The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2789: One percent business tax

"They may be the rest, did you see the muskets they were holding?" Zhang Bi and others were driven out by the rest. Many people gathered in the outskirts of the town. They didn't know where it was, but the flames continued. He saw what they were most interested in.

The muskets, those muskets looked like they were definitely not invented by the rest, because they did not have such wisdom. At first glance, the style of the musket is the style of the people of Qin, and the Korean stock is straight. Qin's rifle stock is streamlined, so the design difference is very big, he can see it at a glance. The rest cavalry used Qin people’s butts, that is to say, these guns were made by Qin people.

"I saw it." Old Wu nodded and said.

"Those butts are in the style of the State of Qin. It seems that this person is the rest of the world, but we still don't know why these rest of the world attacked the kingdom of Seth. Maybe the rest of the world thinks they have such ability." Zhang Bi whispered. Speaking of.

"However, sir, you see, the muskets they hold in their hands are short, and they are double-barreled muskets, which can be fired twice at a time." Old Wu said in a low voice.

"Oh." Zhang Bi nodded. He had never seen such a musket, but such a musket was probably made by Qin people. Just as Zhang Bi was speaking in a low voice, he saw a Seth man running out, and the Resting Cavalry quickly stepped forward.

"Bang Bang." Two consecutive shots, the Seth was killed. The loud noise made the Seth people panic. The sabbath cavalry killed several talents in a row and stabilized, but for Zhang Bi, this is normal, but what he now considers is whether they explain their identities. Because they are Koreans and people from the Central Plains, judging from the attitude of the Parthians, they may be relieved of their plight, because their muskets come from the Central Plains countries.

"Should we explain our identities?" the old five asked worriedly from the side. He felt that the intention of these rest cavalry to capture these Seth people was extremely unknown, but it was certainly not rare.

"I don't know, let's just look at the situation and talk about it. It shows that we may not be in a good situation." Zhang Bi said.

"Okay." Old Wu nodded. Soon the rest of the people began to enter the crowd. The elderly, women, young adults, and children are all together, and it is clear that the Parthians are sending them away in different categories.

Bangla, a small village in the northwestern direction. The village was assigned to the Koreans, and they had to pay three times the tax because they had delayed the last time to pay the tax, and they would be fined if they were in arrears. Three times the tax can make them bankrupt, and the entire village does not exist. They decided to ask a Korean to explain the situation. But now they don't have to wait. The Koreans have already come here, and a company of native soldiers surrounded it. They are members of the third native army regiment. They are the newly established native army regiment. Their training is not very strong, but they are enough to deal with the people in these villages. Up.

"Call out your taxes, triple the taxes, otherwise, I will kill all of you." A South Korean new army captain yelled from the horse very impatiently. A reinforced Turkish company surrounded them from all sides. There was no artillery. Such a long distance was not suitable for artillery. Musketeers were sufficient. A neat line of native soldiers surrounded the village. They attacked at any time, and many people were still scared. They kept shaking hands, the officers stayed behind. They looked relaxed. The sergeants from the 1st and 2nd regiments of the native soldiers talked easily to the Korean officers. They smiled and said some jokes, all about Mengla women. This is their only topic, they are communicating how to gain more power in women.

"Are you scared?" Mongolie asked a native soldier next to him. They were all recruits and most of their ranks were private soldiers.

"Afraid, it's all our own, shall we really shoot them to death? It's not good to do this," the soldier next to him said worriedly.

"It is, why did we shoot them to death. Only lunatics would do this." Mongo said. He was a declining nobleman in Bangla, thinking that he could not survive, he became a native soldier, thinking that native soldier would be exempted from some taxes, so he joined the native soldier. The native soldiers have a more objective income, which is better than income for them. It is still very useful to get out of the current predicament, but they heard the veterans say that they are going to kill their own people, he feels very worried, because he is unwilling to do so, doing so will make them bear great sins.

"Shut up, Mongo," a corporal scolded.

"You'd better obey the order. If I see you don't shoot, I will tell you to the Koreans and send you to a military court. You just wait to be shot." The corporal looked at Mongo sternly and said.

"Yes, sir." Mongo nodded helplessly. He was very disgusted by this, because the corporal was an inaccessible person, but the Koreans gave them a lot of support, brutal, violent, bloody, and Obey the orders of the Koreans and make him a corporal. He can govern them and get a lot of benefits from the spoils. Those sergeants were transferred from the previous regiments and regiments. They killed many Menglais. , Yes, their own people, they killed the Mengla easily.

Mongo soon saw that the opposite party sent someone over to negotiate. They seemed to respect the Koreans, and the other party's representative told the interpreter. Their attitude is very sincere, and they beg the Koreans to reduce some taxes. They are very grateful for everything the Koreans have, and they will pay more taxes next year.

"Bang." There was a sharp gunshot, and the interpreter had just finished speaking, and the captain shot and killed the negotiator opposite. Mongo was taken aback. His heart is beating very hard, me, am I going to kill someone? Mongo thought.

"Go forward," the corporal shouted loudly. The corporal who was ordered urged the soldiers to advance, and they wanted to use platoon gun tactics to kill all people in the village. They can get all the belongings in the village, women, this is what they want most, and these things belong to them. They are very excited. The excitement was a little unusual.

"Go forward," the corporal shouted loudly and continuously. The soldiers kept advancing. Although they still had some hesitation, the officers arranged war-mongers at the back. Anyone who did not advance would be killed by bayonets. Not only that, their training also played a role. They kept training the team. Form, they have obeyed such orders mechanically, and they themselves don't know why they want to do this. Some people in the village went forward to fight, and some fled. But they have been surrounded. A large number of native soldiers stopped. They raised their guns and took aim.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot." Mongo opened the fire door mechanically and took aim. The corporal gave him a special look. On the opposite side of the Mengla, they rushed over with very simple weapons, and Mengo kept shaking his hands.

"Shoot." The officer ordered. Mongo was breathing fast and his hands trembled.

"Bang bang bang." The platoon gun shot over. Mongo heard the gunshots, closed his eyes subconsciously, and the gun shot. He didn't know what to do. His heart beats so fast, he doesn't know what to say. Maybe he himself was terrified.

"Me. What should I do?" Mongo said to himself.

"Moongo go forward, go forward. Go ahead." The corporal shouted at him, and the other soldiers rushed out with their bayonet-mounted rifles. Mongo opened his eyes. He saw the bodies of many people lying in front of them. Most of them were innocent Mengla people. They looked at the front with a desperate look. Many Mengla soldiers rushed out and they stepped on. As the corpse moves forward, the corpse will make a cooing sound. Mongo was a little scared, his back was soaked. This is his own person he killed.

"Go forward, soldier, or I will kill you." A South Korean ensign officer said coldly, walking beside him. Next to the second lieutenant stood a soldier of the War Superintendent with a bayonet, and his bayonet had been pointed at Mongo.

"Yes, sir." Mongo agreed. Then he rushed out with a bayonet. Disaster hit the small village, many people were killed and women were taken away. The children are not let go, their homes are ruthlessly swallowed by the fire, they can't avoid such things, they can only die. Mongo didn't kill anyone again, the one who killed himself had already been. He watched the tragedy happen non-stop, and the native soldiers swept away everything they could find like crazy.

Screams kept coming. They are frantic. This made him very scared. One village was slaughtered.

"Sir, we have expanded to five native army regiments. However, the funds are very inadequate for us, and we have to hand over more funds. We." A lieutenant colonel said, shaking his head.

They were ordered to continuously expand the Tubing Regiment, and they have been expanded to the 5th Tubing Regiment. There was originally a 6th regiment of native soldiers, but because of the funds, they didn't have the money to buy more muskets. The muskets could be sold to the Mengla people. They needed muskets. This is the case with merchants.

"Damn it." Zhang Shi scolded.

"Taxation, we don't have that much capital, the only way is to levy taxes." Zhang Shi said.

"We still have half of the place where there is no tax source. They can give it to the Mengla people, but they can't give it to us Koreans. This is an insult to us Koreans. I think they underestimate us." Zhang The world looked at you with a very annoyed look.

"Sir, the actual situation is that we have sent more native soldiers to collect taxes. The situation does not seem to be ideal. The Menglais don't have that much money. They can't pay taxes." The lieutenant colonel said. .

"Regardless of these, if necessary, we can expand the source of tax revenue. Think about how we can do this." Zhang Shi said suddenly.

"This." The lieutenant colonel looked at his officer in confusion.

"Sir. I'm afraid it's not good to do this. We are very likely to provoke trouble. In that case, it will inevitably lead to a war. From the current situation. We seem to be." The lieutenant colonel said.

"Very bad, isn't it? If we want to expand the Tubing Corps, we must expand our financial strength as soon as possible. A Bangla country cannot meet our requirements. The only way is to apply the same taxation method to other countries. , Only in this way can we solve all the problems, understand? So, we have to levy taxes, no matter what methods we adopt, we must expand such things." Zhang Shi said.

"Yes, sir. I understand." The lieutenant colonel nodded and said. Zhang Shi's method is very simple. One Bangladesh can not support it, and more countries can be mobilized to support the native soldiers. Anyway, some are countries.

Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"Great. Qin people finally agreed to our request. In this way, the port can be built quickly, and we can attract Qin people." Prince Dan said.

"Prince, we can follow the example of South Korea and the people of Qi, and set up a state." Seeing that the prince was happy, he suggested that the Minister of Finance. Countries are actively establishing state systems, compared to prefectures and counties, which are enfeoffment systems. The benefits of the state are great. First, the region has expanded greatly. Second, the state has the ability to independently develop the economy. There is a balanced relationship between the central and local governments. At the same time, there is a balanced relationship between the local and local managers. In this way, the locality cannot expand on its own, and the central government can effectively control the locality. The management is very large, which means that their land is expanding, and all countries have generally adopted the state system. Because of their land, the territory has expanded greatly.

"If you use the state, our territory will expand a lot. Is this a bit too big?" Prince Dan hesitated.

"No. Prince, with the state, we can operate well and develop our country. This is very beneficial to us." The Minister of Finance said.

"Yes. That's right. You are very right. With a state, we can expand a large area. Southern Liaoning is still very large. I think it is called Liaonan Prefecture, and then we are building a northern Liaoning province. State." Prince Dan said excitedly. It is a great achievement to be able to expand the territory of Yan Kingdom. The princeling party is much better than the old king's party, and the king of Yan no longer interferes in the politics of the country. In name, he is the king of Yan, in fact, the power is in the hands of Prince Dan. He is the prime minister of Yan, so to speak. He is wholeheartedly operating the country of Yan. Although there are many bad things out there, Prince Dan still has some achievements in the country of Yan.

Chu State. Pengcheng, Parliament.

"Taxation can solve the problem of our country's naval construction. The development of the navy can effectively protect the interests of our Chu people in maritime trade. This is of great benefit to our Chu country." Fan Zeng was in the parliament. Speaking of it.

"We can reduce the tax amount to 3%. This tax amount is very low." Fan Zeng further said. Fan Zeng wanted to levy maritime commercial tax to build Chu’s navy, because the navy was very important to the development of Chu’s maritime trade. Fan Zeng saw that South Korea was developing maritime trade very quickly. In Bangladesh, it has surpassed Chu’s. Although there are many factors in this aspect, naval power is a force that cannot be ignored. Therefore, Fan Zeng believes that this is the reason for the lack of Chu navy power. Therefore, he hopes to increase the naval power of Chu. This requires financial allocation to solve this problem. problem.

"Impossible, unlikely. We don't want to levy such a commercial tax. Three percent is too expensive." The nobles shouted loudly. They are very opposed to this.

"We didn’t make much money, 3%, I think 1%, we will not agree, we have just started to operate, many places need investment, we don’t have funds, and the stock market has fallen. We simply Just confiscate the income. At this time, tax collection, we simply can't bear such a situation." The lawmakers objected.

"Everyone, without naval power, your safety cannot be guaranteed. You know, there are pirates and pirates at sea, you know?" Fan Zeng threatened.

"We will protect our own safety. What kind of navy is needed. The navy will only increase our taxpayers' money." The congressman objected loudly.

"The navy is of great benefit to our country of Chu. Everyone, a powerful country of Chu has a great protective effect for you. For example, the Mengla people last time. If it weren’t for the Koreans to have their own powerful navy, the Koreans There will be no achievements like today. If we can have such achievements, we can avoid taxation and we can get greater benefits from Bangladesh." Fan Zeng said.

"A small amount of taxation can get greater benefits, and the government will definitely cut taxes in the future." Fan Dasheng said in a loud voice. In contrast, the financial pressures of all countries are relatively high. They do not have a large source of funds and can only borrow debts to survive. The reason is that all countries have adopted substantial tax cuts to their economies. Qin, South Korea, and Zhao all have such measures, and Chu naturally also has them. However, the navy must develop, and Chu's tax revenue will increase relatively.

"I promise that after our navy develops, we can cut taxes." Fan Zeng said.

"How much to pay." A congressman said dissatisfied.

"One percent gives the Prime Minister a face. In my opinion, one percent is almost the same." Many people said. Fan Zeng's requirement is 3%, which is far from the expected 5%. But, that's it, the nobles only agreed to pay one percent. This is what they think is the greatest degree of patience.

After the noisy past. Fan Zeng only won a one percent maritime commercial tax. This is the only thing he can get. But Fan Zeng felt that it was not enough. He believes that the navy can be maintained before a three percent commercial tax. But one percent can only expand a little bit. Other funds still need to find a way. He only hopes that war can greatly stimulate the development of the navy, because the development of the navy is still very beneficial to them. Especially if it goes well, it can bring great war gains. This is incomparable.

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