The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2797: Goddess teaching

In the state of Bangla, where the new Korean army is stationed, Zhang Shi’s office has been busy with their conscription work recently, and more and more Bangla people are participating in the native soldiers. On Zhang Shi’s desk there is already a list of the 11th and 12th Tubing Regiment. Some officers and noncommissioned officers dispatched from Zhangxiong Island have arrived here. In addition, they have been promoted from the South Korean New Army Infantry Regiment. New non-commissioned officers will be added to these native soldiers. However, many officers worry that such crazy promotion of non-commissioned officers will severely weaken the combat effectiveness of the Korean infantry regiment. If war breaks out, the native regiment alone may not be able to solve all the problems. But Zhang Shi can't manage these anymore. He needs more native soldiers to help him collect taxes.

At the same time, because of taxation, a large number of Bangla people went bankrupt, including a considerable number of small nobles and businessmen. They went bankrupt because they couldn't pay various taxes. These bankrupt people had only two choices. One was to become slaves. They will be transported to unknown places. Those big ships will take them out of here. They don't know where they go, and they don't know where they will arrive.

And the other way is to join the native soldiers, although you will be a Korean dog, but you don’t have to leave here. If they can, they can restore their honor. Some nobles have already chosen this way. They participated in the Korean native soldiers queue, and more and more people went bankrupt, and the native soldiers did not have to worry about the problem of the soldiers being tense.

"Sir. There is a shocking news from Bangladesh that they will also start taxation. Moreover, the tax increase has been relatively high, which has doubled. It is said that this is the meaning of the northern dynasty. They encountered in the north. Due to the crazy offensive of the Yue family, the losses were very great. They urgently needed more soldiers, food, and more materials to resist the Yue family’s offensive." A civil official reported to Zhang Shi.

"Yeah. Do the Mengla people want to grab the source of tax with us? Damn. Let them do this. Leave them alone." Zhang Shi said disapprovingly. Zhang Shi didn’t care about the situation of the Yue people faced by the Northern Dynasty, because it was not their business. He was concerned about his own taxation. Only with more soldiers could he expand more troops. In this case, The army can do more. His intention is very simple. Either control Menggla and make Menggla an expansion base for the Koreans, or occupy Menggla. The end result is the same anyway.

"Yes, sir, another thing is that our businessmen are very interested in those lands. They need legal occupation. Does the Governor's Mansion issue a contract, a land contract," the civil officer explained to Zhang Shi.

"Yes, does that kind of contract collect taxes?" Zhang Shi only cared about this issue.

"Received, sir, and it is very reasonable," the civil official said.

"Then release." Zhang Shi waved his arm and said. As more and more Bangla people went bankrupt, even the Bangla nobles were not spared. Under such circumstances, a large number of Bangla land was concentrated in the hands of businessmen, and many businessmen who came to Bangla took the opportunity to make disasters. Fortune, these land can be used to grow more cash crops or more crops, anyway, they have their own piece of land, and such land is very cheap.

"Yes, sir." The civil servant noted that the Governor's Office needs more officials, some scholars who may not be able to speak in Korea, their talents cannot be an official, but when they come here, they can take charge of a large part of the affairs. They are also very powerful. This is a kind of irony. Some of these included criminals in exile.

The 7th Infantry Regiment of the Korean New Army Native Soldiers did not take long before their training missions ended. Many native soldiers were recruits, and most of their ranks were private and second-class soldiers. The task only performed some small things like taxation and suppression of riots. The riots were actually just unarmed opposition from a group of Mengla people. They just followed the nobles to make a peaceful possibility of making their own suggestions, but even this kind of opposition was also rejected. Treat it as a riot. The processing method is very simple, all slaughtered. Only blood can teach the people of Mengla a profound lesson.

"We can finally collect taxes in person." Zhang Zhong easily said to the ensign on the side. They are a company of the seventh regiment of the native soldiers. Their task is to collect taxes in their defense zones. Such taxes usually bring a lot of income. The selfish style quickly satisfied these quickly promoted officers. Before Zhang Zhong was just a sergeant. , But the native soldiers needed a large number of officers, so he was promoted. He feels that he has improved very quickly, but now he feels very satisfied, because he is a captain officer and has more than two hundred native soldiers under him. Many of them can't speak, but they are very obedient.

"Sir, we are going to a wealthy village this time, and the tax collected this time may be more. Are we asking them to take their wives and daughters to the top? After all, in this regard, the brothers still have a need. "The second lieutenant officer said with a smile. His smile looked so disgusting.

"Look at yours." Zhang Zhong said dissatisfiedly. This second lieutenant was promoted from second-class to the rank of second lieutenant just because of his flexibility. He has relatively little combat experience, and he only participated in the later defensive operations. However, after he became an officer, he married twelve Mengla women in one go. From a thirty-year-old woman to a twelve-year-old girl. He killed twelve women in one fell swoop. In contrast, many officers have the wives and concubines of more than twenty Mengla women. Such huge wives and concubines need them to earn more money, and the trend of wives and concubines in the army cannot be stopped at all.

"Haha. Isn't this, women are our men's status?" the ensign said.

"Yes, but we need more money. If we don't make up the money, then women will not be enough." The captain said with a warning.

"This understands, understands, we must understand." The ensign said.

"That's right. It's the right thing to do. Women will definitely not be missing you." said the captain.

But at this moment, the team suddenly stopped, and the captain felt a little unhappy, because some of the soldiers were a little flustered.

"What's the matter? Why did the team stop." the captain asked.

"Sir." A corporal soldier ran over to prepare a report.

"Ah." A scream came. I don't know where the flying rocks came from, and some javelins.

"Ah." A scream came.

"Damn it, there was an attack. An attack. Organize a defense." Zhang Zhong shouted. But the native soldiers suddenly became flustered in the face of the sudden attack, and many of them didn't know how to do it.

"Bang." Zhang Zhong shot at this time, prompting the soldiers to do something.

"Bang. Bang." Fortunately, some soldiers reacted. They quickly picked up their weapons and shot them, regardless of whether they could see the target or not. The shooting and the sound of gunfire can bring a great sense of security.

"Damn, the enemy didn't know where they were, so they shot randomly." Zhang Zhong found a hidden place to reload the bullets. He needed to figure out the situation, and the attack came very suddenly. This made him feel a little at a loss. But now is not the time to talk about this.

"Ah ah." Just then, a burst of sharp, some of the trees from which to drill out a lot of Mengla people, a look at the clothes they wear to know the locals. The weapons are not very advanced either, a few cold weapons, spears, and broadswords. More farm tools and sticks.

"Bang." The native soldiers were a little panicked, their loading speed suddenly slowed down, and the Mengla people quickly rushed over. Some native soldiers retreated quickly, and the retreat turned into a rout, and more native soldiers joined in.

"Damn it, don't run, go back." Zhang Zhong cursed loudly in annoyance. But the native soldiers are not good at fighting, and they run very well. If they are allowed to fight downwind, they may be very relaxed, but once they encounter a sudden situation, their insufficient training will be exposed. After all, they have only trained for a month. , They simply completed the queue training and some preliminary firearm shooting, but most of the tactics were not carried out. Because their governor needs a lot of taxes. So their training was severely compressed. But the consequence is that when they encounter a sudden attack, their training results are too little, and many soldiers are recruits. Panic will cause them to escape unconsciously.

"Bang. Bang." The situation got a little better after two consecutive shots of native soldiers, but more native soldiers fled. Many of them even discarded their weapons.

"Damn bastard, after they go back, I will break them into pieces and crush them into mash." Zhang Zhong scolded fiercely.

"Sir, it's not the time to talk about this. We should retreat as soon as possible. Only with retreat can we complete our current affairs. Otherwise, our situation will be very bad. You see, those **** indigenous people will be surrounded by them. Ours." The second lieutenant said to his officer after looking around.

"Sir, we can only retreat at the moment. Retreat can let us save our lives. Only in this way can we have the meaning of living. Otherwise, we can't do anything." The ensign persuaded.

"Damn it, retreat. Retreat." Zhang Zhong felt very helpless and angry, but now the second lieutenant is right. These soldiers are simply unreliable. They have already left here and fled early. These bastards, Zhang Zhong decided that after he went back, he would punish them severely, but it was not the time yet. He needs to retreat.

However, at that time, there were more and more people in Mengla. They looked like thousands of people. With such a large number of people, they felt very at a loss. There were only more than two hundred people, and they ran away frantically.

At the station of the Seventh Regiment, Zhang Hecheng was walking back and forth, and his company dispersed to collect taxes. According to today's arrangement, they will all come, but they have already had dinner. One of his company has not come back, which makes him feel a little worried. He decided to come here and wait for a while. But he had already sent scouts to investigate the situation before.

"Sir." A captain came over and said.

"Is there anything about that company?" Zhang Ping asked the captain.

"Not yet, sir, but I believe they will have news soon," the captain said.

"Yeah. I see." Zhang He just nodded and said nothing. He felt that things might not be that simple. Because taxation is not a difficult task.

"Da da da da." At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horseshoes.

"How is it? Is there any news?" Zhang He asked.

"Sir, things, things." The scout gasped heavily, but his face was very red, and he seemed to be holding things back.

"Say it." Zhang Bing asked anxiously.

"Sir, you'd better see it yourself, the situation is very tragic. Our native soldier company may not exist anymore," said the scout.

"What?" Zhang Ping asked.

"Sir, what I saw was corpses everywhere. Those corpses were dug out. Their heads were cut off, and their corpses were all. I can't describe it. You can only see it yourself." The scout Speaking of.

"Damn it, gather the team, let's go and see, I want to see what happened?" Zhang Bin scolded angrily. Then the team began to assemble quickly, and the whole group of native soldiers assembled, and they set on torches to reach the place where the company was ambushed during the day. When they got there and saw the tragic situation there, many soldiers vomited.

The body was stripped naked. All were naked, and a considerable part of the body was mutilated. Their internal organs were hollowed out, and the scene was extremely disgusting, and many soldiers vomited. And Zhang Ning also twitched the corners of his mouth as hard as he could. He is very angry now. But now he must hold back such a situation.

"Damn it. Investigate the situation immediately. I want all the people here to pay for it, no matter what happens to them." Zhang Bin ordered extremely annoyed.

Everything that happened here was quickly reported to Zhang Shi.

"Damn Mengla. They attacked our native soldiers. And they killed our people cruelly." Zhang Shi looked at the report angrily.

"Sir. In this matter, I think we should be more cautious and not just retaliate." A major stood up and said.

"Yeah. Tell me about it." Zhang Shi asked, calming down a little bit.

"Sir, I think this matter is very difficult, because they adopted the method of ambush instead of directly declaring war on us, because the ambush requires pre-organization, and even if our native soldier company loses, they will also carry out an ambush. A certain degree of resistance, and they also have training. I think the other party is prepared. We should adopt a cautious attitude in the face of such a prepared enemy." The major judged.

"What do you mean. Mengla people have a special organization against us?" Zhang Shi asked.

"Yes, because an ambush requires a lot of strength to organize. We are currently in the light and the enemy is hiding in the dark. This is a very unfavorable place for us." The major said.

"Sir." Just then. Zhang Shi's adjutant came in quietly.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Shi asked.

"Sir, there is a businessman who has important information to report to you." The adjutant said to Zhang Shi.

"Well. Let him come in and say. If the situation is true, I will accept it." Zhang Shi said.

"Yes. Sir." The adjutant left soon, and then brought in a blessed middle-aged man with two gold teeth on his mouth.

"Let's talk about it." Zhang Shi asked.

"Sir, the information I got is very hard. Really. And there have been a lot of losses." The businessman talked about the rewards first without talking about the information, he is indeed a businessman.

"I will reward you, but if your news is not true or is of no use to us, I will punish you severely." Zhang Shi said in a harsh tone.

"Don't dare, don't dare, sir, what I say is true." said the businessman.

"Hurry up." Zhang Shi said impatiently.

"It's like this. One of my guys followed the Mengla people to collect money. When he came back, he was attacked by an unidentified group of Mengla people. The Mengla people suffered heavy losses and our goods were lost. Later, mine. People ran back with the Mengla people. On the way, the Mengla people told my buddy that it was the Mengla people who have a kind of religion called goddessism. They organized a lot of people to specifically target us Koreans, and they want to attack us. The Koreans block all of our things in Korea. It is said that this goddess is a very powerful fighting god. They think that this fighting **** is extremely dissatisfied with our South Korea, so they ambushed our people. After I come back, listen. There are still many trading companies that have such things happen, so I think we may be facing a religion or a situation that is unfavorable to us Koreans." The golden tooth businessman looked at Zhang Shi and said.

"The goddess teaches?" Zhang Shi asked.

"Yes, it’s called the goddess religion. We call it that. Who knows, how the Mengla people are called, but they do overcome the same existence. They are extremely dissatisfied with our South Korea. It is inevitable that such things happen. . We. Maybe, that’s the only way to go.” The Golden Tooth merchant was still trying to say something, but he himself didn’t know what to say. He had to say something useless.

"It seems that this matter is not simple. There are people from Mengla who oppose us." Zhang Shi did not expect that such things would happen in Mengla, and his influence on South Korea was too great.

"Immediately order all the Tubing regiments to be on guard, let them assemble, and don’t let our people move out at will. In addition, we will contact the Bangladeshi government to see what their situation is. If they don’t know, we will have to Action is taken against them." Zhang Shi said.

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