The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2792: Qin's advantage

"Damn it, this thing. It's harder to learn than a gun. This." A corporal Hun threw his pencils on his notebook angrily.

"Quit it. Quit it. Let me retire. This word is too difficult to learn. It takes more than 500 words to pass the elementary level. I need a thousand words as a corporal. This. It's too difficult." Corporal Shook his head and said. He was already thinking about giving up. If you give up, there will be a retiring fee, and you can do some small business or something. He thought so himself.

"You're crazy. Give me a pen to learn for Lao Tzu." At this moment, a Qin army sergeant came over and kicked the opponent.

"This." The corporal looked at his master sergeant. He is a native of Qin, but he treats them very well. This made many Hun soldiers very grateful. The Sergeant Major has been a soldier for more than 15 years. The man who came out as a soldier with him. Many have become his bosses, and it is said that a military academy graduate has become a captain. Recently, he is actively studying, preparing to return to the country to study plans such as staff. The sergeant chief proudly introduces them to them. Unfortunately, the sergeant does not know many words. Otherwise, he is unlikely to become a sergeant major. And he couldn't get promoted, relying on his military experience. A captain officer cannot escape.

"Damn it. Lao Tzu suffered from this lack of literacy. Now Qin Jun is about to transform, and you people are likely to go up. You even gave up for Lao Tzu. Tell you, if you don't know a thousand words, don't see Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu is the first one to show you good looks." The Sergeant Major said fiercely.

The sergeant chief himself also reluctant to bear these Huns soldiers, they come from poor places. The ideas are very simple and they value feelings. The combat skills are also good, and most importantly, they are trusted soldiers. It is a pity that the Qin Army is undergoing a transformation. The Qin Army needs a large number of educated soldiers, and they must know Chinese characters. Qin Guohua can speak fluently, and if possible, they will accept relevant courses. Only then can they stay in the army.

"Sir. This word is too difficult. I think I'd better retire. If I retire, then." The Huns corporal said embarrassingly.

"Fart, you think you don’t need to know words after you retire. Tell you, the reason why I am willing to stay in the army is because I don’t know many words. The things here are simple. There are a lot of words needed outside, the law. If you don’t know the documents, you’ll be unlucky. You don’t understand the figures. You don’t understand the newspapers. There is no information source. What can you do? Now it’s not the same society as before. . Learn from Lao Tzu and learn it. Just go to the exam and finish the exam. You can still be promoted to the next level. Your salary will increase a lot. Do you know? Learn." The sergeant picked up a book and started to learn. What they learned was only Qin's primary school curriculum. But it was this kind of course that made many Huns mad. They can be very proficient with killing tools and play well, but they are very disgusted with these courses because they really can't learn it.

Qin State War Department.

"What has been reflected is that many Huns and mountain soldiers have poor learning ability, but they are all studying very hard. This is a good phenomenon." The vice minister said to Bai Dong.

"Well. The next step. We will collect some highly educated people in the Guanzhong area. Their skills will greatly promote our next technological transformation." Bai Dong said.

"Yes, sir. However, I personally think that the State of Qin still needs to fight some battles. These battles include small-scale battles. They can solve some local wars more easily." The deputy minister said.

"We can give priority to experimenting. After all, large-scale military reforms cannot be carried out, but we can try and fight on a small scale. For example, we can use some special weapons to let those Huns and mountain people participate in it. The Qin army will mix up and let them improve their combat effectiveness." The deputy minister suggested. The vice minister is very clear about the current situation of the army. The possibility of Qin fighting large-scale wars has been greatly reduced. The main reason is that financial resources cannot support it. Qin has implemented large-scale tax-free support economic policies. Under such economic policies, it is impossible. There may be too much military expenditure. But Qin may face the threat of local wars, such as quelling riots or participating in small-scale military battles. The mobility of the Qin army must be accelerated. This is the only combat method that meets Qin's current needs.

"The army is undergoing a massive transformation. They can learn for a long time. However, war does not give us time to wait. We need them to do something. Small-scale, fast-moving combat troops can bring us great combat. Effectiveness, we might as well experiment to make some preparations for our future operations, experiments, and through these experiments to achieve our expectations." The deputy minister said.

"Well. Just do what you said, we can only do this at the moment." Bai Dong said. For the current situation, this is the only way to keep experimenting.

Seth country. The Parthians’ invasion is still going on. Facing the huge advantage in weapons, the Parthians’ offensive is exceptionally smooth. Before the Seth people didn't know that there were such sharp weapons in the world, and their defense was destroyed by cannons in a very short period of time.

They built extremely stable cities and became victims of artillery. The larger, seemingly heavy, city walls can easily be broken up by cannons. This makes them extremely restless.

Facing the muskets of the sabbath cavalry, all their weapons were useless. The infantry was easily defeated by a burst of muskets from the cavalry rushing over. They found that their chests were so fragile. The bombardment of the artillery could create red channels of limbs, internal organs, and blood. In the face of such crazy killings, Seth’s The reaction was very scary. They don't know how far the Parthians will attack, so they can only keep retreating. Then it became a retreat. They simply can't resist such an attack by the other side.

"Korean. Are you Korean?" a young general in peace asked Zhang Bi.

"Yes, I am Korean." Zhang Bi nodded and said. The rest of the people felt a little panicked when they saw Zhang Bi again, because they felt that he was not a Seth, and then they reported it to them. Then a young senior general received such a report to check such things. Because he admired the Qin culture very much. And actively learned their language. There is no problem in language communication.

"It's very surprising. According to what I know about your Central Plains country, you are in the east of the people of Qin. Moreover, people of Qin seldom come to our country of Anxi. It is rare. Really, very unexpected." The young general was puzzled. Speaking of. Because of the use of firearms training. He came here to command and summarize his experience in the use of firearms.

"That's right. Sir." Zhang Bi nodded and said. He still doesn't know what the other party wants to do, but judging from the look on the other side, the other party looks very surprised.

"I think. I want to know. Koreans, where did you come from and how did you come to this place? You know, Seth, only us in this country can reach here." the young general asked.

"Sir. We are from the sea. We arrived here from the sea. Through simple language, we got the existence of the country of Seth. We came here to explore the country of Seth and establish trade. Then we exchange some of our goods. Just That way." Zhang Bi said calmly.

"Oh. If that's the case, Koreans, you really came at an untimely time, Seth, we have already wiped out. You have seen it too. We are well equipped, I am afraid that the number of muskets equipped by you Koreans is not comparable to that of us. In comparison. This country is being wiped out, and they are ours." The young general said lightly.

"Sir, we don't know much about the situation here, but I know that the situation may change a lot." Zhang Bi said.

"Oh. Well, if you don't mind, you can stay by my side. I can show you how the nation of Seth was destroyed by us." The young military general said easily. It seems that the destruction of Seth is very easy.

At the seaside, Guo Xiang and others saw a large number of refugees who had fled, and their faces were very scared. He knew something must have happened. But they still don't know what happened. Judging from their difficult language and their difficult gestures, it must have happened that something irresistible has happened.

"Tell me, Mr. Scholar, what happened?" Guo Xiang looked anxiously with those scholars. The scholars had heard of the exchange and learned a lot about them.

"War. The rest, through the offensive, the Kingdom of Seth." Scholars through communication. Then he told them something in only a few words. These scholars were newly recruited by him. They are given money to learn. They have profound local knowledge and strong learning ability. Otherwise, you won't be able to say some simple Central Plains words in such a short period of time, you have to know. Zhongyuan dialect is a very difficult language to understand.

"War, the Parthians invaded the Kingdom of Seth." Guo Xiang looked at the scholar suspiciously. The other party clearly understood him, and then nodded. I agree with this statement.

"Oh my God. This is simply the most **** news I have ever heard." Guo Xiang scolded. Maybe they can't stay here now. Because the Parthians can come over at any time, now they are not protected by the local people at all.

"What to do, sir, we are in a very dangerous situation now," a guard next to him asked worriedly.

"I also know it is dangerous, but what can we do now?" Guo Xiang said.

"Are we leaving here with the Seth people? They must have a place to hide." The guard offered a suggestion.

"No, we don't understand anything here. If we follow the Seth people, we will definitely be more passive. In that case, our situation may be very bad. The only way is." Guo Xiang thought about it.

"If we leave here, there will be nothing. The people behind us don’t know how to contact us at all. We don’t have cables or telegrams. The only way is to stay here and gather more Seth people. Protection." Guo Xiang said.

"Sir. This. No way." The guard said worriedly. They only left a few people, and the muskets were at most a dozen muskets. Compared with the rest of the army, their numbers were too small to play a big role.

"However, we know very well how the other side’s muskets are used. The most important thing is that we are from the Central Plains country. If negotiations can solve the problem, I think. The problem will be solved easily. The only reliance is on the back of South Korea. We only have Our problem can be solved in the name of South Korea. Do you understand?" Guo Xiang said to the guard.

"Play our banner right away, the Korean banner. We need to establish a stronghold here, organize manpower to dig trenches, and collect as much food as possible. If the rest of the world comes, we will talk to them. I hope that our country's reputation will be established. It's very useful." Guo Xiang thought for a while and wanted to say.

"Yes. Sir." The guards had no choice but to do this. There were a large number of Seth people who kept running westward and northward. Guo Xiang and the others didn't know where they would go in these directions. Their only way was to guard. Here, waiting for South Korea's rescue, but it is impossible for the rescue to reach here.

Qin Guo, Meng Tian's office. Now Meng Tian is responsible for the specific affairs of the Western Regions, and he is responsible for all the affairs of the Western Regions.

"According to the reliable information from Dawan. And the information from Dawan." A lieutenant colonel reported.

"The Parthians may launch an offensive against the Western Kingdom of Cyrus. After all, from the information collected by Tocharo, the Parthians have obtained approximately more than 300,000 muskets and more than 350 artillery pieces. They can arm an army of more than 300,000 people. This is all the military power of the Parthians, and they continue to harass Dawan here, giving us a great illusion, not only that. Dawan people treat the Parthians The military harassment of China took a series of measures. They reached a peace agreement and the harassment of the Parthians ceased to exist. I think they may stop the offensive and turn to the Western State of Cyrus. After all, that country, with them Compared with the current military equipment, the backward ones are very large. It is said that the country is very rich." The lieutenant colonel said.

"Oh. Things have become very interesting." Meng Tian said while looking at the report. Qin’s report was speculated through multiple verifications. Although Qin’s military intelligence collected their information as much as possible, they had no choice but to understand in many places. In addition, there were differences in race, ethnicity, and language. , Making it very difficult for them to gather information.

"If they launch an offensive, do we give them a lot of assistance. Or send a military observation group to check it out?" Meng Tian said. In fact, they wanted to check the situation west of Rest, after all, they knew too little about it.

"Sir, this is unlikely. Our diplomatic strategy for the Parthians has not played a big role. The Parthians only understand us through Tochar and Dawan, and we also understand the Parthians through them. In this way , The communication between the two sides is not very great, the only way is. We can only learn about them through these two countries, this is the only situation we know about the Shabbat at present." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Yeah." Meng Tian nodded.

"You said, is this okay? We can help them build a telegraph system. I think they may also know about a system like ours. We can help them build such a system. Their communication can be speeded up and we can send envoys. At the same time, sending military observation missions in, we know too little about them in the Sabbath country." Meng Tian said. At present, Qin State has telegraph systems in Dawan, Tocharuo, and Yueshi. Telegrams can gather a large amount of information here, so that Qin State can understand the situation there in the first time, but the situation of the Shah people is different, they do not have With such information, there are not many contacts between the Anxi people and the Qin people, but both sides are very clear about the strength of the other party. At this time, if Qin took the initiative to request, he thought that the Anxi people would not fail to agree.

"I think we can give it a try. We can contact the Tocharians. They are very good at this. After all, a large number of military weapons are sold through them." The lieutenant colonel said.

"It's good to give it a try and finish this matter as soon as possible. I will report this matter to the above as soon as possible." Meng Tian said.

The Palace of the Prime Minister of the State of Qin.

"Oh my God. They only now know to contact the Kingdom of Peace." Shang Wen looked at Meng Tian's report and said.

"I think we know too little about them. In many cases, we don't even know what happened over there, and the perception ability around us has dropped a lot." Meng Yi said after seeing it.

"Yes. Our perception ability has dropped a lot now. I think, if necessary, we can contact them. Of course. It's better to build the railway to them too. To conquer, it may not necessarily require the use of force. Sometimes , It is better to use economical methods." Shang Wen said.

"We are in the most advantageous aspect of the economy, and the Tocharians and the Shabbats are in a bad situation. If they start a war, the demand in this area will be very large. We are more advantageous and our arms business is bigger. "Meng Yi said.

"Not only in this aspect, they have a demographic advantage, which is very important to us. We must know that there will be a large number of markets for the population, which is a great advantage for us." Shang Wen said.

"As long as they have this advantage, we will continue to launch a trade offensive. This is the most advantageous option." Shang Wen said.

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