The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2842: That's not a gun but a cannon

Karachi, inside the telegraph station. Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Xi looked at the telegram in his hand with some irritation. He was sent to Karachi mainly to act as a consultant, but there is already a consultant here. Zhang Xi has nothing to do. He has an army or not. He just can’t get up or get down. Lieutenant Colonel. But now he received an order.

"What's the matter, buddy?" Colonel Song Fei asked with a smile. He holds a bottle of wine in his hand. The captain is basically the same when he arrives on land, and so are many sailors. They look for women on land on a large scale, drink alcohol, and spend as much as possible on their salary. Their salary is very generous. The thing is that there is no place to spend at sea, so they spend as much as possible in these places. Anything can happen at sea.

"Damn order." Zhang Xi scolded.

"Oh. What order, let me see." Captain Song Fei saw it. He is a navy colonel. He has a warship, which may be the farthest the South Korean navy has reached. This plan never obeyed orders. He once robbed a merchant ship from Chu State on the eastern coast, and then transported it to Bangla and made a lot of money. Later, he didn't know how the people of Chu State knew about it. The people of Chu are trying to trouble him because of the alliance between South Korea and Chu. The people of Chu had nothing to do with him, but they could find his troubles. In order to avoid such troubles, he came to the west coast. He hoped to find some fun on the west coast.

"Isn't it just going to the country of Seth, I haven't been to the country of Seth. I really want to go there and see." Seinfeld said disapprovingly.

"I said. Dude, do you know where Seth is?" Zhang Xi asked.

"I don’t know, but I don’t like the women here. White women are better, but their skin is too rough. They are big and tall, but I don’t like them. There are also black women. They make people look very good. There is no desire, I don't like it. If the women of Seth can get my attention. I think I'm still willing to go to Seth." Said Seinfeld.

Hearing this, Zhang Xi was completely speechless. He knew that many colleagues in the army said that the sailors and crew members who came from the sea were all hungry ghosts in the color. Their demand for women has reached an amazing level, but thinking about it, they can understand their situation. They have to wander at sea for a long time, and a long time of boredom has driven many soldiers into crazy. There is no place to vent, but on land, they can vent continuously, and women become their best vent. This also makes the Navy's reputation not very good.

"Well, for your woman, I hope you can come with me. If there are good women there. I will ensure you have a sufficient number." Zhang Xi said. If he stabilizes in Seth, the above will consider raising his rank. Colonel is the end of many people. Lieutenant colonel has more nightmares for many soldiers.

State of Zhao, Handan. street.

"Excuse me, why do you want to exchange gold coins? Isn't paper money inconvenient?" a reporter from Zhao Guo asked.

"We don’t want to, but many people are exchanging money. Now some places don’t accept paper money. We have no choice but to exchange it. We don’t know why we want to exchange such gold coins. This paper money is good, how? It's worthless." An elderly worker said. His trembling hand was holding a stack of banknotes. These banknotes were his savings. It would take a long time to accumulate such a large amount of funds. But now, he would lose about half of his savings at once. Workers are unwilling, but many people are doing it in desperation.

The reporter has also noticed these things. According to his investigation, he believes that the exchange workers are very blind. It can be said that quite a few people are very blind. They don’t know what happened, and then they are Coming to exchange gold coins is here. Many people don't know why, but that's how things are now. They must do it even if they don't want it.

The reporter knows that there is a lot of blindness, but he has no way. He can only write such things through reports.

Inside the prime minister's house.

"Prime Minister, there are some reporters who want to report on such things." The assistant said to Guo Kai worriedly.

"These reporters, just let them report what they know. Why do you want to report such a thing." Hearing this news, Guo Kai was a little annoyed. This is because if reporters report in this way, it will affect their financial resources, which makes it difficult for them to do things.

"Think of a way to trouble those reporters. In short, if you want them to stop reporting on this matter, I don't like the continuation of this matter. As for the bank, I will deal with it." Guo Kai thought about it. He still knew that getting angry was no use at all, the most important thing was to calm down. Only in this way can he solve all problems. Immediately, Guo Kai asked his assistant to notify major bankers to come here for a meeting.

In the small meeting room, the main persons in charge of Zhao Guo Bank gathered here. Before Guo Kai came, they were all excitedly discussing the profits generated during their gold coin exchange process.

"Unexpectedly, the Prime Minister solved many of our financial problems as soon as he came to power. This time our profits have doubled or three times. This is something that was never thought of in the past." A banker said with a smile.

"That's right, our bank is the same. Many places have exceeded our imagination. We just don't want to make money. It's very difficult." Other bankers said with a smile.

"I hope this can happen again, so that we can make more money." A young banker said greedily. Other banks nodded in agreement.

"Everyone, it's quiet." At this moment, Guo Kai hurried in, and his assistant gestured. The bankers sat down respectfully. They were quite obedient to the actual controller of Zhao Guo. After all, he brought the prosperity of Zhao Guo. Especially the banking industry.

"Everyone has made a lot of money recently," Guo Kai said directly. Hearing such blunt words, the bankers smiled shyly, indicating that they did make a lot of money.

"But, your food is too bad. Some reporters have noticed such a thing. If it is investigated, I, the prime minister, will not be able to continue." Guo Kai said angrily.

When the bankers heard this, they were stunned.

"Pay attention to your behavior. Regarding the reporter's affairs, you should try to settle things as much as possible. In addition, we will add some copper coins to make the circulation more accessible. If necessary, we can increase silver coins. This is the connection What comes down, after all, gold coins are not conducive to circulation. In terms of circulation, they are in a very bad state." Guo Kai said.

This time, Guo Kai mainly solved the liquidity in the market. As a large number of banknotes disappeared and exchanged for gold coins, a large gap appeared after the disappearance of banknotes. This gap was brought about by the disappearance of banknotes. To solve this problem, Guo Kai is bound to introduce some new metal currencies to replace such circulation. Copper coins and silver coins are the best choices. The purpose of Guo Kai here is to allow the bank to issue more copper and silver coins in order to solve the circulation problem in the market.

"As for the exchanged banknotes, I hope you can invest in the Qin market, where there is the required technology and the potential for development is huge. Therefore, I hope you can achieve this. This is very important to Zhao Guo." Guo Kai continued. Speaking of. The converted banknotes became the largest investment capital. These capital funds can allow them to get more funds for development. Especially the introduction of advanced technology at this point. Qin State has a huge advantage.

Qi State. Jiaozhou is a major oil refining site. There seems to be a plan to change the name of the local place. They hope to change it to an oil state. After all, oil has brought them a lot of wealth. The accumulation of wealth has solved many of their problems, which makes them very happy. But Lou Jing is thinking about other issues.

A large amount of asphalt was packed into large wooden barrels. They had to be transported to Laizhou and transported to Chu by sea. Chu purchased a large amount of asphalt at a price of less than twelve and a half two dollars per barrel. In addition, there were quite a lot of asphalt. kerosene. Large amounts of kerosene are needed to start work in the South. This allowed Qi's kerosene to be exported to Chu again. This has become an important source of economy for Qi.

Lou Jing noticed Zhao’s currency reform. Although the newspaper said that the currency reform was very chaotic and many workers were actively exchanging the paper money in their hands, Lou Jing suddenly felt that there seemed to be a bigger economy behind the paper money reform. Transfer of benefits. This benefit transfer can greatly satisfy their needs. Such a demand will make him feel very satisfied. And completely solve Qi's financial problems.

In addition to the recent loans provided by the Qin State Bank, their requirement is very simple, that is, they have the right to issue currency. But once such distribution rights are lost, Qi will easily lose economic independence. Lou Jing is firmly opposed to this, and it is in the most recent telegram. Lou Jing repeatedly emphasized this point. But Tian Heng did not reply. He seems to be thinking about it.

The pungent smell in the air became stronger and stronger, which made Lou Jing feel a little disliked, and he had to stop. In the distance, a large amount of dense smoke burned. Those are the important places for smelting oil in Qi. The backward technology directly makes the petroleum products smelted by them very unqualified, but these things can hold a foothold in other countries.

On the front line of Yueshi, Dog Mountain.

"Sir, the Indians are coming up. They also have muskets. Very long muskets," a sentry reported.

"Let all the soldiers enter the combat position." Major Buck ordered immediately. He took his binoculars and carefully checked the Indian military operations. There were about a thousand of them, and there were more than one thousand under the mountain. They did not launch an attack, and seemed to be waiting, waiting for more than one thousand People will not move until they break through military operations.

"Sir, do our artillery fire?" the artillery lieutenant asked.

"No, wait a little longer, don't worry." Major Buck put down the telescope in his hand and said. There are not many artillery shells, and he needs precise artillery to play a big role in the worst.

"Okay, sir." The artillery lieutenant nodded, then looked at the Indians in the distance with his binoculars.

"Their weapons are very strange. Look, their musket is a thick tube, which seems to be made of bronze. It looks shiny. If you use copper, you need a lot of copper, and the price will be very high. "The lieutenant said.

"Yeah. That's their musket." Buck said.

"Damn the gun. I thought it was their artillery. I think it was their own imitation. We met an opponent." The lieutenant said. Buck nodded and continued to look at the Indians in the distance. They were weapons made by the Indians themselves. They were heavy and could only move when two people carried them. If it were not for the limited range of their muskets, they would not be able to carry them so easily. Such muskets approached them. The terrain here is relatively steep. For the offensive Indians, it is very difficult. The most important thing is that the rocks are very broken and slippery, making it very difficult to get up. There are very few places to hide. The Indians know exactly what they are doing, and if they get too close, they will become a living target.

"Sir, our guns can't reach them." A sergeant chief said worriedly. Because he saw that some Indian soldiers slyly stopped at 70 or 80 paces. They stopped advancing. They obviously knew that this was the limit of the Yueshi muskets. In fact, their range was only about sixty steps, because they were using cavalry carbines. The barrel has been reduced, and there are problems within fifty steps of the range. Some barrels have rifling, but the number is very small. The bullet can hit the target in sixty steps is already very good.

"I know this," Major Buck said.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." But just then. The Indians launched an offensive. Their muskets were of the arquebus type, and there were few flintlocks. Because they cannot manufacture such weapons on a large scale cheaply.

"Damn, they are out of our range," the Sergeant Major continued. For them, the big musket for two people is a cannon. Launching powerful warheads, those warheads hit the Yueshi's position, and many Yueshi's heads couldn't lift their heads. They were completely suppressed.

"Let them get close and shoot again. You can't shoot at will." Major Buck lowered his body and said. The artillery lieutenant has to observe. But it was pulled down by Major Buck. The lieutenant was still a little puzzled, but soon he was very grateful to Major Buck. A small artillery shell hit a communicator in the chest. On the spot, a hole was punched in the chest of the soldier. He died on the spot, blood kept flowing out, and death came very quickly. The soldier could still see the horrified face. Everything is frozen at the end.

"This, this is not a musket, this is a cannon," said the artillery lieutenant who was startled.

"I also know that this is artillery, but we have no way at all. It's up to your lieutenant to let your artillery be so powerful. We need him to do something." Major Buck said.

"Understood, sir." The lieutenant said calmly.

"Save a few cannonballs. They just need to retreat." Major Buck continued. He has no way to provide him with supplies now, because his superior told him to let him solve it by himself. But he couldn't solve it by himself.

"Yes, sir." The artillery lieutenant nodded and left here.

"Boom." Just when Artillery Lieutenant Li Kai. Buck heard a loud explosion. Buck looked at the Sergeant Major curiously.

"Sir, their own musket exploded. It seems that they made it very unqualified." The Sergeant Major said with a smile.

"Boom." Buck saw that two Indian soldiers were killed. Many Indian soldiers began to panic because they couldn't fire their guns too many times or the frequency was too fast. Such suppression naturally made the soldiers forget this, and the bombing made many Indian soldiers feel scared, and their gunpowder was still reduced. There were too few propellant charges, and as a result, the shells had just been pushed out and landed not far in front of them.

"Hehe, so many propellants can kill us." The Sergeant Chief said.

"Don't talk nonsense." Major Buck said grimly. The sergeant nodded.

"Boom." Just then. The cannon fired. The shells hit the Indians more accurately. Several Indians were hit.

"Boom." This time it was a shotgun. A large area of ​​shotgun could easily hit the opponent. Many Indians were hit. Many of them didn't know what happened. They wailed their weapons. Then shouted loudly. Many Indian soldiers began to retreat, and more people could not even carry their weapons.

"Sir, good opportunity, shall we launch an offensive?" The Sergeant Major proposed.

"No. Let them back down by themselves. This time it's just a test. We are not many people, and they will put a lot of pressure on us. We just need to defend here." Major Buck shook his head and said.

"Well, sir." The sergeant nodded helplessly in agreement. Then they watched the Indians go on like this. Obviously they didn't think of it themselves. Indy is so unbeatable, in fact. They are already the elite troops of the Indians. It is a pity that they have no experience in fighting like this. Those matchlock guns are also the first time to fight like this. It is already a very good result for them to be able to fire the guns. The two sides maintained their first contact in this way.

"Sir. Are we still going south?" the Sergeant Major asked.

"No. I think the Indians will continue to increase their troops. We must deal with them. Waiting for their large forces to arrive will cause us a lot of trouble. We will be surrounded as a whole southward." Buck said.

"We are cavalry. Defense is not our strength." Buck said.

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