Mengla, the resident of the 7th Regiment of the Korean New Army Corps, was surrounded by a large number of Mengla people with weapons on their periphery.

"Sir, what should I do? Those people seem to be more than ten thousand people." A major officer asked worriedly. Officers are promoted quickly, but they obviously have not learned how to calmly judge this matter. The promotion of officers quickly led to a great decline in the quality of officers. A considerable number of officers were promoted from sergeants.

"Calm down. Understand? Calm down." Zhang said impatiently.

"Yes, sir. But sir, we only have musketeers, not artillery, and we don't have a cannon in our station," said the major.

"I know this, so. Send someone to contact the headquarters immediately. We need support." Zhang He said. The expansion of the native soldiers was too fast. It was almost beyond their imagination. Therefore, many of their weapons and equipment are not complete. For example, each of the native regiments originally had an artillery squadron operated by Koreans and a company organization, but South Korea lacked too many artillery. These artillery are not fully equipped for them at all. Now this native army group only has muskets. In the face of a large-scale siege, their only way is to hold their ground.

"Ah." At this moment, some native soldiers began to abandon their weapons and escape. However, it was discovered by the Sergeant Major in time, and the opponent beat the opponent at once.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ping asked.

"Sir, look, over there." At this time, the major pointed in the direction of the Mengla people. They raised a statue, a blue statue, holding a fork, which looked like a ribbon or something like a snake.

"Is that the goddess?" Zhang Bing asked.

"Yes, sir, it seems to be the God of War of the Mengla people. Perhaps our soldiers are afraid because of this." The major on the side explained.

"Damn it, I saw it. But now we are in big trouble." Zhang He said.

"Immediately kill the native soldiers who fled and tell them that they must not retreat. I think those Mengla people will launch an offensive and organize their defense. Hurry up." Zhang He gave an order. The major quickly issued the shooting order.

Several native soldiers were shot to death on the spot, and then their heads were chopped off by the master sergeant.

"Flee and die before the war. If anyone dares to escape, kill." The Sergeant Chief shouted loudly. After killing a few native soldiers. All the soldiers calmed down.

"Next, just wait for the opponent to attack." Zhang Ping said while holding a binoculars and looking into the distance. The Menggla people gathered their strength madly. They carried the statue and began to attack.

"Waiting for the order." The order was delivered. The native soldiers took their muskets and fired in three rows. This was their only powerful shooting weapon. They had to wait until they attacked to within fifty steps before they could shoot.

"Aim." The officer gave a second order. The native soldiers started aiming in accordance with their training procedures.

The Mengla people swept over like a tide, and soon they crossed the trench. But this trench will become the biggest obstacle.

"Bang bang bang bang." The officer finally gave the shooting order. The platoon gun quickly fired life-killing bullets.

"Bang Bang Bang." Then came the second row. The third row. Rows of lightning and thunder, bullets claimed the lives of a large number of Mengla people, the nervous shooting continued, but the Mengla people still rushed to the defensive position, although many people were shot, they stopped in front of the barbed wire and trench , But over time, a large number of bodies filled the gully. The Mengla charged further, and the barbed wire was covered with their corpses.

"It's crazy action," the major said with fear.

"Let us prepare to fight with bayonet." Zhang Ding said nervously. However, at this time, the casualties of the Mengla people were also very high, and they completely relied on a **** courage and madness of faith to hit here. When they are stimulated by huge casualties, they may gradually calm down.

The fighting continued until dusk, and the talents of Mengla gradually retreated. A **** war was too exciting for them.

Inside Zhang Shi's office.

"Sir, all local soldiers have received reports of attacks. Our soldiers are not well trained. This time there is a big problem. In addition to the incomplete equipment, we lack enough artillery to form a deterrent. The current situation is It's not clear yet." said a captain's staff officer.

"You mean to say. Now our situation is very bad." Zhang Shi said, walking around.

"Yes. Sir, the priests are coming fiercely. We must ask for reinforcements. Those native soldiers are unlikely to have much effect in combat." said the captain's staff officer.

"But there is not much force nearby for us to mobilize. Forget it. We can only request reinforcements. We must mobilize troops from the local area to solve such a thing." Zhang Shi thought for a while and said. Relying on the fast-trained native soldiers, it is obvious that such a thing cannot be solved. The only way is to rely on local soldiers to fight. If they can't quell the riot this time, his position will not be preserved. Zhang Shi decided to send a telegram to the local people.

"Telegram, requesting assistance, we can't do this thing anymore." Zhang Shi waved his arm and said with some upset.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Your Majesty, this matter is very urgent. We have known before that there will be a serious rebellion among the Menggla people, but this time it is very serious." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. I also know about this. What I didn't expect is that the situation would develop so fast, but the problem is." Han Shu said with some worry.

"We simply don't have that much force mobilization in our hands. There are only a few strongholds nearby that can be mobilized, but it takes about fifteen days to gather. I'm afraid." Han Shu said worriedly.

"My lord, the only way is to mobilize the army. I think we can maintain the current situation. Once the reinforcements arrive, we can control more native soldiers. Once we control the native soldiers, we can then control the Bangladeshi government. , Mengla does not exist. Otherwise, we can start diplomacy, request Zhanpu, and other nearby states to send troops, which can greatly reduce our pressure, if necessary, we can ask the Northern Dynasty to participate in it. "Zhang Liang can only suggest that.

"Well, we can only do this at the moment. Things are developing too fast, and this has greatly exceeded our expectations." Han Shu shook his head and said.

"Issue the order immediately, be quick. Control the native soldiers, and you can control Mengla." Han Shu said. The only option is to use the local native army regiment to suppress it, but control of the native army regiment requires a small amount of troops to do so.

Station of the 7th Infantry Regiment of the Korean New Army

"Look at the chaos caused by the rapid expansion of the Tubing regiment. The Tubing regiment has no combat effectiveness." Zheng Fa said after receiving an emergency order from the mainland.

"However, sir, I think this is an important critical period for the control of Bangla, and the above judgment is very beneficial to us. We can do this as long as we send a certain number of troops." The chief of staff on the side. Song Jun said.

"Well, but we need to deploy more than two battalions to do so. If we do this, our military strength will be tense, which is also very detrimental to us. However, if we can control Meng La, we will not contribute much. There will be less, besides, Zhang Shi will also pay us, but we have to strengthen our training and control of the native soldiers, and we must not make them confused." Zheng Fa said.

"This matter is very simple. It is enough to organize a gendarmerie. We can arrest those who are of the opposite **** and who are dissatisfied with us. In addition, we also need to improve our organization, such as the police system." Song Jun put forward his own views.

"Police? Are those useful?" Zheng Fa's view of the police is that their batons may not be useful for the guns of native soldiers.

"Yes. To maintain public order and social order, the police still need to be handled. If there is no police, it will be very difficult to rely on our native soldiers. After all, they are soldiers, not police, and some things still need the police to do." Song Jun saw the problem this time. The native soldiers were used to suppress the riots and they needed to be used intensively. However, Zhang Shi has expanded his power excessively, and failed to manage the local economy well, and the order of the local society needs another kind of organization to carry out. This is the reason for the existence of the police. Zhang Shi has over-expanded the native soldiers.

"Okay, you make a plan so that we can't have such things as Zhang Shi. The problem of insufficient battles between the native soldiers is also solved, and the military police is used to control them. If problems arise, they will be in great trouble." Zheng Speaking of. He then arranged for the mobilization of troops. The forces of the two battalions will appear in the direction of Mengla in time.

On the front line of the Yue family, the people of the Yue family are stepping up their defensive line repairs. What they have to do now is to solve their defensive problems, so as to gain a base and cavalry troops will continue to move south.

The Indians have noticed the danger here. They sent some troops to build fortresses and dig trenches here. The two sides formed a preliminary confrontation. This confrontation may last for a while, but the problem will be resolved.

"Our high-level needs more slaves. Why let us defend here. Why don't those **** Indians surrender in a hurry." A second-class soldier stood in the trench and warned dissatisfied.

"Damn it, don't shut up, I'll let you dig a trench." A sergeant on the side cursed. He took a telescope to observe the Mengla people on the opposite side. The Mengla people were also monitoring them. Both sides were unable to eat each other. The Yue people needed more infantry regiments, while the Mengla people needed more muskets.

At the border, a Yueshi soldier escorted two people with their hands up, and a group of Yueshi soldiers was carrying a box forward.

"Hurry up," said the Yue soldier brandishing his bayonet rifle.

"What's the matter?" Meng Ping asked the staff of the inspection. He happened to see what happened at the border, and he was inspecting the border. See if there is a good breakthrough that can be further developed.

"Report sir. These are two arms dealers who secretly transported firearms. They are all from the Yue family. We are going to **** them to the gendarmerie." A Yue family soldier reported.

"People from Yue, in the arms smuggling operation that they participated in?" Meng Ping felt that the matter was very serious.

"Yes, sir, according to their own words, there are still many people involved, and our border lines have a lot of problems." The Yueshi soldier said.

"We are the army that came here for a change of defense. This happened just after we got here." The soldier said.

"You mean, something like this happened all the time before you came here?" Meng Ping noticed something.

"It seems to be, sir." The soldier of the Yue family said.

"You go down first." When Meng Ping heard this, he immediately understood what was going on. He had received relevant reports earlier that a large number of muskets had flowed into the hands of Indi from the Yueshi people, but now it seems that the situation is really like this.

"This matter is not easy." Meng Ping said helplessly, shaking his head. The Yue's army, Qin State consultant can only provide relevant reference, but can not provide more substantive changes.

Qin State, the North. Zhang Mo finally reached the area where the Huns lived in the north. This is called the Xiongnu area, which is the area where the Huns temporarily live here.

Zhang Mo doesn't have the habit of resting here. He started his work in a hurry.

The sanitary conditions in the Xiongnu district are very poor. The excrement left here is everywhere, too. The Huns have become accustomed to this way of life, and Qin has no more management over them, and they don’t pay taxes. Naturally, no one is willing to do such a thing for them. .

"Sir. Are you here to conscript?" A young Huns ran to Zhang Mo's side and asked in fluent Qin dialect.

"This. No, we are not here to conscript." Zhang Mo said.

"Sir, if you need to conscript, just look at us. These people are the best soldiers. We obey orders, whatever the difficulties." The young man said that he was reluctant to give up.

"Yeah. Very good. Your physical fitness is very good." Zhang Mo looked at the other's body and said. The men on the grassland are very good soldiers. They have good skills and good reaction ability. In order to serve as soldiers, the tribal men here are actively learning the Qin dialect in order to be able to serve as soldiers. Military pay.

"Then, the chief wants us, I have several brothers. They are all good soldiers. They absolutely obey your orders." said the young man.

"Okay. I have a task for you. Go and call your leader over. I will set up a banquet here to wait for them. I have an important thing." Zhang Mo said.

"Well, it's easy to say, I'll go right away, and I must be a soldier when I become an officer." Zhang Mo said.

"Go ahead, it's more useful than being a soldier," Zhang Mo said. Everyone here is looking at Zhang Mo, because he is wearing a navy costume and all the people who come here are the army. The army uniform is black. And his military uniform is white. The unique color of the navy.

Soon, the young man called the leader. There is not only one leader, but more leaders come here. Obviously they are very interested when they hear an officer is here.

"This, sir. I don't know how to call it?" an elderly leader asked first. The number of leaders is still increasing, but more people are gathering here, because they want to hear good news, conscription, and the news of conscription is enough to excite them for a long time.

"My name is Zhang Mo, I'm a lieutenant colonel, and the Qin State Admiralty sent me here." Zhang Mo said.

"But, old man. You sit down first, and when the number of people is almost the same, I will introduce my task. The reward this time is very rich, even more generous than your tribe's military service." Zhang Mo said.

"This." The old leader nodded. He didn't know what would happen, he wanted to find out clearly, but Zhang Mo did not say.

Soon, this wooden house was filled with the leaders here, and there were more people around here. Although the leaders did not allow them to come here, it was related to their living conditions. In addition to the whereabouts of the leader's authority, only the leader has great power on the grassland, but now their living conditions are not good. Only the family who is a soldier can have the right to speak, and the role of the leader has been greatly weakened. Unless the military is still retained.

"Everyone, my name is Zhang Mo. I come from the Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin. This time, I have only one purpose, to go east, to a location on the seashore, and to build a series of supply stations along the way to show the map. Survey and map coordinates to complete these. You can get quite a lot of rewards. A radius of three hundred miles. The remuneration given by the Qin State Admiralty is ten and a half two dollars." Zhang Mo raised his fingers and said. Then he opened the leather suitcase he was carrying with him.

"Cash here. You can look at it. This is the command letter from the Navy Department. You can get the sufficient supplies you want. This is only part of the reward." Zhang Mo said lightly.

"One and a half two dollars, my goodness." After Zhang Mo's words were over, many people were already shocked. Just when Zhang Mo wanted to say something, some talents reacted. They were very surprised by the huge sum of money, or that the huge sum of money was full of appeal.

"One and a half two dollars. That is, the entire tribe of cattle and sheep are sold. It is estimated that this is enough money." A leader said. Because of the poor scissors. The transportation here is not convenient, but the materials are relatively sufficient. It belongs to the fringe area of ​​Qin State. The trade scissors here are very bad. In the mainland, the salary of an average Korean worker is about 15 and a half a day. Their salaries are not very low, but they are very low here. They serve as soldiers and only pay 20, 30 and a half a month. The price of cattle and sheep is only twelve and a half dollars per cow. It can be seen how big the scissors difference is.

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