Seth, the place where Koreans live. Guo Xiang is hosting Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Xi from Karachi. He is an army officer sent by the army.

"How is it? Does it taste okay? These wines are specially obtained from the Parthians. These grilled fish are local delicacies." Guo Xiang introduced.

"The taste is okay. It's just that I'm not used to it. I don't like fish very much, but the scones here are very good. It tastes very delicious." Zhang Xi said.

"Just like it. We were not used to it at first, but soon we couldn't do without the food here." Guo Xiang said.

"Yeah." Zhang Xi nodded.

"However, the women here are pretty. They are more beautiful than the Mengla women and the Karachi women." Said Seinfeld, who was sitting aside.

"Hehe." Guo Xiang smiled when he heard such words.

"I think it's really right to be here. At least they can solve the problem of our lower body." Song Fei said without hesitation. Zhang Xi looked at it and shook her head to continue eating her own food.

"It's not peaceful here. The Seth and the Parths are fighting, and both sides need weapons, a lot of weapons. Both the Seth and the Parths have mastered the formula of gunpowder, and they are casting cannons themselves. Most importantly, the two sides' The combat situation is a bit unfavorable for the rest." Guo Xiang introduced.

"These have nothing to do with us, we are just here to do business." Song Fei said disapprovingly.

"Yes." Zhang Xi said.

"If this is the case, our affairs may be easy to handle, but the problem now is that the Parthians need us, and the Seth people also need us. Many things have exceeded our imagination. Both sides feel that the other party should be killed. Therefore They urgently need a more powerful weapon, or an innovation in tactics." Guo Xiang said.

"Zhang Bi knows the situation here. He is the person in charge of security here. It is said that the Seth people have a kind of incendiary weapon, which is actually raw oil. They use trenches to get close to the trenches of the Parthians. Then they use a lot of Incendiary bombs are actually clay pots, and some torches are thrown away, but these fires pose a great threat to the artillery. Such a threat makes it difficult for them to survive. This is how the Seth people launched their offense." Guo Xiang Speaking of.

"Did their muskets not work?" Song Fei asked.

"There is a big difference between ground warfare and naval warfare. Those trenches can effectively avoid bullet attacks. The war between the people of Qi and the people of Chu illustrates this point. Fighting in the trenches cannot cause more damage by artillery, while soldiers The rifle can only be fired once, and then can only be fought with a bayonet. In this case, whoever has the advantage in numbers can win the battle." Zhang Xi explained.

"That's it." Song Fei said. Then he became interested in his food.

"Yes, that's it. If you add that kind of incendiary weapon, the effect will be very good." Guo Xiang said.

"So, the problem now lies here. The situation of the battle has no way to deal with the Parthians. The two sides have entered a stalemate. Whoever is strong will win the final victory. The Seth people have better weapons, although They lacked muskets and few artillery, but they have new weapons to make up for it. On the contrary, the situation of the Parthians is not good. They are laboring on an expedition. Coupled with the lack of logistics supplies, this situation will only make them even more unhappy. Convenient." Zhang Xi said.

"So, the current situation is that we Koreans are caught between the Parthians and the Seth people. If the diplomatic relations are not handled well, we will face a huge disaster, and we will not be able to communicate in time with domestic contacts. This makes us very embarrassed. The most important thing is that both sides need a deadly weapon that we cannot provide, and the Parthians hope to gain new tactics." Guo Xiang said.

"For now, I don't think this gain is great." Zhang Xi said.

"The people of Qin had this idea, and the result was that they didn't get it right. Tactical innovation can't be done all at once." Zhang Xi shook his head and said.

"Okay. But I want to know, what happened to the telegram? Did you see those cable boats when you came?" Guo Xiang asked.

"Oh. Those cable boats, they are laying, it seems that one of their telegraph stations has encountered some problems. The rest have caught the people at those telegraph stations and destroyed a cable. If that is the case, it depends on the cable. It's repaired. Anyway, it has caused a certain amount of damage. It's for sure. We can't contact the local area now." Seinfeld said.

"Ah. This, how is this good." Guo Xiang was also very surprised when he heard the news, but he calmed down. He knew that it was not the time to talk about this.

"The only way now is to wait for the re-laying of the cable. If the cable can be laid, the situation may be better." Zhang Xi said.

"Hey." Guo Xiang sighed. The original plan to communicate with the mainland, now it seems that the situation seems to be very unfavorable for them.

Karachi. In the headquarters of General Hasi, they have been strengthening the fortifications of Karachi these days.

"According to our experience, those tall buildings will be the best targets for artillery. Although those targets will provide a good view of the commanding heights, they can cause great trouble. Therefore, we need to give up some commanding heights. Or to reinforce them and send a small number of soldiers to garrison. Most of the defense should be placed in the trenches. We must arrange at least three trenches. Only in this way can we effectively defend against the opponent's offense." Zhang Si said.

"Oh. I see. In this way, we can effectively defend against the opponent's artillery attack, and our people can move back and forth in a safe trench, and the enemy cannot detect it. Once the attack reaches the trench, we can play. Our superiority in numbers quickly overwhelmed them." General Hasi said.

"Yes, the trench will provide us with the best defense means." Zhang Si said.

"In addition, we need to build more defense depth. Once the first line of defense is breached, we have a second and a third line, which can effectively weaken the opponent's offensive force. In defense, relying on a favorable offensive can Effectively killing the opponent is definitely a major loss for the enemy. Faced with such a large loss, the enemy is unlikely to launch more offensive operations." Zhang Si said.

"Our intention is to let the Yueshi people give up their offensive and let them stop outside our defenses. We don't dare to have too many extravagances for the rest." General Hasi said.

"So, what we need to do now is to solve this problem as much as possible. Build more fortifications to stop them. As far as offense is concerned, for the time being, we don't have the ability to offense." Zhang Si said.

"I understand this. I will not use Karachi City to do such a risky act. But I hope to get more arms from you in South Korea. We need to cooperate with German materials in future defensive operations. For us, it is indispensable." General Hasi said.

"We understand this. I will send it by telegram." Zhang Si nodded and said.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house.

"We in the Western Regions should build more hospitals and need more doctors. This is not only because of the war, but also because of the healthy growth of newborn babies." The Minister of Health told Shang Wen.

"You know, we have a lot of soldiers there, there are a lot of women. Then they gave birth to a lot of children, but because of the medical level, a considerable proportion of birth problems occurred, and women and babies died. There have been many examples of this.” The Minister of Health said.

Shangwen was silent. They need a lot of money to do such things. In fact, this is a serious problem. The Qin army fought there and brought a lot of spoils, including women. Women became the biggest fertility tool. In the first year of Qin's occupation of the Western Regions, according to incomplete statistics, there were more than 20,000 babies. Born. Then this number began to increase rapidly, because the soldiers were under a lot of pressure. Most of them vented their pressure on women, and soldiers could have these women, and their salary was enough to feed ten women, or more, and Qin had never done so. Without restricting these measures, as a result, there are more and more newborn babies. However, the level of medical care cannot keep up with such rapid growth. Birth is a matter of women, and men usually don’t care, and these soldiers sometimes die in battle. After the death, these women will lose their support, because most of their pensions will be sent to their families in Guanzhong instead of them. Losing their last support, the only thing worth helping them is some relief, but they can only maintain their food and clothing state. Their children are all mixed blood. They are half of the Qin nationality and half of the Western Regions. Among them are Wusun, Yueshi, Xiyu, Dawan, and a few other unknown ethnic groups. In short, they are becoming a group.

Qin State has set up a battlefield hospital there, but the hospital is limited to surgical operations and mainly treats trauma. These wounds came from a large-scale musket fire. They don't care about gynecological delivery, which is still a very dangerous thing for those women.

"Well, I see. Do you have any good way to solve these problems?" Shang Wen asked.

"This. The only solution is to let those women serve as these doctors or nurses. I think this can solve a large part of the employment problem, but this will cause the loss of a large part of the staff. This requires A kind of demand, no one will invest money in hospitals." The Minister of Health said.

"In fact, such demand has never been less." The Minister of Health said.

"Well, I will find a way to solve these funding problems, it is best to involve those businessmen." Shang Wen said.

"Businessmen, they will kill a lot of people, Prime Minister, no," the Minister of Health persuaded.

"But we have no way to solve such problems." Shang Wen said.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Han Shu also faces the same problem.

"On Zhang Xiong Island, although we have tried our best to prevent and control diseases and make our living areas cleaner, infectious diseases still bring us big problems. Dysentery and deaths caused by malaria will still increase. , In addition, there are a large number of mixed-race children who have suffered a lot of discrimination. We don’t know how to deal with them.” South Korea’s Minister of Health said.

"Mixed blood?" Han Shu didn't seem to know such a thing yet.

"That's it, my lord, our soldiers will get a lot of loot, and then they will do that kind of thing there, and then, a lot of mixed-breeds will be born. In fact, a lot of such things have happened. A lot of them. Women have a wide range of pregnancies." The Minister of Health introduced. Hearing this, Han Shu was a little red. But she passed quickly.

"Well, these people are also our Koreans, and we Koreans still need these people." Han Shu thought about it and said.

"It's true, but we don't know who their father is. But we still need to provide them with medical help. This requires a lot of money, and the local financial situation is still deteriorating. Such a thing, It will make our situation worse. I think this is the situation.” The Minister of Health said.

"Well. It's not difficult to solve this kind of thing. I think it's enough to let the locals solve this kind of thing by themselves and train them some medical knowledge. The most important thing is that we also need a hospital." Han Shu said.

"Yes. King, but we need more things to do this kind of thing now, in terms of financial funds." The Minister of Health said.

"This. The local government will solve it. We can't spend so much money, and the local area also needs hospitals." Han Shu said. Hear here. The Minister of Health felt that the head was big. In fact, there are two different voices in South Korea for those mixed-race children. One thinks that they are impure Koreans. Others think that as long as they are planted by Korean men, they are Koreans. , South Korea should accept them. But in fact, those women didn't even know who their men were, because they were trophies and they had already left after some cultivation. No one knew about the subsequent pregnancy. Now those women are pregnant and are in humanitarian considerations. They cannot massacre them all on a large scale.

The fathers of those children are still there, but they are now orphans. They only know their mother but not their father. Of course only a few women know. Because South Korean soldiers are not enough to support them. But this problem was left to the Ministry of Health to solve.

The problem of mixed races is not just about Qin and South Korea. In fact, the plantations in the Chu colony have a large number of such problems, and the migration of the population has brought huge dividends. The locals, as well as the Mengla women who were sold, became the first dividends for these men from the Chu country who actively explored them.

Because of their large numbers of female resources in the country, they are controlled by the nobles. Men rarely have their own wives. However, with the arrival of Mengla women and the popularity of local women, a large number of Chu men have their own wives, even though they are from A place they have never heard of before, but they have women, and they can have the next generation. For them, this is the greatest happiness. Chu's population also increased on a large scale at this time. Because of the constant supply of female resources, women have surpassed men, and the law allows to do so. For example, Qin, South Korea also actively encourages, so the soldiers are extremely open, especially the navy, they have no fear.

In this way, a large number of mixed-race children appeared. However, the medical level has not kept up in time, and perhaps many people have not noticed the seriousness of this problem. In their view, it is very simple for a woman to have a child, and that is a woman's business.

However, with a large number of fertility problems brought about, other problems are also spreading. For example, among seamen, there are large-scale female diseases appearing. These are all things that appear in the early stages of venereal diseases. Because they are unscrupulous and are always looking for more women, such infectious diseases have exploded on a large scale. Coupled with poor sailing conditions, many men simply cannot get timely treatment. Of course, there is no specialization in this area. Medicines provide such help, so infectious diseases spread wildly, and as they reach new areas, the speed of this spread will increase rapidly, because they themselves are the source of infection.

This may be a new problem brought about by rapid expansion, but this problem has not received more attention for the time being. In their view, these are minor problems, and the most important thing is to solve the problem of financial funds.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"He Guo Kai really has a way." Li Mu said after looking at the financial report in his hand.

"Yes, I heard that those banks invested all the exchanged banknotes in Qin State's stock. I heard that Qin State's stock has risen a lot, and they should have made a lot of money." Li Zuoche said.

"However, I think that if Guo Kai did not do this, we would not get the two million military expenses. In this way, we can solve many problems and the navy can be established. However, we still lack access to the sea. This requires cooperation. I think it is better to cooperate with Qi Guo. After all, Koreans also cooperate with them. Although they still lack a lot in terms of technology, we can explore it ourselves." Li Zuoche suggested. Li Mu is thinking about this issue. Zhao is a landlocked country, but they have no access to the sea. It is a joke to establish a navy and build a navy in an inland area. Therefore, the problem of going to the sea must be solved, and the only feasible way is to look for Qi, which has more opportunities, because they may have fewer conditions.

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