The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2793: Governor's heavy tax

Western continent. Accounted for the Western countries. Here arrived a Korean New Army Infantry Regiment, they are the 7th Infantry Regiment. Their main task is to expand the power in the southern part of the Western Ocean Continent. Unlike the situation in Mengla, the expansion within them was exceptionally smooth, and it went smoothly to the point where they had nothing to do.

Accounted for Westport. This is a port on the east coast of the Western Continent. The Koreans landed here and then established a stronghold here. At the same time, the commander of the 7th Infantry Regiment, Zheng Fa, also had his own things to do. He integrated all the commercial trade nearby. Armed forces, and established a commercial base here. Occupying West is a timid country. Without fighting a battle, they paid one-third of the tax. At the same time willing to indemnify. Provide any help that the Koreans need because they are afraid of being beaten by the Korean armed merchant ships. It can be said that the new South Korean army is one step too late.

"Zhibisi is a small country. For us, it is not a country worth worrying about." Zheng Fa took a few servants of the West. These servants were very loyal, even though the language was very poor. There are a large number of language classes. The Nobles and merchants of Zhanbixi are actively learning their language. It must not be long before their translation problems will not be too big.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. Zheng Fa shot a bird with the shotgun in his hand. This is a seabird, because there is nothing. They can only rely on hunting for recreation.

"Occupying such a country is really meaningless. It's like killing a **** seabird. It doesn't make much sense. What we have to do now is to look for more ferocious animals." Zheng Fa said.

"The chief meant that we are going inland?" asked Lieutenant Colonel Chief of Staff Song Jun.

"Yes. Only by developing inland can we solve all our problems. I think you should be very clear about this. There are many things we need in the inland," Zheng Fa said.

"South Korea is establishing a governor system, and soldiers can serve as governor. Zhang Shi in the north has expanded a lot. He has only two infantry regiments and one battalion of artillery. But the native soldiers in his hands have expanded to five regiments. In this way. They are a big force. I heard. He wants to actively develop inland. He is considering a battle." Zheng Fa said.

"Look at our situation again. We only have one infantry regiment, and we recruited two native regiments. There are only three regiments. But there are still people in our native regiment who use spears. The weapons are still very simple. We have not surpassed ten thousand people." Zheng Fa said.

"How do we expand? How can we develop into the governor of the West in this place called the Zambian Kingdom." Zheng Fa said.

"The only way is to make Occupy Western countries pay more taxes. Merchants can only pay less tax. You can't collect a lot. The only way is to collect taxes from the locals. We can only do this." Speaking of all.

"Yes. That's what Zhang Shi did. His native army levied business taxes and various taxes frantically, and the entire country of Bangladesh was going to be messed up by him." Zheng Fa said.

"However, we need to do this. After all, they can bring a lot of taxes. We need these taxes to buy more weapons and expand more native soldiers. Only in this way can our strength be further expanded. Do you understand? "" Zheng Fa said. In fact, these regiment leaders are very likely to become warlords, but they are unlikely to become warlords in the actual situation, because many of their supplies depend on the local area. If the relationship with the local area is cut off, their situation is very dangerous, but it is even more dangerous. Many officers will be in order to get promotion and more money, they will not wait to expand the Tubing regiment, because the Tubing regiment can bring more wealth. Many officers of the new South Korean army did this for the sake of these wealth.

In the northwestern part of Bangla, this area is not under the jurisdiction of the South Korean New Army, but a battalion of the Turkish Corps and a platoon of the Korean New Army levy taxes here. South Korea’s Governor’s Mansion in Bangla is probably crazy. They have placed the target area for taxation within the actual jurisdiction of the Bangladeshi government.

The villagers in the village took weapons they might find to fight the native soldiers. The native soldiers raised their muskets to take aim. The bayonet was so bright that the villagers did not dare to approach, they could only turn to the local officials for help. The new South Korean army surrounded this place with native soldiers. They had a battalion with more than 800 troops, enough to make these villagers scared. In particular, there are still a large number of muskets among them. Many of them have not seen muskets. This is a psychological shock.

"Tell them, let them call out the tax as soon as possible, otherwise, we will attack immediately." The major said to a native soldier impatiently. He can speak Central Plains as well as Bangla, and there is no problem in communication.

"Yes, sir." The native soldier quickly left, while the native soldiers waited for orders. Many soldiers are already eager to launch an offensive, in that case, they can get even more. This is the soldiers of the third regiment of the Turkish soldiers. They have already benefited a lot from the taxation military operations, but they hope that the locals will not pay taxes, because in that case, they will get more, and half of the spoils will go to the Koreans. , The rest of them will become their own, of course. This is just a matter of fact, they have to respect the Korean officers, but that's it, the amount of loot they got is also very impressive. The huge interest stimulus has allowed more and more Menggla people to join the native soldiers, although many Mengla people feel spurned by what they do, and many people call them Korean dogs behind their backs. However, they get more. Sometimes, the native soldiers can beat the nobles of the Mengla people, and those nobles dare not do anything to these native soldiers. This further stimulated the Menggla people to join the Tubing regiment.

"Sir. They brought a local official. They are in charge of tax collection here." The native soldier returned soon and said.

"Damn, I want taxes, not the **** tax worker." The major cursed impatiently.

"But, sir." The native soldier wanted to explain, but the major became impatient.

"Okay. Damn it, let him talk. I want to hear what this **** guy will say." At this time the major had already pulled out his pistol, and his muzzle had been aimed at the opponent. He wants to know what the other party wants. But the other party obviously does not speak the Central Plains dialect of South Korea, he said a lot, and the native soldiers also listened to a lot. The major impatiently turned on the trigger. As long as the trigger is pulled, the Bangladeshi official is dead.

"What did he say?" the major asked impatiently.

"Sir, he said, he. He said we crossed the border. This is illegal, and they let us withdraw. Otherwise, they will send troops to stop our behavior. This is an act of war." The native soldier said roughly.

"Damn it. He actually said such a long thing. Damn it," the major cursed.

"Bang." The major shot the opponent with one shot.

"Launch an attack," the major commanded, waving his arm. The native soldier was still surprised. He hadn't reacted yet. He saw the blood on the officer's chest.

"Return to your team and launch an attack." The major ordered. Immediately they launched an offensive. The situation was very clear. They easily took the village and then blood-washed it. The native soldiers were very happy, and they returned again with a full load. And the new army imitation country didn't mean to owe anything to the border crossing. This was deliberately provoked by them.

Bangla, the commercial area where the Korean New Army is stationed.

A group of native soldiers of the Korean New Army escorted a large number of slaves to the port. With the increase of taxes, Zhang Shi invented a series of taxes. The people of Bangla must pay, for example, business tax, population tax, and land tax. Even their health expenses are levied. It can be said that the tax is quite a lot. And the names are very complicated, but the native soldiers are very happy to do it. Their daily thing is to set up a card and then pay taxes. From tolls to taxes for various names, they can collect quite a lot of taxes in one day. If the locals escape, of course. Koreans have established a complete set of registration systems, such as locals must hold licenses, property registrations, population registrations, etc. If someone escapes, they will be caught back and then become slaves and transported to the mainland, or other Colonial area.

"Are you Koreans crazy?" Chen Erzi asked as he watched the slaves in the brigade pass by.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ye asked puzzledly.

"Even so many slaves were caught, I really admire your behavior." Chen Erzi sighed.

"There are also those native soldiers, they are more fierce than our Chu aristocratic thugs. Such an army, I didn't expect you to be trained, I really admire it." Chen Erzi said.

"Hehe, the people here are all bankrupted by our taxation. If they run away, they will naturally become slaves. If they don’t run away, they will have no money and will naturally remain slaves. It’s just a different way. People here They were all transported away by us. Now the merchant ships are rushing back in a hurry. The number of slaves in our hands is very large. If it weren't for a batch of goods squeezed here, your business would definitely not be successful." Zhang Ye said. Chen Erzi was a slave trader. He discovered early on that the slave trade was very profitable. Unfortunately, they didn’t have many slaves. They often gathered through illegal methods such as exchange, coaxing, and abduction, but that’s it. , The number of their slaves is not very large. But the Koreans are different. By increasing taxes, they forced many Menglais into bankruptcy, and then a large number of them were sold into slavery. This is something that Mengla people have never thought of. In this regard, Zhang Shi made a fortune, but he was still not satisfied, and he still had to levy taxes.

"Unexpectedly, you were like this. If we Chu people were like this, there would be a lot of slaves. It is a pity that people above us didn't know such a method. What a pity." Chen Erzi said enviously. He was shocked when he heard this method. He thought it was the best way to recruit slaves. Forcing the locals to go bankrupt. In this case, the number of slaves will be very large. Zhang Ye didn't say anything. Korean businessmen have already known this method. But the Chu State’s management system here is extremely chaotic. Soldiers and businessmen are colluding with each other, and they are constantly seeking benefits. In fact, the Koreans do too.

Inside Zhang Shi's office.

"Sir, we have forced many people to go bankrupt. If this continues, we may not get the tax there in the future. This is definitely not a good result. Are we enough to stop?" A lieutenant colonel reported.

"No. What I am concerned about is how our military regulations are built. You have to see that our army will increase in number." Zhang Shi said.

"The expansion of the 6th Tubing Corps has been completed, and the next is the seventh and eighth. Sooner or later, we will fight a war with nearby countries and let them see our situation. A Bangla country cannot feed us. . We need more taxes." Zhang Shi said.

"But. sir." The lieutenant colonel wanted to persuade him. It would be crazy to do so. But his own chief will never test you on this matter at all.

"Okay. I know what you want to do. Continue to expand and expand. We need the establishment of the seventh and eighth soil corps. We need them." Zhang Shi waved his arm impatiently.

Chu State. Pengcheng. Inside Fan Zeng's office. Chen Ping submitted a report. This is the report he summarized from the businessman in Bangla. It's mainly about how Koreans manage and develop Bangla.

"Oh my God. These Koreans are crazy. They have to pay taxes for eating and shit." Fan Zeng heard about Korean taxes. He was very surprised. In order to expand their tax sources, Koreans can say that they do everything they want.

"Prime Minister, the Koreans got about six native soldiers for this. They use local people to expand the tax source. We don’t know how the Koreans use so many native soldiers, but if they use them to levy As for taxes, it won’t take long for the Koreans to levy taxes. Their only way is to develop inland. This is their only way.” Chen Ping speculated.

"It's true. How did they do this?" Fan Zeng asked.

"To set up a governor, the power of the governor is very large. They do everything in terms of military, politics, economy, and taxation. It can be said that they are a country, and the governor is directly appointed by their queen, and the term of office may not be sufficient. There is a time limit. Within such a limit, this is a good opportunity for expansion. Many governors will have no means to get rich. Anyway, they are in the land of the Mengla people, so their queen is very conniving to them." Chen Ping said.

"Governor." Fan Zeng asked.

"Yes. Prime Minister, they have set up a governor. In contrast, our management is very chaotic." Chen Ping reminded. In order to expand financial resources, Chen Ping thought of many ways. There are many places where tax reductions are needed in the country, but fiscal funds cannot be increased again. The only way is to find a way from overseas. He received news that South Koreans settled a large part of the taxation from Bangladesh. So he thought about why Chu State did not do this. Chu people also have their own place in Mengla. In contrast, their situation is very bad.

"You mean, let us also establish the position of governor?" Fan Zeng asked.

"Yes. Prime Minister, the current development of the navy is in a slow state. Why does the navy develop in this way? It is because the benefits of going to sea are not very big. Although finance is a big aspect, if there are enough benefits, as long as It's a boat, and they all do this. And the interests of Koreans are so great. There are not only rights and interests, but there are more places that we can't reach. If they are encouraged to do so, they will definitely become Like hungry wolves, they don't care how much money is given by the finances." Chen Ping said.

"Haha." Fan Zeng laughed when he heard this. He thinks Chen Ping's suggestion is very good. In this way, they can solve many problems.

"Okay. Just follow your method. Establish a governor. This governor is the bait we throw out." Fan Zeng nodded and said.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"My lord, is it a bit too much to do this?" When Zhang Liang saw the report from the Governor of Mengla, he could see the desperate expression of Mengla people because of heavy taxes.

"No, no, I think they are doing very well. You know, they sent us 300,000 gold coins. These gold coins can reduce taxes on many industries and build a railway. If possible, we can build for the navy. More warships." Han Shu felt very satisfied, he knew. The Governor of Bangla may get more, but South Korea needs them to do this. Anyway, there are not Koreans, but Bangla people, and their life and death don't care about their affairs.

"However, this will inevitably cause even greater contradictions, and the governor will continue to expand the native army. Does this pose a big threat?" Zhang Liang asked worriedly.

"What are they afraid of. They can't kill the mainland. These native soldiers are their military support. If we lose the war, we will have others. We are not afraid of what those Mengla people will do to us. What I worry about is that they will not. If we dare to do this, we need to teach them a great lesson. What they did is very right, and we are very useful." Han Shu said.

Heard such words. Zhang Liang can only shook his head. This crazy approach may only happen in Bangladesh. If it happened in South Korea, there may be a huge riot in South Korea. However, such a riot will not happen in the Bangladesh National Assembly. . Zhang Liang didn't know, but he felt that such a thing would definitely happen because the contradiction was too great.

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