"What kind of goddess religion, I think it is a cult." Han Shu said after seeing Zhang Shi's report. Zhang Shi didn’t do too much, he just sent people to contact the Bangladeshi government. The first thing he had to do was to understand his current situation, or in other words, how much influence he faced from the goddess religion. , Only in this way can he solve his own affairs. But Han Shu didn't take this matter too seriously.

"My lord, this matter, the minister believes that this is a fierce response from the Bangla side to the heavy taxation. According to the report by the Bangla side. The Bangla side has continued to expand the army, and within a few months we have expanded to The scale of ten infantry regiments. Not only that, but they also continue to levy heavy taxes. At the same time, the Bangladeshi government also levies heavy taxes. Under such circumstances, the emergence of a cult organization like the goddess religion that resists heavy taxes is understandable. Yes." Zhang Liang said.

"You can understand, but I can't understand. Anyway, I think this is an important way for our South Korea to completely control Bangladesh. We can use this as a basis to completely control Bangladesh. Now that the opportunity has arisen . We have to grasp it." Han Shu said.

Qin State, Northern Railway. Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Mo went to the north to recruit expedition Huns. There were also a team of twelve people on the train. They were young officers who graduated from naval military academies.

"Navy officer." A businessman on the opposite side said after seeing Zhang Mo's uniform. He said after setting his salute.

"What's the matter? Can't naval officers come to the north?" Zhang Mo asked.

"No, no. No, sir, I didn’t mean that, I mean. The navy is usually active in Guanzhong, the South, South Korea, and Chu State. Recently, those who went to Yan State also went to Taiyuan, and then went to Handan to reach Yan State. I heard that There is a naval base to be built on the side of Yan State." The businessman said.

"Yes." Zhang Mo nodded and said.

"However, when I go to the north, I rarely see naval officers. I have seen the Marine Corps at most. They are in charge of land operations. I don't know the specific situation." The businessman said.

"The navy also needs support from land. Qin does not only get a naval base from Yan, but the most important thing is that Qin also needs a railway. The connection between land and sea, without this railway, what a naval base? Not really." Zhang Mo said.

"That's right, the sir is right," the businessman said.

"There is no way to do business without railways. This is correct. Of course, railways can also bring great profits. What I know is that in the Western Regions, Wenyang Railway Company has widened another railway. Mainly Transported to deliver goods. More and more parts are processed from the audience, South Korea, and Wei. They need to be transported, and fewer people go to the Western Regions. Passenger traffic cannot make money, mainly relying on cargo transportation to make money. If not Cargo transportation, this passenger transportation, is enough to crush the railway company." Said the businessman.

"I don't know, what business does this gentleman do?" The journey was very long and boring. Zhang Mo decided to get some information from the businessman. Zhang Mo knew the identity of the other party, because there were four or five rings on his fingers, and usually only explosive households would do this. Only businessmen can do this.

"I. I'm just doing some timber business. Going to the north this time is to do a timber business. It seems that the north can only do this kind of business." Said the businessman.

"Timber?" Zhang Mo asked with interest.

"Yes, wood. In the past, wood was mainly used for furniture, sofas, and wood furniture, but the demand was not great. Now, although the business is easy to do, the profit margin has been greatly reduced. Relying on others to do this thing. "The businessman said.

"That piece of business, the speculative industry is very big. Now, this line of business is either done very large, mainly relying on profit and increased value to do business, for example, the finest wood from Nanyang, mahogany, and nanmu, but This control is in the hands of the Koreans. We Qin can do it, but it does not do much. It requires a large source of raw materials. You can't get into the piece that the Koreans control. No matter how much money you have, you can't do it. "The businessman said.

"But, why did you go to the north?" Zhang Mo asked inexplicably.

"Haha. Speaking of it, it has something to do with the navy and navigation." The businessman said with a smile.

"Aren’t there a lot of shipyards appearing recently? Laizhou, Dengzhou, and Yan of Qi are also almost doing shipyards. South Korea is actively investing and discussing cooperation. There are also Chu, Chu’s Wuyue shipyards nearby. A large number of shipyards have appeared, and now they mainly produce wooden boats. This kind of boats have a large demand for wood, and the wood that has just been felled cannot be made. It has to be baked. There is such wood in Yanguo, Liaobei, but It’s a place for mountain people, so you have to spend money to buy it, but the people of Yan people do not have the baking technology, they can only cut a lot, but the profit is relatively small, and it is not usable, and all countries are actively developing the sea. Career, therefore, their ship needs are very large. In this case, the wood is naturally large." The merchant said.

"It seems that the East and West Mongolian governments already know about this. Yes, they are now called the Northern Alliance. They decided to attract investment in the construction of a timber railway. On the one hand, this railway mainly transports a large amount of northern timber advantage, in the area north of the North Sea. There are so many timber resources there. Large tracts of forest resources are everywhere, endless, and you can’t see it at all. Such advantages are enviable.” The businessman said.

"So, you go to the north to make a fortune?" Zhang Mo said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, no talent, just like this. I heard that the timber railway is already under construction. I go, and I can make a fortune. What I have to do now is to find the Huns there. The Huns can do it. Occupying a large area of ​​unowned forest, that is a large area of ​​wealth." The businessman rubbed his hands excitedly and said. It seems that he can get rich all at once.

"A large area of ​​forest resources?" Zhang Mo asked curiously.

"Yes, it used to be that such a large amount of forest resources could not be developed, and the development was difficult, and no one needed it. This resulted in the timber transportation being unable to go out and making money, but now the shipbuilding industry is so developed and the demand is so strong, naturally causing the timber market. The prices on the Internet are rising, and many things are rising.” The businessman said.

"Under such circumstances, the demand for wood is naturally very large. And the Huns are also very active. They are very willing to explore. They go to a lot of places and occupy a large timber business. We only need to give them some money, They are very willing to do such a thing. The most important thing is that they can do a big business with a very small amount of materials. Such a good thing is really too simple." The businessman said.

"Well. Can you talk about the Huns?" Zhang Mo asked.

"I also listened to others about this matter. I don't know what the specific situation is, but what I know is that the living conditions of the Huns are not very good. Before, they could only rely on conscription. Come to live, relying on that little military salary can barely survive, but it is impossible to live well, you know, the place in Mobei is very cold, if we don’t do business with them and change some daily necessities, Fuel or something, they may be frozen to death, and the Huns will be completely annihilated by our Qin State. But now we need them, and we need them to do something. These things are adventure. I heard that, Many expeditions have already done this. It’s just that I don’t know what else there is in the north. If there are minerals, it’s better. The forest is cleared. I will go mine. It’s just that I don’t know when the timber railway will be able to The construction is complete." The businessman said worriedly. Zhang Mo was only thinking about how to use those Hun tribes to explore naval ports for the navy. He had a lot of funds in his hands, but these funds were mainly used to explore naval ports. The Qin State Navy needed its own naval port, which was a very heavy task.

Mobei Town. The summer here is cool and comfortable. Many rich people in Guanzhong will spend money to come here for vacation. After all, it’s not hot here. But in Guanzhong area, because the city is growing faster and denser, plus various urban effects, the city The temperature became unbearable, even Xianyang Palace was equipped with luxury equipment such as air conditioners, but the effect was only mediocre. The living environment in Xianyang is getting worse, so some wealthy people start to build villas in various places, such as the north, where summer is much cooler than Guanzhong, and many people build holiday villas here. This can also boost the economy of eastern and western Mongolia.

In a seemingly inconspicuous villa, a large number of congressmen from East and West Mongolia gathered here to exchange their information.

"The investment in the timber railway went very smoothly. Some railway companies have already seen the value of this railway, but the problem is that this railway is very difficult to build. The main reason is the lack of labor." An ASEAN state The councillor said with a glass of chilled wine. This cooling effect is very good.

"Lack of labor?" Said the Simon State Senator.

"I heard that the Yue people got a lot of Indian prisoners of war, and those **** Indians couldn't catch them." Said the Simon State Senator.

"However, the Western Region Railway Company has already bought it. Even the farmers and ranchers cannot buy such a large amount of labor. Originally, I thought we could get a large amount of labor, but what I didn't expect was that we got nothing. . What a pity." Dongmengzhou said.

"What do you mean?" The Simon State Senator didn't seem to understand what happened.

"Damn the Western Region Railway Company. They sold out all the labor. We lack labor to build the railway. We are unlikely to drive those Huns to do such a thing. If they are used, it will be a lot of trouble, and if they are used For the Indian prisoners of war, the situation may become a little easier." said the East Mongolia State Assemblyman.

"It turned out to be the case. However, I think it is best for us to solve this problem. The demand for wood may not take a long time. If we can get rich, we will get rich. Anyway, those trees will be there and we will cut them down sooner or later. ." Said the Simon State Senator. He still doesn't seem to understand what happened. As more and more railways were put into development, the problem of labor shortage began to emerge. The population of Qin was small, and it was also geographically wide. It was to attract a large number of immigrants, and the problem still could not be solved. Obviously those railway jobs were Immigrants are unlikely to do it, because the railway is very difficult to build, especially in Dawan, they need to cross mountains. This kind of engineering difficulty can easily cause casualties, and cheap prisoners of war can only be used to do such things. This is their only choice.

Seth, the periphery of a city, has been occupied by the Parthians, and a large number of civilians in the city have become prisoners of war. They came out of the city in a long line.

"Where are you going to transport these people?" Zhang Bi asked the Caliph. The young military general.

"Where? Dawan, Qin. There needs a lot of labor, they are willing to exchange with us, ten, or eight can be exchanged for a rifle, or more ammunition, and the spoils are ours, we can Expand more territory. The people here are a trouble for us. They refuse to pay us taxes. These prisoners of war will constitute potential enemies in the future." The Caliph explained.

"This. From here, to Dawan, to Qin, it might be farther?" Zhang Bi was very surprised when he heard such news, and he asked his own question.

"That's right. Korean," said the Caliph. For this Korean. The Caliph is not disgusting, but I can't say that I like it too much. He always likes to think independently, and observes that he can see everything. The Caliph does not know where South Korea is, but he knows that this kind of country comes from the Central Plains. , With their own unique civilization, they can solve many things that they have not yet solved.

"But I know that your Central Plains country has a kind of road called a railway, and there is a locomotive that runs much faster than horses. If we build such a railway, all problems will be solved, and many trade problems will be solved. We need Here. Open a market," said the Caliph.

"We have invested a lot here, we need a big return, your things are very good. Koreans." Khalifa said.

Zhang Bi just kept thinking about what the Caliph had said. He was thinking about some things. If it really is what they said, the speed of development of the Shah people is very fast, and South Korea must speed up.

"What's wrong? Koreans, tell you a good news." said the caliph.

"It is said that the Qin State contacted the Dawan people, and they decided to set up a telegraph line here. From here, we can quickly pass through the Central Plains Qin State. If this is the case, our distance will be much shorter, which is very important for us. This is a situation that everyone wants to see.” The Caliph said.

"Telegram," Zhang Bi asked.

"Yes, telegraph, as this era develops, the people of Qin have a lot of good things. Why don't we use such tools to seek greater benefits for ourselves? The amount of funds invested by our people is quite large this time, and our national finances It’s all spent, we need to take it back. Seth has a lot of wealth. We want to open up trade to the West. Your things are beautiful and there are muskets that can bring war. We have such a military advantage. We are very advantageous," said the caliph.

"Blindly launching war is very bad for you." Zhang Bi said.

"It is true. I agree with what you said, but if we don’t do this, our finances will be even more difficult. Without the wealth of Seth, we can’t do this. Telegraphs, railways, and all kinds of materials arrive here. , Next we will buy more advanced weapons, we will become a very big empire. The rest empire." said the Caliph.

Zhang Bi shook his head. He didn't know what to say.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"We have steel technology, South Korea has a lot of technology we need, for example, steel, we can make lighter iron cannons, gun mounts, iron beams on carriages, and more gun barrels and iron pipes. And the Koreans It can be used in steam engines and mechanical processing, especially in the military industry. We can make copper caps for this kind of thing. However, they know the formula of the flash caps, and the people of Qin have already used fixed-load bullets. The shooting range is much longer than our rifles, and they can also fight on rainy days. This is the important reason for flash hiders. We need such technology. Therefore, we can adopt some technical exchanges. What we get is far Far more than what we paid," Li Mu said.

Some key technologies are unlikely to be imported from Qin, such as smokeless gunpowder technology, flash hiders, high explosives, etc. South Korea has certain chemical technologies, and they can produce more cumbersome refrigerants. And the important chemical raw material ammonia water. But Zhao Guo lacks such technology. Most of them are concentrated on steel manufacturing. The lack of chemistry is catastrophic, which is why they have no flash hats.

"Korean people can also get our advantage in steel. With this advantage, they can make iron beams. In this way, they don't need our products." Li Zuoche said worriedly.

"Don't worry about this. Technology is always improving. If we just stay in place, it will cause a very bad impact. Such an impact is very disastrous for us. I think you don't want to watch it. Will this happen? We should actively participate in this exchange. He has a very positive effect on us." Li Mu said.

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