The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2790: Business with the Huns

"Boom. Boom." The Parthian artillery continued to show off. About two miles away was a city in the Kingdom of Seth. Zhang Bi didn't know its name, but he believed that the city would definitely be shot down. .

They were gathered near the city, and the woman had been taken away by the rest. The remaining people became slaves, and they died every day. He didn't know what the purpose of coming here was, but he saw it with his own eyes. These Parthians are well equipped. They have a considerable amount of artillery. These artillery guns came from the State of Qin, with the inscription numbers of the State of Qin on them, and those were production serial numbers.

The Parthians have a large number of cavalry troops, and they are equipped with a considerable number of muskets. Not only the cavalry unit, but also the infantry, the infantry is also equipped with a considerable number of muskets. In addition to these, they are also equipped with scimitars. It seems that their equipment is a bit nondescript, but these firearms have formed an absolute advantage.

"Puff. Puff." Not far away, the Parthians chopped off the heads of several dying Seth people. Such things happen every day, and they are very used to them. It's just that he doesn't know what they should do next. Do you really want to explain your identity? Zhang Bi still doesn't know.

"The Parthians are attacking the city of Seth. It seems that their purpose is very crazy this time." Old Wu came over and said in a low voice.

"The number of muskets they are equipped with seems to be a lot. I have seen more than 10,000. The cavalry has a lot of equipment, and a large number of cavalry detours behind the city. It seems that the invasion of Seth must not be small. "Fifth said.

"Should we go back and report this news to the top? The fifth asked.

"Yes, we must tell the above news, whether we are helping the weak Kingdom of Seth, or befriending the rest, a powerful enemy, not what we want to see." Zhang Bi said.

"So, we must go back and leave here. On the one hand, we need the situation of the rest person. On the other hand, we need to get in touch with the Seth people." The fifth said.

"I see, let's go, you and me, act separately, I will look for the rest, they should not do anything to me. On the other hand, you leave here, you have muskets, the speed should be faster. Get out of here ." Zhang Bi arranged.

"Okay. I'm going to contact Seth Country." The old five nodded and said. South Korea’s diplomatic strategy is more flexible. If they communicate with the Parths, they may not be able to make good relations. At most, the Parths will send them back to the Central Plains. Because there are people from the Qin country behind them, their strength is strong enough. They can easily attack Seth.

Through the observation of Zhang Bi and others, he believes that Seth is very weak. Their weapons are considered elite in the eyes of cold weapons. They have a certain amount of armor, and their weapons are mostly spears, bows and arrows, but these weapons are nothing at all in front of firearms. Their offense will be easily dismantled. In terms of defense, the Parthians with artillery will be more advantageous. Although they are cavalry troops, their offensive force has been greatly strengthened. If the Koreans want to control such a place, then the first thing South Korea must understand is the offensive of the Parthians. From a diplomatic point of view, Koreans can only befriend the Seth people, because they need more Korean products. And the rest are not needed.

Soon, Zhang Bi stood up and used his special costumes and special etiquette to show that he came from the Central Plains country, not other countries.

The sentinels were surprised. They looked at Zhang Bi strangely, and they tried to calm Zhang Bi down at first. Frightened and frightened the other party, but soon they felt that something was not normal. They called their chief, and then the higher chief arrived. Taking advantage of the chaos of the Parthians, because they had never seen a Seth or such a person. After a series of judgments, they decided to put this person in custody and send it to a higher commander. Lao Wu left here quietly with the rest of the people. They have pistols on them. The rest will not bother to search one by one. They are just people gathered in a large area.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"How much does it cost to build such a railway?" an investment bank manager asked. What they are concerned about now is the news that Yan State has established Liaonan Prefecture. At the same time, there is another news that the Qin State Navy plans to build a naval base there, so that the railway will become an important channel for naval construction. Transporting materials from land to naval bases requires a very large amount of materials.

"This. I'm afraid it's not ten million and a half. I can't come down." A supervisor assessed.

"Is the Yan government rich?" the manager then asked. They believe that the investment of this railway is of greater investment significance. In contrast, Qin State Wenyang Bank focuses on the development of Chu State and Western Regions, two places, and they invest a lot of funds in these two areas, and Yan State, because of this The country’s geographical location is too remote, so only some medium-sized investment banks and companies pay attention. However, they believe that the significance of this section of the railway is more significant.

"All countries are currently actively developing navies. It is said that the people of Yan people have seen the people of Qi build a navy, and they also hope to build a navy there, the construction of the navy, and the construction of a large number of commercial ships. In this way, the wood they need, as well as The quantity of various materials will be very astonishing, and the significance of this railway will exist.” The supervisor on the side analyzed that they did this business, and naturally they knew what the meaning of doing this business was. For example, this railway will only be built when the demand is particularly high, or no one is willing to spend so much money on it.

"Yeah. You can try. But. There is another thing. Since Yan wants to see your own navy, they need a railway. You can find out why the people of Qi don't build their own railway? Are they? Because there is no money?" the manager asked.

"This. The situation doesn't seem to be so complicated." The supervisor nodded, but he immediately went to inquire about such news.

Qi State, General Mansion. Lou Jing and Tian Heng are discussing this matter.

"We need a railway, and relying only on those carriages seems unrealistic." Tian Heng said worriedly.

"Iron beams require a large amount of load-bearing capacity. The Koreans are actively building a railway in Jiaozhou. If that is the case, their shipbuilding capacity will be greatly improved. In contrast, our situation is much worse." Tian Heng said.

"The most important thing is that our navy needs a very large amount of materials, which requires active contact with the inland. If there is no such contact, we simply can't do such a thing." Tian Heng built Qi State. The dilemma of the railway told Lou Jing that he hoped that Lou Jing would understand how important it is for a railway to develop along the country.

"Yes, but we don't have such a lot of funds. Even if we attract investment, I'm afraid we can't attract much funds." Lou Jing looked at the map and said embarrassingly. He also knows that the construction of railways is very difficult, especially in terms of funding requirements, which almost account for a large part of fiscal revenue.

"Think of a way, think of a way as soon as possible, as long as we have a railway, we can get a lot of money, that is, to sell this railway, we must build it." Tian Heng said anxiously. Tian Heng's temper was a little irritable. Lou Jing is very clear about this.

"Sell it." Lou Jing meditated. He felt that the idea of ​​selling the railway that Tian Heng said accidentally was better. For example, sell. Although the investment in the railway is huge, its income is also very large. A large amount of logistics circulation can bring great income. Perhaps this is a good idea. Lou Jing thought. But just when Lou Jing thought of this. Chu State Pengcheng. Chen Ping has already put forward a concrete plan.

"Prime Minister, we currently need a railway in Chu State. Going directly from the north to the south, this railway will bring us great benefits, which is far better than building a canal or anything." Chen Ping said.

"I know, but you have seen our finances. It took me a long time and a lot of energy to solve one of Chu's three three naval fleets." Fan Zeng said helplessly, shaking his head. To. He was thinking about it. Should the funds be used intensively or separately. If they are used separately, the development of the Chu State Navy may be very unsatisfactory.

"We don't have enough funds to build the railway. You know that the cost of the railway is enough for the development of a naval fleet. But currently we don't have such a lot of funds to develop." Fan Zeng told Chen Ping regretfully.

"No. No, no. The Prime Minister misunderstood. I came this time to think that we have a good way to build railways without spending too much money." Chen Ping said.

"You can build a railway without spending money?" Fan Zeng's head couldn't turn around.

"This. It's unlikely." Fan Zeng said.

"I originally thought that the stocks of railway companies would solve some problems. However, those railway companies are preparing for their own money. They have no plans to build railways at all. They just keep selling stocks. If the stocks are not falling, then , They might do it again." Fan Zeng said distressedly. Chu State has listed many companies. Except for trade and shipbuilding, most of them are tools for making money. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for Chu State’s stock to go public. After just a wave of gains, it encountered a decline in the South Korean stock market, which then led to it. The Zhao State stock market fell, followed by the Chu State stock market falling. In fact, many nobles still haven't sold many stocks because fewer people buy them. The investment enthusiasm is mainly concentrated in shipbuilding and trade.

"I have a method. This method is that we can use the railway income and future railway income as the main financing object, which can be mortgaged to the bank to obtain funds, and the future income will mainly benefit from the income of railway transportation, or holding With dividend income from stocks, we can sell these railway company shares in the name of the government or mortgage them to banks to get investment in railway construction. At present, Qin State Bank has a large amount of funds gathered here, and we can do it. This, most importantly, is that the trade from Bangla is rapidly increasing, but these goods can only stay at sea, but do not reach the inland through rail transportation. The value of transportation is naturally understood." Chen Ping smiled. Speaking of.

"Good way. Can you get a railway in this way?" Fan Zeng asked. Fan Zeng does not currently have a very good solution. The only solution is to follow Chen Ping's ideas. Perhaps this will bring some new opportunities to the State of Chu.

"Yes. It definitely can. That's how the people of Qin built this railway." Chen Ping said.

"Well. Then do this. We have to start construction as soon as possible. It's hard to say when the weather is cold." Fan Zeng said. All the government can give is fixed assets, such as land, minerals, etc. The future income is the enthusiasm for investment. This is the inevitable law of development. Chen Ping took advantage of this.

North of Qin State. The area at the junction of the residential area of ​​Qin people in Mobei and the residential area of ​​Huns. Here formed a trade zone between the Qin people and the Huns.

The Huns exchanged leather, horses, cattle and sheep, or the labor they needed as slaves to become the people of Qin, but most of them were thugs to prepare, because they were very combative and very loyal, so they were very good. warrior. The Qin people exchanged all kinds of daily necessities, mainly food, salt, tea, sugar, furniture, etc. Of course, there were also Qin merchants who participated in the economic activities in the north, mainly collecting some fur and medicinal materials. Originally there were timber, but timber transportation was inconvenient, which required rail transportation. On the Mobei grassland, there were some Qin expeditions and prospecting teams, who were the tentacles of Qin. Here, the Qin people and the Huns live in peace. They did not have the possibility of a war. The reason was that the huge gap in weapons caused the Huns to give up resistance. There is no point in resisting, and with the economic blockade, this is a desperate situation for the Huns.

"Let's talk about it, what do you want to do?" a Qin businessman said while drinking milk tea with sugar. This was invented by the Huns themselves. They realized the importance of tea early, but the Qin people didn't like the smell, so they added sugar to cover it, but it tasted good.

"We want to join Qin, but we need your help first. I know that you need a lot of forest resources." A Huns said.

"We can explore there, we can go deep there, and put down the boundary monument." The Huns said.

"Oh. This is a bit unexpected." Qin State businessman said.

"Actually, I know that if you want to make contributions, you can join the Qin country only if you get more territory." The businessman put down his teacup and said.

"Yes, summer is almost here now. We can reach the north soon. If the weather is cold, we won't be able to do this." The Huns said.

"I still understand this point." Qin State businessman said.

"But we want those forests to be of no use. You know, there is no railway here, only a military railway. The carrying capacity is very limited, and most of them are completed by carriages. Unless there is a railway, this can be satisfied. Demand." Qin's businessman said embarrassingly. Qin merchants knew very well what these Huns were doing. They need funds to buy some weapons and equipment. They want to find new places for the people of Qin. However, in those places, who knows what they will do, even though they have tribes, if they can’t keep up with their tribes, they will find new places. To open up new areas, the merchant’s investment will be in vain. This is where businessmen worry the most. After all, his money is not easy to come.

"I understand this. We need a lot of money to buy things. Only with those things can we go exploring and get land. We only need 30% of the land. We only need this kind of income." Xiongnu People said.

Land is a kind of income. Only with land can there be greater income. According to the laws of the State of Qin, half of the discovered land income belongs to the state and half to the individual. Among them, minerals, forest resources, and various animal resources are equivalent. Big gains, this is a great encouragement for development. They just need to occupy the place. This is the only project of the Xiongnu tribe that can make a large-scale investment besides joining the army, but they lack funds and must have merchants from the Qin State participate in it. However, the risks involved were great, and many Huns expeditions never came back after entering it. The investment vanished in no time.

"This risk is very big, 30%, still a lot." Qin State businessman said embarrassingly.

"As you know, there is currently no railway in Qin. If there is railway transportation, the problem may be solved very well. After all, we need more goods. Development is very simple, but." The businessman said embarrassedly.

"Ten percent." The Huns looked at the Qin merchants and said.

"This. This." Qin State businessman still wanted to say something.

"Our tribe will leave it to you. They are hostages and we will definitely come back. We cannot abandon the people of these tribes. I am the leader of the tribe. I will do what I want to do." The Huns said To.

"Okay." The businessman nodded helplessly, and then the Qin merchants contributed capital, and the Huns came out. They wanted to explore the place west of Beihai. The land and resources obtained there would become a great asset of the businessman. The Huns can only get 10% of the income, and their status will become the people of Qin. This is the only thing they can do. It is also the only resource they have at present. The businessman from Qin State is very satisfied with this profit ratio. Because the land they obtained from the exploration can be sold to the Qin government, and the Qin government needs to expand its territory too much. But their military power is not enough to expand, they can only rely on these Huns.

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