The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2791: Slave price rise

"What machine is this? Is this interesting?" Han Shu asked with interest.

"My lord, this is a steam turbine. It is used to generate electricity," a technician explained. Han Shu took Zhang Liang and others to visit South Korea's technology exhibition. This is mainly a platform to showcase Korean technological achievements. This is a political signal, which tells people that South Korea attaches great importance to technological development.

"Oh. This is, I think he is too young. Can he generate electricity?" Han Shu asked with a smile.

"Back to the king, yes. Qin people have begun to develop larger steam turbines, which can be used to generate electricity. In shipbuilding, the steam engine we usually use is a piston type, which is a turbine type. It can drive machinery more effectively , Provide greater power." The technician explained.

"Oh. It seems that my technical reserves are still not good enough." Han Shu nodded.

"Can you give us a good introduction to these steam turbines? For example, the advantages or disadvantages, and also, can we manufacture these steam turbines in large quantities in South Korea? If possible, we can manufacture them on a large scale." Han Shu said excitedly.

"This, Wang, is unlikely to be manufactured on a large scale, because the turbine requires lighter materials to be manufactured, mainly relying on aluminum alloy materials. At present, we are not able to produce aluminum on a large scale. Aluminum is mainly derived from electrolytic aluminum. Our electricity consumption is only limited to the Xinzheng area, and the electricity consumption in administrative areas is not very large. Therefore, we lack materials. Aluminum can only be obtained in the laboratory. Such aluminum alloys are also purchased and processed from Qin Guo It's made." The technician said.

"Oh." Han Shu nodded.

"Go on. What's the difficulty?" Han Shu asked.

"Aluminum is a lighter material than steel. Its role is very large, such as manufacturing turbines. However, we do not have the technology for mass production in South Korea. In addition, our resource reserves are insufficient. This is a limitation. The main reason for our large-scale production. In addition to these, I think that steam turbines are not widely used. We need larger-scale power plants to generate electricity, and the demand for electricity must be accelerated. In Qin, steam turbines are not only They can be used for power generation, and they can also be used for shipbuilding. The future development trend of shipbuilding is to use welding technology, but we still have not mastered the welding technology. This will take some time." The technician said.

"But as the weight of the hull and the load capacity increase. The steam turbine has become our only choice. If we can't use it well, our situation will be very bad." The technician said.

"You mean, the future hull will use iron?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, iron, iron-clad ships, only iron-clad ships can protect our ships better." The technician said.

"In this way, a larger power plant is needed, and the steam turbine is the only option." The technician said.

"Well. You increase the research in this area, we need to add more power equipment." Han Shu nodded and said. She wrote down what the technician said, and now the demand for electricity is not very large. Most ordinary people still use kerosene for lighting. Cheap kerosene from Qi is the most economical fuel. The demand for electricity is not great. Therefore, their production is not very large.

Qin State Xianyang. On the stock market.

"You are crazy. This is an emerging stock. Their plate is small and fluctuates a lot. You buy it like this, very crazy." An investor was very worried about the stock held by a young man.

"Don't worry, this is an electrical stock. They produce motors. I have studied them. Now many companies are replacing motors. From generators to motors, they need a lot. Now the demand is very large, so they hold electric A class of stocks, I think it is an emerging hot spot." The young man said.

"Well, I still think that steel, copper mining, or trading stocks are better. Even those bank stocks, I think, are also very good." The investor said. With the end of the small-scale fluctuation of Qin's stock, Qin's stock price is at a new historical low, which can attract a lot of people to buy in large quantities. They need to buy more stocks to do these things well. However, there has been a fierce collision between traditional industries and emerging industries. Qin Guo liberalized the conditions for stock listing, or in other words, the Qin State stock market specifically liberalized the listing of a class of stocks.

Traditional industries include steel, railways, trade, banking, etc. These are the pillar industries of Qin State. The capital density they need is very large, and the demand is also very large. Qin State occupies the leading production position. In addition, electricity, motor production, electrical equipment production, and internal combustion engine production are on the rise. Although the demand is not very large, the future prospects are very promising. The Qin government has given them a large level of financing. In other words, they You can get more financing in a short time. This is for them. It is a big help, and many companies have got this opportunity. Some adventurous speculators began to look here, they think the prospects are broad. Of course. It does not mean that investment in these industries will definitely make money, because the current demand does not develop all at once. This requires a process, and the risk and return of investment are proportional.

However, Qin is indeed developing technical equipment in this area, following the migration of some traditional industries. Such as the departure of cement manufacturing, glass, steel production, stamping machinery manufacturing, casting and other industries. These industries require a lot of fuel, and the labor costs required are also very large. It seems that it is difficult for Qin to meet the development needs of such industries. Their only way is to transfer to places with cheap advantages, such as this place, which is Zhao Guo. . Zhao State has a large amount of coal resources. In the north, their proven coal reserves have far exceeded those of Qin State. It has to be said that Zhao State has such advantages and leverages such large-scale coal advantages to actively develop industry.

Glass, steel, and cement have become important sources of economic development for Zhao Guo. Of course, the pollution caused is also very terrifying. But Zhao Guo can't manage these at all now, because these industries have brought a lot of taxation, and all countries are actively developing. The amount of glass, cement, and steel needed far exceeds the historical level of the same period.

Prime Minister's House.

"Our technology is being further promoted. Electricity seems to have become the next focus of development. There are also lighter internal combustion engines. The power of internal combustion engines has increased. From meeting military needs to broader civilian needs. Some important military equipment has become civilian use. For example, aircraft manufacturing. But what we have to see is that we need more resources. This is what we must do. However, the development of these resources is another matter. What's going on, there are other things, that is, the transportation of resources. We still need large-scale railway transportation to fulfill our resource needs." Shang Wen concluded to Meng Yi.

"Well, but our railway investment quota is increasing, but labor has become a factor restricting the expansion of railways. If we cannot get cheap labor, the situation will become very troublesome." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"I think, don't worry. The market will solve this matter by itself, and they will find suitable labor to solve this matter." Shang Wen said.

There is a Qin slave auction site in the actual control area of ​​the Qin Kingdom, the Western Regions, and the Yue Family. The number of slaves delivered here is calculated in thousands. Slaves from India flooded this market, and people were very excited. However, the excessive number of slaves made the price of slaves here drop a lot. One gold coin can buy 25 slaves, and the price has dropped very sharply. But today there seems to be an exception.

"Fifteen, fifteen slaves per gold coin, we'll sell it." A well-dressed young man from Qin State said impatiently.

"This." The farmers sitting below were shocked, usually they united to buy slaves. They can buy good slaves in large quantities. The price is usually controlled at 20 slaves per gold coin, or slightly lower. Their prices are more favorable, but now, their situation is a bit bad.

"Damn it, this slave auction site has never had such a price." Some farmers said angrily. These farmers mainly grow wheat. They grow wheat on a large scale and sell them to Qin. Because the planting area is very large, the number of slaves they need is very large, and they also need some cash crops for production. There is no good cash crop to replace. The agricultural department of Qin State is also studying related topics, but agriculture is a slow process of scientific research. The pursuit of speed is not the best result.

"What do they do? They bought slaves like this crazy. They have bought about 120,000 slaves, which is enough. No one in Qin has ever needed such many slaves. Could this guy buy the entire Western Regions? Is it all used to grow wheat?" an obese farmer asked worriedly.

"I don't know." Some farmers shook their heads and said. They also don't know the origin of the other party, because no one knows that so much manpower is needed. Never had.

"I know." a young farmer said solemnly. He looked at the price on the stage, because of the existence of these people, a gold coin can buy fifteen slaves, and with the fierce competition, it may rise to about ten people. At this price, they began to consider using some simple machinery to complete such agricultural production.

"They are a railway company. They are building a lot of railways. The labor demand is more terrible than we thought." said the farmer.

"What?" Many farmers were surprised. They did not expect that their rival was a railway company. Railway is a capital-intensive industry. Usually the railway company is backed by banks, and they also have bank support. However, in contrast, they receive a lot less capital, and Many of them are favorable interest-free loans granted by the government. Banks are very reluctant to lend such funds to farmers. Their cycle is relatively long. Once a disaster is encountered, their capital will have difficulties. The most terrible thing is their cycle. In one year, if they invest in railways, they may be able to recover the cost of investing in railways in one year. This is not an exaggeration, because the railway demand is very large now. They can get such financial support.

"They are a railway company, I read in the newspaper. In the direction of Dawan, Wenyang Bank invested in a new railway, and they have already started construction. But they need more labor to enter it for development, which is for them. This is a serious difficulty, but now the Yueshi people have provided more slaves. This way, the opportunity will come. They are now buying slaves on a large scale, and their demand may exceed 30. Ten thousand people, I'm afraid it can't meet their needs." The young farmer said worriedly.

"Oh my God. More than 300,000 people, how long a railway do they need." The farmers said worriedly.

"Let me add a little bit of slaves. Our demand for slaves is not very large." Some farmers said. They know that they can't compete with those huge railway companies at all. The number of people they need far exceeds their imagination. They have a lot of money in their hands, and how much they can eat.

"Fifteen slaves a gold coin. Deal." Then. The railway company got another batch of slaves. Although the price has risen a lot, the railway company is very relaxed because they can wait for more slaves to solve the railway construction demand.

In the Yue Kingdom, the noisy voices never stopped. They are a united country, but they are extremely scattered. There are inherent tribal traces in many departments. The only solution is to quarrel.

"If we want to get slaves, we must be in the land of the Indians, and we must expand the land of the Indians. Only in this way can all our problems be solved." An admiral shouted loudly. This is the opinion of the military, and that is the opinion of the military. If they want to get more slaves, they must advance to the Indian hinterland, because the population and land there are more fertile. This battle has greatly stimulated their appetite, if not for the Indian hinterland. , They didn’t even know that the situation of the Indians would be so big. This made them very interested. They decided to occupy there and they could get more fertile land to develop, but the population, they could sell to the people of Qin. As for making money or not, they didn’t care about it. They were thinking about military issues. angle.

"No. We are spending too much financial pressure. This time the income is only 300,000 gold coins, and the amount of money we borrowed is indeed 1 million gold coins, the difference is too big. We can't repay it at all, that's right. For us, it is a disaster. If we launch the next attack, we need more money and we have to borrow money. In this way, the situation will continue to deteriorate. We. We cannot do this, and the finances cannot support it. Your military operations." The Minister of Finance said worriedly.

"That is, wars must be profitable. We must never do business that loses money. If this is the case, we will not be able to proceed at all." Many congressmen supported it. What they want to see is a country that makes money. Only by making money can their personal welfare benefits be higher, and the government has more money, and they can reduce or exempt taxes.

"I think that only by launching a larger-scale military for combat and getting more slaves can the spoils of war completely solve our financial problems." The generals objected. The generals can get more spoils from the frontline battles, and the land will become their personal property, but those civil officials cannot get cheap land. They can only rely on the soldiers to maintain the current situation, but the government considers more problems. , They need more financial revenue to solve their already very difficult financial problems.

"Everyone, everybody." Just then. They saw that the Minister of Finance had just received a telegram. It seems that something is going to be announced.

"Everyone, a telegram from the State of Qin. Good news, the price of slaves has gone up. It has already exceeded twenty a gold coin, and the current price is fifteen slaves a gold coin. In this way, we need more slaves. , We can solve our financial problems. So, on the issue of war." The Minister of Finance told everyone.

"Look, I said it. We must start a war. Only by starting a war can we completely solve all our problems. If we don't start a war, it will be a disaster for us. The biggest disaster problem." General Dream One after another stood up and said. In this way, it becomes a smooth and natural thing for them to start a war. However, military expenditure still worries many congressmen, who believe that excessively launching wars will bring about greater problems.

Zhao Guo. Handan.

"In addition to machinery, we should introduce more chemicals. For example, ammonium nitrate manufacturing. Qin people produced ammonium nitrate fertilizer to meet their needs. They can get some related raw materials from coal, and so can we. We can. Exporting to Yan Country or Chu Country, they definitely need a lot of fertilizer. These fertilizers can speed up agricultural production." Li Mu said.

"Yeah. Maybe the prime minister has another requirement, right?" Li Zuoche asked.

"Yes, our researchers believe that the powerful bullets used by the people of Qin are different from their gunpowder. I think if we don’t have such a foundation, we will definitely not discover the secrets. Should we solve it by ourselves? Without chemicals, we cannot produce so many bullets." Li Mu said.

"I think so." Li Zuoche said.

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