"How are you learning?" the sergeant chief asked a Huns corporal.

"I don't know, there are still a lot of words that I can't recognize. I don't know if I can pass the exam. I can recognize more than 500 words, but if I take the exam." The corporal touched the back of his head and shook his head.

"Don't be nervous, the exam is easy. We will pass." The Sergeant Major said.

"Hurry up, hurry up. Are you **** dead here?" A Huns cursed fiercely. His stick kept beating an Indian who was already lying on the ground, and the Indian curled up. , He couldn't even feel the pain.

"Sir, this." The corporal said while watching the Indians beaten by the Huns. They are returning to the Qin State, and they will have to take an exam when they return to the Qin State. For the Xiongnu soldiers, it is a disaster. They need to learn the characters and knowledge of the Qin State to stay. He doesn't know why Qin did this, but It always makes sense.

"Don't worry about that many, those are slaves to build the railway. Don't worry about them, we don't want to be troublesome." The Sergeant Major said after taking a look.

"Yes, sir." The corporal nodded. He saw many Indian prisoners of war in striped clothes building roads. Their workload was very heavy. In some mountainous areas, there are still a lot of tunnels to be built. These tunnels Not only is the amount of work large, it is also dangerous. On both sides of the railway, a large amount of labor force falls from time to time and never stands up.

"Fortunately, it is not us Huns. Or, the situation will be very bad." The corporal said.

Goguryeo, inside the Li Wending headquarters.

"This war cannot be fought. There is a constant stalemate. The mountain people cannot launch an offensive, and we cannot continue to suppress the opponent. On the contrary, the demand for materials is increasing, which makes us very passive. This war has already Let us fall into a financial crisis." Li Wending said. Hawke just shook his head. In fact, they have entered a financial crisis. A large amount of military spending has made their financial expenditures increase rapidly, and the expanded military spending has made it difficult for them to maintain their finances. And there is no sign of the end of the war.

"Or we can stop the war, and we can maintain peace with the South. Only in this way can our situation be better." Hawke suggested.

"Truce, how to stop the war?" Li Wending asked.

"The problem is that it is not easy to stop now, and there is no way to stop." Li Wending said.

"If we take the initiative to stop, the situation may be very unfavorable for us. We have to face huge war reparations. I really can't stand this situation." Li Wending said.

"This, we can only ask countries to help us according to the needs of different countries. I think the situation may be better." Hawke thought for a while and said. For politics, military, and diplomacy, Hawke has some ideas of his own.

"Talk about it." Li Wending has no good way to solve this problem at all.

"Yan country, the breakthrough point is the country of Yan. Yan people have got a lot of gold mines, but they lack labor. South Korea can provide labor. However, it takes a long time for their labor to be delivered. This is a gap. During the period, if we can reach an agreement on the labor issue, we may be able to resolve this matter peacefully. Moreover, Qi also seems to be reluctant to expand too much. There is also the situation in Korea. The Koreans have helped us before. If we If we can unite with Yan and South Korea, and then use Qi to put pressure on southern countries, the situation may be better for us." Hawke said. Li Wending lowered his head and thought.

"Yes, we can try, no matter what, such a thing is still beneficial to us if we do nothing. The war will never end by itself." Li Wending said.

"So, we did it." Hawke said.

On the peninsula. The battle of positions is still going on, and neither side has the ability to break this situation. The southerners seem to have become accustomed to this way of fighting in this position. Goguryeo will not prevent the commandos from assaulting their positions, but the southerners will, they will raid the Goguryeo positions at night, and the Goguryeos will carry out sniper warfare during the day. The fight was fiery.

Southern soldiers came together for hatred, and because of hatred, their fighting will was very high. Qi’s skirmish tactics can be used, but in contrast, Goguryeo’s fighting will is relatively low. They came here to make a fortune, but as a result, they lost a lot of their lives before they made a fortune. This made their situation very irritable. Coupled with the continuous sneak attacks by southern soldiers, this made their spirits feel great . The soldiers are very war exhausted.

Many soldiers hope that their top leaders can end this war. But the end of the war is still far away. They feel it.

Qi State, Laizhou.

"How do you solve the bank problem?" Tian Heng asked Lou Jing. If Qi wants to have its own shipbuilding industry, he must solve the shipyard's funding problem. If this problem is not solved, many problems will not be able to proceed.

"Introduce banks from various countries and adopt a competitive system. Let our banks learn how to make money in the competition." Lou Jing said.

"Competition?" Tian Heng laughed.

"I'm afraid our bank has lost before the competition has started. You know our bank, their business capacity is not that big at all, and in many cases, we can't compete with those banks at all." Tian Heng said worriedly. .

"However, if we don't do this, our bank will not start such a business at all, and they will not actively lend money at all." Lou Jing said.

"Yeah. You are right. We have to do this. But what I am worried about is that our banks will be destroyed by those foreign banks before they start business. In this way, our banks will survive. There will be a big problem, which is a huge disaster for us." Tian Heng said. Tian Heng's worries are justified. In contrast, Qi Guo's banks have received too much protection. Under such protection, they began to do nothing. Lou Jing’s method is very simple. It is to introduce a competition mechanism. In the case of competition, Qi’s banks will feel a sense of crisis. Under the influence of the crisis, Qi’s bank financial methods will definitely solve a lot. If the bank is not active, the situation will be very complicated if it only relies on the government's administrative order to develop. Lou Jing didn't want this to happen. However, if competition is introduced, Qi's banks can be well developed. This is an extremely advantageous practice for Qi's country.

"If we don't do this, too much protection will make our banks drag down our shipbuilding industry. South Korea has also introduced Qin State Bank to compete. Although there are many tigers and wolves, if you can't survive among the tigers and wolves, Banks will not develop, and banks that do not develop will have no effect." Lou Jing said calmly.

"Yeah." Tian Heng thought calmly. Qi State needs banks to play a financial role and provide more financial assistance to enterprises, but the current Qi State banks do not do this. As a result, Qi State’s role as a bank is not played out, and one does not play the role of a bank. What kind of use does the bank of China have? It is useless at all. However, after the introduction of the competition mechanism, under the tremendous pressure of competition, the Qi State Bank either grew up or was beaten by the other side at once. Faced with such a choice. Tian Heng was a little embarrassed.

"Do this, okay?" Tian Heng asked Lou Jing. Lou Jing thought for a while.

"A bank that can't raise funds has no effect, just like a hen that can't lay eggs can only be killed." Lou Jing likened this.

"Yeah. Qi Guo doesn't need a hen who doesn't lay eggs. If you should kill, kill it." Tian Heng made up his mind after hearing such words. What Qi Guo needs is a promising bank. It is not a bank that does nothing. Faced with such pressure, Tian Heng can only make choices that are conducive to the development of Qi.

Chu State. Wuyue Shipyard.

"What? Your big shipyard doesn't even have any ships. We want all of your ships." An aristocrat waved his arms and shouted constantly. But the ships in the Wuyue Shipyard were all ordered. It was impossible for them to give these ships to these nobles. After the nobles got the order of the Governor of the Prime Minister’s Office, they began to go crazy to the shipyard to order ships, because they knew that there was only enough. Ships can carry enough troops, muskets, and artillery. Only these can stabilize their position on the western continent. Without these, the governor would not get these at all. This is the power of the chief official in the border areas. And the economic effect will be very large, he can control all trade in the region. This is definitely a crazy commercial trade behavior. All the nobles have seen this. Merchants cannot do this. They only have funds and no power, but the nobles can. They have armed forces and private armed forces in their hands.

"This, these ships are all ordered. We can't change these at all. If necessary, I think, Mr. can go to the shipyard next to order. Many people have come today. They have ordered a lot of ships, these ships. It will take half a year to deliver, and this construction period is already very tight." The shipyard director explained.

"Next?" the nobleman asked.

"Or to Qingcheng, Jiaozhou, where there are a lot of ships." said the director.

"It's not in time. Forget it, I'll go and see." The nobleman said helplessly.

Liu's Shipyard near Wuyue Shipyard. This is Lu's shipyard. Soon after the governor's order was issued, the schedule for her shipyard began to strain.

"General Manager, at present. The order has been scheduled for the construction period in half a year. We expect to build more than 200 ships of various types. The construction period is very tight, but if we accelerate the speed of construction, this will require a lot of money from us." An assistant said to Lu Zhi. This assistant was dug by Lu Zhi from Xianyang of Qin State. In Chu State, many things are not formal. This makes it very inconvenient for her to do it.

"Well. We have to think of a way to solve the problem of funding. Only sufficient funds can solve more problems." Lu said.

"Yeah. Manager, we can give it a try. If the bank can lend to us, our business will be much easier. Many things can be carried out smoothly, and funding problems can be easily solved." The assistant said To.

"This method is very good, but we have already mortgaged a lot of things. The only way is to mortgage the ships, but the ships." Lu pheasant is still very embarrassed, but he can get a lot of loans when he thinks of mortgage the ships under construction. She got this thing, it was more cost-effective.

"Okay. I think about it." Lu Fei said. Because if you do this, you still need to take a lot of risks. Once such a risk is too big, it will be extremely detrimental to the development of the shipyard. Lu pheasant wanted to avoid such a situation.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Zhao's technology also has a lot to learn from. For example, in terms of their steel and mechanical processing, they have their advantages, and we also have their own advantages. For example, in chemistry, we are still much better than them. However, the two of us are cooperating and learning from each other. Neither of us has as much technology as Qin’s reserves.” Han Shu looked at the report in his hand and put it down. Zhao Guo and South Korea learn from each other in terms of technology and learn from each other, which can promote them to learn quickly and develop their respective superior technologies.

"Senior King, Yan Guo hopes to cooperate with us. This kind of cooperation can achieve our advantages in expanding shipbuilding. Yan Guo sets up a state on the Liaonan Peninsula. In this way, they have the need to develop shipyards. "Zhang Liang said.

"We never interfere in specific development matters. As long as the company has development prospects, let our own business owners do it." Han Shu said.

"We let companies do specific things. We don't care about them." Han Shu took measures to decentralize control. Qin adopted a free development model, and South Korea naturally needs to learn this.

"Yes, Lord Wang." Zhang Liang recorded, perhaps he still can't get used to such a management model. It's too loose after all.

Meng Laguo, inside Zhang Shi's office. The military officer who was in charge of discussing matters with the Bangladeshi government came back and reported.

"The Menggla government cannot do anything about this because they have relatively few troops and cannot govern such things, but they told us. This sacred religion has developed rapidly. It is said that they have received the development and growth of the sacred religion." The officer reported. To.

"Sir. Also, our garrison has been frequently attacked by the goddess religion. The native soldiers reacted more strongly. Some native soldiers deserted, but we took tough measures to suppress them. The situation was stopped, but If we continue, the situation may be very bad for us, and we must take some measures to prevent this from happening further." Another military officer said.

"Reconnaissance, what happened to the reconnaissance report?" Zhang Shi asked.

"The situation is very bad, the goddess teaches to develop and grow all at once, and the nearby villages unite. They are very unfavorable to us." Another military officer said.

"Yeah. I know, let the staff members study it. We need to formulate a battle plan. We need to take retaliatory measures against them. However, I think we should first stabilize the soldiers and let them know what they are doing. In addition, the rewards given to them must be large and high." Zhang Shi said. Zhang Shi thinks this is just a riot, and the way to deal with the rioters is very simple, that is, they are crazier and bloody.

Accounted for the Western countries. There is a telegram here at the station of the new Korean army. Wang Ying’s Polang has finally arrived here after a long journey. All they need to do is to send the news they got to South Korea immediately. In addition, they need rescue and need an army to do this. Things.

"It's very long, but I will give you money, as long as the news is sent." Wang Ying said anxiously. He brought intelligence from the Kingdom of Seth, and there are a large number of scholars of the Kingdom of Seth on his ship, which is a great asset. The telegrapher silently sent the news he got to Xinzheng, South Korea. This was a direct telegraph. The news was absolutely shocking.

Inside Guo Xiang's camp. A large number of Seth people gathered here. The number has exceeded 10,000, but there are only 2,000 people who can fight. This number is already very good.

"Cavalry, cavalry, cavalry appeared in front." The sentry shouted loudly. Guo Xiang immediately picked up the telescope in his hand and stood on the observation deck.

"Turn on our banner so that they can see our banner. If they rush over, attack them." Guo Xiang went up and issued an order. Everyone began to be on alert, and the Seth people panicked. They knew that they were terrible rest cavalry, and their arrival would bring great slaughter. They are afraid of death.

"It's just the reconnaissance cavalry of the Parthians, they are not many." Guo Xiang said after looking at several cavalrymen. After the cavalry ran a circle back and forth, and then they were stationed to observe, one or two cavalry began to leave, perhaps the rest cavalry wanted to test it.

"Attention, they may try it out. We have to be prepared." Guo Xiang ordered. The Seth began to resist with simple weapons. If they give up resistance, what is waiting is killing, endless killing. This is absolutely unacceptable to them.

"Sir, they seem to be leaving." Just then. Said the sentry.

"Oh." Guo Xiang saw with a telescope. He saw several cavalry finally leave here. They seemed to see what they were interested in and left in a hurry.

"If they attack, maybe we can stick to it, but if the other party comes with more people, our situation will be very bad. We can only wait for the killing." Guo Xiang said helplessly.

"Stay alert." Guo Xiang then shouted.

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