The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2831: Yue's preparation

Bangla. Korean merchant's dock. There are many hotels here, but they are all opened by Chu businessmen, who seem to be very interested in fixed industries.

Private room in Wuyue Hotel.

"What do you mean by this life?" a fat Korean businessman asked. He is in the slave business. Recently, there are a lot of slaves. Transporting to the mainland can definitely make a lot of money. He also relied on this kind of business and expanded to five ships at once. Although he was still a long way from those trading companies, it was still a small accomplishment.

"What do you mean? What else do you mean, I think, this time it’s made us bleed. Think about it, this colony, Bangla, is full of murder and arson. The people of Bangla must not be able to stay, they all ran away. Where did you go? It must be outside. As soon as they run, there will be no one else who can pay the tax. If this is the case, the colonial authorities will not be able to sustain it. In order to get the tax, it must be on us. "A middle-aged businessman calmly analyzed.

"Man, you mean, Zhang Shi is going to tax us?" the fat businessman asked. If taxes are imposed, it will push up his slave prices. In this case, his slave prices will have no competitive advantage. This will eat up part of his profits, which is the most unacceptable thing for him.

"This is hard to say, but I think taxation is the only solution to the current situation. You see, so many police, native soldiers, and soldiers from the Korean New Army are stationed here. This is not the main taxpayer. , There is no tax, they can stand here for no reason." said the middle-aged businessman.

"That's, it's just that taxation, as much as you have to levy, you levy more. I think we have no profit, and no one will come to this place. If there are less. We are okay." The fat businessman thought. .

"It really doesn't work. I think we go to Karachi or Seth country. There are still many places where tax is not required anyway." When other businessmen heard the tax, they objected. They think that their situation is already very bad. Because maritime trade is very risky, a little carelessness may lead to bankruptcy. Although the risks are high, the profits are high. For example, a piece of silk in the Kingdom of Chu is about one and a half dollars at most, but here, it can bring twenty times the profits, which is what the nobles consume. It is precisely because they can bring great profits that they can do this kind of business, but taxation has always been a big problem.

"In my opinion, the intention may not be as simple as taxation. The government has also set up a parliament. How can those members be so good? I think they must pay more taxes to become members." An experienced businessman Speaking of. He saw that things were a little different. Because this time the real target is mainly those who have money and land, and they don't pay much attention to those who don't have much taxation ability.

"That's right. The development of the colonial authorities is still not very good. Did the colonial authorities run out of money and sell them? But this congressman is too expensive. It is better to have a chief official." The middle-aged businessman thought. After thinking about it, he felt that what the other party said was reasonable, and he expressed his own opinion.

"You think it’s not so easy for a local governor to be an official. You can make a fortune, but the local people have to pay taxes first. Only by paying taxes can you become an official. This congressman is the official in charge of the local governor. Don’t There are many people, but the rights are not small. There is only one bill, and the governor does not work either." The businessman said.

For a while, everyone is discussing this issue, and businessmen are also weighing whether they should really spend money to buy a parliamentarian. After all, with an official position, everything is easier to do. Up.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Master Wang, we received a proposal from the Department of Sociology of Xinzheng University. The content of this book may be of great help to our current situation in Bangla." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. Tell me about the content." Han Shu said.

"They suggested that we establish a state and a federal state in Bangla. Through cooperation with the locals and various ways to develop colonial authorities, we can absorb those local nobles to participate in the construction of our state, which can greatly reduce The aversion and resistance of the locals towards us can effectively help us solve many things. It is mainly economic affairs. If this is the case, the locals on the western continent will be reduced a lot, and their resistance does not seem to be that resolute. "Zhang Liang said.

"Set up a federal state? Is it like the people of Qin?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, that's it. They can bring us a lot of help. The resistance we encounter is the least. They mentioned Qin’s methods. They think Qin’s methods are very good. They use parliament to absorb The most powerful people in the locality will participate, so that we can provide them with an opportunity. They will participate in our construction. Then we will connect these states to make them our federal state. The letter also mentions that the Chu people were in Bangladesh. Ra’s rule is, for example, they are in active contact with the locals. Chu and Bangla fought very few wars, but their business went on very smoothly. In contrast, we were a little bit over-employed. In terms of management, we have pushed most of our friends to the opposite of the enemy. We should reduce such actions. At least this is a new test for us." Zhang Liang said. In fact, for Bangla, as well as operations on the western continent. Zhang Liang was very dissatisfied because the South Korean government relied too much on their military strength.

For any region, as long as there is any resistance, violent measures are taken. Although these simple and rude methods can bring great profits, the financial income brought by the war has solved a large part of South Korea’s financial problems, but it is for the local economy. . The damage is too severe, but some obstacles have appeared to the local economic development. These obstacles are the inability to get the support of the local people, which seems to be very profitable in a short time, the population. Trophy and various products are piled up like a mountain. However, as time goes by, South Korea is in a very passive state in terms of management, because they don’t understand much in many places, and the role of merchants is not fully played out. South Korea needs Mobilize all forces to participate in the development and tap the local potential.

"Well, I understand." Han Shu said.

"Our business in Mengla is too violent," Han Shu understood.

"Yes, this is very detrimental to us, so we must change some." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, Xinzheng University’s ideas coincide with some of Zhang Shi’s practices. Look at this. They have already planned to set up a parliament to involve the local wealthy people, but they must pay taxes, pay more taxes, or Make some welfare undertakings, such as building roads and railways, or building fortresses and cities. In short, they have to do something. In this case, the participation of those businessmen will greatly contribute to the development of the Bangladeshi authorities. Promotional effect, but what they think is very different from what you think. They only think about solving the financial problem, but you are guiding the progress in a general direction." Han Shu said. Zhang Liang quickly read the report. The situation is exactly as Han Shu said.

"If this is the case, that would be great," Zhang Liang said. Han Shu nodded.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"Thirty-five million and a half tael is too little. We need at least 40 million and a half tael. What you get in exchange is an investment opportunity. Your profits are very impressive." Guo Kai said in the Handan branch of Wenyang Bank of Qin State. To. Recently. Although he has done a lot of things, the media and the public praised him mixedly.

Some congressmen called him an old bastard. He was a vampire who was extremely stingy with money and cursed him for dying in the pile of money. Some congressmen admired him very much because they actively donated money. Although they lost some money, they got it again. The position of the parliamentarians, some old parliamentarians have been washed away, and the political circle has reshuffled.

Some women believed that Guo Kai did a good thing that Li Mu himself did not do. Education costs are extremely sufficient. Many councillors made generous donations. They decided to build some schools. The schools are large and well-equipped, and they have established scholarships. As long as they study well, they can get scholarships. This is alleviating for them. A lot of family expenses. This is the most beneficial for the woman. So the woman praised Guo Kai. The factory is also actively coordinating things. They have already let out the wind. The factory will give the men processing money, but they have not reduced their working hours. In the view of the factory owner, they should do this. So the workers still curse. For the new prime minister. They don't have a lot of good feelings.

In contrast, Guo Kai is very busy, he has been running to the bank these days. In front of him, it is not a matter of workers, women’s children’s studies, and re-election of councillors. If he cannot solve the financial funds, all the problems will erupt again. At that time, Guo Kai must step down, and there is no possibility of re-election , Guo Kai’s political career may end here. This is the worst place.

"However, this is a bit too expensive." The representative on the other side said embarrassingly.

"No, no, you don’t suffer at all. You still have a lot of financial business to do. To be honest, I think Zhao Guo still has another opportunity to expand. For example, we will build our own navy, and there are many factories to cooperate. , For example." Guo Kai thought for a while. His head is turning fast, he needs to persuade the other party, and only by persuading the other party can he get the funds he needs most.

"That's right. We can carry out technology transfer and cooperation. Our business can bring a lot of taxes. Zhao Guo's future financial expectations are still very good. Your risk is still very low. In addition, you have the currency and you can invest. Because technical cooperation requires a lot of funds, Zhao Guo’s banking business is currently very limited, and most of it still needs the participation of Qin Guo Bank. Without you, our bank, our company, everything is finished. . On the contrary, this is an opportunity. You just spend more money, but you get more opportunities." Guo Kai said.

"Well. Okay, let me think about it, but I need to ask the Qin State Xianyang side, maybe they can bring us a big surprise. Maybe." The representative thought about it and said.

"No problem, absolutely no problem. You can indeed do these things." Guo Kai said excitedly. He knew that the representative said so. Usually it is agreed, the other party may have accepted such a price, in this way, Zhao Guo's financial funds are resolved.

Inside the headquarters of General Hasi in Karachi.

"I have reported your idea to the Northern Dynasty. I hope they will notice this, but I don't know what they can do." General Hasi said.

"However, what I am worried about is, do you think the Yue people will attack us? If they follow your method, under our fortress, according to your Korean weight unit, they will place at least 10,000 stones. Our fortresses will be wiped out. After all, we have encountered such a thing before. They just destroyed a section of the fortress wall, but caused us a lot of trouble. If there are enough explosives, our The situation may be very bad." General Hasi said.

"I think it is impossible for the Yueshi people to attack. First of all, they must ensure the safety of their flanks." Zhang Si said.

"On their flanks, after all, there are 800,000 Indian soldiers. If they cut off the Yue's retreat, the situation will be pessimistic. The Yue's cavalry rely on the sharpness of muskets to attack, but this It relies heavily on logistics. After all, no more ammunition can be obtained from the front line. These items can only be delivered from the rear. In addition, there is a big difference between his food and grass. If you attack Karachi, I think it is very unwise. This For them, it is absolutely unfavorable." Zhang Si said.

"Well. Although what you said is very correct, I decided to strengthen Karachi's defense. If it is destroyed by the opponent's attack, my responsibility will be too great." General Hasi said.

"Yes, General, after all, we need to deal with it carefully." Zhang Si said.

Yueshi Frontline.

"Our headquarters has also gone to Ram." Moran said to Meng Ping.

"Well, our plan is not bad. The Indians did not react too much. If nothing happens, we will easily break through the Indians' defense in Ram. It's just that we can't go too far. , Otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to us." Meng Ping said.

"I know this, but what I am more worried about is logistics supplies. You know, we need to rotate. A lot of supplies are still being delivered here, but the real battlefield is Lahm. We can't expose this in advance. Plan." Moran said worriedly.

"As long as there is enough profit, I think the problem of supply should be easy to solve. Maybe after breaking through Lahm, the situation will become much easier." Meng Ping said.

"Well, I will be there today, hoping that everything can be resolved there." Moran nodded and said.

The third regiment of the Yue's Cavalry was discussing something with his staff. The soldiers not far away were still actively preparing despite their grievances.

"Sir, we don't have a lot of ammunition reserves. If we launch an attack, it will be exhausted soon." The staff officer said.

"I know that we have resolved this matter as much as possible, but I don't know why the rear side has not resolved our ammunition problem." The colonel shook his head and said.

"This, sir, maybe, there are difficulties in it," the staff officer said.

"Well, what I care about is whether the ammunition of the horse artillery is sufficient. In the last attack, we did not have fire support, which caused us to be extremely passive. Do you know what kind of situation it is?" the colonel asked.

"Anyway? We must ensure the firepower of the horse artillery." The colonel said. In the last attack, the Yue people learned a lesson that their cavalry firepower, especially the superior firepower point, did not have. Although their muskets played a great role, they would pay when they attacked some powerful strongholds. Some representatives, or went around directly, finally forced the other party to lay down their weapons and surrender. They can only rely on their mobility to make up for their lack of firepower. They can have a great advantage in the field, but they may not be able to attack a strong fortress in a very short period of time. Because they have great shortcomings, such shortcomings directly prevented them from launching a more effective attack. For this reason, Yueshi introduced a batch of horse artillery equipment to them.

With such firepower, the Yue cavalry attaches great importance to it. In their view, this is an important force for them to attack. Without these things, their cavalry can only run back and forth. The Yue people are also actively preparing. Although they don’t know how they will open Ram Fortress, they know that they will definitely open Ram Fortress, thinking that there are not many people in Ram Fortress, as long as they Concentrate enough firepower. A large number of artillery can also open the Ram Fortress, provided that they have sufficient ammunition, and the opponent cannot provide timely reinforcements. But for now, they seem to be unable to do this, because there are still many things they cannot do. For example, the horse artillery is not very effective against such a large fortress, and they need a larger caliber artillery. But there are only a small number of artillery units. Are they going to launch an offensive with such inadequate preparations? Many officers have such concerns, but this is not what they worry about. They can only care about their ammunition reserves.

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