you can help a lot." That's the only help Wang Ying can give. This is the only thing he can do.

And in the north, within the country of Seth. Zhang Bi and his group walked on the Gobi, on the beach. The sand here is very fine, and they don't know how to describe it.

They are the expedition team sent by Wang Ying. They only have five Koreans. In addition, they had a guide who set off at the beginning, and the guide was a businessman. Bankrupt businessman. However, he felt that he himself found an opportunity to make a fortune. These merchants from the East have special commodities in their hands. For example, their weapons are very powerful. This is definitely an opportunity to make a fortune. He feels that this is him. At one chance, even though he didn't understand their language, his own name might not be uttered by the other party. But he knew this was an opportunity, so the bankrupt businessman kept taking them to Seth.

However, a lot of guides joined along the way, among them there were a large number of slaves, and there were more than thirty people in the camel team for transporting goods. This is a very large caravan. For them, this caravan is a very worthwhile adventure.

"Where have we been? It's too hot here." Zhang Bi didn't wear local costumes. The costumes of the locals were almost the same as those of the Arabs. They wore white turbans and white robes. But Zhang Bi thinks that he is from the Central Plains, these are barbaric tribes, he does not need to learn from such people, as a result, he was dizzy by the harsh sun. Although they are not short of water, drinking water continuously is of no use at all, so they take a sip. It felt like it evaporated all at once. Just give him a well and the water will evaporate.

"I don't know, it's the same everywhere here, I don't know either." Zhang Xiaoge said later. He wears local costumes. From the outside, they are the same as the locals, but Zhang Xiaoge's situation is better than Zhang Bi's.

"Brother Zhang, you'd better put on the clothes here. It's not a way to dry it like this. It's too hot here. We can't stand the heat at all. The clothes of the locals are still better. Our clothes It's too thick. I think only silk can meet our needs." Zhang Xiaoge said.

"No, we are from the Central Plains. The Central Plains people must have the backbone of the Central Plains and the costume characteristics of the Central Plains. If you continue like this, others will look down on us. You know?" Zhang Bi took a sip of water and said To.

"We are here not only to explore, but to let Seth know about us. We can't do this." Zhang Bi said.

"Okay, but it's too hot here. Let's go on like this." As Zhang Xiaoge was lying on the camel, here is a dromedary, which is different from the Western Bactrian camel they saw. At first they were curious, but now they feel that there is nothing.

"How long have we been walking. Haven't been to Seth yet?" the fifth asked. His name is Zheng Wu, and others call him the fifth oldest. He is very young, only 21 years old, but he came here to make a fortune. The expedition can get a lot of fortune. This is an important reason for attracting the fifth. The Central Plains country has many children, and the eldest son can inherit the inheritance. He can't. His family is poor. Although his income has increased and his life has improved a bit, his condition has not improved. He has to come out and make money by exploring. He wants to make a fortune.

"Not yet. We haven't arrived in Seth, and it will take a long time. It's the same everywhere." Zhang Bi replied.

"Oh. It's the same everywhere here, it doesn't mean anything at all," said the fifth.

"I asked the guide before. After we get out of here, we will be able to reach the Kingdom of Seth. But it is not safe here. It seems that the Shabbat is near us, walking eastward. There is not much distance to the Shabbat. There seems to be a town not far in front. It is a business base where we can do business. Later, we can get there to rest.” Zhang Bi introduced. He is the head here. Although the language is not clear, they can barely communicate by drawing pictures or making gestures. Smart people naturally have smart ways.

At dusk, they finally reached the town they were going to. They settled here quickly, and the local guides arranged all their affairs very enthusiastically.

The food is very unique. Roast lamb and barley cakes taste very dry. Fortunately, they can drink some of their own wine, while others drink water or milk. The local food is quite abundant, there are many fruits they have not eaten, in addition to grilled fish, it is said that this is a delicacy in the country of Seth. The locals like to eat with their hands, but they are not used to it. They like to eat with chopsticks.

The guides who joined in the early days have become accustomed to these people from Eastern countries, and those who come later, or the locals, are like monsters watching how these oriental people from Eastern countries magically transform their two young people. Branches. They can pick up anything. The locals are very curious and want to try, but they soon feel that this is a very difficult thing. They have never thought that there will be such a tableware, but they are still very Study hard and accept such things.

Just when the atmosphere was very harmonious, there was a violent vibration, and they didn't understand what happened. There was such a violent shock, but the locals quickly panicked. They were extremely panicked. The proportion knew that there was a danger, but he didn't know what kind of threat there was. He didn't know that the cavalry should have arrived, but what kind of cavalry would cause such a panic. Zhang Bi still doesn't know, he feels that they must not escape the cavalry. Because the cavalry is too fast.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." At this moment, a burst of random guns came, and Zhang Bi and the others were extremely surprised that they heard the gunshots here. This surprised them very much.

"Oh my god, I heard you right, right." Zhang Bi asked the fifth-year-old who was aside.

"It seems, I heard it right, I didn't hear it wrong. Listen. It's gunshots." Old Wu said with his ears up.

"Boom. Boom." The clear and fluent gunfire came again, but there were a lot of screams in the middle, and many people shouted loudly. Then they were killed. It sounded very tragic, and then it was outside. Shouting.

"What to do?" The fifth man took out his flintlock and opened the fire door and asked.

"I don't know, but if we do this, we will definitely be caught." Zhang Bi said worriedly.

"But the only way is that we are Koreans. We can use our situation in the Central Plains to illustrate our origin. Maybe." Zhang Bi said.

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