The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2802: Is fundamentally different from us

"This is simply bad news." When an investor heard of the rebellion in Bangla, his expression was extremely complicated, because the market had just risen for a while, and although it had fallen a bit, many people still believed that the stock market would rise. Yes, because it has fallen by 50%. Some greedy guys bought a lot at this time. As you can imagine, the result will be.

Now news comes. Trading stocks fell sharply. Driven by trading stocks, many stocks were falling. Except for the shipbuilding industry stocks not falling too much, many stocks were falling.

"Damn it, this is not the time for bad news or bad news. We don't care about patriotism, we have to sell all the stocks now, otherwise we will be even uglier than those **** goddesses who taught us to die." Many people listened. After the news, they saw the continued decline in the stock market, and they immediately reacted. With every drop, many of them would go bankrupt. Now they want to sell all the stocks. Selling all the stocks can save their property.

"Hahaha. Fall, fall, fall. Damn, fall." Li Wen yelled excitedly in his office. The assistant just shook his head. The previous wave rose. Li Wen ate a lot of stocks. Short selling. He has been bearish on the entire market. And he has been doing this all the time. As long as he fell sharply, he sold everything, and then after a certain amount of rise, he sold a lot of shorts, the rate of short selling was greater than at any time before. Because his funds have risen many times. The decline is getting stronger and stronger, and many people are desperate. But Li Wen was extremely excited.

"This time dividends must be indispensable." Li Wen said with a smile. The assistant nodded with a smile. He knew that Li Wen made a lot of money this time. Many people cannot bear the huge disaster brought about by the stock market crash. But Li Wen can, he is too late to be happy. He is a huge short presence in the market.

Xinzheng, Han Shu's office. Han Shu is very troubled by the sharp decline in the stock market, because the market has fallen by 50%, and the market value of more than 25 million yuan has evaporated. This is a huge amount of money, enough to build several Western Region railways.

"How could this happen? Shouldn't it be done?" Han Shu said distraught as he looked at the report.

"The King." Zhang Liang was making some reports. Han Shu closed his mind.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu asked.

"It's the matter of Seth Country." Zhang Liang said.

"Seth Country." Han Shu asked in a strange tone. She still doesn't know what is going on in Seth Country.

"Yes, the king, it’s about Seth. Seth is a country we discovered west of the Siberian nation. The expedition ship and the Breaking Wave took a long time to deliver the news. Maybe it’s from the State of Seth. It's unfamiliar. I didn't notice it at first. But now we have found their tracks." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, I didn't expect that the Kingdom of Seth was to the west of the Kingdom of An Xia. If this is the case, wouldn't it be that we have come to the front of the Kingdom of Qin," Han Shu said.

"That's it." Zhang Liang said.

"It's a pity that we can't do anything now. You know, our current situation. The situation in Mengla is extremely unfavorable to us. The goddess religion has developed rapidly, and in many cases it has exceeded our imagination." Han Shu said To.

"But we can know what to know about. If necessary, we can also strengthen the ties there through Qin. The people of Qin seem to be actively contacting Anxi. If we can get in touch, this is the best thing." Zhang Liang said. This was only when an official found out about the State of Seth when it was summarized. If it were not for the summary, I am afraid that no one would have noticed this.

However, the South Korean side cannot pay attention to the situation in Seth, because they have contained a lot of their forces in Bangla.

Bangladesh. South Korean new army, native soldiers on the ground. The native soldiers only have muskets, they do not have artillery, and they cannot form an extremely fierce firepower net. However, the Mengla people hold simple weapons. After continuous offensives hit a wall, they finally know. What kind of army are they facing? An offensive like stragglers and brave soldiers cannot shake such an army at all, but another situation is afflicting both sides. the weather. The hot weather and high air humidity severely affected the performance of the South Korean army.

The military uniforms of the South Korean army are made of blended materials. Even the summer uniforms are made of hemp and wool. Such uniforms may be used in the Central Plains, but here, the South Asian climate makes their physical strength very exhausting. Plush becomes the worst material. It is airtight, and it consumes too much energy and sweat can't be eliminated, which makes them feel very stuffy.

"Damn it." Many native soldiers took off their military uniforms and shirtless, or they wore their own clothes and cotton clothes to fight, which made their clothes untidy. The military police can't control these anymore. After all, they still need these native soldiers to fight, and if they blindly insist on military discipline, they may cause even greater mutiny.

However, this has attracted the attention of the military.

"Sir, our military uniforms are too thick. Fighting in this weather is too bad for us. And our military hats, the sun is too poisonous. We should have a hat that can block the sun, and our military uniforms must also Make some changes and use local materials to make military uniforms. For example, their cotton cloths are sweat-absorbing, breathable, lighter, and more durable than linen clothes. Most importantly, they are very suitable for military uniforms." A captain said to a middleman. The school officer reported.

"So, you let your people wear temporarily dyed military uniforms?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"Yes, sir, only in this way can we maintain our combat effectiveness well. If we can't maintain combat effectiveness, the situation will be very unfavorable for us," the captain said.

"Well, it is written as a material, I submit it, we must pay attention to this point, but the military boots cannot be changed, only let you frequently change socks." Lieutenant Colonel said.

"Yes, sir." said the captain. Some daring officers made changes. The hot weather was so exhausting that they had to make some changes. For example, they used military uniforms such as shorts and short coats for the first time, even though they did not look very decent. But it can dissipate heat very well. Now it's a battle, and many soldiers can no longer control this.

The war situation is still very stalemate. But the situation is the same on both sides. Exposure, they are all exposed in the hot weather.

Port of Chu State.

"This is the country of Bangladesh?" Liu Ji asked when he got off the boat.

"Yes, it should be." Lu Wan asked after looking around.

They are also here for the first time.

"Hey, brother, is this the country of Bangladesh?" Lu Wan asked a port steward.

"Will you come for the first time?" the other side asked Lu Wan, looking at it.

"Yes, it's the first time here." Lu Wan asked.

"There is a war here. I haven’t seen the Korean military camp over there that is very nervous, but they fought back, but regardless of our Chu people, we still sell weapons. It’s really time for you to come. The more chaotic this place is. , The easier it is to make money.” said the person in charge of Chu State.

"What business are you here for?" the steward asked.

"Slave. Labor business." Lu Wan said. He said that he gave some benefits to the other party, after all, they are too strange to come here.

"Oh. This business is very good. There are a lot of prisoners in the war now, and there is enough for the Koreans to toss about Bangla. Many people should not be able to pay taxes and go bankrupt. The Koreans are very vicious. , I took it directly, and it didn’t cost a penny to get a lot of labor. Their slave ships went to Zhang Xiong Island. If you want to get more labor, I think you still need to spend some time. Go to the Koreans and ask, the Koreans over there are also willing to do this kind of business." The steward said.

"Now it’s very chaotic here. The Koreans are constantly transporting all kinds of materials. They can’t transport their prisoners of war and bankrupt labor force in time. You just went there, and it won’t cost much. I guess, it’s a day or two. , Your ships will be fully loaded, and then transported to Zhang Xiong, where is the transfer station for slaves, presumably, you have been there too." The steward said.

"You know the situation there. The business here is like this. The bolder the person, the bigger it is. I think you are also courageous people, and you can definitely achieve great things." The steward said. Liu Ji and others nodded. But what Liu Ji thinks now is, how does this Mengla woman feel? After all, they look more exotic.

In Qin, the Huns gathered in the north.

More than a thousand Huns are ready to go. Zhang Mo’s efficiency is very high. The Admiralty has allocated some military equipment to them from the local military warehouse. All kinds of materials are as sufficient as possible, such as lighters, fuel, felts, blankets, muskets, ammunition, and more. There are a variety of daily necessities in the wild, they are as meaningful as possible to meet their needs.

The Huns decided to develop eastward because they felt that the north was still very cold. The most important thing was that there were large forests there. Although the Qin people were equipped with some students, they were mainly engaged in surveying and mapping work, and that is, they recorded and drawn maps. They are equipped with a number of compasses, which can guide the direction very well, but the Huns are unwilling to use such things. They decided to go east and towards a place with the sun. This is the simplest and most effective way.

"Chief Zhang, the people of our tribe will be handed over to you. They are our support. The Huns cannot live without the tribe. We have given them all the deposits you gave." The old leader said.

"Don't worry, we will guarantee their living conditions in the name of the Admiralty. But I hope you can complete the task as soon as possible, so that we can solve many things." Zhang Mo said.

"This is no problem. We will reach the beach, and the Huns will do what they want to do. Nowhere can we stop us." The old leader said.

"Well, if that's the case, it would be great. We need people like you so much." Zhang Mo said.

"Alright. Not much to say. We are going to set off. We will arrive at the beach and return as soon as possible." When the old leader was ready, he got on his horse.

"Toward the place where the sun rises, go forward." The old leader waved his arm, and he left with a group of troops. The Huns made a team of more than one hundred people and marched towards the sea in the east. With the departure of one team after another, the ten teams could satisfy Qin's navy's determination to explore the unknown area in the east to the greatest extent.

"This year, I will see the sea to the east after watching it." Zhang Mo said while looking at the leaving team. Immediately, he sent a telegram to the Admiralty to tell everything went well.

On the Liaonan Peninsula, Qin State Navy personnel are surveying. They have to choose a good port. However, there is already a new South Korean army station not far away. It is just a simple port. The Koreans do not intend to expand the business, but only anchor some ships to Goguryeo.

"The Koreans choose a very good place. There are mountains around and commanding heights. Arranging artillery on the commanding heights can block the entire port and provide a good support." A navy lieutenant colonel said with a map. To.

"The depth of the port is also very appropriate. It's just that the Koreans occupy it. We can't let the Koreans leave here." A major officer said worriedly. This is the later Lushun, which is near Dalian today, because of the development of geography. Alluvium, or siltation, has some discrepancies between here and later, but the prototype cannot be changed. High mountains, guarding a bay on both sides, this bay is the best port facility.

"Can't other places work?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"Sir, other places may be okay, but they can't satisfy our development. Moreover, this is a good port area. If it can be developed, it would be more advantageous." said the major.

"Well. Well, we will report the situation here to the Navy Department, hoping to resolve this issue through diplomacy." The lieutenant colonel said helplessly.

Peninsula, Goguryeo 2nd Infantry Division, 7th Infantry Regiment Headquarters.

"If this stalemate continues, it will not be good for all of us." A major general said, shaking his head. He is the major general brigade commander of the 2nd Infantry Division. He came here to urge an attack, but the actual situation is that the two sides have reached a positional war, and no one can move the other at once. The situation cannot be changed.

"Sir, I think we still hope that this problem can be solved diplomatically," the major said. The lieutenant colonel nodded in agreement.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"What did the Anxi Kingdom say?" Shang Wen hurriedly came in and asked Dao Wei Liao.

"Meng Tian’s report says that the Parthians completely agree with our views. They are willing to invest for us to solve their communication problems and set up several cables. In addition, they hope to send some military officers to the Parthian nation to give advice. The most important thing is some technology. Personnel, teach them how to use the telegram, so that their communication can play a greater role." Wei Liao said.

"This is very good. We also need to understand them. After all, we don't know how to solve these problems." Shang Wen said helplessly.

"However, we got a bad news. From South Korea, a South Korean expedition ship has reached the country of Seth. That is, the country west of the Kingdom of Parth. It is said that the Kingdom of Parth is attacking the Kingdom of Seth. This matter. "Wei Liao said to Shang Wen.

"This." Shang Wen heard the news. A little surprised.

"The Koreans arrived at Seth, their speed is so fast." Shang Wen said.

"It is true. We also feel that their speed is very fast, but that's what happened. The situation has gone beyond our imagination. I think Koreans are currently experiencing a situation and they also need to solve their problems in Seth. "Wei Liao said.

"The latest situation, a telegram from South Korea." Meng Yi came in and said to Shang Wen.

Shang Wen took a look and immediately understood. Then it was handed over to Wei Liao.

"Look, this is the situation. The Koreans probably know that they can't do such a thing, so they decided to join us to do such a thing." Shang Wen said. South Korea’s telegram is hoping to unite with Qin to investigate the state of Seth. This is what Qin needs.

"It's just that I'm a little worried. Koreans are involved in the Western Regions." Wei Liao said while looking at Shang Wen.

"I am also worried about this happening. After all, traditionally, the Western Regions are where we develop, and now, Koreans." Meng Yi also expressed this concern.

"The Western Regions were originally there. Moreover, the Western Regions are very large. We are all from the Central Plains. We should unite to solve the problems of the Western Regions. It is also very complicated. The Shah people and the Seth people are all very powerful. We have only found out. The two countries, the populations of these two countries, and the various conditions are still unclear. We need to unite. After all, our country of Qin has not penetrated into that place. The development of trade can bring great opportunities for development, I think , We don’t need to do this.” Shang Wen persuaded.

"Resource advantages need to be developed." Shang Wen said.

"Okay. Don’t worry, South Korea and ours have the same interests. As long as we have the same interests, we can do something to help each other. For example, they can get the information they want on the cable, and we can get some of the Koreans. Information we don't know. In short, such a thing is very beneficial to us." Shang Wen persuaded.

"Okay. Maybe this is beneficial to us, but before we figure out the facts, we may need more things to understand some of the circumstances." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, the Shabbat, the Seth, and the Yue people have constrained the Indians in the south, the Shabbat, and the Seth, how to deal with it? They are not Korea, and they are essentially different from us." Wei Liao said.

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