The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2843: Cut off the mountain defensive battle

"Babtor, equivalent to your national security minister, or minister." Haas introduced. Fan Dou nodded in agreement.

"Hello, Mr. Minister." Fan Dou greeted him.

"Hello. Let's go directly to today's topic. I don't have much time here for greetings. My language can only be simple conversations, and other things still need to be translated." Minister Toller said.

"Okay. I don't know what the purpose of the minister is to get here?" Fan Dou asked.

"I think Mr. Bank is very clear about our purpose. What we need, we need a lot of money, our military operations in Seth are extremely unsuccessful." Toler said.

"So, we need your help. I know that Qin State Bank has a lot of gold coins. These gold coins can bring us quite a few weapons. We need these weapons to further expand our military victory. In addition, we need to build a vast The transportation line is what you said.” Toller obviously did not remember such words as railway and train, because it was incomprehensible to him, and Haas immediately added.

"The railway, we need a longer railway, built from the east to the west of the Parthian nation." Haas said.

"Yes, the railway. We need such a long railway, connecting Dawan and Qin from the Siberian Kingdom, and then you can set off from your capital to the Kingdom of Seth, which is our westernmost territory. Of course. We will still Arrived in the Mediterranean. Those **** city-states." Toller said.

Fan Dou on the side is unclear, so although Toller has tried his best to use the language he can describe. But Fan Dou didn't know what they were talking about, but he could remember the words the other party said, which might be of great help to Meng Yi.

"Well, we are very aware of the role of railways. Our Prime Minister Meng Yi is also in Dawan. We plan to establish diplomatic relations with you. In this case, both sides have a cooperative attitude." Fan Dou said.

"It's very good," Toler said.

"However, our bank also has great concerns. I think, gentlemen, you are also very clear that our bank needs to lend you a lot of money to buy weapons, ammunition, materials, and a lot of railway construction. This is not a small sum. It takes at least five million gold coins to complete these things." Fan Dou said.

"Yes. It should be such a number." Toller nodded, and Haas opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he couldn't say it, perhaps because there were too many numbers. He was a little surprised.

"Therefore, we need some supplementary things, such as land, population, or various resources, or, the ownership of the railway in the future, our bank must occupy a certain amount, and it is best to send some soldiers to it. Garrison. This can greatly ensure our safety. After all, we lent more than five million gold coins. This is a huge number." Fan Dou said embarrassingly.

"This. Land, it’s better to say that we can give you the land in Dawan, but we will send troops to garrison. We will not agree to this. You know, there has never been a foreign army stationed here in the Siberian nation. "Toler said, shaking his head.

"If this is the case, we can only lend you a part of the arms and weapons, but we can't complete the railway matter." Fan Dou said, shaking his head.

"This." Haas looked at the Secretary of Security. Toller, he is the main person in charge. But such a big thing makes him very embarrassed.

"Can we reconsider, after all, such a thing is still very difficult for us." Fan Dou said. Hearing this reply, Toller looked at Haas. Obviously they still have a lot of things to solve, but how to solve it makes Toller very embarrassed, because he knows that the frontline warfare is going on extremely badly. Under the circumstances, they urgently need a large amount of funds to supplement their weapons. But the people of Qin country seemed to be very worried about them. Toller could not persuade Fan Dou, so he could only seek help from the Qin government. Perhaps the Qin government could solve many of their problems.

Dawan. What's new.

"Dawan is not very safe, we only have three infantry divisions. And they are all recruits, unable to do more." Dawan Defense Minister said to Meng Yi worriedly. Meng Yi first needs to understand the developments of Dawan. Dawan has obtained a lot of weapons and equipment from Qin, including a lot of guns and artillery. The musket is a flintlock rifled gun. The gun has a longer range, but the firing system is relatively backward. Dawan wanted to equip a large number of muskets with fixed ammunition, or muskets, so that they could effectively prevent this from happening. Unfortunately, the parliament could only approve such a project.

Facing such an equipped army, Meng Yi was very worried about their combat effectiveness.

"The Qin State will fully consider your situation. The Qin State Council will mobilize some troops from the mainland, mainly air combat troops, to provide more favorable guarantees from the air." Meng Yi said to the Minister of Defense.

"This is great." Hearing such a reply, especially a clear reply. This makes the Secretary of Defense extremely excited.

"However, Qin still has some problems with regard to command authority. I think you should be very clear about what kind of opponent we are facing." Meng Yi said.

"The main pressure on Dawan comes from Rest. They have a strong cavalry force. But Dawan needs to climb up the plateau to attack Rest, and the rest can directly rush to the grassland from the plateau. This is very detrimental to us." Said the minister.

"So, we need to arrange a defensive position. If such an accident happens, we are unlikely to make adjustments in the first place. We, the Qin State Army, the aviation force needs your protection, and the land protection, the Qin State ground forces need your protection. It will take some time to adjust to come here, but if we wait for negotiation, we will miss many opportunities. Once we miss the opportunity, the situation will be very bad." Meng Yi said.

"We understand this." The Secretary of Defense said.

"But that is the army of Dawan. This is the last military force of Dawan." The Minister of Defense said.

"Well, for this, Qin will give you a certain amount of compensation. For example, to build some factories. Or to invest here, Qin will release capital, technology, and equipment to get here." Meng Yi said.

"This." The Minister of Defense looked at the Minister of Finance. Hearing this, the Minister of Finance just pushed his glasses. Obviously, this issue got the Minister of Finance into thinking.

"Qin needs the support of ground troops. Without the support of ground troops, the Qin Heavenly Army would never send troops here. Dawan and Qin have common interests, and Qin needs more Dawan resources to help with the construction. Qin State." Meng Yi said.

"Let's think about it, Mr. Prime Minister." The Secretary of Defense felt that the problem was big. This requires a systematic discussion by the Cabinet. Meng Yi nodded. In this regard, Meng Yi recognized this.

Qin State, Western Regions, the railway station of Forked Town, and the train dispatching yard are busy. The railway workers are mobilizing all their forces to solve the train dispatching problem.

"Damn it. What do you think above." Army Aviation Major Meng Jin watched as their airship compartment was being mobilized.

"I don't know, sir, maybe a lot of strange things have happened to the Yue family. The Yue family has very few troops. But the Indians have a lot of troops. If we give us Qin, we won't be able to eat that many troops." Lieutenant Chen Gong on the side drank tea relaxedly and said.

"It's probably not so simple." Major Meng Jin said.

"We are the Army Aviation Corps, mainly for ground operations. Bombing and strafing are our business, but we still don't know the equipment of the Indians. The combat area may be in the mountains, which is very detrimental to us." Major Meng Jin Speaking of.

"I don't know if Zheng's consideration above has come. Doing so will kill us." Major Meng Jin said.

Lieutenant Chen Gong just nodded. But did not make the above remarks. For them, this matter can only be known when they arrive on the battlefield.

Yueshi, Frontline, Moran and Meng Ping are checking the map. The latest telegram shows that their flanks are under great pressure.

"According to our latest intelligence, in the cut off mountain 120 miles north of Sim, there is a narrow section between the two mountains. The middle position can pass an army of about 300 people, and there , The Indians are at least 20,000 in size, which will pose a great threat to our flanks." Meng Ping watched the telegram marked the location of the cut-off mountain on a simple map.

"How many troops are there?" Moran asked.

"There is only one battalion. It is an infantry battalion forced to rush over. They belong to the 20th Infantry Regiment. They are a newly established infantry regiment. The combat effectiveness may not be very good, but they have more logistical materials. They may be nearby. There are other troops. Or there are other companies." Meng Ping said.

"It's just that we don't know yet." Meng Ping said.

"Well, but we don't have much useful mobile force in our hands. Many of the troops are difficult to walk on the road." Moran looked very anxious, and he was trying his best to suppress this anxiety, which made Meng Ping feel a little worried. Such emotions can easily cause errors in judgment and command.

Cut off the mountain pass, the terrain here is very strange. The original endless mountains can form an effective defensive fortress, but here, because of the river scouring, a cut-off is created here. This mountain pass can be deployed by an offensive team of more than 300 people. This put a lot of pressure on Yue's army.

"Damn it. Let the third company withstand the Indians' attack. The two hills must provide cover and fire support." Lieutenant Colonel Booker looked at the battle in the distance with some annoyance. It is extremely unwise for the Indians to launch attacks continuously, from under the hillside, as the Indians only launched feint attacks there. Their main purpose is to contain Yue's firepower and not provide it to Yue's troops under the mountain. In that case, they can relieve a lot of military pressure. After all, this pressure is very huge. They can't bear it.

However, the offense at Yamaguchi was very unsuccessful.

Due to the limitation of the terrain, there can only be an offensive of more than 300 people there, but the Indians have prepared a total of 5,000 people. They are divided into five waves and launched non-stop attacks. A thousand people blocked the entire mountain pass. It's full, and the pressure on the front is huge.

The river has already become bright red, and the water level has risen somewhat because of the accumulation of corpses. However, the Indian offensive still did not intend to stop, and the wave continued. Another wave will come up very quickly, and then another wave will go down. Another wave went up again, and the Indians seemed to want to rely on this method to greatly consume the military power of the Yueshi people.

Booker felt exhausted when he saw waves of Indians. He felt that these Indians couldn't be killed no matter what, which made him feel very embarrassed. Because they are still on the offensive. At the gate, Major Atuo, he was the battalion commander of the first battalion of the Twenty Infantry Regiment. Before he came, he had been killed. The Indians had already occupied the pass from the beginning. Those soldiers who have never fought are on the verge of collapse. Babu was the staff officer of the staff. He temporarily took over the military command here. He immediately organized a counterattack, occupied the commanding heights of the two wings, and launched a large-scale attack from top to bottom. The other party collapsed suddenly. The Indians retreated quickly, and then they established a stable position.

"Sir. This is Lieutenant Asin. He arrived here with two platoons of engineers." A sergeant came in and looked at Major Atuo on the ground.

"Yeah. Very well, you were here in time." Lieutenant Colonel Booker said.

"But, sir, we are engineers. We are very difficult to fight. We don't know how to use guns. We will build bridges, build roads and so on. We will also use explosives." Lieutenant Asin said worriedly. He lost contact with his superiors and they were ordered to build a pontoon bridge, but after the pontoon bridge was successfully constructed, he was brought here by the sergeant.

"Very good. Explosives, explosives, great, we need experts like you, rest assured, we will ensure your safety, you don't need to use guns." Lieutenant Colonel Babu said excitedly.

"Sergeant, how many explosives do we have?" Lieutenant Colonel Babu asked Sergeant.

"Sir, there are many, about more than twenty big cars, many." The sergeant gestured.

"Great. Lieutenant Asin, you take your people and two platoons to the commanding heights of the mountain pass, and use your explosive skills, yes. Can you control the explosion time?" Lieutenant Colonel Babu asked .

"This is very simple, sir, as long as you calculate the height, you can calculate the fuze length of the explosive. There is no problem." Lieutenant Asin nodded and said.

"Very good, great." Lieutenant Colonel Babu said.

"Just do what I said, go quickly, Lieutenant." The lieutenant colonel waved his arm in encouragement. The lieutenant had no way of knowing to take his men, as much as possible with a large amount of explosives to transport towards the top of the mountain. And on the position in the mountain pass, the position of the Yue people was already showing signs of inability to withstand it.

"Shoot." a lieutenant shouted loudly. Their captain was killed in battle. Five Indian soldiers pierced their stomachs with spears and couldn't survive at all. Now he is the highest officer here, the only officer, and the rest are non-commissioned officers and soldiers. A corporal is leading a row. In combat, they only had twelve soldiers.

"Bang. Bang." Several soldiers made sporadic gunshots, but there were more and more Indian soldiers in front of them. The Indian soldiers marched forward with large shields as much as possible. This was an important measure of their defense, and the only one. It's a way to get close to the Yueshi people's position. The bullet could not penetrate such a large shield, thinking it had been specially strengthened. The outermost ones are covered with a thick layer of bronze, or large pieces. The only way to break such shields is to shoot directly with artillery, but they have no artillery, and no artillery unit is involved at all.

"Damn it, sir, there is no way at all, bullets can't penetrate those shields." A soldier said, putting down the musket in his hand.

"Kill." A Yue soldier quickly rushed to kill with a bayonet rifle, but everything was in vain, because the opponent had a shield and the bayonet couldn't pierce it.

"Puff." Numerous spears pierced the Yueshi soldier. The soldier fell quickly.

"These **** Indians, they die so many people think of using such a shield." The lieutenant scolded. In fact, it was not used by Indian talents, but because such shields were too heavy, they needed a lot of effort to reach the battlefield, and they were just thrown into the offensive battle when they arrived at the battlefield.

"Kill." At this moment, a Yue soldier rushed over with a gunpowder keg.

"Boom." There was a stage explosion. At first, the shield formation of the Indians broke through a big hole. It is true that the shield can defend against a lot of bullets, but in the face of large-scale explosive bombing, they are also powerless, because the impact is not something people can resist.

"Damn it." The lieutenant was very worried when he saw that his soldier was blown to pieces.

"Sir, look at it," a soldier on the side reminded.

"Boom. Boom." Just then. There were more explosions.

The lieutenant was thrown to the ground by the soldiers on the side. A lot of explosions came from the Indian formation. Many people were killed. Quite a few of them died without knowing what happened. The shields were useless, and some shields were deformed by the explosion. This makes the Indians feel terrified. The explosion continued, but the Indians had collapsed. Once again they were unable to launch an effective attack.

"Retreat. Retreat. If we attack again, our situation will be completely changed." Lieutenant Colonel Babu said with a telescope.

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