The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2811: Fight for currency issuance rights

"Only by being loyal to the emperor and patriotic can you get all of this. And benevolence and justice." Li Shiqi said to a native soldier. Many native soldiers listened patiently to the university enquirer to teach them some basic knowledge of Confucianism. There are many veterans in Liu Ji's army. Here they won a great victory. They captured more than 5,000 prisoners of war, most of them were priests. The new Korean army's native soldiers pursued more fiercely, but their number of prisoners was not very large. They mainly defeated them. Combat, and the new South Korean army has no cavalry units. If it were not for Liu Ji's troops to be slightly behind the priests, otherwise, Liu Ji would not get so many prisoners of war, but Liu Ji was already very satisfied. He decided to choose some people from these prisoners of war that could be absorbed to expand his army, and for the others, they decided to sell them to the Kingdom of Chu. After all, they couldn't make money.

"This kindness and righteousness has a very broad meaning, just like your master, after the victory of this war, the slaves you captured will give you money to buy. This is benevolence and righteousness. At the same time, based on your military exploits, you will be given land. It is benevolence and righteousness, not benevolence and righteousness. It is your king, such as King Bangla, who forcibly collects your taxes. The tax revenue has exceeded your unbearable range. This is non-benevolence and righteousness." Li Shiqi said.

"Yeah. I understand. To levy heavy taxes is not benevolent and righteous." A native soldier stood up and said.

"Yes, that's the thing, and that is, your land, the lord gave you land, with land, you have your own family business, and with your own family business, you have your own business. Therefore, you should talk about humanity and justice, who gave you these things." Li Shiqi said.

"It's the lord, the lord gave us the land, we have the land, we have the possibility of living, and the lord levies not much tax, the lord is benevolent." A young lander put down the spear in his hand and said To.

"Yes. What you said is very good. In contrast, your King Menggla is not very benevolent and righteous. We are teachers of benevolence and righteousness. Therefore, we must all be loyal to the emperor. Patriotism, only your benevolence and righteousness can be maintained. , Your interests can be guaranteed." Li Shiqi said.

In order to attract these native soldiers greatly. Li Shiqi suggested that Liu Ji buy a large amount of the land in Bangla. Anyway, the land is free of money. Even if it is required, it can be done by giving some money to the Korean military government. After having this land, Li Shiqi suggested that These lands are divided into influential soldiers, so that those soldiers will become members of Liu Ji. With such members, they can do a lot of things. Land can bring food, and food can solve it. Survival issues. The current actions of the South Korean government have greatly bankrupted many Menglais. Such bankruptcy will inevitably lead to chaos in the social order. Li Shiqi’s suggestion is actually to suggest that Liu Ji do something that can be done quickly. Stabilizing social stability, after all, there are still many times when they still need such a large population to do such things. Liu Ji followed Li Shiqi's suggestion. So he separated these lands from the native soldiers with obvious military exploits. The identity of the native soldiers was freed, and at the same time they had land. They were naturally willing to follow Liu Jigan. Unknowingly, they became a part of Liu Ji and became the new Mencius. Part of Latin America’s military power. But they still need some brainwashing. It is the loyalty and patriotism of Confucianism. And benevolence, because only in this way can they understand where everything they have comes from and who gave it. Only when they defend their own interests can they ensure that Liu Ji's interests are not infringed or damaged.

"Yes, we should be benevolent and righteous, Lord Liu is very benevolent and righteous." The native soldiers stood up one after another. Liu Ji was drinking locally brewed sugar and wine not far away. The local sugarcane plantation is very large. Korean businessmen are willing to grow sugarcane because it can bring great profits. And there is a lot of labor, and they can solve these problems. With more and more sugarcane, another kind of demand has expanded. In order to solve this problem, they decided to use sugarcane to make wine. Sugarcane contains a lot of sugar, which can be effectively converted into alcohol. This makes them very enjoyable.

"Unexpectedly, this old man really has the ability. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be able to expand so fast. There is such a large piece of land, which is bigger than in the Western Regions of Qin State." Lu Wan said after a drink.

"Yes. That is, if we catch like this, most are slave traders. In the end, those trading companies are making big money. Look at the Western Trading Company in South Korea. How much money they make all at once? There are a lot of slaves, and count them. But come." Fan Kui said enviously.

"We can't just look at the slaves, we have to look at the land we occupy. We have land, what is not, and we can absorb these slaves on the spot. This is great. The most important thing is that the basics, the Koreans have destroyed too badly. Sooner or later, the people here will be killed. Take it all, I think they must expand again." Liu Ji said.

"Big brother is right, but we still have a profit following the Koreans, so how can we not make so much money." Lu Wan said.

"Okay. Don't care about it. Let's drink, we only need to make money in this matter." Liu Ji said when he picked up the wine bowl. With expansion, and severe tax damage. It seems that the country of Bangla has been unable to meet the needs of the Koreans. Some of the Bangla regiments quickly launched a counterattack after being defeated by the goddess. They surrounded all the villages that they thought were suspicious, and then massacred them all, or It was destroyed all at once. This destruction was fatal, and many Mengla people had to flee their land. Leaving here to avoid the war, the native soldiers were in hot pursuit. They chased the country of Zhanpu and several neighboring small countries, but they could not provoke the native soldiers of South Korea at all, because this would bring a great deal of trouble. Disaster. But this kind of thing is still expanding, no one can say how to deal with this thing in the end.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The people of Qi are really crazy about money." Han Shu said with a smile and shook his head.

"Hehe, this is also no way. Qi wants to build a navy, but they cannot draw funds from the country. The only way is to get funds from external expansion. What they do is also extortion. It is said that the Goguryeo government They are extremely dissatisfied with this, and they hope that we can solve such a thing." Zhang Liang also said helplessly. For such a thing, it has already happened. He can't ignore it, but how to solve it, he really finds it tricky, because the Goguryeo government has no funds. Their decision to cease the war was largely due to lack of financial resources. However, Qi State wants to actively solve their funding problems.

"However, Qi State recently made a proposal to issue government bonds. However, it seems that they have no banks to buy such bonds. Because the number is large and there is no bond collateral, many banks feel that the risk is very high, so many people None of them participated, but I think this may be an opportunity. After all, in the risk. Risk and profit are directly proportional. The greater the risk, the higher the profit." Zhang Liang said.

"Tell me, what do you think?" Han Shu asked.

"My idea is that as long as the Qi government can use their future trade tax as collateral, I think that the Bank of Korea, Qin Bank or Chu Bank can jointly buy some of their bonds, or take it. These bonds are mortgaged, and we get their tariffs on sea trade. In this way, we are equivalent to getting their biggest asset." Zhang Liang said.

"Tariff?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, our expansion was obtained through mortgages, and the initial development. It has never been seen that this kind of trade demand is far from enough. We need to encourage Qi to develop their maritime trade and participate, but we can Fundamentally control them. As long as their navy still exists, they must develop maritime trade and let them mortgage the maritime trade tariffs, so that we can get their taxes as a repayment price. Therefore, Qi will develop well, and we The profit will be very high.” Zhang Liang suggested.

"The future development must be the development of sea trade. We cannot stop Qi’s development. We are developing and Qi is also developing. The prospects of Qi’s development may exceed ours. However, if we start, we will If we use funds to block Qi's marine development, I think we will take a lot of initiative, which is very beneficial to us." Zhang Liang said.

"Yes. Your idea is good. It is obviously impossible to prevent Qi's development. We don't do this, but don't forget. Qin people don't do this?" Han Shu thought. The power of the Qin State Consortium is very huge, and their shadows are everywhere. The reason why Chu State Shipyard can develop so rapidly, except for some technical factors, is mostly the result of the operation of Qin State’s capital. If there is no such capital operation, they simply cannot do such a thing. In this regard, South Korea itself thinks that it is inferior to the people of Qin, and they do not have the same way of operating as the people of Qin. After all, their capital is still relatively small, and South Korea is still in the stage of primitive accumulation of capital. But this stage is very fast.

"So, we can invest in Qi, and we can use bonds to quickly accumulate our initiative." Han Shu thought for a while and said.

"Yes." Zhang Liang nodded.

"Rather than let the people of Qin seize, we should take precautions in advance." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. Okay, let's negotiate with the Qi people on such terms and see what Qi people will choose. On the one hand, it is Goguryeo. We need Goguryeo to make some concessions so that they can provide us with some benefits. On the other hand, look at us. You can get sufficient capital from Qi. This is definitely a great benefit." Han Shu said with a smile. Seeing that there are absolute benefits, how can Han Shu give up.

Qin Guo, Wenyang Bank. Qiguo Branch.

"Qi people need a lot of capital to build their navy. They want mortgage bonds to borrow money, but I worry that they don't have such repayment ability." A supervisor said worriedly.

"No, no. They have the ability to repay. If the Qi country develops trade, for example, like South Korea, their profit is 300%. Such a huge profit will definitely be made by many people. Besides, The Qi army has a lot of disarmament. These soldiers are very effective in expanding their military power. This is a very good prospect. Are there soldiers who still lack funds for accumulation?" The president said to the supervisor with some dissatisfaction. The supervisor’s idea is extremely conservative. What he sees is that Qi’s business is developing, so he actively decides to allow funds to enter such a flow area to make money. Although such commercial loans can also bring benefits, compared to Under the circumstances, this kind of profit is not enough for bank mortgages or that their options may be further expanded. Their business behavior is not enough to boost their interest. What they want to do is a big business. It is best to cooperate with the government. Recently they heard that the Qi government is going to issue bonds. He thinks this is a good opportunity. With such an opportunity, they can do a lot of things.

"The issue of bonds by the Qi government is an opportunity in my opinion. With this opportunity, we can do any kind of business. The most important thing is that we need something that the Qi government has great control over resources. "The president thought about the matter and said. He feels that Qi State funds must be controlled in their hands, and there is one key thing that must be controlled in their hands. Such things must be able to boost their interest.

"This, tariffs? I think that if we develop trade, it will inevitably bring a lot of trade taxes. With such a lot of taxes, we can do a lot of things, for example, we can buy a lot of bonds, which are based on It is done on the basis of taxation. I think such a thing can be solved easily.” The supervisor said.

"No. This thing, tariffs, at best let us not lose money, this kind of thinking does not make money." The governor shook his head and said. His mind is extremely confused. He knows that there is something that is absolutely crucial, but this thing just can't be grasped, and he doesn't know how to grasp such a thing.

"What is it, so important, but I can't grasp it. It's really annoying." said the president.

At the headquarters of Qin State, Xianyang, and Wenyang Bank, Yingyu is discussing a currency issue with Xiao He.

"Currently, many countries use a large number of Qin State banknotes, which is equivalent to Qin State's control of currency issuance rights. Countries are economically restricted to Qin State, because the development of trade cannot be separated from currency. The future development direction of banks is currency, after all. We are doing currency business. Only by controlling the currency issuance rights can we control the economic lifeline of this country." Xiao He said.

"You are right. This is what we did in the Western Regions. The liberalization of currency issuance rights in the Western Regions has greatly expanded our banking business. The expansion of the Western Region Railway and the increase in investment in Dawan are in our hands. There are a lot of gold coins. We can buy what we want. Mineral resources, mineral development, and other things can be done through funds. After all, we have a lot of gold coins in our hands. At the same time, with the unfolding of trade, these The gold coins returned to us, and what happened to those Dawan and the economic entities in the Western Regions was that they either borrowed our funds and formed a large debt, or they issued a large number of bonds. In fact, we have already Control their economy." Yingyu said.

"So, next, we have to copy this kind of thing. We try our best to turn our funds into another model, or in other words, we can make our funds extremely crazy, for example, in Qi, the people of Qi lack a lot of funds. They want to build their own navy, but they lack funds and do not have funds to do such things, but we can lend them money and they can mortgage bonds to us. But we What needs to be done is to allow Qi to restore the gold coin system and get rid of the control of Qin's half-two banknotes. Only in this way can we control the gold coins and gradually control their currency issuance rights. Only in this way can our affairs be further resolved. More questions." Xiao He said.

"To control the right of currency issuance, we must solve the problem of Qin's half of the banknotes. This is not so good. It seems that Qin has spent a lot of time and energy to gradually solve the problem. The unification of currency can be extremely It is important to promote the development of Qin's trade. This." Yingyu is still somewhat unacceptable, but Xiao He believes that this is a trend, or in other words, it is an inevitable.

"Chairman, this thing must be done, because the separate currency issuance rights provide independent development opportunities for all regions. At present, all countries are developing independently, but the development of various countries is very unbalanced, and some are developing very fast. For example, South Korea, Zhao State, some are very slow, Yan State, Qi State. Countries like Chu, so the value of the currency is not the same. Countries lacking funds, it is very necessary to untie the **** in them For their financial needs, they can’t wait to have more funds to meet their needs. If we use the gold coin system, I think we can take the initiative, which is absolutely conducive to our development. This is very beneficial to us. In contrast, if we do nothing. If we look at it this way, the situation will still develop to this point. When it develops to that point, we will be very passive. Because of a lot of competition The opponent will do the same." Xiao He said.

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