"Is there any help?" a middle-aged man anxiously asked a young man with a medicine box.

"I'm afraid it won't work." The young man shook his head and said after taking a look.

"Oh." After hearing such an answer, the middle-aged man just said oh, and then sat aside motionless with great sadness.

"Oh." The young man carrying the medicine kit sighed and shook his head helplessly. They are a South Korean prospecting team. They are looking for iron ore. This time the island they are looking for is Haizhou Island, which is today’s Hainan Island, but the natural environment here is too harsh.

Many of them have fallen by the way. The lack of necessary medical and health conditions makes them very helpless. Many strange diseases make them difficult to treat.

Haizhou originally belonged to the people of Chu, but the people of Chu saw that the climate here was too bad, so they sold it to the Koreans, and deceived the Koreans that it was rich in resources, so the Koreans took over the Haizhou. Island, board this island and start looking for ore.

"Buried here, we will commemorate him." the young man said. The middle-aged man just nodded, and then looked into the distance. With the development of South Korea, South Korea's shortcomings have also emerged. In terms of steel smelting, South Korea is at a disadvantage. South Korea is small and Jiaozhou has insufficient resources, but South Korea has a very large demand for industrial steel. From iron to steel, it can only rely on the provision of Zhao Guo for development. This is extremely unfavorable to South Korea and the only solution. There is only one way, and that is, South Korea develops itself. This requires a large amount of iron ore. Although the South Korean government is actively launching actions, in this regard, South Korea's actions are still greatly restricted. However, in Haizhou, they found some small traces, where they found red iron brown soil, which is a manifestation of the richness of iron ore. However, they need further investigation to discover the situation.

But the price they paid is also very high. Many people have given their lives to this, but they have no regrets. This is their responsibility.

While South Korea was investigating Haizhou's resources, the people of Qin were also actively doing expansion.

The Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin. A lieutenant colonel took a report and handed it to Wang Shu. He asked for an allocation of one million and a half to do this. Such funding is not a lot. In addition, some weapons resources should be provided. For the Navy, it is a matter of the length of time the warehouse is stacked.

"Did you decide to do this?" Wang Shu looked up at the report in his hand and asked the lieutenant colonel.

"Yes, sir, there are a large number of Xiongnu tribes in the northern region. This time the Qin army may not have too many conscripts. If this is the case, they will have too much remaining troops. We must do something, otherwise, they There will be some chaos. The only way is to give them something to do. My thing is to let them walk to the sea and explore some roads, draw maps, indicate coordinates, etc. Of course. Our officers will also Participate in it," said the lieutenant colonel officer.

"Our purpose is to find the sea." Wang Shu said while looking at the report.

"Yes, sir, look for the sea from the northern land. Although we have obtained a port of a naval base from the people of Yan, the prime minister's mansion is also under active construction, but that naval base has great drawbacks, and there is no Qin country. We can only rely on Yan State. Once our diplomatic relations become hostile, the situation will be very bad. It can be said that if we put all the navies there, Yan State may solve our problems from the land. The navy, if it unites with other countries, our navy is in very bad condition. It can be said that our entire army may be destroyed. For the Qin State Navy, this is a disaster and a huge disaster." said the lieutenant colonel.

Although Shangwen approved the establishment of Liaonan Prefecture in Yan State, the Yan State government formally established Liaonan State, the entire Liaonan State including the entire Liaodong Peninsula, and the Qin Congress chose the best place to establish its own naval base. With the arrival of the Qin State Navy, a Liaonan Railway will go down Xiangping directly to the Qin State Naval Base, and the Qin State Government will participate in such projects. The government of Yan State will occupy a certain amount of shares by way of land transfer, but the ownership will belong to the Qin State Railway Company. This project is very attractive. Some railway companies in Qin have already considered this matter.

However, the Qin State still has great dangers. After all, no country will put the navy in a place without any support, but the Qin State has no good way to solve this problem. The Qin State Navy must have its own springboard. Only then can they establish bases overseas, and they have to undertake huge transportation tasks. This makes the navy very embarrassed, and this is also the dilemma of the Qin Navy.

"We all know the plight of Qin's navy. If we rely on Yan's people, we may become a piece of meat on the cutting edge of Yan's people. This is very unfavorable to us. We can't do such a thing at all. The only way is for us. Occupy the north and build a port established in the north. Although the conditions may be very poor, it is our own area after all." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Yeah" Wang Shu nodded, then he touched his chin. Obviously, the lieutenant colonel's remarks moved his heart.

"At present, the Army is unwilling to do such a thing, but it does not mean that we cannot do such a thing. We only need them to reach the beach and provide maps, and we provide them with some money, weapons and resources. In the north, there are many black-hearted businessmen crazy. The acquisition of the maps in the hands of the Huns. These maps indicate that the land they occupy can be sold to the Qin government, but the profit distributed to them is very small. If we can provide a reliable document, the map will be given to the prime minister’s house. , I believe that the Prime Minister’s Mansion will not give up our ideas.” said the lieutenant colonel.

"The funding is not a lot." Wang Shu said after adjusting his sitting posture.

"To be honest, this kind of funding is not a lot. What we can do with one million and a half dollars is to build an ironclad ship. However, such an ironclad ship is useless to us. We have no port. We cannot go to sea, and many of the technologies are There is no limit. But if we can get to the sea, the situation will be different." Wang Shu nodded and said.

"You draw up a plan, and I will arrange it for you. With sufficient funds, we must do a good job in this matter. This is related to the development of our Qin State Navy. Do you understand?" Wang Shu looked at the lieutenant colonel and said.

"Understood, sir." The lieutenant colonel nodded and said.

"Very good, just do it." Wang Shu nodded and signaled that the other party could leave.

Qin State, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Look at this, the amount of labor we need is not only the Western Regions, but also the northern regions, but there are more Yan, Zhao, South Korea, and Chu." Shang Wen handed a labor report to him worriedly. Meng Yi.

"Zhao people need labor to mine coal resources, Yan people need to develop a lot of gold resources, and they also need a lot of labor to build their railways. Koreans also need to do the same, the most in need are Chu people, they There are a large number of farms, in addition to the potential advantages of mineral resources, and we also need such a large amount of labor resources to build railways and develop various resources. In this way, the labor demand will become very large. This is a huge Market." Shang Wen said.

As slaves become more and more widely used, the demand for slaves in various countries has become extremely widespread. All kinds of places are full of slaves. The most dangerous and labor-intensive places are full of slaves. This is already a kind of universal demand in various countries.

"However, the supply is very inadequate. At present, our only source of labor is India. According to our intelligence agency’s speculation, the state of Bangla controlled by the Koreans may only be a city-state under the Northern Indian dynasty. In this way, this The northern Indian dynasty is very big." Meng Yi said. In fact, this northern dynasty was the Peacock dynasty unified by King Ashoka. Unfortunately, King Ashoka had died before the people of Qin arrived here. The remaining Maurya Dynasty divided internally due to internal fighting and various reasons. Fortunately, this is only an internal problem, but this kind of internal problem will gradually disintegrate the Maurya Dynasty. In fact, the Maurya Dynasty gradually disintegrated without external force. However, now Qin, South Korea, and Chu have become a kind of thrust from the outside world. This thrust speeded up the disintegration of the peacock, and the pressure on the dynasty of the peacock was increasing. This makes them feel very depressed.

"But this is a good thing for us in the Western Regions of the Qin State. After all, if they disintegrate, there will be less threats to the Western Regions of the Qin State." Meng Yi said.

"But we need more labor. The only solution is to support the Yue's government's expansion. We need to build more factories and railways in the Yue's area so that they can meet our labor needs." Shang Wen said.

"Well, it's just that the financial funds needed by the Yue government are very large, and the price of slaves may increase, which may stimulate them to do so. If this is the case, they will also have a very large motivation. What our Qin government has to do is to let They can issue more bonds and use bond purchases to solve such problems, such as labor bonds." Meng Yi suggested to Shang Wen.

"This is a good suggestion." Shang Wen nodded in agreement.

On the front line of the Yue family, the Yue family are constantly strengthening their defensive fortresses, and such a fortress will provide them with greater advantages. The Indians had obviously noticed this, but they were unable to launch a larger offense. Their rear has suffered a lot of damage, and the long-staying army has encountered a certain food dilemma. If they do not solve this dilemma, the situation may be very unfavorable for them.

"The above order may be a bit complicated for us." Moran watched Meng Ping hand a report in Qin's language to Meng Ping.

"On the one hand, the above allows us to maintain the current situation and allow us to go deep into the interior of Indy. On the other hand, it allows us to obtain more labor resources, that is, more prisoners of war. However, if we do this, we need to carry out A huge siege or capture more people will make us very embarrassed." Moran said hesitantly at the report in his hand.

"Yeah. It seems that such a thing is very difficult to handle." Meng Ping felt that there were a lot of tasks this time, or in other words, it was very complicated. If there are too many things, it is not a good thing.

"What is your solution?" Meng Ping asked.

"I want to fight a huge siege, but our troops are not strong enough, and the Indians will not retreat. This, I think, you are also very clear that in the face of such a situation, the only thing we can solve The way is to defeat the enemy, and then take the opportunity to capture more enemies." Moran said.

"Well, I think this is not very good, and it may have a very bad impact on us. For the specific approach, I think we should go deeper and capture the other party’s rear personnel. Maybe they will be in the rear. They will have more Labor exists. After all, the price of labor is currently rising greatly, and the demand is also very large. The Yue government’s demand is to increase fiscal revenue, and how to increase revenue is to increase labor force." Meng Ping said.

"From a military point of view, the military costs we spent on encircling each other’s military personnel would be very high. Although their threats are huge to us, their advantage lies in their fortresses. If they leave the fortress, Their situation will be very unfavorable, and compared to their depth, the defense is very weak. In this attack, after we opened the opponent’s first line of defense, there would be no fortress system behind. In this case, our situation It is very advantageous. I think the only way for the Indians is to quickly build their defense in depth. Without such defense in depth, it would be very difficult for them to resist our attack and go south. In contrast, I think, go south. , May be more smoothly, after all, the other party has not established a deeper defense in depth." Meng Ping said.

The disadvantage of the Indian defense is that they have not established a relatively complete defense-in-depth system. They simply put the defense on a simple line of defense. This line of defense is like the Great Wall, but the defense is a defense-in-depth system. After a breakthrough, a line of defense will collapse. The Indians have already encountered such a situation. After facing such problems, if the Indians can take timely actions to make up for such mistakes, their situation may be better.

"Okay, after establishing the fortress, I will mobilize mobile forces to try to do this. We need more labor to solve the problem." Meng Ping said with a smile.

In Zhang Dahui's camp, he was studying the defense map brought by Prince Atuo. This is the Indian defense map. It looks very simple, but it also illustrates the problem.

"I think that your current situation may be bad. Yue's construction of defensive fortresses will go deep into your inner line. In this way, your inner line will have a big gap. From this gap, once you enter the cavalry unit, or From the perspective of more infantry units, your front-line defense will be disintegrated or collapsed. This is definitely not good news for you." Zhang Daguo himself analyzed.

"It is true. The Yue people move very fast. They have built a fortress, and our defense line is basically built here, but we still can’t defend against the Yue people’s difficulties. I don’t know Chief Zhang, Is there any way to solve such a problem?" Prince Atuo said in a not fluent Korean. His tongue is a bit curled, and his voice is not standard, but he can understand the meaning.

"We can only build multiple defenses, or a fortress for the Yue people, and build a fort to restrict their activities. However, I am worried that more places will be breached. The only way is to establish multiple defense lines." Zhang Dahui looked at the map and said. This was the only way he thought of. The condition of the Indians is not very good. Their army is an old-style army that cannot withstand the attacks of the Yues. They need time to retrain an army that has always had a strong combat effectiveness. But it takes a lot of time.

"This. I'm afraid we can't do this." Prince Atuo said embarrassingly.

"Indy has already levied very high taxes, and a large part of the manpower has been concentrated here. There is an army of more than 300,000 gathered here, including five to six hundred thousand logistics personnel. Such figures have exhausted us. The power of the country. We may not be able to do this.” Prince Atuo said with great concern.

"This." Zhang Dahui didn't know what to say. The Indians lacked too much capital. Most of their manpower was concentrated here and they still could not solve their border crisis. They mobilized more people to come here, and they could only consume their resources in vain. solve this problem.

"I. There is no way. Perhaps, it can only be solved through negotiation, but how to negotiate? This." Zhang Da Da shook his head and said.

"Negotiating?" Prince Atuo asked.

"Yes, you can only do this. You can't afford to fight, you can only negotiate and sign an unfair agreement. I think this may ease your situation, but I need to go back now and report this matter. You know, my military rank is not enough. We need the support of the Korean government, which is the largest government force behind us, to do this well." Zhang Dahui said embarrassingly. He worried that the Indians would not accept such a thing.

"This." Prince Atuo looked embarrassed, and obviously he also felt very embarrassed. If he did so, Indy would suffer heavy losses. However, their power can still exist, and this is the only place that is beneficial to them. Whether to choose to go on or to fight with dignity, Prince Atuo is thinking about this heavy problem.

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