The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2830: Valuable intelligence

Bangla. In fact, most of them are controlled by South Korea, and some are controlled by Chu people.

"You are now glorious, South Korea's police in Bangla. You are the police, an important violent force in maintaining public order, and you will greatly protect your property safety and social stability." Zhang Dahui took the speech and said Said to a group of police retired from the army who did not know why. Their equipment is a musket, a baton, and then their attire. They look thin and weak, as if they can't do anything, but this is good enough. In order to stabilize the situation in Bangla.

The governor’s authorities had to establish a police force. They were directly selected from the native soldiers. After a military operation to exterminate the priesthood, the governor’s authorities finally realized that the native soldiers were unusable, and they decided to retire two native soldiers. Establishing a police force, perhaps this is their only role in maintaining the stability of the authorities. However, the authorities still need more military power. But they now have to solve the tax problem first. The population loss in Bangla was extremely serious, and a large amount of land was concentrated in the hands of Korean businessmen.

"Damn it, speech." Zhang Dahui scolded after he stepped down. Such speeches may not be understood by the **** native soldiers, but they can solve the big problems of Bangladeshi society.

"You're good. The bank is actively considering the loan issue of Zhanpu, and they think the feasibility is very great." Zhang Shi said.

"If the bank can lend a lot of funds to Zhanpu, they can expand the army and help us solve the security problems around us." Zhang Shi motioned to Zhang Daguo to sit down and say.

"Sir, I think we are still facing a big problem. How the colonial economy develops, we may not have any taxes in the future." Zhang Dahui said to Zhang Shi worriedly.

"I have considered this issue. But economic officials have not yet taken a good response. We may tax those businessmen. This may be the only way, or issue more bonds, etc. But, where is the colony? There are so many bonds. Although Mengla belongs to us, we still don't know enough about them and the objects of taxation are not enough." Zhang Shi said.

"I think we should set up a parliament." Zhang Dahui thought for a while and suggested.

"Parliament?" Zhang Shi asked.

"Yes, if we want to levy taxes on those Korean businessmen, the only way is to include them in the parliamentary charter, so that they can pay taxes willingly. This is the only way for them. This is also me. Seeing that the Chu government did this. The nobles did not pay taxes before. As a result, the Chu government adopted this method. If we can do the same, I think we can greatly avoid many problems. This is for us. In terms of it, it is the best thing." Zhang Dahui said.

"Well, I understand what you mean. It's just that if you do this, it will restrict the Governor's rights." Zhang Shi said.

"But we can get more resource advantages. If we only rely on the Governor's Mansion to do such a thing, I think it will be difficult for us." Zhang Dahui said.

"Well. Well, your suggestion is very good. I will accept it. Now I will let people fully consider this possibility." Zhang Shi nodded and said.

Karachi Port, here is an important port. As the telegram arrives here, more and more Korean merchant ships are anchored here, and they bring a lot of things that Karachi people have not seen.

"This is really a magical thing. It can see so far. Oh my God, it's amazing. It's really amazing." A Karachi general likes to play with the telescope in his hand. There have been, but the number is too small. Only the king has this right. Many generals like it, but they can't get it. But this time, the merchants brought such a strange thing. Although the price is a bit expensive, they still like it. They are happy to buy such a thing.

"These things are great. We like them very much." General Hasi said happily. He is the only general in Karachi who takes the initiative to learn the Central Plains dialect. Although he is still struggling in particularly complex conversations, he is definitely admirable enough. Because he is over forty years old. Compared with most generals, he is very young, but a general can master a language, which is very remarkable.

"If you Koreans can bring more than 1,000, no, more than 10,000 such binoculars, I will reward you a lot of money. We need so many binoculars." Hafa said to the Korean businessman with a smile.

"Mr. General, we will definitely bring more binoculars." The Korean businessman said with a smile.

"No, no. It's not enough. We need more artillery. Although the Northern Dynasty is ahead of us, they have abandoned it. It is not very safe. Therefore, we are still very concerned about defense." Said General West.

"General Hasi. Nice to meet you." Just as Hasi was talking about Karachi defense issues to the businessman, a South Korean navy lieutenant colonel came over.

"I'm the Korean Marine Corps. Lieutenant Colonel Officer. Zhang Si," Zhang Si introduced himself.

"I'm here to serve as your consultant." Zhang Si said. He received the order from above. They need a consultant. To understand the situation in the north, or in other words, they can get first-line information to help them expand their horizons.

"Oh. This is the first time I have seen a South Korean Marine Corps officer." Hasi said.

"Hehe, it's nice to meet General Hasi." Zhang Si asked.

"If I'm in your South Korea, what is my military rank?" Hasi asked.

"Well, it may be a major general, or a lieutenant general, general." Zhang Si said.

"Well, very good. I like your rank. What do you want to know? And what can I know from you?" Hasi asked.

"I did some research on the war when I came. I collected everything I might know about you, but I still don't know enough. After all, we know very little about you." Zhang Si said.

"Well, let me take you to understand our situation." He said that Hassi happily took Zhang Si to visit Karachi's army.

"Turn left." A sergeant-like soldier is training a platoon of Karachi Musketeers. They are doing the simplest in-squad drill. With such a simple order, many Karachi soldiers still turn the wrong way. It may be due to language or other reasons. Anyway, the situation is extremely unfavorable for them. But they are still doing simple training.

"Currently we have such guns, about a thousand soldiers, and 30 guns of various calibers. This is the largest number of guns we can collect from you." General Hasi said.

"However, I see that your condition is not very good." Zhang Si said.

"It is true that the people we hire, they teach every day are queues, and then shooting. I don't know how useful this tactic can be. For the use of guns and artillery, we still need to spend a long time. Think about it," Hasi said.

"Everything is a new weapon." Zhang Si said.

"Yes. You are right. Everything is new weapons. These weapons have brought us a lot of trouble, but we have also got some new weapons. For example, we learned from you how to use those weapons. Gunpowder, the formula of gunpowder, our people are trying to make artillery by themselves. I hope they can be useful." Hasi said.

"Cast your own artillery." Zhang Si was very surprised.

"Rest assured that they are the best casters. If they can't finish, their heads will be chopped off, or hanged, or buried alive." Hasi said coldly.

"Oh. This is not good news." Zhang Si said.

"What? Do we cast out artillery to affect your arms business?" Hasi asked.

"No, no, I don’t mean that. I mean, it takes a long time to cast a cannon, and the maturity of the technology, etc., all of which take time to accumulate and cannot be done all at once. , I think you will understand this soon." Zhang Si said.

"Yeah. You are right, we should give it a try. But I want you to see what will happen to the Yueshi people in the next step. In fact, they are still relatively close to us. Use your unit. To calculate it, it is about three hundred miles, but this distance is very close to us. There are only two places in front. Ram, and Sim.” Hasi said. Zhang Shi still doesn’t know where these places are. He has never heard of such place names. There are curious places in many places. He soon brought Hasi’s headquarters, and then he saw what he saw. On the map, after Hashi's guidance, he saw those two places, but the map was very rough and didn't look like a map.

"This is Ram?" Zhang Si asked, pointing to the map.

"Yes, there is a road connecting Ram, he leads directly to Sim, and Sim is only more than fifty miles away from us. This is the nearest road in front of us. The rest of the road is mountainous and it is impossible to walk. A road, east of us, from Ram to Sim, and then to the east. It belongs to the defense zone of the Northern Dynasty. They have more than 800,000 troops stationed there. A huge line of defense was established to defend the Yueshi people. I hope they will be useful.” Hasi introduced.

"Ram, is there a defensive fortress in this place?" Zhang Si asked.

"Yes, a very important fortress with more than 20,000 people. There is only one road. From there you can go directly to Sim, and then you can reach the back of the Northern Dynasty. If you attack from there, the 800,000 army will collapse. Yes. I am worried about this." Hasi said.

"Oh my God. This is a huge battle of annihilation. I think the Yue people will definitely do this." Zhang Si also thinks it is possible. After all, there is only one line of defense. As long as you break through the Ram Fort, you can. Solve all the problems, because the back is too broad. Very suitable for cavalry combat.

"So, what I worry about is this, but I don't know. Do you think the Yueshi can break through this?" General Hasi asked.

"I don't know how your fortress is? What kind of materials are used, but what I know is that as long as there are enough explosives, which is gunpowder, you can completely send Ram's fortress to the sky." Zhang Si said .

"Tell me?" Hasi asked with interest.

"That's right. Among our arms, there are engineers who are good at using explosives. If there are enough explosives, the fortress can't be defended at all. Moreover, you don't have muskets, you can't stop them from conducting such operations. So, I think, Your situation is not very good. Ram Fortress is very likely to be broken. I hope you better prepare, if they go south, Sim, then Karachi." Zhang Si said.

"Damn, I hope the Northern Dynasty can place more troops in Sim, where there are only more than 5,000 soldiers." Hasi said.

Ram fortress.

"When did the cavalry come?" a Yue guard sentry looked at the incoming cavalry and said.

"I don't know, there are probably a lot of cavalry. I heard that there are also a lot of cavalry from the 11th Regiment. They only garrison in the back. We don't know what they are. Maybe we have a big battle here." The corporal said worriedly.

"What?" the sentry asked.

"I said, there may be a war. You know, what it is, that is the cavalry. Wherever the cavalry comes, there is a big battle to be fought. Damn, I don't want to fight." The corporal said.

"Sir, we can get more trophies. Here, we will die every day." The sentry complained.

"Don't take your own life to joke, this kind of money is not easy to make." The corporal said.

At the entrance of the tunnel, the security here is very strict, and only a few people know that the tunnel is being dug here.

"How is it?" Zhang Shun asked Stout, who had just come out.

"Let me drink." Steer said.

"We did a good job. A large number of explosives have been successfully installed. The final work is being done, and the fuse will be installed. Just wait for the final explosion. It's just that when the order will be delivered." Stuart said To.

"I don't know, I'm also waiting for orders, but I know that a large number of cavalry have arrived here. I think it won't be too long." Zhang Shun said.

"Well, we can only continue to wait, but waiting for such a long time is not so good. You should know that if this goes on, it will increase our danger a lot. I don't want this danger to continue. This It's very unfavorable to us." Stur said.

"Okay. I will find a way to solve this problem." Zhang Shun said helplessly.

Yueshi, Indy confronts the front line. This is the place where the intelligence personnel of both sides are most active and the place where the frontline reconnaissance is the most powerful.

"What's going on recently? Is there a big move?" Simon asked a lieutenant colonel. Lieutenant Colonel Yueshi is a military officer here. Mainly responsible for logistical affairs. Simon is an arms dealer, and a lot of arms come not only from Tocharo, Qin, but also from the Yueshi arsenal. He came here to buy goods.

"Perhaps, maybe there is a big war going to be fought. Recently, many troops are going in and out, and the arms and weapons are also the same, but it is really good at this time to do business. Some units lose their weapons and lose a lot. I will join them. , In this case, we have a lot to do." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Well. In that case, you will make a lot of money. By the way. What happened to the barracks over there? It's so quiet." Simon asked.

"Well, I don't know. I won't let you go over there. That's what happened anyway. You'd better not go over there. I don't know over there," the lieutenant colonel said.

"Oh. Okay, you go first. I'll go by for a while, and my stomach feels a little uncomfortable. I am now. I want to go there for convenience." Simon said.

"Okay. Go and come back quickly, don't be too troublesome." The lieutenant colonel said helplessly. Said Simon had already left. He felt that there was a big problem in the camp over there, because there was no one going in or out there. The most important thing was that there was nothing there. This was the camp. It was very unruly. He wanted to see it, and soon he came. There, there are still a lot of barbed wire here, but this does not bother him. He quickly climbed over the barbed wire and came to the military camp, which were all temporary tents. He entered a tent carefully. What he saw was that it was all empty, just a tent, and then he looked at the next tent, it was still the same, almost all tents were like this, he thought it was very strange. Then he took a look, and there were many such tents in the camp. Simon suddenly felt that things were a little different, and he returned quickly, and even the number of purchases was wrong. He felt that this matter was not simple. The barracks are empty, the tents are empty, but the army moves back and forth. What does this mean? It might be a deceitful tactic. He felt that this information was very important. So he quickly came to the Indian military intelligence control.

"Tell you guys, the situation is very different. The Yue people’s barracks are empty, and their military personnel are mobilized very frequently. It is true that there will be no offensives here, but the Yue people will launch attacks in other places. Be careful. Be careful." Simon shouted loudly to an officer, but the rank of the officer was too low. Obviously, the other party did not pay attention to the information he provided at all. The Indians always make such mistakes. Simon was helpless.

"I want to see your supreme officer, I hope you can understand what you are doing. Tell you, the Yueshi will launch an offensive soon, and you are over." Simon threatened. But the other party was indifferent. This annoyed him, but the other party was like that. He can only wait, this is valuable information. Very valuable.

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