The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2808: The day I arrived at the beach

The Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin.

"Our people are moving very fast. They recruited a thousand or two as an expedition team at once. They wanted to expand a lot of places, all the way to places with oceans." Wang Shu said with a smile.

"Sir. It's just that I don't know if these Huns are reliable. You know, their behavior is related to the development of our navy." An officer said worriedly.

"No. The situation of the Huns is very bad, you know, their situation is in a bad state, their lives require a lot of living expenses, so they can only explore. The cost we give is not very low. , Is much more kind than those treacherous businessmen." Wang Shu said.

"Anyway, our navy will have a brand new port there in the future." Wang Shu said happily.

"Yes, sir." said the navy officer. For the development of the navy, the people of Qin need a port, a port that belongs to their own people.

South China Sea area. A group of slave ships departing from Zhang Xiong Island are sailing fast. The storm has just passed, they can only return to the north as soon as possible. The wind direction is very favorable to them.

"Head, there is a slave under the cabin who is sick." A gunner reported to his captain worriedly.

"What a joke?" the captain said nervously.

"Go, throw the sick ones and some people nearby into the sea to feed the sharks. These **** people. I'm sick at this time. His mother." The captain said angrily. They are not armed merchant ships, so their cargo is simple and single, but it is profitable enough to be slaves. The north needs a large number of slaves, mainly for railway construction, and they are also needed in other places. They came from Bangla and transferred to Zhangxiong Island. In order to obtain greater benefits, they decided to go north to Qingcheng, where they would become the largest slave. Trading Center. They can make considerable profits.

"This." The gunner said worriedly.

"Fucking, hurry up, if all the people in the ship are infected. Fuck, we will all have to die." The captain had already taken a few people to the cabin without waiting for the gunner's response.

The bankrupt Mengla people are selected. They are forced to wash them, and then give them some linen or locally produced cotton cloth as their only fabric. They can only make pants at most, and then they are like canned sardines. The same stuffed under the cabin, eating will not give them too much food, an average of 100 people only have two rice buckets. That order of food can only survive starvation, and there is only a little water. There are also fixed places for urine and feces, but soon there will be disaster areas, where disease outbreaks are concentrated.

Because of the water and soil, or the bumps along the way. It is difficult for some Mengla people to avoid illness, so the tragedy begins, and they will be pulled out and thrown into the sea. Whether you can live or not depends on your own will.

However, sharks are often followed behind the fleet, and they will easily solve these problems.

"Ah." Soon there was a scream, and then a piece of red water floated. The sharks were biting frantically. This may be their appetizer. On the other slave fleets, the same thing happened. They would not sympathize with the actions of the Mengla people. In their opinion, there is no need to sympathize with them. , They are just slaves.

In Seth, Guo Xiang just had a full meal. The local food is not bad. They have grilled fish, a local delicacy, and various scones.

"Come here, let you see a new thing." Zhang Bi said to Guo Xiang with a smile.

"What? Beautiful women? The beauties here are not bad, I decided to marry one." Guo Xiang said easily.

"However, you soon feel that it is not beautiful." Zhang Bi said. With that said, he quickly let Guo Xiang see something that made him stunned. A black man is very tall, with more head than Guo Xiang, and looks very strong. His chest is open and his arms are very powerful.

"This. This." Guo Xiang didn't know how to say it. He just kept spinning around the black man. Turn back and forth.

"Here. Is this person digging coal? It's so dark. Is he not washing it clean." Guo Xiang stepped forward and touched it. He thought it was ink or something, but, no, only greasy sweat, which made him feel very helpless. Or, it's strange.

"Here. Is this thing a human?" Guo Xiang asked strangely.

"Hehehe, when I first saw it, it was just like you. Later, the Seth people told me that they were like this. These people came from the west and were born slaves. They were very powerful and did not dare to resist. After catching , That's it. You said, if such people are shipped to South Korea, won't we make a fortune?" Zhang Bi said excitedly.

"Get rich, get rich, absolutely get rich, such people, how did they grow up, how did they become like this." Guo Xiang still asked Zhang Bi curiously.

"I don't know. I just said that there are many people like this in the west, and we don't know how far they are. Anyway, there are many people like this. I heard that they are very barbaric. But the people who drive them to work should be good, and the most important thing is. The thing is, they are stupid." Zhang Bi said.

"Hehe. Looking at the size, I just don't know how much money I can give." Guo Xiang continued to look at and said. He was very interested in black slaves, but he didn't know where he came from. They don't understand the local language, they can only know that such black people are from the west, and they don't know exactly where in the west.

Bangladesh. Mamm. The sixth regiment of the Korean New Army Corps was besieged by more than 30,000 clergymen. Fortunately, their commanders were very calm. They adjusted quickly, established a circular fortification, and then continued to expand their trenches. At the same time, their commanders fully mobilized capable forces to form a reserve team, every time in the most crisis. At the time, he always dispatched the reserve team to the place where it was most needed. With this kind of tactics, the offensives of the priests were defeated time and time again. Fortunately, their ammunition can withstand such a consumption.

"These days, we have hit and killed the goddess, there should be five or six thousand people." Colonel Commander Wang Shun asked.

"It should be. Sir." said a major, putting down the telescope in his hand.

"If you add those injured by us, it will be very difficult for them to be cured. I think it should be more than 10,000 people. The goddess teaches, it should be disabled by us." said the major.

"Yeah. That said, but they still don't retreat. It's really annoying. They are very annoying with the flies here." Wang Shun said.

"Sir, we can't launch an attack, we can only wait for reinforcements to arrive here. It is the right thing for us to stay here." said the major.

"Well, I know this very well. But we have to wait like this. Fortunately, we have a lot of ammunition, but not too much food. The most important thing is water. Fortunately, we have several wells." Wang Shun said.

"We can only hold on. Those gods will not let us go. Those native soldiers who tried to surrender have confirmed this." said the major. Before, several native soldiers secretly surrendered. However, their tragedy soon caused the native soldiers to give up this idea. The goddess believes that they are soul-sellers, demons, and they have become demons, so they are not being broken and visceral. Drained is to put them on the fire and roast them alive into jerky, and they can still hear the sound of the fat falling on the fire. Such a brutal punishment. The native soldiers completely cut off the idea of ​​surrender, and they had to rely solely on the Koreans, because only the Koreans could protect them. Moreover, the Koreans have promised that as long as they defeat these Mengglas, they will get more rewards. If one day launches an offensive, when the reinforcements arrive, they can dispose of the priests at will.

"Those who are unlucky." Wang Shun said disdainfully.

"We can't do anything now. We can only wait for the reinforcements above." Wang Shun said helplessly. If it weren't for the soldiers who surrendered, they had suffered inhuman cruel punishments. It is very likely that most of the native soldiers will not stick to such a situation.

Mengla, inside the headquarter of the Korean New Army. Zhang Shi looked at the report of his subordinates with a gloomy face.

"The Bangla government and the Zhanpu government are unwilling to send troops to help us suppress. They think this is our Korean business. At the same time, they believe that they have a bigger task to do. The tasks given to them by the Northern Dynasty make them feel It's very tricky, so they are now anxiously waiting for their orders." said a subordinate.

"Haha. I think they want to see the jokes of our Koreans. They definitely don't want to mobilize their own forces to do such a thing. It's good. When we solve the goddess teaching, we will show them good looks. We must shock them. "Zhang Shi said.

"How's our army assembled?" Zhang Shi asked.

"Sir, we have three native battalions, four local battalions, and two artillery battalions. In addition, some merchants are willing to go together, but they think. We should give them more trophies or tax concessions. ." Another subordinate said.

"This is no problem, as long as the goddess teaching is defeated, what kind of things will be given to them." Zhang Shi said.

"Sir, I think we should rescue our Sixth Army Regiment. They are in a bad situation. According to our scout cavalry report, they are besieged by more than 30,000 clergymen, and there may be a lot of people added recently. They are all ferocious people, I don't think they can hold on for long." A subordinate said.

"Well. Let them gather more people. We just defeated them all at once. We will solve the troubles of the Sixth Army Corps and then launch an offensive." Zhang Shi said.

"Then we completely solve their problems." Zhang Shi said with a smile. It seems that the practice of the goddess teaching is right in his arms. The Koreans very much hope they will do this.

Just when the new South Korean army dispatched troops. The people of Qin are also considering their problems.

"The Indians actually want to negotiate with the Yueshi people, but it seems unlikely." Shang Wen looked at the report and said.

"I also think it's impossible. The conditions put forward by the Yueshi people can allow the Indians to fight another war. Anyway, the situation does not allow them to completely solve the problem." Meng Yi said.

"Well. Military equivalence can completely solve the problem." Shang Wen said.

"But we need Yuezhi to get more prisoners of war as soon as possible. Those prisoners of war will greatly help us solve the labor dilemma." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. Speaking of this, the people of Yan, Korean, and Qi, they seem to intend to adjust the situation on the peninsula. They said that there are Japanese people on the east side of the peninsula. Those Japanese people are very short and equipped with very weapons. Backward. They can choose to conquer there and provide a steady stream of labor. Once the war is over, they can solve this problem. The Goguryeo people seem to know this too. They want to stop the war. After all, their finances are difficult to support. For them, this kind of war is really exhausting." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"If you take this into consideration, I think it is indeed necessary to resolve such contradictions and problems." Shangwen said.

"The demand for labor will become greater and greater. In this case, it will be extremely unwise for the war to continue." Shang Wen said.

"Promote this as soon as possible." Shang Wen decided.

The north of Yan State.

"Father, this land is too much. There are already two to three hundred acres of land. Just the few of us, this kind of planting, we must not be able to plant. This has to be more manpower." A young man put down his **** and said dissatisfiedly To. The Liaobei Plain is extremely fertile. Many Yan people came to Liaobei to find a piece of land of their own. Because there is no Yan government here, they don't have to pay heavy taxes. On the contrary, the land here is fertile and a lot of land can be cultivated. Drain the water and the swamp will turn into fertile land. The grass just needs a fire. Those plant ash become the best fertilizer.

"Nonsense, look at your elder brother and don't say it. Just your mind is upset. You have to farm this field well. If we plant beans, we will be rich." A middle-aged man said. He said, while plowing, he didn't want to put down his **** at all.

"Father, look at the old Yan family. They hire a few people. There are too many people. I heard that there are people who don't spend money. They are slaves bought from the Qin country. Let me see. We should also buy a slave. With so many fields, our family will have all the seeds. It will take a lot of time. After this time, everything will be too late." The young man said dissatisfied.

"I see you, do the work in your hands well. Don't talk nonsense, this slave doesn't cost money, just like a farm animal. You can't eat. I think you are too lazy to learn from your second brother. Your eldest brother." The middle-aged man still said, while farming.

"Old wood. Just don’t listen. If this Liaobei is planted like this, it will be planted for a lifetime. There is a lot of land here. How can we do it? There is also no owner of the land here. Locally, look at the old Yan’s family. They have more than 1,000 acres of land. They are also expanding. They have several slaves, and we can buy a few. Anyway, the Qin State Farm is like this. This is also a farm, why can't you do this?" the young man said dissatisfied.

"Lao Yan's house, Lao Yan's house, I think you can go to their house. Anyway, his daughter is there. Go." The middle-aged man scolded dissatisfiedly. Then put down the **** in his hand. The young man was annoyed when he saw his father. He didn't want to say anything, dropped the **** and ran away.

"Old wood. You can plant such a large piece of land by yourself." The young man said and ran away. The middle-aged man still shouted loudly behind him.

With the reclaiming of large tracts of land in the northern Liaoning Plain, the amount of land per capita has far exceeded the average amount of land owned by the Yan people. It is obvious that relying on the past farming methods can no longer meet such production needs. Because time is tight. They can only farm for one season. The only way is to increase manpower. But the people of Yan people who kept coming here kept going north to find new land. There are not many people left. In addition to the recent news that Liaonan Prefecture is about to develop, some Yan people chose to go to Liaonan. After all, Liaobei is the last choice. The winter here is extremely cold, and no one wants to be frozen under such conditions. They are more willing to choose to go south, maybe there will be warmer there.

However, not everyone will cultivate in the inherent way. They chose another method, buying slaves and letting slaves cultivate. The large-scale use of slaves solves the labor problem in this way. But this requires money and accumulation, but this place itself is a huge treasure house, with such a treasure house, naturally many people are willing to do so. The use of slaves has become a trend, but this trend also needs a facilitating force, that is, more labor force enters here and develops into the most important productive force.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"It seems that the labor problem is huge." Han Shu looked at the report from Goguryeo. And the report of the people of Qi. They all hope to solve this problem as soon as possible. After all, the people of Qi hope to solve their labor problem in building railways and highways. On the other hand, they are also intensifying the solution to the land problem. Therefore, the demand for slaves has become extremely large. The people of Goguryeo and Yan were also more fierce, because their mineral resources needed more slaves to solve the problem.

"Well, I think, yes, as long as there are widows, I think it is not wrong to solve the problem. We should send a telegram to let our southern labor ships go north as soon as possible to solve their so many problems." Han Shu told Zhang Liang Speaking of.

"Yes, Majesty, but, Majesty, our slave ship, the first thing to solve is the slave problem of the Chu people. Chu is developing very fast on the South China Sea Peninsula. They have established several colonies, relying on them. The colonial sites have built quite a lot of food production areas, and their food has greatly met the needs of the Chu people. I think that in the future, the demand for slaves will be mainly concentrated in the north." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. Let them do this. We don't have to interfere with them." Han Shu said. As long as there is money to make, she will not interfere with these things.

Chu State, Wuyue Shipyard. With the support of a large number of technicians from Qingcheng, the shipbuilding speed in the shipyard has been significantly accelerated. The first wave of more than 120 large ships was launched. This makes the nobles and navy of the Chu country very happy, because with such ships, they can quickly expand. The navy personnel can't wait to test their new warships. In fact, their ships have only strengthened some sensitive positions on the basis of the civilian version, such as thickening the side decks of their hulls. Mainly to guard against bullets and artillery attacks. Let them be thicker. However, their weapons have not been retrofitted yet, after the sea trial. They will go to Qingcheng instead, where there will be a lot of artillery from Zhao Kingdom and South Korea. They will load that many artillery on their ships, and then they can sail. They have to complete their combat missions.

"The speed of the launching of the ship has increased significantly, which is very beneficial to us." Xiang Yan said. He came here just to see the development process of Chu's navy. But after hearing this, some shipyard owners nearby felt a little helpless.

"This, we may be slower to take over." A shipyard director said helplessly. His voice was relatively small, but Xiang Yan still heard it.

"Oh. Why?" Xiang Yan asked.

"This." The director obviously didn't expect Xiang Yan to know such a thing.

"This. We don't have much raw materials. Because of the wind direction, the raw materials from Qingcheng are very inadequate, and the wood in the south is too wet. We don't store much wood at all, and there are also iron beams. It’s about the same. But the north has not been able to add it. Our construction speed is very fast, but. Materials. Without materials, no matter how fast we build, the problem will still not be solved very well.” The other party said helplessly. A fact.

"Oh. There are such things." Xiang Yan obviously did not realize that the problem was so serious.

"Yes, sir. The wood for shipbuilding needs to be dried for more than three years before it can be used. However, the people of Qin did not know what method they used, so they solved this problem by baking. This baking method, we I have also experimented. The temperature is not easy to grasp. The temperature is too high and the baking time is too long, and the wood will be scrapped. If it is too short, the wood will still be unusable, and it will be deformed after a long time. I don’t know how the Qin people solve this The problem, anyway, we don't have such a technology." said the director. Chu State Shipyard is not only limited to technology, but also more factors restrict its development. For example, in terms of raw material supply, most of Chu State’s raw materials come from South Korea.

"This. We can only discuss things like this with the Koreans to develop. As for whether they can give it to us." Xiang Yan herself felt a little bit out of the way.

Jiaozhou, Qingcheng. In the laboratory of the United Shipyard.

"How is it?" a middle-aged man asked the laboratory staff.

"No, we have controlled the temperature. This thermometer was bought from a Korean equipment manufacturer, and it is very accurate, but now. The temperature is controlled. We have also experimented with time. However, I just don’t know why, it’s unsuccessful. "A young man said discouragedly.

In fact, the United Shipyard has already begun to solve such problems. They have already seen that the material constraints are very large for them. Even if they have wood, they need to transport the wood to Qin, and then Qin will process it and sell it to them. In this way, the wood is originally very cheap. , Suddenly rose a lot, which greatly restricted their profit margins, but in desperation, they did not have such technology and could only be controlled by others, but the United Shipyard decided to overcome this difficulty, and they decided to test and solve this by themselves. They first bought some special baking machines, which were specially made by the people of Qin, and used electric baking technology to control the temperature. However, the equipment costs a lot of money, and there are more thermometers to measure temperature. They thought they could solve such a problem by doing so. As a result, the wood they baked still could not solve such a problem. This made many people feel embarrassed. Because such a large investment has no results, the shareholders of United Shipyard are all anxious.

They believe that instead of buying a large amount of equipment like this, it is better to directly cooperate with the people of Qin, even spending some money. After all, the problem that money can solve is easy to solve, and the demand for materials is very large now. If you don't do a good job a little, they may all be ruined.

"Don't worry, take your time, maybe we still need time. There is enough time. The problem will be solved, don't worry. Take your time." The middle-aged man patted the young man on the shoulder and said. He also knows that this is not an urgent matter, but the problem is that it is not easy to solve.

In fact, many people are facing tremendous pressure. They don’t know where the future of the United Shipyard is, but what they need to do is to reduce costs and increase profits as much as possible. There is no big problem with the hull structure for the time being. The big problem comes from the raw materials for shipbuilding. , They can only rely on such technology to solve their problems.

Inside Meng Tian's office.

"The Dawan people want their own self-defense army. Li Xin's attitude is that he is unwilling to support it. Because in this way, Dawan's military influence on them is much smaller. Because the possibility of Li Xin sending troops is much reduced." Meng Tian said to Wang Ben.

"If it were me, I would also object, but I think we should let the Dawan people try it. After all, the gangsters of the War Department are currently undergoing military reforms, and my people are learning, and there are many military The unit has to be abolished, and I feel very embarrassed about it." Wang Ben said.

"Our military combat effectiveness has dropped too much. Many people are unwilling to participate in the battle. Faced with such a situation. I think it would be better for those Dawan people to participate. At least the Ministry of War can sell its arms and improve. Let’s take a look at our current situation.” Wang Ben said.

"Listening to you, you seem to have very big opinions." Meng Tian said.

"It's not a big opinion, but a big one. The reform of the War Department is very ridiculous." Wang Ben said unceremoniously.

"If I were the Secretary of the Army, I would not do this. I feel. The Prime Minister's Office has concentrated a large amount of funds on the navy, and the development of the navy is far beyond our imagination." Wang Ben said.

"However, I don't care about these, as long as we have enough funds." Wang Ben said.

"Well. Okay, I think your suggestion is good. The Dawan people have their own army and they can defend against the Parthians. After all, the Dawan people are our important mineral production area. If something goes wrong, it will be very difficult. Trouble." Meng Tian said.

"I don't care about these problems. I only care about whether the Yueshi people can solve our labor problem. They borrowed a lot of money from the bank." Wang Ben said.

Yueshi Frontline. The fort built by the Yue people was surrounded by a large number of Indian fortresses, and the Yue people dig trenches. The Indians also dig trenches. The Yueshi people have artillery, but the Indies do not. They have built a large number of bunkers. Those bunkers are stationed by a large number of military personnel, and they can defend against the Yueshi people's attack. Sneak attack.

But another kind of war started, because the two sides entered a confrontation phase, the Yueshi people needed to spend a lot of money to solve the fortifications. The Indians can't deal with the Yueshi bunker, they only have muskets. Cold weapons, such weapons are for them. Not enough. Therefore, the Yue people first started the military action of shooting black guns. Then, the Indians also launched the same military operations to deal with the opponent's provocations. For a time, such a battle opened.

"Bang. Bang." Gunshots appeared on the ground from time to time. Some people who are not careful are easy to get hit, not just in the neck. Even after being hit in the head, there were people like this on both sides, so many Yue soldiers often bend over to walk. They have become accustomed to this situation.

"Damn it, lower your head, don't take your head." A Yueshi sergeant shouted loudly. But the soldier didn't care at all. There was a black pot on his head. There is also a tin box wrapped around it.

"Bang. Ding." A clear metallic sound came. This is the sound of a bullet hitting a can.

"Never stop, how about it. Die." The sergeant cursed, but the soldier just touched his head, then bent down and took off the black pot.

"Hehe, it's okay. You see, the bullet doesn't go through at all." The soldier said with a smile. Then handed it to the sergeant.

"You fucking, you're so stupid, you are experimenting with this thing with your own head." The sergeant scolded.

"It's okay. This thing works. I heard that those sharpshooters are doing this, and they searched the pot. It's a pity. With this thing, there is no need for the head to bloom." The soldier said.

"You are stupid. Don't do this kind of thing in the future. It's no good. Your head blooms, but just once, your brain flies out. This kind of stupid thing. Don't do it," the sergeant said.

With the start of the stand-off shootout, many soldiers searched for defensive tools they could resist. This practice of wearing iron pots was quickly promoted, but there were very few frontline iron pots. At this time, no special helmets appeared. Traditional helmets are made of leather and metal, but only officers have such things. Soldiers at the bottom can only find materials by themselves.

Karachi. The Koreans initially established a trading post here, because the Koreans brought a lot of muskets they needed. Artillery, front-line warfare is not going well, especially the attack of the Yueshi people. If you go further a hundred miles. It may be close to them. Karachi needs the firearms support provided by the Koreans too much.

Therefore, in order to attract Koreans, Karachi people specifically exempt Koreans from taxes. In addition, a dedicated terminal has been specially opened for Koreans to do business. They hope that this will greatly attract Koreans to arrive here. However, there are still very few Koreans here. Because some of them are concentrated on the east coast, where the expansion is very smooth, there are only some unknown armed forces and some navies. Small units of the Army are operating on the west coast.

But this ship is special. They set up the cables. They laid all the way to Karachi, arriving here faster than the Korean businessmen.

"Is the telegram ready?" the telegram supervisor asked anxiously.

"Almost. Almost." The telegrapher said at this time. He quickly connected a strand of wire. The attitude of the Karachi people here greatly exceeded their expectations, which made him feel very excited. He felt that as long as the news was sent back to the country, it would definitely have a huge impact. Because this is a trade opportunity, demand is a very large trade opportunity.

"Okay. It's okay," the telegrapher said after receiving it.

"However, I need to give it a try before I can telegraph." The telegrapher said.

"Regardless of this, you send it directly, it's not a copy anyway. We want to send a lot of copies. This is the content of the telegram, hurry up," the supervisor said.

The telegrapher looked at the telegram. The content is very long. But the telegrapher does not matter. This is what they did. Cable ships also need to wait some time, they need to lay a larger scale of cables. I heard that the company that runs the cable business has made a fortune because the telegram is sent every day. People can't do without the telegram.

The telegram was soon launched to Xinzheng, South Korea. Although the telegram was still intermittent at first. But then the telegram returned to normal and the content became complete. What he meant was that it was in Karachi on the west coast and provided more accurate coordinates. A lot of arms are needed here. They are very kind, friendly, and business-oriented towards the Koreans. A lot.

Suddenly, this telegram brought great business opportunities, and many people began to shift their eyes from the east coast of Bangla to the west coast. Although the risk may be greater, the greater the risk, the more benefits they can receive, and they don't care about these situations. So some businessmen pay attention here.

North of Qin State. A Huns expedition.

"Pull it out, pull it out." Many Huns grabbed a Huns by the arm and shouted loudly. But they just can't drag it out. The other party got stuck a little bit. The opponent's arms were pulled and dislocated.

"No way. In this case, the arm will be broken." A Huns man shouted anxiously.

"Use the rope. The rope can be used." A lieutenant Qin Jun came over with the rope, his face full of anxiety. But many Huns suddenly bowed their heads.

"No. He can't get out anymore," a Huns said.

"This." Lieutenant Qin Jun looked at the bubbling swamp. He shook his head helplessly. Many people are depressed. They came here and encountered a lot of disasters. Their camp was once attacked by black bears. Fortunately, they were equipped with muskets and fired a lot of guns to kill the black bear. In addition to black bears, there are traps like swamps. This Huns is the striker of Pathfinder because he is not careful. He fell into it. When the people behind came, he already had half of his body in it, and then they dragged it, but what the result was, there was no way at all. In the end, I could only watch the other side enter it a little bit, and then never get out.

"This." The lieutenant wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

"Forget it. You Qin people would just give some more pensions. There are many such children in their family. It is enough for others to survive." A person like the leader said.

"Everyone, let's eat. But don't get close to those **** forests. Those hornets will be in trouble when they come out." said the chief. They were once attacked by a wasp like this. Many people couldn't stand it. They lacked a lot of medicine, and then they died. Along the way, they have lost more than 20 people. It was not such an accident or such an attack, which made the leader feel sad, but this is what they did. As long as they get to the beach, they can solve all the problems.

"Guo Qin. How far do you think the sea is?" the leader asked the lieutenant.

"This, I don't know. Maybe it's still far, but we have already traveled a thousand miles. I reduced the coordinates as much as possible in the middle. We have already walked east about thirty degrees of longitude. I think. Come on. Said the lieutenant.

"Well. It's coming soon. It's going to be good soon. I hope our efforts are not in vain. I hope that everything we do is useful." The leader said.

"Yeah. But what I think is that there may be other teams ahead of us," the lieutenant said.

"No. No, no one will come in front of us, no one, we will go quickly." The leader said.

"Yeah. Maybe, but let's eat. We can do this if we rest. If we don't let it, we will reach the beach and we won't be able to come back." said the lieutenant.

"Yeah." The leader nodded. This is an expedition, and it is also a huge benefit. The rewards given by the Qin Navy make many of them willing to do this. After all, such rewards are not always available. Merchants need forest resources, but the Navy does not seem to want them , They are not interested in resources. They are only interested in coordinates, perhaps because of this, they walk faster than usual. Many Huns also hope to complete such a thing as soon as possible. It is difficult for them to bear the cost of such casualties. Many of them are waiting anxiously until the day they reach the beach.

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