The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2803: The fast-growing shipbuilding industry

"This." Shang Wen himself didn't know what to say.

Qin Guo, on the stock market.

"What's going on with this stock today? Copper stocks have gone up too evil. You see, the market has fallen a lot, and the surrounding stock markets have fallen. But copper stocks have risen, which is really elusive." Investors looked at the market and said.

"That is, there are other stocks, such as electrical stocks. They are also going up. I really don't know what happened and they will go up like this." Many investors are interested in the stocks that went up in Qin Guo. Because this is far beyond people's expectations, it makes them feel that they do not understand how to explain this phenomenon.

"I know, I know." At this moment a young man reporting the gossip came in.

"It’s the Shabbat, the news from the Shabbat, the Shabbat has agreed to our request, they have to build several cables, in addition to a large number of electrical equipment to buy, this business can bring great profits, this is absolutely It is an absolutely huge business. Therefore, copper stocks will rise, mainly because motors and cables require a large amount of copper." The young man said.

"Oh my God." Everyone realized what was happening in the stock market.

As far away as Xinzheng, South Korea, Li Wen also noticed this. He looked at the newspaper in his hand and drew some lines. These lines can clearly draw specific trends.

"Qin State's stock market is abnormal." Li Wen said, looking at the slip of paper in his hand. Lee Wen continues to short the South Korean stock market. This has become an established fact. As long as he holds it, he can make a lot of money. Now he has made it. But the problem is. Where is the next speculative direction? Li Wen is still not sure. He needs to investigate the market. However, what happened in the Qin State stock market has made him feel some abnormalities, especially the copper stocks. This kind of rise is definitely not an accidental situation. , Behind this, there must be an unexplainable force in action. Li Wen decided to give it a try.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"The prime minister, good news. In the last quarter, the number of artillery exported from our artillery factory has increased rapidly. Not only that, but the number of orders is also very large." Li Zuoche said with the report in his hand.

"Talk about it." Li Mu wrote in the report with a pen. He is very busy now. Many places in Zhao Guo are on the right track, and he has cooperated with many countries, such as South Korea. The flash hider technology they want. With the flash hider technology, their muskets can rise to another state. The arsenal has developed a flash hider that uses flash hiders. In this way, the accuracy of shooting will be greatly improved. As for the upgrade, as for the fixed-loading of bullets, some were also manufactured, not mechanical manufacturing, but purely manual manufacturing. The effect is not enough. As for South Korea, using their advantages in steel technology, Zhao plans to help South Korea establish a group of steel companies, but South Korea has fewer resources and they have been investigating steel production. Zhao Guo can only help them as much as possible.

"The main target of our artillery exports is South Korea. The South Korean navy is developing rapidly. In addition, a large number of armed merchant ships are also actively developing. Therefore, the demand for artillery is very large. In addition, Chu State, Chu State has become the second. The countries that export artillery do not know why. Their navies are also actively developing. Before, their development was very slow. It seemed that they could not promote it. But recently, their orders are very large, and they often want to buy them all at once. Enter a thousand artillery, but, based on our experience, there is no large-scale war to break out in Chu State." Li Zuoche said.

"Hehe. The governor, the governor is the chief official of the border, they can get a lot of freedom, as long as they pay a certain tax, they can get a large piece of land, who is unwilling to do this, so many nobles began to frantically expand their navy Before, their navy did not develop because they did not have enough interests. Now that things have developed to such a point, they naturally have to do a lot of things." Li Mu put down the pen in his hand and explained.

"Look, Qi and Yan will also have a glance with Chu people. Those who buy arms and weapons on a large scale are also actively developing maritime trade. The sea is not peaceful at all." Li Mu said.

"Yeah." Li Zuoche understood immediately. Qi and Yan have also expressed their wishes in this regard, but they still need to do a lot of things, such as solving financial problems in order to develop the navy. He knows that the navy is very expensive. The cost of being able to support a naval force is definitely not affordable by ordinary countries. If it fails, the situation will be very troublesome.

"So, how do we develop. Should we also develop the navy?" Li Zuoche asked.

"I think about this, too, but the problem is that our country Zhao did not go to the sea. Qin country got an access to the sea after reaching an agreement with the country Yan. We can't do that. Therefore, we cannot develop the navy for the time being. The most important thing is. The problem is that the development of the navy requires a lot of financial funds. At present, the situation in Zhao State has just improved. In addition, taxation cannot be expanded on a large scale, and the contradiction cannot be intensified. Therefore, we want to develop the navy, but we cannot develop the navy." Li Mu said embarrassingly.

"But we can also do some things. For example, we can cooperate with the Koreans to carry out officer training. In addition, we can also develop other things. For example, aviation, naval aviation, and Qin people have such types of arms. We can develop technology, reserve it, and wait until needed, we can develop." Li Zuoche put forward his own views.

"Yes. Your idea is very good. We should have such a bold idea to do this kind of thing. I think you also know what kind of situation Zhao Guo is currently in. We need a lot of technical reserves. Although not big A large-scale expansion of the army, but it can greatly meet our military technical needs, therefore, I think. We can do this." Li Mu said.

"What does the prime minister mean?" Li Zuoche asked.

"We should make some plans as soon as possible. This does not cost much, but when we wait for development, we cannot find suitable talents, and the problem will be very big. Therefore, let our people study more and develop military cooperation with the Koreans. , Especially in matters of the Navy." Li Mu said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, I understand." Li Zuoche arranged.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"An official letter from the Qin Admiralty. They want to establish a naval base there, but we Koreans have already established a berth there. They mean let us leave there." Han Shu looked at the South Korean Admiralty. Written report.

"What do you think of this matter?" Han Shu asked the Secretary of the Navy.

"My lord, what we mean is to accept this fact, or we can use some military ports, or lease some civilian ports. In short, we have the right to anchor, but we can cooperate. After all, the Qin people are in the military. Technically, we have great advantages. We are currently launching important technical cooperation with them. For example, welding technology, we have received some welding technical support, we can weld iron armor. If the ship is equipped with iron armor, we You can build armored warships.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"You mean that the basis for our cooperation with Qin people is this naval base port in Liaonan Prefecture?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, Qin people have a lot of technology, we need an opportunity for cooperation, besides, we don't need that port. Only when the situation between us and the Goguryeo people develops, will we do that." The Minister of the Navy said.

"Yeah. You are right. The people of Qin have too much military technology. These technologies are what we need most. We can't waste it in vain. Just follow your ideas and negotiate with the people of Qin. Just talk like this. We need technology. , Qin people can use it in exchange. I believe they will make a choice." Han Shu put down the report in his hand.

Qi State, Tian Heng's general mansion.

"Navy's military expenses." Tian Heng annoyed and threw the report in his hand on the case table. He felt very tired, or rather helpless, he couldn't solve this problem.

"The general is worried about the navy's military expenses?" Lou Jing asked with a smile.

"Oh. Oh. It's Mr. Lou." Tian Heng politely greeted Lou Jing and sat down.

"Yes, the Laizhou Navy, the Dengzhou Navy, and the two naval fleets require a very large number of ships. The number has exceeded 30,000. People are easy to solve. But this ship needs a lot of money. We Unlike Koreans, Koreans have sea trade. They can rely on Bangla outside or the financial support of such a small country. However, our situation is different. We do not have such income. Therefore, in this case In terms of things, our financial problem is still relatively big. I am trying to solve such a thing. I don't know if Mr. Lou has a good solution." Tian Heng asked Lou Jing.

"This. Maybe there is a way." Lou Jing said with a smile.

"Oh. Tell me about it." Tian Heng asked curiously.

"The situation on the peninsula is now very stalemate, and we have no way to solve this problem. The economic situation of the tribes in the southern part of the peninsula is very bad. If this continues, the situation may be very unfavorable for us, but they provide us with a difficult problem. The problem that comes to mind is that in the east of them, there are still some people who fled there. We can go there to develop, gain some population, and at the same time train the navy. If we can adjust the situation and development of the peninsula, it is also very important. Great credit." Lou Jing said.

"Well, I've thought about the situation on the peninsula. That's it, but it's more difficult to adjust this matter." Tian Heng said.

"No. The general worried a little bit too much. Yan has already expressed its willingness in this regard. They need a lot of labor to develop their gold mines, and at the same time they need more miners to mine iron ore. Yan people develop like this. That's it. Now that they can do this, they are naturally willing to do such a thing." Lou Jing said.

"Well, but this matter is still not the issue of naval military expenditure. We still need a lot of things to develop. Although the shipyard is developing rapidly, we still cannot have a large military expenditure to solve this problem. You said very well, but , Time. In terms of time, our time is not enough." Tian Heng said.

"Haha. There is one more thing. This thing just gives us a chance to train our troops. Another thing is about the navy's military expenses." Lou Jing said.

"Quickly talk about it." Tian Heng asked anxiously.

"It's like this. On the border between us and Jiaozhou in the central and western regions, I found the people of Qin digging wells there." Lou Jing said.

"Dig a well, is the water there good to drink?" Tian Heng asked.

"No, no, they are drilling oil wells. This oil is something that can produce kerosene and gasoline. Qin people are in great demand for this kind of thing, and their output is also available in the north and here, as well as in Jiaozhou. But it takes some time and manpower. Why don't we sell such things? In this way, we can solve many problems." Lou Jing said.

"Oil?" Tian Heng asked.

"Yes, it's oil. This thing is in great demand and we can sell it. Zhao State-owned coal mine, we can have oil. In this case, our financial and economic projects are very extensive. When I investigated before, I found that This problem is solved. This is the matter of drilling a well. This oil, like well water, can be used for a long time." Lou Jing said.

"This is simply an opportunity to make a fortune in vain." Tian Heng thought for a while and said.

"You can immediately organize manpower to dig. In this way, we can solve a large degree of financial problems. However, I thought about an idea before, I don't know if it is very mature." Tian Heng thought for a while and wanted to say.

"That's how I think. Since all countries are exempting taxes or reducing tax rates, how can their fiscal problems be solved?" Tian Heng asked.

"Later I made a special investigation and found that Koreans solved this problem by means of expansion, but how they solved it before, and later I learned that it was bonds. The people of Qin did the same. They issued a large number of bonds. Whether it is their Guanzhong government or the local governments of the Western Regions, they have issued a large number of bonds. These bonds have raised a lot of funds for them. They only need to use fiscal and tax collateral as collateral. I think, since we can't solve these problems , We can also issue more bonds to solve our financial problems, but the question is, how to solve this method? In other words, who will buy our bonds, the development of all countries has big problems. This. Can their financial funds be given to us?" Tian Heng asked. I have to say that Tian Heng did think of the key to the question, and Lou Jing didn't know how to answer. But he knows that if this matter is resolved, many problems can be resolved.

"This matter may not be easy to handle. It needs the support of banks from all over the world. If the banks don't buy our bonds, we can't do anything. Therefore, we must do well enough in terms of credit. This also requires the support of banks. We The bank in China cannot buy so many bonds.” Lou Jing thought for a while and wanted to say.

"Well. You still need to contact us about this matter. Only in this way can we solve our problems. The current naval expenditure requires too much. We are still unable to solve many things." Tian Heng said.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"We have ordered the boat. But it will take time to get the boat as soon as three months, and half a year later. However, many nobles have already booked the boat." Xiang Bo said.

"This matter is difficult to handle." Xiang Liang said by rubbing his hands. Obviously he was a little anxious, and the Governor's order greatly stimulated the Xiang family. He thinks this is a good opportunity for expansion, and they still have a lot of naval power in their hands, but the navy needs a lot of ships, without ships, they simply can't do such a thing.

"I think we can go to Qingcheng to take a look. There may be ships there. The number of boats disembarked there in one day is very large, and the speed of their manufacturing is also very fast. I think we can give it a try." Xiang Bo said To.

"Well, give it a try. We can't do anything now." Xiang Liang said helplessly. However, the governor's order immediately stimulated the rapid development of Chu's shipbuilding industry. Many businessmen began to gather funds for them to invest in the shipbuilding industry, because the demand for shipbuilding was very large.

"Hahaha. This is great. I didn't expect that the position of a governor would suddenly stimulate the rapid development of our shipbuilding industry." Fan Zeng smiled and looked at the report in his hand.

"It's just that, Prime Minister, there are still many things we need to solve, such as skilled workers, wood, iron beams, and nails. If these raw materials cannot be solved, the problem is still relatively big." Chen Ping said.

"Yes. However, I have seen the report that some factories have gone to Qingcheng in the north. They are actively cooperating with shipyards in Qingcheng. There should be no problems with the technology and the skilled workers. The most important thing is Iron, we need too much iron." Fan Zeng said.

"In Danyang County, we found iron ore, but how to smelt this technology requires a cooperation project with Zhao Guo as soon as possible. The demand for iron cannot be delayed for a day. You know." Fan Zeng said.

"This problem, the technical talents of Zhao Guo have come. But the financial problem is still relatively large, and the possibility of investment is relatively small. The main reason is that the initial investment is relatively large, and only the long-term benefits can be seen." Chen Ping was embarrassed. Speaking of. Industry is not a simple matter. The funding requirements behind this are very large. This may not be done all at once.

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