Qin State lost the right to issue currency, but gave the bank a great opportunity. Although the role of paper money was further reduced and returned to the era of metal currency, it could give the bank a great opportunity to develop and control a region. The right to issue currency is equivalent to mastering the economic power of this region. Xiao He is very clear about this. In this way, the bank has a lot of initiative. In contrast, Xiao He is willing to let Yingyu do so. Help Wenyang Bank expand its sphere of influence.

However, doing so would harm Qin's interests, and Ying Yu was a little worried about it. However, if the country's influence is not reduced, economic development cannot be activated. The only way to achieve greater economic development is to increase the vitality of the individual economy. This is a view of Xiao He.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside a luxury hotel.

"Business rectification?" The hotel manager looked at the order issued by the Prime Minister's Mansion. The opposing official also said helplessly.

"Why is this? We are doing well, and there are many things we can do well." the hotel manager asked.

"I don't know this. It seems to be due to fire prevention or poor public security. Anyway, there are many reasons." The official said.

"However, we also pay taxes. In this case, wouldn't it put us into a state of stagnant business? Your Prime Minister's Mansion should guarantee commercial development, not this way." The manager said. He was a little annoyed that a hotel like theirs could pay quite a lot of taxes on the income they bring in a day. Their business here is still very good. But that's it, the other party didn't know what was going on to prevent them from operating.

"It's really outrageous, outrageous." The manager began to call. Ask how to solve such a thing.

Prime Minister's House. Li Mu looked at the newspaper very easily, and the prime minister's house kept calling. However, Li Mu was not in a hurry at all. Li Zuoche was busy answering calls.

"The Prime Minister, is it a bit bad to do this?" Li Zuoche asked after unplugging the phone line.

"No, no, I have submitted a plan to levy a luxury tax. They disagree, we can only do this in the name of maintaining safety. We only check those high-end hotels, and luxury consumption places, and others We don't care about the place. Unless they are willing to pay fees. Or donations, anyway, I only need money. If we don't solve this problem, it will be difficult for us to develop in Zhao State." Li Mu said.

Li Mu felt that Shangwen did a very good job in one thing, that is, education. That is, relying on Qin's education system, Qin people are in a leading position in scientific research. However, Li Mu felt that Zhao should also catch up. For example, Koreans are doing very well. The royal family’s finances can spend a considerable amount of money on scientific research, especially education. South Korea’s basic education is far better than Zhao Guo’s. Li Mu thinks Zhao cannot fall behind. . So in this matter. Li Mu felt that no matter how much trouble it was, it was worth it.

"In this matter, I think it is better for us to be more cautious. After all, Zhao Guo has a lot of resources in their hands. They are the current taxpayers of Zhao Guo. If they offend them, I think their taxes will be greatly affected. If they resist the tax together, the situation may be very bad." Li Zuoche said worriedly. After all, the nobles have a large number of factories and minerals. These are the main economic lifeline of Zhao's economic development. Without such an economic lifeline, it is difficult for Zhao to develop. Li Zuoche is very worried about this. Although the nobles also pay taxes, but On the whole, Zhao Guo is in a state of tax exemption. This large-scale tax exemption has made economic development more favorable. Zhao's economy is generally good.

"No, the current situation will only be temporarily bad. But the future development, the future development, the situation of Zhao Guo will become worse and worse. Education is a matter of the moment, if it is not done right now, how to do it well in the future? Development?" Li Mu said solemnly.

"I, Li Mu, just fight it. I have to get the money out. They are dissatisfied, just say, I don't care." Li Mu waved his arm and said.

"This." Li Zuoche was worried.

"If the Parliament, impeachment." Li Zuoche said worriedly.

"Impeachment means impeachment. It's a big deal to step down. However, Zhao's education must not be left like this. For Zhao's development, for vigorous development, such a fund must be provided." Li Mu said.

"Okay." Li Zuoche nodded helplessly. he knows. Li Mu has made up his mind. It is impossible to persuade him to come back now.

Zhao Guo's House of Lords.

"This **** Li Mu, he's crazy. A luxury consumption tax is levied. What do you say, let's make some money, isn't it just to eat some good food and drink some good food, is this wrong?" The councillor angrily said.

"That's right, otherwise, who is going to make money. If people don't make money to eat well, why should we do it. Drink some wine and drink it wrong." A member of the Diet said.

"Hey, guys, I've heard. This time, Li Mu is taxing the poor people’s schooling. The purpose of taxation is very simple, that is, donating money. We didn’t do it before, but now others have done this. Yes." Another member of the Council said.

"In my opinion, doing this is really sorry for us. It is not easy for us to make money. This mining uses slaves. We spend money. Moreover, this steel smelting, mechanical processing, our It’s not any effort.” Many congressmen said.

"That's why. He Li Mu said that if we collect taxes, we have to pay taxes. This is very unfair." The congressman continued.

"Yes, that is, I heard about it. Now, in the name of fire prevention, people have sealed the hotels and places of consumption we consume. This posture, I think, Li Mu is going to be the best." The chubby congressman said angrily.

"What? This **** Li Mu did a great job. He is a big soldier. Why should we all suffer. His grandmother. I will impeach him now and let him step down to see how he is doing. ?" A taller MP stood up and said angrily.

"That's why. It's a big deal. We changed the prime minister. Now that Zhao Guo's economy is so good, I don't think he was developed by Li Mu alone. I think we will impeach him and impeach him. The big deal is to change this. Prime Minister. I think this prime minister is the end of his life." The councillors shouted angrily.

In the Palace of King Zhao, King Zhao was also very puzzled by Li Mu's actions, because according to the tax proposal. Wang Zhao is also within the scope of paying the luxury tax. This made Zhao Wang also feel very wrong, he felt that Li Mu's move was really a failure. He also opposed Li Mu's doing this.

However, when many people were angrily impeaching Li Mu, some were very happy, but also very calm.

"This silly Li Mu. It's a silly soldier." Guo Kai said with a smile looking at the news.

"You said, why do we make such a lot of money? Isn't it just to spend more money to be happy? How can I be happy? This Li Mu, but it is not used to such a thing. This is not for people. Do things extreme? How can this kind of thing not be resolved. I think, this silly Li Mu, this time, if you don't regress." Guo Kai said, touching his chin. In fact, Li Mu was willing to take the stage as the prime minister. After all, he had also been the prime minister, but he was ousted from office. He wants to go now. However, he felt as if he couldn't make it. After all, the election was there. He felt that this matter was not easy to handle, but this time it was indeed an opportunity.

Guo Kai thought about this. He wants to try again on stage.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"This matter, I am afraid it will be difficult to handle" Shang Wen said while looking at the report from Zhao Guo.

"Li Mu's idea is to solve the problem of their education funding. At the beginning he also asked for donations to solve it, but now, it seems that he wants to solve this problem through taxation." Meng Yi said.

"However, if he does this, he will offend everyone. Under such circumstances. I think it is a good thing, and will not be able to proceed because of Li Mu's actions. After all, Zhao Guoshang still lacks such a thing. Things." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Well, do we also consider levying such a luxury consumption tax." Shang Wen asked.

"No. I don't recommend this. This is a market economy. We have let go. This is the market's choice. If we do this too much, I think the situation may be very unfavorable for us. So, I think we It shouldn't be done this way." Meng Yi said.

"Okay. I will give up such a plan, I just think about it. Maybe our Qin country’s consumption situation is different from Zhao’s. Zhao’s wealth is unequally distributed, but Qin’s country is also the same. However, Qin’s There are more middle-class families, and their consumption is more realistic. If taxes are rushed, it may curb our production of goods, which will be detrimental to us. Therefore, I think we should forget about such things." Shang Wen gave up this idea.

The growing gap between the rich and the poor in Zhao’s country has caused this situation to become more and more serious. In this way, things have become more and more prominent. Although the cause is due to insufficient education costs, in fact, the wealth of the nobles has increased. More and more, and the wealth of the people is getting less and less, the gap between rich and poor is very wide. The rich can spend a lot of money to consume, but the poor can only maintain food and clothing. Such awareness makes Zhao's social conflicts a bit sharper, but it is not enough to cause bigger problems.

Wei Guo, big beam.

"We need to encourage more people to come to Wei for consumption. Only consumption can boost Wei's economy." Zhang Er said with a smile.

"Don't know what Mr.'s thoughts are?" the Minister of Finance asked.

"Well, I think we can introduce the gaming industry. After all, if there are many people, we can do a lot of business. This kind of business is very simple and costs almost no cost. I think such things can definitely be done." Zhang Er said with a smile.

"This. Okay." The Minister of Finance said. As long as fiscal revenue can be increased, he believes that there is no need to oppose other things, thinking that the opposition is meaningless. Besides, Zhang Er has done very well on economic issues. For example, he has developed a large number of small and medium-sized factories. These factories have brought a lot of taxes and provided a lot of jobs. In addition, there are movies and the real estate industry. The development speed of the beams far exceeds their imagination, and this speed is almost comparable to that of Qin State Xianyang.

Zhang Er also felt that he was doing very well. The large beams were in a small area, and the territory they had been attacked and ceded by the State of Qin was very large. Under such conditions, it is obviously unrealistic for them to develop agriculture. In order to boost the economy, Can rely on Wei's population advantage to do some labor-intensive industries, such as those small and medium-sized factories, as well as movies, as well as hotels and entertainment. They are encouraged to consume and they do not levy high consumption taxes. Because this can bring a huge flow of people, the flow of people means that their business is doing very well. This is a stark difference from Zhao Guo.

Compared with South Korea's active foreign expansion, Wei's development dilemma lies in his region. The Wei State could not complete the primitive accumulation of capital without external expansion, which restricted their actions. This is also the helplessness of Wei Guo's development.

Qi State, at Tian Heng's mansion.

"How is the oil sold?" Tian Heng asked anxiously.

"It's okay. Our oil is refined and consumed well. Every country needs a lot of kerosene." Lou Jing said.

"Look at this. This is a Korean proposal. I think it's not bad. Mortgage our trade tax. In this way, our navy can be greatly developed. I think that the development of the navy should not only have a navy, but also Commercial trade tax. South Korea relies on a large number of merchant ships to develop." Tian Heng said.

"I think this mortgage is still very worthwhile. The impact on us is not great, I think, you can give it a try." Tian Heng said to Lou Jing.

"In this case, Korean banks can buy a lot of our bonds." Lou Jing said.

"Yes, in this case, we have a large amount of financial funds for our navy." Tian Heng said.

"It's just that, in the future, how do we repay, we should also encourage the development of our business." Lou Jing said.

"If it cannot be repaid, it will have a bad impact on us, and we cannot continue to develop the navy in this way. Therefore, the development of maritime trade is still necessary." Lou Jing offered advice.

"How do you do it?" Tian Heng asked.

"Tax cuts, encourage them to trade, just like South Korea, expand abroad. I think there are still many opportunities. Nanyang, Western, and Nanyang are not actually controlled by the Koreans. There are still many resources overseas." Lou Jing said .

"Yeah. You are right. I agree with your development, but I think that South Korea's requirements can be agreed at the moment. After all, their funds are of great significance to us. We need such funds to develop. Nothing. With such a sum of money, we can't do anything." Tian Heng said.

"Yes, we are going to trade with Koreans now." Lou Jing said. He feels that things like mortgage tariffs are not problematic. I just don't know how much money they will get in the end. It depends on their actual situation.

Yueshi Frontline. Inside Moran Command.

"The situation is very bad for us. The Indians have withstood our offensive route. If we continue to go south, we will encounter very high resistance. For us, we need to spend more. Cost to break through the Indians' defenses, this is not the situation we want to see." Moran said.

"Yes, this is very bad for us." Meng Ping said while looking at the sand table. The Indians adopted the tactics of siege of the fortress. The protruding part of the Yuezhi people was surrounded heavily. Although the Indians did not pose a great threat to them and their weapons were not good enough to pose a huge threat, the Yuezhi people could not break through their encirclement, and the two sides fell into a stalemate. , In this case, the Yueshi people as a whole are still in a stalemate.

"I think it is impossible for the Indians to conduct such defensive operations in all places. I think we should choose another breakthrough. Then launch an offensive operation. This has attracted the attention of the Indians, and we can choose another Launch an offensive wherever possible." Meng Ping said.

"Well, I think what you said is very reasonable. I don't believe it. The Indians can defend our attack in all places. Their idea is very impossible." Moran said. He also has this idea, choosing a new breakthrough point is more cost-effective than launching a larger-scale attack at the original breakthrough point. Because the initiative is in their hands, not in the hands of the **** campers. The situation is still very favorable for them.

Qin State, the General Staff.

"The Army has formed a small combat unit, and their weapons can become more sophisticated, but the combat targets have become a little more vague." Wang Jian said to Yang Duanhe.

"Yes, the current state of Qin mainly relies on foreign countries to fight, that is, we need a large number of servant countries. If the Dawan people want to build their own self-defense army, we can completely agree to them." Yang Duanhe said.

"Well, in this case, we can use them to contain the force of rest." Wang Jian said.

"Well, this is still very beneficial to us." Yang Duanhe said.

"It's just that our Qin army has a much smaller combat team. I don't know if such an army still has combat effectiveness. We must keep them strong combat effectiveness. Besides, small-scale battles will not cost a lot. We can let them try. Give it a try. I think the prime minister will also agree." Wang Jian said. If the war is stopped, it may be detrimental to the Qin State, because it will greatly affect the combat effectiveness of the Qin State's army. In this case, it is not good for the Qin Army. As the chief of staff of the staff, Wang Jian does not want such a thing to happen.

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