The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2835: Yueshi people are here

"I think you know the current situation of the artillery factory. Workers are on strike, and they need us to increase their labor compensation. Our only way is to find some opportunities to fire some workers to reduce labor costs, but doing so will further intensify conflicts. , This is not a solution to the problem.” said the director of the artillery factory. They are considering how to solve the problem of workers’ wages. Guo Kai’s solution to the problem is simple. It is an administrative order that the factory must increase the wages of workers. This makes the workers very excited, but they are not good. They have to increase a certain amount. The cost of artillery is difficult for them to understand.

"The ex-factory price of our artillery has increased by 5% to 10%, and some of our customers are very uncomprehending. But what can we do? Those workers’ salaries have been increased by 10%. We usually need 10%. Only two workers can make a cannon. As the casting technology becomes more advanced and more workers are needed, the salary of these workers will almost catch up with a cannon.” Another director also said very dissatisfied. To. They are very disgusted with Guo Kai's administrative orders, but they are useless and they can't do much. In other words, they can't do anything.

"What to do? We have no way." The other chairman said.

"Yeah. I have a way. Maybe we can cooperate with Qi people. We occupy a large share, and then we transfer excess workers to them to become technical backbones. We produce technology, occupy shares, and then they get technology. Learning to produce artillery, although it is a big trouble for our competition, but I think we must try this way, which is of great benefit to us." A younger director stood up and said.

"Young man, are your ideas a little simpler?" the director said.

"No, no, I don't think so. Here, our costs will increase. Unless we have new and revolutionary products, we will never be able to solve such problems. But the problem now is that we need to reduce costs. In other words, labor costs, as well as our raw material costs, and bring broader profits." The young director said.

"Everyone, I think you have noticed. Yan, Qi, and Chu, as long as they are coastal countries, of course. South Korea is also now, they will actively develop the maritime industry, but sailing needs warships to protect their safety. A warship, a high-level, very large warship, can carry more than three hundred artillery pieces. This is absolutely an astonishing number. The three hundred artillery pieces have surpassed the organization of one artillery division. In addition, there are more. There are many types of warships, and they are equipped with at least fifty artillery. Otherwise, they will not be able to form a huge combat power. This is a huge business opportunity for us, but the question is, how can we reduce costs and expand our profits , The only way is to transfer our technical backbones and use cheap local manpower and raw materials to make profits for us. This is the only feasible way for us at present. There seems to be no other way other than this way. Now." said the young director.

"I. I agree with this idea. If we can cooperate with Qi people, we have the technology, and they have cost advantages. I think it will be difficult to make money without making money." Other directors said.

"Are you all in this opinion?" a director asked the others.

"Well. We think we should change some strategies. Guo Kai's cost makes it difficult for us to accept. Although there is a big problem with funds, we can solve this problem through the bank." Other directors said.

"Well, let's think of a solution." said the director.

Guo Kai's Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Finally solved this problem." Guo Kai said easily. He is now lying on his sofa and looking at the telegram in his hand. Qin Guo finally let go. They agreed to provide 40 million and a half two dollars, which will be used to purchase a large amount of Zhao Guo bonds, but Qin Guo Bank needs to go further. Of course, it doesn’t matter if they expand their banking business, and it refers to the issue of metal currency on their own. This is no problem for them, it’s easy, and it’s easy for them to solve such a thing.

"Prime Minister, the current business situation is not good. They are holding shareholder meetings and board of directors to discuss the issue of labor costs. This is a big problem for them, but I have also heard that some companies have been looking for investment opportunities, such as the South In Chu State, there are other places where they plan to expand their production scale. In this case, they are tax-free and the labor cost problem is transferred." His assistant said.

"But. There is one problem that has not been solved." The assistant whispered.

"Funds, isn't it?" Guo Kai said with a smile.

"The prime minister is really wise, he is small, and the prime minister has understood it before he said it," the assistant whispered.

"Hehe, you think I don’t know. In fact, my next plan is to encourage Zhao Guo to set up a large number of investment banks. Just like Qin Guoren, don’t look at Zhao Guo’s current industrial and commercial enterprise development. These seem to be Li Mu did the same thing. Actually, we, Zhao Guo, made some hard money, you know? There are a lot of factories that are bought and sold, and there are a lot of factories that are constantly operating. In fact, they can't make much money, and they pay less. Development depends on external funds. Now we have money. The next step is to develop our own bank in Zhao Guo. How could Zhao Guo not have his own bank?" Guo Kai said. Guo Kai himself opened an investment bank. He knew what the role of the bank is, and the profit of the bank is very large, which can solve Zhao Guo’s current economic difficulties to a large extent. These are things that companies cannot do. He needs to do it now. Many, many things, but among all things, the bank is the most important thing. Guo Kai knows this very well.

"Okay. Let's not talk about this. Let those companies rest assured and tell them that Zhao Guo should do this, on the one hand, do his own thing. On the other hand, he should also actively invest abroad. Look at Qin Guo. That's not what it does." Guo Kai said.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"I thought for a while and felt that we should first establish diplomatic relations with the Siberian nation. The bank is very correct. We need to establish a secure relationship in order to further establish the foundation of our mutual trust. With such a Based on the foundation, we can do a lot of things. If we can’t do this, I think the problem will develop further and it will be difficult to solve in the end.” Meng Yi found Shangwen and said.

Shang Wen is looking at the report. This is about the prospects for the future development of Qin’s power industry. In fact, many companies have already noticed here. They are producing high-power steam turbines. They will use them for power generation. It will get bigger and bigger, and the power transmission has been solved, but instead of using copper, they use a lot of silver as high-voltage cables. This makes Shangwen feel very luxurious, but the role of silver is this. The current price of copper is ridiculously high due to the manufacture of bullets. In addition, electric power companies produce a large number of generators and electric motors. This makes copper even more tense.

"Well, I understand what you think, but, I think, what I know is that we still need more troops to go there. This is not a good thing for our finances." Shang Wen said.

"This is indeed the case, but the Sabbath must be resolved as soon as possible. An early resolution has the advantages of an early resolution." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. You are right. We are negotiating with the Sabbath side on such a matter, hoping that the Sabbath country can accept our ideas." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"You can handle this matter, but in order to save some things, I think we should send a person of sufficient weight to coordinate such a matter there. Meng Tian is a representative of the army and we have no right to interfere, but it is administratively. "Shang Wen said.

"I. I come and go. No one is more suitable for this matter than me. I think I should go." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"This, I'm just worried about the situation there, and yes." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"I think I am very suitable." Meng Yi said.

"Okay. You prepare, but don't be too tired, pay attention to safety, that place, I feel. Somewhat unsafe." Shang Wen said.

"I'm already very familiar with it. The Western Region is a very good place. I will bring you some good wines later. The wine prices there are very low. Really." Meng Yi said with a smile. Then the monk said goodbye. Perhaps this is the purpose of Meng Yi, he has to go to the Western Regions to see in person, otherwise he would really be uneasy.

Yue's, Ram Fortress, Yue's infantry established their defensive positions here. The road was filled again. The cavalry still passed here very slowly.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect it to be like this?" Meng Ping said. Although he already had a presupposition in his heart, or that he already had the most preliminary idea, he still did not expect that the power of the explosion would be so great that it would directly blow the ground into a big pit. This explosion The pit had already had a great impact on Yueshi's march.

"Anyway, we have opened a gap. This gap. For us, it is very important. The next step is to attack Sim, as the Indians call it. We don’t know how many soldiers there are there. , But we have to get there." Moran said, looking at the formation of the Yue family.

"Well. It's just our logistics supply, which is still difficult to solve. The road from the logistics supply center here is a bit troublesome." Meng Ping said.

"This engineer will solve it. In the next war, we will get more prisoners of war, and they will help us repair the road." Moran said without worry.

"Yeah. However, we have to be careful about the next war plan. Once Indy has reacted, they will directly jump over. Their strength is dozens of times ours, and we may not be able to deal with it. And we are from the flanks. Outflanking is inherently very risky. Once we are caught by the other side, it will be difficult for us to make a difference next." Meng Ping said worriedly.

"I got a proposal about your staff. They said that we can deploy a lot of landmines, and Zhao will also send a professional army here to guide us in doing so." Moran said.

"We did have such considerations before. However, the reality is that our military strength is very small. It is difficult to complete such a large-scale minefield layout. The number of mines required is very large, which is definitely an astonishing number. In this way, I It's really not optimistic that we can accomplish this kind of thing." Meng Ping said worriedly, shaking his head.

"Right. Your Zhao people have very sufficient experience. In this regard, they have very bold ideas." Moran said.

"You don't really think that those **** mines can help us solve the next war?" Meng Ping asked.

"Now I have no good way to solve this kind of problem. We are attacking from the flank, you know, but when we drive straight ahead, we are in great danger. If we can solve this problem well, I'm willing to try any method," Moran said.

The Yueshi offensive method is to use a large number of cavalry troops to enter the breach. Attacking from the flank, or from the rear of the Indians, such an attack is inherently very dangerous, because once the opponent breaks through their rear, they will become a lone army and go deep and be eaten by the opponent. Moreover, the opponent occupies an absolute advantage in military strength. Such a situation is very likely to happen. This is a play similar to a blitzkrieg. The Yue people maintain their advantages in tactics and weapons. In terms of information, they are faster than the Indians. The most important thing is that the Yue people have the initiative on the battlefield. However, their offense is still There is a big risk. In order to reduce the risk as much as possible, Moran had to add some special weapons. He hopes that such a weapon can solve their side-to-back problem. After all, they are going deep alone.

Indy Front. A senior Indian military officer looked at the Tocharians and Yuezhi intelligence traffickers who were on the opposite side.

"You said that the Yueshi might launch an offensive from another direction? Do you have any evidence?" a translator translated. The senior officer was very worried, and he kept looking at them with a frown.

"This is a photo. These photos have already been shown. The military camp on the opposite side is empty and temporary. They only have a barracks but no soldiers. In addition, these days, their ammunition delivery vehicles and logistics supply vehicles have all been West, I think they may have found a breach in the west. The breach is in the west, but we don't know where it is." An arms dealer first said about the military intelligence he had. The translator immediately translated it, and the senior Indian military commander looked at the photo worriedly. But he still didn't believe that the Yue people would attack from the west, knowing that their current situation was very bad. They spent a considerable amount of force to withstand the Yueshi people's attack. If they attacked from another direction, they would be very passive. This is definitely not a fact they are willing to accept.

Just when the senior general was still suspicious, an officer walked in hurriedly, and then whispered something to the senior general. These words made them inaudible, but it seemed that something big had happened.

"I think, maybe they already know what's going on. Think about it, it's been so many days. The Yueshi army must be prepared." A Yueshi said. He looked at the senior military general and heard some news. The senior general stood up immediately and left quickly.

"You said, what happened?" an arms dealer asked them.

"I think the Yue people have launched an offensive. Their fortress has been lost. I guessed something like this before, but they didn't believe it. Even if they knew it now, they probably couldn't do much." An arms dealer said To.

Karachi. Haci met with Zhang Si urgently to discuss something.

"You are right." Hasi said directly from the beginning.

"The Yue people used explosives, a very large amount of explosives, and they bombed the Ram Fortress. This is the news that one of our messengers got. In order to deliver such news, he ran to death." Hasi said To.

"This." Zhang Si was also a little shocked when he heard such news. He originally thought that there was still plenty of time to at least remind the Indians to take some measures, but now it seems that the situation seems very bad.

"I think the Yue people will go south soon. From Ram to Sim, no one can stop them. No. I hope they will not attack Karachi. This is our last hope." Hasi said worriedly. To.

"This is, on the Indian side, there are still hundreds of thousands of troops in the Indian region. If they collapse, the Yue people will rush to us." Zhang Si said.

"If we send troops to resist, maybe the situation is still very useful." Zhang Si said.

"No. We must ensure the safety of Karachi. If the Yueshi people are smart enough, they will eat the hundreds of thousands of troops, which will save us a lot of time. At present, we need more Musketeers to strengthen Our defense, in addition, we need more artillery. Artillery, musketeers. These are what we need, and I hope you can provide us with enough such weapons. Please send the telegram as soon as possible." Hasi said .

"This. Okay, I'll do something like this." Zhang Si said. He knew that the situation was very unfavorable for Karachi, who knew what the Yueshi people thought, and whether they would launch a new offensive.

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