The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2832: The effect of the explosion

Dawan, Marsh, this is the original town of Dawan, but now it has been abandoned. There are no people, no sheep, and no crops. There are weeds everywhere.

"It's deserted here. It's a pity." Fan Dou said to Minister Haas.

"It's really a pity, but no one of us has come to accept it. So, we plan to mortgage you here in exchange for the loan we want." Haas said.

"Well, these land, we don't know what we can do? And, such a wasteland, in exchange for a lot of funds. This may not work." Fan Dou said, shaking his head. When coming here. Fan Dou has thought of a lot of ways. However, there is really no value that can be obtained. It seems that the other party only has land.

"This, these lands can bring a lot of wealth, perhaps, there are important resources to develop below?" Haas said.

"Well, Mr. Haas, in fact, we have a lot of difficulties in cooperation. These difficulties make it seem difficult for Qin to lend you further funds." Fan Dou said.

"The first is the relationship between the two countries. Although there is no direct land border between our two countries, what I want to know is that our situation is not very good. The trade between us is through Dawan and Tocharians. Finished. In this case, our understanding of you is very limited. This is not a very good thing for us." Fan Dou said.

"I want to know how much money your Qin State Bank can provide us?" Haas asked directly.

"Well, it looks like less than 50,000 gold coins." Fan Dou said embarrassedly.

"This. Too little." After Haas heard it, he felt his hands trembling constantly, and his legs were empty, because doing so would only cause him a lot of trouble.

"Too little. We will give a large piece of land. I think you should be very clear about what this piece of land can do?" Haas said.

"In fact, Qin has a lot of land. We have been expanding in the past few years. We have been expanding until we are short of manpower. That's why we will import a lot of labor from you. Maybe those prisoners of war can be worth 50,000 gold coins. But now The situation is that the land is provided to the State of Qin, and we may not be able to agree to such a thing. In fact, we have been thinking hard about how to solve your problems." Fan Dou said.

"I think it would be better if you can mortgage the land first and then issue bonds? Use your tariffs as collateral, or, to attract capital from the State of Qin. This can be carried out on the condition that the relationship between the two countries is normalized. Our products can be Enter your market." Fan Dou suggested.

"I will consider your suggestion, but our land is too cheap. And the amount of funds we need is very large." Haas is very far from his psychological price, which makes him very disappointed. Maybe I think I shouldn't be here. However, it happened. They need to solve such problems, and the people of Qin seem to be less interested in land.

"Well. Well, I think you can send representatives to resolve such things. The relationship between the two countries can be normalized first. This is a very easy solution for us. Trust, we both need trust. "Fan Dou said.

To the people of Qin, the rest are still very strange, because neither side knows a lot, and the most important thing is that neither side can trust each other. This way. The two sides could not further talk about financial matters, but Fan Dou believes that the government should make such a decision first. Only in this way can they proceed. For them, this is a very good example.

Seth country. The place of residence of Koreans.

"You mean, there is that kind of black man to the west of us?" Zhang Zhi asked Guo Xiang.

"Yes, I was surprised to see such black people at first, but where they are in the West, I don't know. The Seth told us that they are at the end of a desert, and they have to travel a long, long way. Several camels will die in the desert." Guo Xiang said.

"Well. I want to go there and see, maybe there can be any development, but what I want to know is those desert areas, how do we traverse the past, and most importantly, can we go by boat, if not, This is too regrettable." Zhang Zhi said.

"What I am worried about is the language. No one understands their language. We used to know very little about it. Why? Do you want to go?" Guo Xiang asked at this time.

"Yes, I want to go. I really want to go there." Zhang Zhi said.

"You know, I am an adventurous person. The situation here is very good. However, there are still many areas that we don’t know, especially the black people you mentioned. I want to know where they live. , They can grow like that, are they really mining coal like this?" Zhang Zhi said.

"Perhaps not, they just show it like that, because you know the situation there is not the same as the situation here." Guo Xiang explained. But this explanation is really reluctant.

"Okay. I decided to prepare, go there and see, maybe I should prepare more things, such as know some more things from your Seth scholars." Zhang Zhi said.

"Well, the more prepared, the better. I don't know what kind of situation there is. However, I think it may solve many of our problems." Guo Xiang said.

"Hi, I'm back." Just then. Zhang Bi ran over. He was wearing a turban, the white turban of the locals, and a white robe. They didn't know how to call that kind of clothes because they couldn't do many things. Language is still a barrier, although it has been reduced a lot.

"This is?" Zhang Bi asked, looking at Guo Xiang curiously.

"Zhang Zhi, the captain of the Adventure, an explorer, just like us." Guo Xiang introduced.

"Very good. I like adventurers. My name is Zhang Bi. Just like you." Zhang Bi said.

"Well, what's the situation with the rest?" Guo Xiang asked at this time.

"Very bad." Zhang Bi said, shaking his head.

"The Parthians need professional military personnel. Unfortunately, none of us are professional soldiers. They have always hoped that professional soldiers can provide good advice to solve their military problems." Zhang Bi said.

"Don't they have artillery, musket? Seth people don't have these." Guo Xiang said.

"Yes, they don't have these, but they can dig trenches, did you know? The Seth people dig a lot of trenches. They attacked through those trenches. Then they launched offensive operations. They also got a lot of gunpowder. Artillery. Rest in peace. The human artillery position was solved by the opponent using this method. You know the seriousness of the problem," Guo Xiang said.

"Moreover, they also used a special thing, which is this. When I came, I asked some people and they told me that it might be oil, which is what we call fierce oil. Such a thing, the Seth people have already Used it." Zhang Bi said.

"My God." Guo Xiang said.

"So, now they are in trouble. They need professional military personnel to act as consultants. I have been working for a few days, but I can't see anything. The only way now is to tell the mainland to send troops. But the distance is too far. Nothing. We can't do anything. And very few merchant ships come." Zhang Bi said.

"Tell you a good news, maybe it won't take long before we can have a telegram. At that time, more merchant ships will come here." Zhang Zhi said.

"Great. But we need to summarize the situation here. We can stay here safely largely with the help of the rest. If the rest cannot resist, our situation will not be too good. Many. Therefore, we must think of a solution to their matter. Solve it." Zhang Bi said.

"None of us are professional soldiers, and soldiers will not propose such a method." Zhang Zhi said helplessly.

Ram Fortress, everything is normal. calm. The Yue soldiers also showed some slack. Although there have been many troops recently, they are all very far away, and the Indian soldiers have no idea what happened.

The Indian soldiers on the opposite side are also very relaxed. They are like this every day. Their patrols are still tense at first and will drive in the trenches. This way they can effectively avoid bullet attacks. But later, the Yue people didn't shoot, and they didn't do anything. The two sides seem to be very harmonious.

"Command. The command is here." Zhang Shun told Sturt excitedly.

"The commander has given the order to attack. Regardless of whether the cavalry is ready, but now they will launch an attack, it's up to us now. How is our situation?" Zhang Shun asked Dust at the tunnel entrance. Especially all soil.

"Not bad, do you attack now?" Steward asked.

"Yes. The fire will be fired in two hours, and the infantry has already begun to prepare." Zhang Shun said.

"Okay, I will make the retreat order." Stur nodded, and then entered the tunnel gate again. Zhang Shun nodded and left.

Two miles away, the 7th Regiment of Yue’s Infantry is being assembled. They are mobilized in batches, but now they don’t know why they are arranged here, but many officers already know the reason. They are about to launch a large-scale operation. Offensive operations.

"Today, we are going to launch a large-scale offensive operation. The reason why we are gathering here is because great things will happen over there," said a colonel officer standing on a high ground. They couldn't see the situation in Ram Fort, because a soil **** blocked their sight. Here became the best infantry assembly position.

"In the past twenty days or so, our engineers have dug a tunnel. They have dug under the Ram Fortress. They kept digging and opened up a large space. Then they placed about fifteen thousand. Explosives around the stone," the colonel said.

"Oh, my goodness. People will blow up." A sergeant sighed after hearing such news.

"That's right, people will be blown up, but this time we are not going to blow up those people, but those **** Ram Forts. We don't know what will happen after so many explosives explode. Therefore, in order to ensure your safety, everyone can only assemble here on standby." said the colonel.

"In two hours, the explosives will ignite. At that time. Ram Fortress, it will. There will be a bang. Fly to the sky. It's gone." said the colonel.

"Get bayonet. Stand by." The colonel ordered.

"Wow!" The whole group of soldiers were bayonet. They also have an advance company at the forefront. They have entered a secret trench dug in advance, just like them, but they are even more nervous. They are the first group to enter the position after the explosion. They themselves don't know how powerful this explosion will be. However, they can only do so.

"My goodness. Did you hear me clearly?" the sergeant asked the sergeant next to him. The Sergeant Major lay on the ground and looked at the sky.

"I heard clearly. Fifteen thousand stone explosives. How many people would be killed by such crazy explosives, I don't know." The Sergeant Major said.

"But I know that if the distance is too close, the human internal organs will be shattered. If this is the case, it is too exciting." The Sergeant Major said.

"I don't know what will happen. However, I have seen them explode. They are quite powerful. I can tear a person to pieces on the spot. I have seen the ground meat while cleaning the battlefield, and it looks very disgusting." Said the sergeant.

"Fortunately, it was the **** Indians who died, not us. We should take a look at such a spectacular sight. Perhaps he will be very surprised." As the sergeant got up, he went to the front. At the very front, many people are already there. They all wanted to see the power of the explosive explosion of fifteen thousand stones.

Zhang Shun has retreated to a place deemed safe.

"How is it?" Zhang Shun asked Dust. St looked a little nervous, maybe it was because of the greater pressure at the end.

"I'm okay, but what I'm worried about is. The fuse has been placed for several days, if it can't be ignited." Sturt said nervously.

"This." Zhang Shun did think of this. It is said that there is a way to detonate a battery in Qin State. It needs a detonator. Zhang Shun hasn't seen what kind of thing it is. He just heard of it. the way. The Yueshi people still use the fuse, they can only use such an old method. This method is extremely difficult, because the fuse has been installed for several days. Although some measures have been taken, some problems still occur, such as being damp and unable to detonate.

"Sir." At this moment, a man full of soil came over. His military rank could not be seen, but what Zhang Shun saw was that the other party was very nervous and a little anxious.

"Sir, there is a damp fuse. If it ignites, we can't solve such a thing at all, unless." The man said.

"You mean, let a person stay in the tunnel and let him ignite." Steer said.

"Yes, sir, time is too late to change. If the order comes earlier, we can do this. But." The man said embarrassingly.

"Damn it. It's too late. Have you thought of any other way?" Steer asked.

"This. There is only one way, this is the only way." The other party said.

"Damn it." Stewart kept trembling and cursing. The other party also saw such a scene, obviously the other party is not willing to do so.

"There is a wounded guy, and he is willing to do this. But, he hopes that we can take care of his family, and after this war, we can give them some land, slaves, and money. That's it. He. He said, he himself He won't live long. His wound is infected. He is suffering from torture." The other party said.

Steep bowed his head and said nothing, he was considering this question.

"Sir, we can't save him, there is no medicine, there is nothing. We have no way, he is willing to do this. Maybe it can be more enjoyable, this is better than." The other party said.

"Damn it," Steer scolded.

"Okay. Just do it. The money must be taken out." Steer said.

"Yes, sir." The man left immediately. Zhang Shun watched the man leave, where the technology could not reach, only human life could do such a thing.

Zhang Shun still wants to comfort the other party, but at this time. It's no use saying anything.

Behind the soil slope, many people are lying here, they are looking at the officer's binoculars.

"The time has come. Why hasn't there been any movement? The explosion, where is the explosion?" the sergeant asked.

"Wait and see." The Sergeant Chief also said excitedly. They all looked a little nervous.

"Boom." There was a dull sound at this moment. Then it began to slowly expand, and the human heart seemed to be about to beat out.

"Ahem." Zhang Shun in the trench was shocked by the huge explosion. This is a huge explosion. He felt that there was an earthquake, and his internal organs were all overturned, and it was very uncomfortable. And St has been overturned to the ground.

The huge explosion gave out a huge light. Then there was a violent shaking. Then there was a strong wind. Many people were staggered by the wind.

"This is a huge explosion, too **** good." The sergeant shouted loudly. Many soldiers feel this way, but they are now blown under the dirt slope. From time to time, some clothes floated in the air, and they were all Indian uniforms. At the forefront of the position, the soldier who was the first to ambush felt that some raindrops suddenly fell from the sky. They touched. It turned out to be red, it was blood, and then some pieces of meat also fell off. Among them are human fingers. A soldier was horrified to find that a blasted out-of-shape heart was right in front of him. He didn't know if the earth was shaking, he was shaking, or the heart was still beating. The soldier felt terrified. Really scared.

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