The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2829: Guo Kai's busy

"I don't know, what is Mr. Zhao's feelings about this donation?" A reporter from Zhao Guo asked the former member of the surname Zhao who made the donation. After Zhao Wang announced that Guo Kai was the new Prime Minister of Zhao Guo. In view of the chaos in the upper parliament, Wang Zhao decided to dissolve the parliament and re-elect members. As a result, some parliamentarians began to actively participate,

"Education is long-lasting and is the future of Zhao Guo. If we all donate some, I think all education problems in Zhao Guo will be solved very well." The former congressman said with a smile. The reporter also quickly recorded what the congressman said.

Because of the dissolution of the parliament and the re-election, a large number of former MPs began to donate generously, and they donated money. Or set up scholarships of various names. In this way, Zhao Guo's education undertaking has been greatly funded. This makes many people happy.

"Fucking, these congressmen are fake and righteous. Dissolving the parliament will know that you are anxious. Fucking." Some workers scolded after reading the newspaper.

"But don't worry about it. Your child's school problem has finally been solved. If there is such a thing, even if it is already good. Yes. There is no way to solve it. I said you shouldn't be upset. Sometimes , The thing is like this, you have no way but you can only do this." An older worker said helplessly.

"That is, you men, have the ability to make more money. Your children will go to university in the future. Once this university comes out, you will make more money. Your son will make a lot of money." The women said one after another.

The men shook their heads, making money is not so easy, but recently they heard that the Prime Minister's House is actively discussing wage increases with the major factory owners, no matter how much the increase is, it has also increased. This is also a good thing for them. With the extra money, at least I can go out for a drink. This is very good.

Guo Kaixin's Prime Minister's Mansion. Before Guo Kai could feel the benefits of the Prime Minister's Mansion, he was busy spinning around. He must first solve the problem of financial funds, and at the same time, he must add at least 20% to the workers of those enterprises. This is what he must solve.

"Are all the factory directors here?" Guo Kai asked his assistant.

"The Prime Minister, they are all here. But they seem to feel very resistant to your proposal. After all, they will have to spend a lot of money at once." The assistant said worriedly.

"I know, am I not solving such a thing?" Guo Kai said. Then he left his position and went to the conference room. There are a large number of factory owners waiting to fire.

"I think you all know more, this strike will bring huge losses, and Handan Iron Works still has to pursue legal liabilities." Guo Kai said directly. Those factory owners were a little horrified when they heard such words.

"So, in order to quell workers' strikes, we must give workers some wage increases. This is something that must be done." Guo Kai said.

"It's just that, Prime Minister, you also know our situation. The value of the things we produce is not very high. Many things, everyone just earns a cost price." A director of a machinery factory said worriedly.

"I know. It's not easy for you, so I just asked you to increase the quota by 20%, and it didn't increase too much." Guo Kai said.

"It's just that our situation is really not good." Other factory directors said one after another. They really don't want to increase the wages of those workers. For them, this is the biggest difficulty.

"I know. I know. But now the situation needs to change a bit." Guo Kai said.

"I will give you a certain tax exemption policy. In addition, you have to carry out some reforms. If you can produce more things, and the efficiency is very high, I will give you a lot of taxation. Support, for example, for the iron beams you export, I will give you a certain export tax rebate. In order to support you, you can win more railroad tracks, and I will also support you." Guo Kai said. For the current development of the company, Guo Kai thinks it is very inefficient. He doesn't know what Li Mu thinks. The company produces very little profit, no profit margin, low efficiency and high cost. Such a product is uncompetitive.

In this regard, Guo Kai was very annoyed. Taking advantage of this increase in wages for enterprise workers, he decided to use fiscal expenditure to support exports to stimulate a large number of enterprises to carry out production innovations and accelerate their production capacity, which would help. Start a new competition with them.

"This." Factory owners, look at me, and I look at you, they all know what Guo Kai meant.

"Okay. This is how your business is, and the specific details will be announced. In short, the things you sell can make money. This is a very good thing. Only in this way can you do such things. I still have meetings. , This time I want to tell you, just like that," Guo Kai stood up and said.

Then Guo Kaima kept going to another conference room, because there were representatives of the banking industry, mainly Qin State Bank, Zhao Guo would issue a large number of bonds, and the purchasers were those Qin State Bank, the mortgage may be special. But this is the only thing that Zhao Guo can take out. In Guo Kai's view, it is necessary to do so.

"Prime Minister, all countries are now actively expanding abroad. Qi State has already sent their warships to sea. Yan State is also preparing to build their navy. It is said that they have planned to mortgage some of their gold mines to solve the problem. However, We, Zhao, don’t have a navy yet, don’t we have to do the same?" The Minister of Defense quickly found Guo Kai and said about such a thing.

"This. This still needs a lot of funding. At present, there are still big problems in finance." Guo Kai said without austerity.

"No. Prime Minister, if we have a navy, we may bring a lot of gold." The Secretary of Defense said.

"Golden?" Guo Kai's eyes widened when he heard this. He looked at the Secretary of Defense and asked.

"Yes, the prime minister can really bring gold, a large amount of gold. South Korean merchant ships are transporting gold throughout the entire ship, and they have brought a large amount of gold from Bangla." The Defense Minister said.

"Haha." Guo Kai laughed at this moment.

"I think it's good. If this can really bring gold, it will be absolutely beneficial to our trade." Guo Kai said by touching his chin.

"The prime minister, you don't know that all countries are now actively engaged in arms smuggling business, but the most popular thing is the muskets. There are a large number of arsenal factories in Wei State. They are all assembled muskets, and a large number of muskets have appeared on the Western Continent. However, With the continuous expansion of people in the Western Continent, they need more guns, in addition to guns, but also artillery. They need more artillery. We can produce such artillery and sell it to them." The Minister of Defense said.

"If we sell to Koreans, the Koreans will sell directly to the Mengla people. The price difference between them is very large. If we ship directly by the navy, we will make a lot of this money." Minister of Defense Persuaded. In fact, the Minister of Defense is not a soldier. He is just a retired soldier who is good at speculation. He originally relied on the army to do business, such as some logistical weapons and material procurement. Later, he was good at franchising and got on the ride of Guo Kai. This has achieved the position of Minister of Defense. This is his old line. Only by doing arms business can he earn more.

"Hehe, you are right. This question, but I need to wait a little bit." Guo Kai thought about it for a while.

"But, this." The Secretary of Defense felt that such a thing could not be waited any longer.

"I know that we can't wait for this matter, but, I think you know, this thing still requires a lot of funds, I will solve the financial problem for you, the navy, you can't live without funds. The navy without funds is It's difficult to establish." Guo Kai said.

As he said, he comforted the other party, and then left here in a hurry. The Secretary of Defense can only wait anxiously.

"It is not impossible to use metal currency. I also agree with the use of metal currency." Guo Kai said to the representative of Qin Guo Wenyang Bank.

The representatives came from Xianyang, and after getting Guo Kai as the new prime minister, they set off from Xianyang of Qin State. Arrived here overnight.

"However, there are still a large number of circulating banknotes on the market. How to use this?" Guo Kai asked.

"This is the bank's business. We will be responsible for recycling. As long as we have gold coins in our hands and can make the gold coins circulate, that's it." The representative said.

"Yeah. This is ok, but how many bonds your bank can eat, you know, Zhao Guo needs a lot of funds at present." Guo Kai wanted to say for a while.

"Twenty million and a half." The bank representative said with a smile.

"This, too little." Guo Kai said.

"We need at least 50 million and a half. We need to build our own navy. In addition, there are a lot of fiscal and tax subsidies. All of these require funds. What you get is the right to issue currency, which can bring great profits. I know your purpose." Guo Kai said.

"It's too much. I think we can only provide 30 million and a half. If there is too much capital, the bank will not be able to get it out. No bank can eat such a lot of bonds. The amount is too much. And it takes a long time. "The representative said.

"But you are making money every day. I believe you know this better than me." Guo Kai said.

"Well, we can discuss some of the results. I need to report it to our headquarters. Only when the headquarters are unified can we do this." The representative thought about it and said.

"Very good. Thank you very much for Qin Guo's financial support." Guo Kai said. he knows. His coming to power is inseparable from the support of the banks, because a large number of banks will buy bonds, which to a large extent solves Guo Kai's financial funding problem when he comes to power, you must know. When Li Mu was there, there were many things I could only think about, but couldn't do, because there was not much financial funds. The government Li Mu accepted was a government with little funds, and they simply couldn't support Li Mu to do a lot of things. So Li Mu is thinking more often than doing it again.

Li Mu's mansion. Now this is no longer the prime minister's mansion. It's Li Mu's residence.

"The prime minister, oh. No." Li Zuoche was not accustomed to Li Mu's name all of a sudden.

"Nothing. Actually, I think Guo Kai is better than what I did. I heard that he opened a mansion. A large number of factory owners and bankers keep coming to him. He is actively Solving Zhao’s financial funding problem through the bank. This problem was not solved when I was in office.” Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

"However, I heard that the new Secretary of Defense suggested that Guo Kai establish a navy department. Then establish a navy." Li Zuoche could only use the grapevine he heard.

"Well. Who knows. You need money for everything, not in that position, I really don't know this." Li Mu said.

"Okay. Let's study the surrounding situation. Since we are back to the military, we must study the military." Li Mu said.

"Well, sir, this is the case. I heard some news from the people of Qin. The Koreans have established a commercial area in the Kingdom of Seth, and their ships have reached the Kingdom of Seth. The people of Qin are actively and peacefully resting. The Kingdom of Seth is right next to the Kingdom of Parth." Li Zuoche said.

"Oh. I didn't expect it. When I returned to the military, so many things had already happened." Li Mu said.

"Yes. Sir, and the Yue people are planning a new offensive, but they don’t seem to disclose anything. Even the area is not very standard, and we can’t get more information. What we can know is that the Yue people’s The force still cannot get more land, they need to annihilate more of the main forces of Indy to solve the problem." Li Zuoche said.

"How about the expansion of Koreans in Mengla?" Li Mu asked next.

“I heard that it’s not going well. They have only recently wiped out the goddess religion. In addition, South Korea, Qi, and Yan are extremely coordinating the situation on the peninsula. Peace may be brought, but recently there has been news from Qi, Qi. The country is very annoyed. Because the Yan people provided a batch of poisonous gas to the Goguryeo people, and the Goguryeo people released a large amount of poisonous gas, forcing the southerners to seek peace. I don’t know how much gas the Goguryeo people got. In addition, Qin Guozai is also on the Liaonan Peninsula Actively establishing a naval port, the Yan people are also planning their navy. A fleet of Qi people escorted their merchant ships southward. The target may be the Western continent. If this is the case, we must also build our own navy." Li Zuoche said.

"But where is our navy built? Moreover, the development of the navy requires a lot of military personnel. How do we do these things?" Li Mu asked Li Zuoche.

"This, I think, we can establish a naval military academy. In this way, we can have a large number of naval military personnel to reserve. This is not a difficult thing for us." Li Zuoche suggested.

"Yeah. That's right, we can establish a naval military academy first. In addition, I think we should find some shortcuts. I heard that Qin has a naval aviation force, we can also establish such a combat method. After all, the navy still needs to find some shortcuts. The sky, the sky can hold more things, okay. Tomorrow we will go to the military academy and see all over the place. Recently, we are really exhausted. The army is still relaxed." Li Mu said with a smile.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Guo Kai needs to solve a lot of financial funding problems, so he needs at least 35 million yuan to solve all the problems. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to implement currency reforms." Xiao He said.

"Well. It means a lot to us to have the right to issue currency. It is a very easy thing for us. But we still need Guo Kai's support. Thirty-five million, or 35 million, but You can't give him a one-off payment. It takes at least two years to pay off. In addition, we need to let him achieve currency reforms as soon as possible. Our money is not so profitable." Yingyu thought about it and said.

"Yeah. I understand." Xiao He nodded.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Regardless of Zhao's affairs, we only care about our own affairs. Our arsenal has received military production demand from Qi, and they asked for more artillery. However, the problem is that we still have not yet mastered the mass production of steel technology. We just got a technical solution in the laboratory, and we still can't meet the production needs of Qi." Han Shu said.

"Yes, my lord, not only that, we need more and more artillery, and the navy needs to be re-arranged. They need new warships, because all countries are actively building navies and threats are increasing. Only by mastering the ocean can we master the future development direction." Zhang Liang reminded.

"Well. So, we have to master more artillery production technology. We need more iron. However, South Korea does not have too many places to produce iron. Qingcheng is okay, but we need more raw materials. We lack this. Many places." Han Shu said.

"Wang, I recently got a place. This place was originally from the Chu country, but the Chu people sold it to us. Only recently did we get news that there are a lot of iron ore on it. And it's still rich. We can build our own there. Steel production base." Zhang Liang suggested.

"Where?" Han Shu asked.

"Haizhou, where there is sea and transportation is convenient, we can build it in Qingcheng and solve all the problems nearby. In addition, we can also import a large amount of coal from other places, or there is coal locally." Zhang Liang said.

"This is great. All the problems have been solved. Consider this problem. Do we build an iron smelter locally and then mass-produce it. In short, we want to be fast. Now the demand for iron is increasing. More and more, we must speed up the productivity, we can't wait like this anymore." Han Shu said excitedly. As South Korea's production grows larger, the steel needed will also grow. South Korea really can't wait any longer.

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