"How did the test go?" a sergeant chief asked anxiously the Huns who came out.

"Haha, I don't know. Anyway, there are still some that I haven't written, and I have written all of them. I can't pass the exam this time, I will take the exam next time." A Huns soldier said.

"You think there is another one. The next exam may not be so simple." The Sergeant Major said.

"What's wrong. Sergeant Major, there will be no exam next time?" the Huns soldier asked.

"I heard that the reform of the Ministry of the Army is advancing very fast. They want qualified Qin soldiers. At least you can read and write, and then you are extremely proficient in weapon operation, but you can even maintain your guns. None of them are very good. How can we fight if this continues?" The Sergeant Major said angrily.

"So, the only way for the army to stay here is to be skilled. Otherwise, no one can help you. You know. The current military reform. The technical requirements are very strict." The Sergeant Chief said.

"Well, it's not so difficult." The Huns said disapprovingly.

"No. To tell you, in fact, it's very difficult. A sergeant like me may have to retire. The above has allowed us to learn some special skills. In the future, we may go to work in a factory." The sergeant said.

"This." The Hun soldier was obviously surprised. He didn't expect that the sergeant major with special combat skills would also retire and go to the factory to work as a worker.

"You kid, learn well and become a worker even after you come out, do you know?" the sergeant chief said.

"Yes, what I know is that the salary of this worker is higher than that of a soldier, and there is no risk." said the Huns soldier.

"Just know it, just learn it for me, and do things well when I go out." The Sergeant Major said.

Just when two people were talking. On the bulletin board of the barracks.

"With so many people, what is written on it?" The Xiongnu soldier asked the soldier in front of him curiously.

"Oh. There are too many people, and I can't see it clearly. Anyway, it seems to be about recruiting special soldiers. It is a soldier with a good skill, after selection and training. Such soldiers can increase the salary and treatment, anyway, they are very generous. , The weapons are also very sophisticated.” A soldier said.

"There is still such a good thing." The Huns soldier said.

"Yes, this is a special force. The ability is very strong. I have recruited it before. However, this time I don't know how many people are needed, so we will go. Maybe we can't be selected. The person who wants it is very strict. I want to go in. Difficult.” Many soldiers said so. They knew that the people of Qin had been recruiting special fighters, but it was still difficult to enter.

Bangla. Mamm. The three native soldiers of the Korean New Army. Four new army infantry battalions. Have arrived here. The artillery will arrive here later, and the goddess has lifted the siege of the Sixth Infantry Regiment of the native soldiers. However, the 6th Infantry Regiment will not participate in the battle for the time being, they have been under siege for too long. It's still hard to get used to it all at once for them to participate in the battle.

"Sir, the goddess has increased to 50,000 in the past few days." A staff officer reported with a report.

"Fifty thousand people are still too few. Our army gathered here and defeated fifty thousand people at once." Zhang Shi took a binoculars and looked at the goddess teaching Indi in the distance. After a short rest, the Tubing Corps had already begun to deploy. In the queue, behind them is the Korean New Army. They will be used as a supervising team. The artillery will arrive later, and they will provide fire support to them.

This time is a battle between the locals and the locals. The rewards of the native soldiers have been increased by five times. After defeating the gods on the opposite side, they will get more trophies, and the gods they caught will become trophies. The native soldiers know it. Koreans need such a large amount of labor, and such labor is their best harvest.

The goddess teaches very well, and their weapons and equipment are very backward, even inferior to the Bangla government army. In the face of such an opponent, if they use guerrilla tactics, there may be some use, but now, if they have to face the Koreans, their situation is very irrational.

As more and more people gathered on the battlefield. Liu Ji and others also gathered here quickly. They came here to participate in the war in response to the call of the South Korean government. Behind him, there are more than 1,500 slave soldiers. They are local Mengla people. They can say something simple. In Zhongyuan dialect, communication is not a problem, but they are still slaves. Only after fighting this war can they become free bodies and then become real native soldiers. Their weapons are also very simple, with broadswords, spears, and spears in large numbers. Liu Ji's idea was to not allow them to participate in regular operations, but to launch a pursuit after the new South Korean army launched an offensive and defeated the goddess religion. He knew that the new South Korean army would only fight the rout, let them fight a siege, maybe not, and he didn't know where the church of the goddess was running, the only way was to pursue it.

"Let the brethren rest. After the Koreans have defeated the goddess teaching, we will chase after them, and we will all chase after them. It is our own to catch as many as we can." Liu Ji said to Lu Wan. Lu Wan immediately conveyed the order. On a high ground. Zhang Shi established a temporary headquarters here, and the gods on the opposite side also responded positively, and more than 50,000 people all faced it.

The three native soldiers have lined up in a line, and they are all bayoneted. Three-line formation, typical gun platoon tactics. On the high ground, the artillery unit is ready, and they are conducting the final inspection.

"Sir, this time we are mainly focused on defeating the other side. This kind of war is for us. The hope of victory is very high." The staff officer said.

"Haha, don't worry about this, there is no suspense in this kind of war. Let's get started. I want the priests to know that they have entered our dining table." Zhang Shi said with a telescope.

"Boom. Boom." Then the artillery force began to play, and the grenade began to fly continuously. In an instant, many people in the goddess church were hit, and they didn't understand how they got within the range of the opponent's artillery. However, more of them have encountered such weapons for the first time. Although they have heard of it.

"Ah. Boom." With the sound of the bomb explosion, coupled with the flesh of the flying people, there was some confusion in the queue of the goddess religion. They were originally mobs, and they walked together by the power of religion. Under such conditions, how could they? It may be lower than the artillery bombardment of the new South Korean army.

"Boom." There was another fierce artillery attack, and the formation of the goddess was even more chaotic, but many of them could barely maintain the formation under the supervision of their gods. But they are already terrified. After all, they had never encountered such a fierce artillery attack.

"It's really a group of poor and desperate bugs. Let our native infantry advance and defeat them with shooting." Zhang Shi put down the telescope in his hand and shook his head and said.

"Yes, sir." The staff officer gave the order.

"Sir, we don't have a cavalry unit. If there is a cavalry unit, I think we can defeat these goddess teachings." A staff officer on the side said.

"I also know, but you have seen the situation here. But when the goddess teaches it is solved. All the problems will be solved." Zhang Shi said.

And Liu Ji, who was not far away from the battlefield, stood on the high ground to check the situation on the battlefield.

"This goddess teaching, it is estimated that it has not started fighting, it is probably not good. You see, their formation can be maintained in front of them, but you and I all know that the new Korean gunmen are powerful, regardless of the use of soil in South Korea. Soldiers. However, these native soldiers can exert greater power. Only three rounds of shooting is enough to make these people collapse." Liu Ji said.

"Big brother, what should we do? Don't we? We will start chasing at this time. I think, as soon as they collapse, we can't catch up." Lu Wan said worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's not the time yet. Let's wait and see the battle. We can attack when the first round of gunshots are fired." Liu Ji said.

"Yes. Brother." Lu Wan looked at the battle in the distance. The artillery did not stop the bombardment. On the contrary, they began to change the types of shells. They used solid shells, and the ricochet could bring more casualties and better killing effects. The formation of the goddess is too dense. Solid shells have better killing effects than grenade shells. Some shells directly hit the priests, and once the shells entered it, there was a blood ditch. The offal and the pieces of minced meat are everywhere. Some priests have begun to panic. They wanted to escape quietly, but soon they were executed and killed by law enforcers taught by the goddess. In desperation, more gods continue to advance, and they can only rush to a certain distance. Their tactics are very simple, and only a simple rush can solve all the problems.

"Standing." The second lieutenant officer shouted loudly in the Tubing regiment.

"Wow." All the native soldiers stopped. Ahan stood still in his own footsteps, the soldiers of the first regiment of his native soldiers, and their regiment was placed on the right flank. He is the first row shooter. Because he is a recruit. Everyone stopped calmly. They just stopped mechanically.

Ahan was very nervous, because he had never killed anyone, although the veteran had told him that it was very easy to kill, just pull the trigger. But he was still very nervous and his legs kept trembling. If it wasn't for normal training, maybe he didn't know what to do at all, the most important thing is. His head was blank, and he saw that the godwife on the opposite side had arrived. It was only a hundred steps away from them, but their muskets would only fire within fifty steps. His hands kept trembling, and he wanted to raise the musket and start fighting now. The goddess teacher began to charge. He knew that it wouldn't take long before they would rush over. In that case, their condition will be very bad.

"Raise the gun." The ensign officer finally called out the next order. Ahan felt that he was lucky at this time, so he immediately picked up the rifle. Open the fire door.

"Aim." The soldier in the front row squatted down. Soldiers behind also began to aim with guns. He squatted down, his movements were somewhat mechanical and deformed, but he knew that he could only survive by shooting, shooting, and hitting those **** cultists.

"Shooting." At this time. The godwife is only fifty steps away from them, this distance is enough for them to rush over frantically, chop off their heads, and if they are late, their lives will be in danger.

"Bang bang bang bang." A shot from a distance. Many people in front have fallen down. The godwifes were like rice that was blown, and their bodies immediately fell down. Ahan didn't know if he hit, but he saw that many people fell in front of him, and many clergymen were still charging. Ahan's heart almost jumped out. He wanted to stand up, reload the bullet and do it again, perhaps this would ensure his life safety. But he can't do this. This is the result of training, but he can't do it now. It's very simple, because his body is very stiff, he can't do it.

"Bang bang bang." There was another row of guns. More goddessists fell. This time their charge stopped. It stopped completely. Many people began to turn around. They started to run away. Because many priests have fallen. Some of them are only thirty steps away from Ahan. The opponent's chest was still bleeding. He can clearly see how painful the other person looks.

"Shoot." There was another shot. Ahan saw more god-wife followers receding like a tide. Ahan's tension disappeared a lot. What followed was a kind of excitement. He felt that his life was saved.

"Go forward." The second lieutenant officer continued to wield his command knife and only moved forward. And on the other side. Liu Ji and the others have rushed down with his team, even though many of them only held spears, but the goddess religion has collapsed. No one can save their lives. They have failed.

"Look, this is the goddess teaching. Their condition really makes us worry about their combat effectiveness." Zhang Shi shook his head and said. It is this kind of people who besieged their native soldiers and caused some trouble for them. However, they are no longer in trouble. The goddess taught suddenly collapsed. Although they are brave. But what is the use of being brave. They have no role at all. This is an absolutely unequal war. On the one hand, they have cold weapons, and on the other hand, they are tactically behind. Under such conditions, they can only lose the war.

Liu Ji led a man to arrest the priests in a frantic manner. The native soldiers also launched an offensive. Their formation began to become chaotic, but basically they could still maintain a certain degree of organization. In contrast. The godwife is the only one who can escape. They keep running, the only way to make them safer.

"Okay. The war is over. This is the end of the Battle of Mam." Zhang Shi said. Then he left here with his own people. He wants his native soldiers to play a greater role.

The battle of South Korea, Xinzheng, and Mam has just ended. Han Shu held a cabinet meeting. Ministers are discussing how to strengthen Bangla and the control of the South Korean government on the western continent.

"This is an opportunity. Taking advantage of the extermination of the goddess religion, we should expand our area. We enter Zhanpu and the corresponding countries in the name of pursuing the goddess religion. If they cooperate with us in the fight, we can persecute them and let them give us. Some remuneration, if they don’t do this, I’m sorry, we have only one way. That is to enter their country and forcefully wipe out.” The Secretary of the Army said tyrannically.

"Doing so will cause a greater crisis. I think the persecution is too severe. Those **** Zhanpu countries will definitely unite with the gods. It is unwise to do so. Moreover, in Bangla , Our financial foundation has been destroyed. If this continues, I am worried that it will not make any sense." The Minister of Finance said.

"Therefore, we have to do this even more. Only by doing so can we completely solve our problems." The Secretary of the Army said.

"But if we do that, we need to go deep into each other's inland. For the moment, Bangladesh does not have such conditions. There are no railways, no carriages, and they don't have any roads. Our marching route has suffered a lot. Crisis. Under such conditions, it is still difficult for us to form effective military suppression. If this is the case, I think our situation is not very good." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. The prime minister is right. We still need some infrastructure to do such things. Without such things, it is still difficult for us to proceed, but we can put pressure on them to let them know the disadvantages of offending us. What is it? After all, we have a lot of initiative in this matter. If they are unwilling to consider such consequences, we don’t know what to do. However, digesting Meng La is our first step. Steps." Han Shu said.

"It's just that, Majesty, we can only further build Mengla after we digest Mengla." Han Shu said. With the further expansion of South Korea's influence in Bangla, South Korea has the determination to annex Bangla, because only after annexing Bangla can it further control the mainland. But this requires a lot of preparation, and the situation in Bangla is already very bad. Because of their infrastructure, it can be said that there is no, and the new South Korean army is very dependent on logistical supplies. Under such conditions, South Korea can only expand its power step by step. Otherwise, it will be in great danger. Han Shu also knows this very well, so she is not in a hurry, but step by step, step by step, to prevent such things as goddess teaching. Goddess teaching is just an accident, but it also provides an opportunity for South Korea's expansion. Without such an opportunity, they would not be able to do this themselves. Zhang Liang calmly recorded the content of the meeting. These contents are very important. He does things very well.

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