The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2836: Guo Kai is crazy

Seth country. Zhang Zhi’s Adventure set sail again. They wanted to continue sailing westward. Their purpose was to find black people. Zhang Zhi was very interested in it.

"We will also have the day of sailing, but now we need to restore contact. There are still no ships coming here from the country. I really don't know if the businessmen know our situation here." Zhang Bi said.

"Regardless of this. When we sent Zhang Zhi away just now, we encountered a thorny problem." Guo Xiang on the side shook his head and said.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Bi asked.

"Country of Seth, the kingdom of Seth is here. I met one of our scholars. They found us through this scholar. They wanted to know the formula of gunpowder and how to make those guns. They were already learning. But there are still many problems. They don’t know where they know our existence. Now they have found us and provided us with enough gold, land, and beauty. They just want to know, those gunpowder formulas, And how to make artillery." Guo Xiang said helplessly.

"What? How can such a thing be promised to the respondent? If the rest of the world knows it, they will flatten us here. We Koreans can't do such a thing." Zhang Bi said in opposition. The kingdom of Seth has a hostile relationship with the kingdom of Parthianism, and as an intermediary, because the Koreans are of great value, they can bring more artillery. Ammunition, and other supplies. And the Seth people didn't know where they got the news, they actually sent someone here. The purpose of their coming is very simple, that is, for those gunpowder weapons.

In fact, after they lifted the siege under Baghdad, they began to actively search for cracks and learn the methods of gunpowder weapons. Most of them seized enough artillery and muskets from the Shamans, but those things were used a little. It’s a little bit less, they don’t have anything to add. The artillery is nothing. They also have their own casting technology. They can cast more advanced artillery, which is lighter or safer than the artillery of the Shaman. They don’t know what’s inside. They have mobilized many skilled craftsmen to crack the mystery. They think this is a special kind of cinnamon soil. After burning, there will be sulfur, but they don’t know why the sulfur turns black. They really don’t know how to make such a thing. Fortunately, they got some news from the prisoners of peace, and they came over quietly. They hoped to get such a formula from the Koreans. Of course, they are willing to give them. More costs, in their view, such costs are necessary.

"So, the problem is difficult to solve. I don't know how to do such a thing, so I will ask you to see if you have any good solutions. I can't help it. You know, it's difficult. Solved." Guo Xiang said.

"We can’t contact those people. Let them leave here as soon as possible. We can’t participate in the war between the Seth and the Shabbats. We can’t guarantee our security enough, otherwise, they’ll kill us. For our safety, we'd better not see them." Zhang Bi said. But the situation of the Koreans is also very bad. They are under the protection of the Shah people, and they do not have great military power to protect themselves. They need resters, but the Seth people need gunpowder weapons. They can only solve this problem by contacting Koreans.

Koreans can only protect themselves and not participate in it.

"But if the Parthians fail and they retreat, what will happen to our situation?" Guo Xiang asked.

"This. I don't know how to solve it. It's just that we are still under the protection of the rest, unless we have enough power to solve our problems, otherwise we can't solve such things at all." Zhang Bi said To.

"Well, I see." Guo Xiang said helplessly. They can only refuse the request of the Seth people. In fact, the Seth people are also actively learning to create their own gunpowder weapons, but they have a kind of instinctive dependence on gunpowder, which they have a premonition. This is a terrible weapon. Who can master such weapons, they will be able to obtain greater war interests.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Zhanpu will only send troops if they have sufficient funds. This is a high requirement for us, and we must consider it carefully. However, lending them the funds will bring great danger." Han Shu said. This is a financial meeting. Bankers, directors, shareholders, and officials from some economic departments of Korea's major banks came to the meeting. They know about the issue of Zhanpu's loan. The South Korean government has been considering this issue for a long time. Now, it is time to make a decision. Because if you postpone it any longer, the Occupy Prussian nation may become passive.

"But, my lord, we borrowed such a large amount of funds, we are afraid that the Occupy Prussian country can not afford it. The most important thing is that the war issue, we are in Bangladesh, and the Occupy Prussian country did not occupy the absolute key. This is very important to us. One unfavorable thing, for such things, I think we still need to be more cautious." An elderly banker persuaded.

"Well, I understand your suggestion. Of course, you have a clear view, but we must control the Zhanpu country. This is our next goal." Han Shu said strategically. But bankers don't care about these. They worry about risks and consider profits. As for other things, that is the business of politicians.

"My lord, we loaned the funds to Zhanpu. Those funds, I think, will come back to us soon, because they will buy a lot of arms and equipment, and they will hire quite a few officers to train them. The main purpose of the army is to destroy the goddess religion, and other countries, the Champus National Congress has become the largest regional hegemon." The Minister of Finance said the purpose of the Champus’ loan.

"Then these funds will become merchants' funds, and merchants will also need more funds to purchase goods. This is a very big business. I think you should be able to understand the significance of it. For this, we don’t need us. More talk." The Minister of Finance continued.

Other bankers began to think about this issue and made some exchanges.

"This is indeed the case. If the country buys a large amount of arms, the merchant will quickly get the payment for the goods, but what if the country borrows a lot of money and does not buy the arms?" The banker first thought of the risk.

"It is true. However, such things must be done by someone or merchants can do it. I know that in Bangla, our merchants buy a lot of land, and they use it to grow a lot of sugar cane. In addition, There is still quite a lot of food. They have sufficient labor to do such a thing. They can mortgage these land to us, and there are more slaves. In addition to these, there are also Champa and Champus. There are taxes, they can mortgage their taxes, and we can charge interest. Because the funds will be transferred sooner or later, we have already made a lot of gold. The gold is also stored. We need to transfer the funds, and transfer them. , We can make money only by transferring it. The purpose of the bank is to transfer the funds. Only in this way can we completely solve all problems." said the bankers. And for this idea, Han Shu very much agrees, what she needs is this kind of insight.

"We can get land, what can that land do? Will the demand for sugar be further amplified?" Other bankers are still worried that Chu people are selling their tea. I think you understand that their market share will be How old, we Koreans can only do cane sugar business, and Chu people are also doing this kind of business. If Chu people further occupy such things, I think our situation will be even worse. In order to avoid such things, I think we lend them funds, and they make a lot of investment, these are normal things, we should support them in doing so. "The bankers continued.

Han Shu is also considering this issue. It seems that the development of colonies, or that Korea can develop more colonies, needs help from the bank. However, the development of the Bank of Korea seems to be a bit too conservative. They only do What they are sure of, it seems that it is difficult to let go of things that are too bold to invest, which makes Han Shu feel very dissatisfied. But she can't take more abnormal methods, she needs a more positive way to guide them to do such a thing.

State of Zhao, Handan. In the meeting room of the Prime Minister's Mansion, too many bankers gathered here. Some big guys can only sit on chairs, but there are many people around them. There are air-conditioning in the room, and the air-conditioning is fully turned on, but there are too many people. They all feel very irritable, but everyone is restraining, restrained, and many people don't even have a seat. There is no way, the prime minister's mansion is too small.

"Everyone, everyone has been waiting for a long time." Guo Kai hurried in and apologized. The weather is very hot, they don't know why Handan is so hot, they don't know whether it is the weather or the industrial waste gas. The others hurriedly saluted.

"Okay. The weather is too hot and there are too many people here. Everyone can't stand it. Let's just start today's topic." Guo Kai took the report handed over by his assistant.

"We borrowed a large amount of funds from Qin State Bank. As collateral, Zhao Guoguo issued a new currency and metal currency to meet the current demand. In other words, it is now a new monetary unit, gold. It is not Qin's half-and-half. , This can be regarded as the restoration of Zhao Guo's currency independence. However, Qin State Bank will issue more metal currencies, of course. We can too." Guo Kai said first.

Hearing such news, everyone present was very shocked, because they did not hear a little bit of news.

"Buzzing." There were discussions in the audience, and they suddenly felt unacceptable when they heard such news.

"Okay. Everyone stopped discussing. We have other things. Issuing metal currency is not your own business, and the Qin people's business. Everyone can make a lot of money, exchange, deposit, and lend. That's right. Everyone has a benefit, which brings a lot of profits." Guo Kai said.

Everyone stopped the discussion, but think about it, it is true that metal currency will be worth money, and paper money will depreciate, so that when they fall, they will make a lot of money at once. Just what to do with the exchanged banknotes is what they worry about.

Gold coins are exchanged for a large amount of paper money, and paper money investment will become the most concerned issue of banks.

"Okay. The next topic is our concern. We have a large amount of metal currency. I know that every bank has a certain amount of gold reserves. You can take out the reserves and give them to the government's mint. A lot of gold coins will be minted, of course. It can be exchanged directly, and the government has already begun to do so. You only need to exchange some fees." Guo Kai said.

"With these gold coins, you can invest. Qin State-owned Investment Bank, they are willing to invest in risky places. I also need you to do this. You can go to Yan, Qi, and Chu, where a lot of investment is needed. , And our country of Zhao, our factory in Zhao country has many technologies to maintain the current leading position, such as our steelmaking technology, as well as artillery casting, weapon processing, and some mechanical processing, of course. You can also introduce more Many technologies, these companies have their own ideas, but these funds and metal currency need to be invested in order to bring a lot of profits. What I need is that Zhao Guo’s own investment bank is very risky, but it can bring Absolute profit." Guo Kai said.

"However, Mr. Prime Minister, the risk of this investment will be very large, which will definitely have a great impact on the bank. We dare not do this, the risk is too great. It will get out of control." An old banker said worriedly. To. The others nodded. Agree. They think the old banker is right.

"I know. I know. I know your concerns. I am also a banker and I am a venture capital banker. My funds have increased a lot in the past few years. Why, because I know that the greater the risk, the more I earn The bigger is, this is what I do. At present, I am doing something like this, and you are also doing this kind of thing, but look at our surroundings. South Korea is developing at a speed never seen in the past. What we are doing, we have nothing. We only have factories and enterprises. The development speed limits the development speed of our banks, which is extremely unfavorable to the banks. In contrast, look at Qin Guo Bank, they are everywhere. Why are we not the same as Qin. We are everywhere." Guo Kai said.

"This." Some bankers wanted to talk about risks, but Guo Kai directly shook his head.

"What era is this?" Guo Kai asked. Everyone shook their heads, they didn't understand.

"This is an era of rapid expansion. In the past few years, the people of Qin have expanded the area of ​​their country several times. The Koreans are actively developing the South and Western continents. The land they developed. One Bangla is the area of ​​South Korea. Jiaozhou, Qingcheng, they are all developing at an extremely fast speed, and what we are doing. Our Zhao country has not done anything. The people of Chu are better than us, they have already occupied In many overseas states, the number of overseas states they have established is increasing astonishingly, but we have not done anything. Behind these are the shadows of the people of Qin, and their banks have done such things. Now, we need you to take such risks. Investment." Guo Kai said.

"I got 40 million and a half two dollars from the people of Qin. I see that this money encourages the rapid development of the bank. Zhao Guoguo established the central bank. You will get sufficient funds from here to develop. You will receive adequate financial support. , Taxation is even more favorable. If necessary, Zhao Guo can not tax, on the contrary, it will subsidize you. The profit is absolutely great. Outside, you will get the support of Zhao Guo’s navy, and we will have a big Zhao Guo The Navy supports you. Rest assured. Absolutely rest assured." Guo Kai said.

When everyone heard this, their brains couldn't turn around, because what Guo Kai said sounded like he was crazy. However, it seemed to make sense, which made it difficult for them to refuse. They did not know why they could not refuse. Perhaps it is subsidies, tax support has opened their minds to many things that are different from them at once. It sounds crazy, but it's different.

The meeting ended soon. After all, no one wants to stay in such a crowded place because it is too hot. Many people can't stand it. They left the meeting room, but they became very interested in what Guo Kai said. You must know that many things are not something they can know all at once.

"It's crazy. Guo Kai is really crazy. This is definitely a crazy expansion plan, but does our bank really have to bear such a big risk? If there is a big loss, what should we do?" Some people Speaking of worry.

"Perhaps Guo Kai wants this. Risks and profits exist at the same time. We must do this." said a banker.

In Xinzheng, South Korea, the meeting ended again without results. Bankers are very conservative. Han Shu is very positive, but it has no effect. Although it has many benefits, it is a virtuous circle, but the problem of funding has stopped the bank. They are unwilling to take such a big risk.

"My lord, this is news from Zhao Guo just now. Guo Kai is a little crazy. But I think he is very crazy." Zhang Liang said. Then submitted a report.

Han Shu looked at Zhang Liang strangely, and then looked. But soon she became happy.

"Crazy. Crazy good. Guo Kai is crazy good. This is a bold idea. Crazy good." Han Shu said.

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