The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2975: Direction of shipbuilding

"It's true that we don't have that many people. Those who can become governor, there are many people who can become, we." Lu Wan gave up. To be honest, Lu Wan wanted her elder brother to do this, but if she did this, it would be difficult to do such a thing.

"I said, we don't necessarily use our own people. In this case, how many Chu people we have to use." Cao Shen at the end said at this time. He was originally in the Qin State, he followed Xiao He in bank affairs, and he was dragged away by Lu Wan and others.

"Oh. So, what should we do?" Lu Wan asked.

"The locals beat the locals. I think Koreans have always done this, and we can do that too. We don’t have to be Chu people. Locals can also do it. I read the newspaper and the Koreans have expanded. There are quite a lot of native army regiments, we can also use native army regiments, even though they fought a little bit, they may not be as easy to use as ours, but they are also human, there are too many people. Isn’t it better to fight wars?” Cao Shen said. Speaking of time.

"Yeah." Liu Ji said, slapped his thigh at this time.

"Don't tell me, your mind is unusual with Mr. Xiao, we haven't seen it." Liu Ji said.

"However, we need weapons and we have to control them. How can we control them?" Lu Wan was still very worried.

"Here. You are such a big man. Give you ten thousand soldiers, can't you control it?" Liu Ji said nonchalantly.

"When I become the governor, you can be a general. Give you a general." Liu Ji said nonchalantly.

"It's said, it's said." Fan Kuai said with a smile. He felt that he could be a general too.

"I think we are all generals on these ships. It's okay to fight." Liu Ji said with a smile.

"Then we will thank the Governor." Lu Wan and others thanked them happily. Only then did Liu Ji feel that he was different.

Coastal areas of the country of Seth. Guo Xiang and others are actively recruiting locals. They have gathered some food, but the amount is not very large, but more and more Seth people have arrived here, and they have established a defensive position here. They constantly organize manpower to dig trenches and build some defensive fortifications.

"The biggest problem is still weapons. They only have cold weapons, they don’t have hot weapons at all. We contacted those people and they felt very panic. Regarding the weapons in our hands, they thought they were god-like weapons. Blindly on this, I don't think they will listen to us." said a guard who remained. His current rank is captain. Three hours ago, his military rank was just a sergeant. But more and more Seth people arrived here. After they heard that these people from the sea had a special weapon, they felt that such people could guarantee their safety.

"We can only simply defend, build more fortifications, build trenches, the other cavalry will not be able to pass, we can hide in the trenches to avoid the attack of artillery, guns, we can only let them rush over, if you don’t rest in peace If we let it go, there is nothing we can do by ourselves.

"Strengthen the defense, use all the methods of defense against cavalry, infantry, and artillery, and collect as much food as possible." Guo Xiang said helplessly. As more and more Seth people fled here, they organized a large number of people. From 200 people at the beginning to nearly 3,000 people now, Guo Xiang has a relatively powerful force in his hands, but Guo Xiang is very Knowing their abilities, they are a group of mobs, and Guo Xiang is very worried about whether they can resist the first wave of attacks by the rest.

"Yes, sir. However, we got a message from the scholar. It may be a little bit inaccurate," the captain said.

"Talk about it." Guo Xiang now puts everything that can understand the news of the country of Seth first, because this country has too many different places for him.

"According to the understanding of scholars, it is mainly through those Seth people who have escaped that there is a city in the north of us, near the coast, called Basra, or Bala, or a place called Bala, then It’s a very important communication route, and the Parthians must get there. Therefore, the Parthians will gather a large number of heavy troops to attack there. It may have a greater impact on us." The captain is very much affected by language translation and various situations. The information is not very comprehensive, and even the name is unlikely to be remembered clearly.

"Oh." Guo Xiang felt very troublesome when he heard such news. First of all, he can't even figure out his name. How do they know the next steps of the Parthians? The actions of the Parthians will have great consequences for them. What are the consequences? Guo Xiang himself is not clear.

"Okay. I will send someone to scout, hoping that our condition can be greatly improved. I just don't know where our people are." Guo Xiang shook his head and said.

In the Western Regions of the Qin State, on the road leading to the Dawan State, a railway was under rapid construction, and it was beside the railway station not far away. Unloading a lot of materials, mainly railroad tracks, wooden sleepers, and more slaves. They are all Indian prisoners of war purchased from the Yueshi people. They only have striped clothes up and down. Striped clothes can be easily captured. They have wooden shoes on their feet. A shoe that is simply put on with a rope, this is all the possessions of the Indy War prisoners.

They were dumb, panicked, and overwhelmed from the train. Those are all Huns, and the people of Qin are unwilling to do such vulgar words.

"Hurry up and roll down. Get off. Hurry up." What the Huns were vicious was a violent beating. They were armed to the teeth, with quick guns on their backs, and two revolvers at their waists. The hand is either a big wooden stick or a whip. Those Indian prisoners of war quickly learned how not to be beaten with whips and sticks.

"Those are Indian prisoners of war?" Dawan's Finance Minister asked after looking at a group of striped people in the distance.

"Yes, those are from India. The Yue people have won a huge war. They have won quite a lot of prisoners of war. The prices of these prisoners of war are very cheap, and we need them. The more the number, the better. We can build and complete such a railway at the fastest speed." Fan Dou said easily.

"Well. If that's the case, it's best. We need a lot of these prisoners of war. The more the better," the Minister of Finance said. He knew that only when Dawan transported more mineral resources, they could solve more financial problems. The people of Qin needed these things, and the only thing that could solve the transportation task was the railway.

"However, I think that the current roads can still meet our needs. We must know that we have had many carriages to complete such transportation tasks, and we can still do this under the current situation where railways are blocked." Fan Dou suggested.

"But it needs more money. We in Dawan already have many people engaged in mineral development problems." The Minister of Finance said.

"This, we can continue to issue bonds, borrow them, and we can lend them to you. Your economic development will also be of great benefit to us. Our bank's money will turn as quickly as possible." Fan Dou introduced.

"This, we still have a lot of needs. The Parthians have always taken measures to suppress us. Therefore, the proposal of the Dawan Ministry of National Defense is to establish our self-defense force. With the self-defense force, I think we can protect ourselves. .I think you Qin people also know about this." The Minister of Finance said.

"This is a question of military expenditures. I am personally worried about military expenditures. I think Mr. Minister also knows that military expenditures are pure consumption, not an increase in benefits. If your army can conduct military operations, we can provide more loans. , However, pure consumption may cause a lot of trouble." Fan Dou said.

"Oh. This. We have seriously considered this too." The Minister of Finance said.

"But if I think it's necessary, I can help you." Fan Dou continued. In his opinion, only the Dawan people borrowing more money can be very beneficial to them. If they don't borrow, there won't be such a large profit margin at all.

Fan Dou hoped that the Dawan government could borrow more funds, because the more debts, the greater the price the Dawan government would pay to repay. Many banks have realized this, and the economic development of the Western Regions will definitely be fast.

Groups of slaves marched forward. They were going to the mountains. They had never seen anything on the way. They had never arrived here by train. Everything here was so unfamiliar to them. They don't even know where this is, because they are unfamiliar, they are even more frightened, but the Huns will make them even more frightened. This is the result that the people of Qin want to see, because in their opinion, if these people were not afraid, they would not have come here.

Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"What?" Prince Dan asked the Minister of Finance in surprise.

"The Indian slaves who came from Yueshi have been bought out by the Qin State Western Region Railway Company. They want to build a long railway, which requires a lot of manpower, and they took away more than 300,000 slaves at once. It is expected that there may be more in the future." The Finance Minister said. After Prince Dan heard that the Yue Kingdom had obtained a large number of prisoners of war, he decided to buy these labors, but unfortunately, he started too late.

"This. Our gold mines need manpower, and railway construction also requires manpower. The people of Qin are very concerned about the relationship between manpower and the country of Yan." Prince Dan is embarrassed. In contrast, using the people of Yan country, Prince Dan is more willing to let himself People who use those prisoners of war because the price of those prisoners of war is very low, and the use of Yan people is to make their own national power decline, which is very uneconomical.

"Prince, the only way at the moment is to bring in labor from South Korea. They can get more labor from the sea." The Minister of Finance suggested. The only solution at present is to do this.

"I think it can only be this way. After all, without such a large labor force, no problem can be solved. Just look at how the Koreans solve such a thing." Prince Dan said helplessly. Korean slaves need to wait, which makes Prince Dan very anxious. The last thing he wants to do is wait.

Qi State. Laizhou. Inside Lou Jing's temporary office.

"Mr. Lou, you are also the person next to the general. You should know our difficulties." A retired major general found Lou Jing and said.

"We shipyards need a lot of funds, and the amount of funds is quite amazing. Without these sufficient funds, we might have succeeded in building this way. This shipbuilding requires a lot of materials. Zhao Guo’s iron beams, Koreans. The iron nails of the country, the timber of the people of Qin and Yan, and the technicians from Qingcheng, in addition to a lot of transportation costs, this shipbuilding cannot be obtained all at once, and all of our funds are still not enough. , We need some funds. Funds. I am almost worried about funds now." The retired major general said excitedly to Lou Jing. Lou Jing is the chief official in charge of this matter.

"It's another funding problem." Lou Jing put down the pen and said at this time.

"Yes, it's another financial problem, but there is really no way to do this. You know, I can find all the places where I can find funds. We also have a bank in Qi, but the bank doesn't do anything at all. They think it's mine. The shipyards are not strong enough. They only lend to those larger shipyards, not to me at all. They also say that shipyards like ours will soon close down. Isn’t this embarrassing?” The other party was not satisfied. Speaking of.

"Yeah. It seems that our bank is not doing well enough." Lou Jing motioned to the other party to sit down and explain in detail.

The purpose of the funding required for shipbuilding is very large. This cannot be done all at once, and it will take some waiting time after the ship. Therefore, the backlog of funds is very large. The reason why South Korean shipyards can turn around all at once, In addition to the support of the Bank of Korea, there is also support from their stock market. In this way, South Korean shipyards can solve the problem of funding. However, Qi State cannot solve this problem because Qi State's banking industry is not developed. Although Qi State-owned its own bank, their banking business has not developed smoothly. Compared with other countries, their interest rates are very high, usually about ten times higher. Companies simply cannot afford to borrow such funds. Even if they borrow, they need to make a large mortgage. This backward method has led to the development of shipyards. It is relatively slow. If Koreans are not investing vigorously, they may directly cause economic losses.

Lou Jing patiently listened to the views of the retired major general. His opinion is that the bank’s interest rate is too high and the process is very inconvenient. This is a disaster for them. They are unwilling to borrow bank funds unless they The bank's funds are settled, and on the other hand. They need some financial solutions to solve their funding problems. At this time, Lou Jing also had to consider the funding problem of Qiguo Shipyard. If the financial difficulties are not resolved, Qi's shipbuilding industry will still not be able to develop. It can be said that the investment boom brought by the shipyard has caused a lot of stagnation due to the difficult development of the Bank of Qi. Lou Jing is sensitive to this problem and he needs to properly solve this problem. This problem is big.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Oh, fortunately, fortunately, I didn't sell it, and he finally got a part of it. If I couldn't hold my breath at the time, if I sold it, my loss would be a lot." An investor said, patting his chest. To. After several consecutive days of decline, the Korean stock market finally rose a bit. At that time, their problems were still unsolved because there were relatively few people buying in the market. Only a large number of speculative orders exist, it is difficult for such speculative market to exist for a long time. This is extremely detrimental to them, and the only way is for them to sell as many stocks as possible.

Li Wen looked at the market and shook his head. He has already sold the short order in his hand, because he knows that there will be a wave of rise in the market, and what he needs to do now is. He put his empty orders in a higher position as much as possible. He arranged a series of empty orders to buy points, as long as he got there, he would do it. He knows that there are not so many buy orders in the market. Those people are just speculation, pure speculation.

Jiaozhou, Qingcheng, the board of directors of the United Shipyard.

"The current stocks are still in a downward trend. As long as we keep shorting, everyone can buy so many stocks at absolutely low prices. The control is still in our hands. But we now have a lot of funds in our hands. How to deal with and arrangements are the issues we should consider." A director said at the meeting.

"Our most important goal at present is to expand our business scope. Qi State is a good consideration. Chu State is also actively developing private shipyards. We can unite with them. It is said that in Yan State, they also have The idea of ​​establishing a shipyard, in this way, our investment will be very extensive.” The director said.

"At the same time, we cannot give up our technical advantages. We should know that in terms of technology, we need more ships with very fast sailing speed, because speed determines that we can make trade faster and faster. Therefore, in addition to traditional shipbuilding In addition to the investment, we should also actively introduce advanced technology. Only in this way can we meet our needs and ensure our interests.” The director introduced. Soon they started distributing information. The relevant data shown in the information is the relevant data that they showed. These data all show that traditional shipbuilding profits are declining. Only reducing costs is the only way to make profits, and the introduction of relevant high technology can increase the profit margin. There is a big risk. If they fail, their situation will be very bad. The directors are considering such a thing. This concerns their interests.

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