The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2847: Staring at the ship

Qi State, Tian Heng's general mansion.

"Cooperate with Zhao Guoren?" Tian Heng looked at one of his staff members in a puzzled way. In fact, Qi State also has its own staff, but they are not called the General Staff, but the General Mansion. In fact, the General Mansion is in charge. A large number of Qi State military resources. At the same time, he is a combination of the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of the Army, and the Ministry of the Navy. In addition, because the Air Force consumes a lot of resources, the Air Force Department was not established. Although the Air Force is an independent service, its scale itself is relatively small. , He is attached to the army of Qi. However, the General Office of the State of Qi controls all military resources, which to some extent affects the economic development of the State of Qi, and the political system of the State of Qi is extremely complicated. The main reason is that they accept a new thing in appearance, but in fact, they have not changed much, which greatly affected the political and military development of Qi, but Qi did not seem to be aware of this. .

"Yes, General. There is news from the State of Zhao that the State of Zhao will establish its own naval force. However, they have no coastal areas and can achieve such a goal by cooperating with the Koreans, but South Korea itself has a powerful navy. , They may not want to have a strong navy. If this is the case, their navy will be seriously threatened. The Chu Navy is currently developing very fast, but they still can’t catch up with the powerful South Korean royal navy. The Chinese people urgently need to establish a navy, and they hope to expand a piece of their own colony overseas. Under such a situation, I think they are still willing to cooperate with us." The staff officer said.

"In addition, General, we can get technical support from Zhao Guo, because they can allow us to get better technologies. These technologies are what we need most," the staff officer said.

"Well. What you said is all right, but Zhao Guo did not do that. They probably want to build their own navy, but now they seem to be very hesitant." Tian Heng said. Although Tian Heng also hopes to cooperate with Zhao Guo, this kind of cooperation mainly focuses on weapons manufacturing.

In fact, Qi country can also cast artillery, but their artillery effectiveness is very low. For one hundred artillery pieces, more than 90% are waste products. The cycle took one year, and the low productivity simply couldn’t meet Qi’s huge demand for artillery. The Qi’s navy expanded very rapidly. They had converted 25 merchant ships into warships. In addition, they also produced some warships themselves. Ships, however, the supply of weapons has become the biggest problem. Qi Guo has already signed a contract with Zhao Guo, but it takes at least half a year to get these artillery pieces, and half a year is too long. Qi State urgently needs to change the current unfavorable state, but what else can they do? They can only seek cooperation from Zhao Guo.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"What do you think about the establishment of the navy?" Li Mu asked his generals. The establishment of the navy has become the most important thing at present. Because Guo Kai really wants to expand some colonies overseas, the existence of these colonies can effectively solve the future financial problems of the state of Zhao.

"We must pay attention to the construction of military academies. Only the military academy can provide a large number of naval personnel, but. From where we can train such a place, Zhao is on land, and there is no place to provide such a place." The principal of the Army Military Academy shook his head and said.

"It can be drawn from the army. This issue has been discussed before, and the personnel is not an issue." Li Mu recorded it and said. He arranged it by the way.

"I think we need an outlet to the sea. Sir, the navy does not have a seaport. We are all land. Should we build our own navy by the Zhuozhang River?" said the garrison commander in Handan.

"Haha." The generals present all smiled.

"That's right. We are considering cooperating with Qi people on this point. What do you think?" Li Mu asked.

"I just don't know if the people of Qi are generous to provide us with a port. Just like the people of Yan, our diplomatic relations with the people of Yan are not very good. On the contrary, it is not bad with Qi. The situation of the Koreans is also not good. Yes." Another general said.

"Well, we can cooperate with the people of Qi, but we have to cooperate with our technology. There is no alternative." Li Mu said.

"However, the most important thing for us now. How to build our own navy, I think, we need to establish two departments like Qin Guoren, an army department and a navy department. Given the weakness of the air force, we should have established one. The air force is not strong enough to form an army. Therefore, I plan to divide the air force into two, one to establish a naval aviation force, and the other to establish an army aviation force.” Li Mu said of his plan. In fact, Li Mu is concerned about expanding the navy. He didn’t agree with the idea very much. He believed that Zhao State lacks the necessary territory to control the sea. If there is a war in the future, all this Zhao State does will become the spoils of others, because Zhao State does not have coastal areas, and once Zhao Guohe Diplomatic disputes occurred in Qi, and the disaster can be imagined. However, if you have mastered a naval aviation force. They can be transferred to the Army if necessary, so that money can be greatly saved. In fact, this is an upgraded version.

"Navy aviation, army aviation. This is great. I don't have to look at the Qin people anymore. It's too uncomfortable to look up at the neck." The other generals agreed with Li Mu's thoughts.

Due to technical limitations, the Qin people have always used their air superiority to carry out air policy. Whoever lets Zhao Guo have no superior anti-aircraft guns, even if they have them, they can't fight them. The difficulty of air combat is very high. Coupled with insufficient technology, Qin can carry out aerial reconnaissance on the border between Qin and Zhao for a long time. The most terrible thing is that Qin sent an airship to take pictures of Zhao's Handan under suitable weather conditions. If it weren't for the big airship target. Zhao Guoren didn't even know about this.

In response to such incidents, Qin’s Ministry of National Defense explained that the airship had lost its way and went in the wrong direction. Qin Guo just apologized and nothing happened. Zhao Guo maintained a high degree of vigilance about this. Perhaps it was just such a thing that made Li Mu make such a decision.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"According to our intelligence speculation, Zhao Guo may cooperate with the people of Qi State. Their goal is very clear, which is to build a navy. Guo Kai can provide sufficient funds in this regard. They have a lot of funds to enter the Qin State stock market. The stock market is constantly rising, and they have the funds to do so." Wei Liao reported to Shangwen. Shang Wen nodded.

"The Yan people are unlikely to help them. Another point is that the Koreans don't want to see a powerful navy appear in front of them. After all, such things are extremely unfavorable to them." Wei Liao said.

"I understand this. But what we need to do now is, how will the people of Qi decide?" Shang Wen said.

"This. The people of Qi may agree to such cooperation. Because the Qi Navy is vigorously expanding, our intelligence personnel have conducted an analysis. This month, the Laizhou Shipyard was the first to refit more than 20 warships. They converted the merchant ship into a warship. However, these warships could come out in half a month. But they still haven't come out. The possible result is that their artillery has a problem, and a large warship needs to exceed There are nearly two hundred artillery pieces. The production capacity of Qi’s artillery is that only one hundred artillery pieces can be replenished a year. If they had been fighting on land before, this would still support them in making such a replenishment. However, this is Warships, such a warship consumes most of their production capacity. This is an extremely catastrophic thing. Therefore, this matter is extremely unfavorable to the Qi people." Wei Liao said.

"It means that the military production capacity of Qi people cannot be satisfied, so Qi people need the cooperation of Zhao people more?" Shang Wen said.

"Yes. That's it. They need artillery too much. But they can’t produce artillery to do so themselves. Therefore, Qi people need Zhao Guoren’s artillery technology, and Zhao Guoren also needs such a customer. There is a great possibility for cooperation between the two sides. This is an intelligence analysis of ours, but it is easy to succeed." Wei Liao said.

"I agree with you very much." Shang Wen nodded and said. He thinks Wei Liao's analysis is correct.

However, just when Qin people noticed this. Other things make Qi people feel a little urgent.

Zhang Xiong Island. The merchant fleet of Qi State finally left Zhangxiong Island. They loaded a large amount of tea and silk, which were purchased in large quantities after passing through Wuyue Port of Chu State and overseas colonies such as Huangzhou. When they went south, many ships were still empty, but now they are fully loaded and they are going to Bangla. Their captain didn't know where it was. But what they know is that as long as these materials reach Mengla, they can make a fortune, and they won't have to worry about it in their next life.

"Those Mengla women, how can they grow up like this, so dark. It doesn't make any sense to look at them. It makes me boring." Zou Tie said. He was the captain of the Qi State battleship Hammer, but he was an army officer with no combat experience, and it took a lot of connections to enter the navy. Because people say that the navy is developing well. So he spent a lot of his savings into the navy, and then became the captain of a warship. The amount of ammunition they loaded this time has been reduced by half because they have to make room for more tea, silk, and muskets. These things are what the Mengla people need most, and these things can bring dozens of times more profits.

"Captain, but it's tight under those women," the first officer said from the side.

"Haha." Captain Zou Tie laughed.

"Forget it, we went to Mengla, we can get many, many such women, but I heard that the women in the northern part of the Western Continent are pretty good. Let's play with them if we have money." Zou Tie said with a smile. In the army, women are always a topic that will never stop. When the army has no money, they can only rob women. Now they are rich. Naturally, women can't stop. This is also the reason why many people join the navy, and the navy life is very boring. Only women become their topic of relieving boredom. Coupled with the influence of the South Korean navy, Qi's navy can't get there any better.

"Captain, this time we have lost half of the ammunition. Will there be a safety issue?" The chief officer asked worriedly at this time. In order to make a fortune, they desperately bought a large amount of goods and the bank provided sufficient loans. They mortgaged their warship and all their property at home. Not only these, some businessmen in Qi are also willing to invest in it. It can be said that they are supported by many people this time. This is also the reason why they can buy a lot of goods.

"It will be fine, you see, we have more than 20 ships, three warships, and those merchant ships also have artillery. They just want to attack us, they have to look at the firepower net of our 20 warships. Defeat them." The captain said disapprovingly.

"Yes, it is true, but we lack half of the firepower after all. Forget it. We will definitely be able to make money this time. When we have gold, there will be more women." The chief mate felt that we should not continue to talk about this topic because of this. The topic will make many people feel unlucky. This is a very annoying topic. In order to prevent such a thing from happening, the first officer voluntarily ended such a topic.

"Right. Brother, you are right to think that way. We have money, what kind of women don't have. Besides, this is a fortune, and everyone has made a fortune." The captain said excitedly.

All the people in this merchant marine team are dreaming of getting rich. They think that they will definitely get rich this time. But just behind them, a small merchant ship was still trailing far away. They were not very fast, but they always followed them in a hurry. If they looked at the back carefully, they would find that, The boat has existed since they set off.

"Brother, how do we eat so many boats?" a thin man asked anxiously. The bearded man standing in the front put down his binoculars. People call him bearded.

"The third child, don’t worry, those boats are not going fast, and they are from Qi people. It is the first time for Qi people to come here. They will definitely take the coastal route. They can’t go fast along the way. Those merchant ships are loaded with quite a lot of silk. , Tea. Don't worry, we will find a way." said the beard, turning his binoculars.

"Brother, this requires a lot of strength." The third child said.

"Well, that's right, but there are too many people. What we do is not as good as that." The beard shook his head and said.

"Moreover, the hardest part is that those are merchant ships. If they are sunk during a naval battle, there will be nothing left. For us, it is the hardest part. We have done nothing for nothing. We can't do this. Do it, otherwise, the situation will suffer heavy losses." said the beard.

"Well, big brother, it's difficult to do this. They have three gunboats, and I saw that they have a lot of artillery. Our ship simply can't stand one of their attacks." The third child said.

"Besides, they are still warships. We are just a bunch of warships converted from merchant ships. In terms of strength, they are too far behind." The third child said. The beard was silent.

Despite all the difficulties, the beard thinks that there must be a chance to attack the merchant ships along the way. It is just that they are very embarrassed to attack the merchant ships in what way and where they are. The purpose of their attack on the merchant ships is. For those goods, originally they waited until they returned before attacking, because in that case, the goods may be slaves or local specialties, and there are a lot of gold in them, but in that case, they will definitely be protected by Korean warships. , Because the South Korean warship’s protection measures for the spoils are very strict. Some merchant ships would rather wait a few more days before leaving with those warships. As a result, many pirates do not have the opportunity to start. In fact, many merchant ships are also pirates. The difference between pirates and merchants lies in whether there are single ships at sea and weak ships.

Such a team of Zhang Chuan is not very strong for them. The most important thing is the people of Qi. They have no experience in naval battles. In the face of experience, they are easily knocked out. But the problem is that what they want to keep is their merchant ships. If those merchant ships sink to the bottom of the sea, they will have nothing.

This is where the pirates are most concerned.

"Captain, look, it's on the port side." At this time a sentry alertly reminded their captain. Their captain raised his binoculars and looked. He saw a group of boats following carefully. It seems that there are still a lot of them.

"Hehe, it seems that the people who are eyeing this batch of goods are not just us. There are other people who are interesting." said the beard.

"What about Big Brother?" the third child asked nervously. In his eyes, this is a great fortune. If they can be included in their own pockets, they will definitely send it out. But if someone snatches it, their condition is not good.

"Don't do it first. Let's wait, wait. Later, we should try to figure it out." said the beard.

"Okay. Big brother." The third child was a little excited, but he heard what Big Brother said. He has nothing to say, after all, there is no such person, and it is difficult for them to do such a thing themselves. But we now need some people to expand our power. You go to contact the black blind man. In addition, let all the brothers be dispatched, follow these people, take your time, don't worry. "Beard said. He is thinking of how to get those merchant ships. This is definitely a huge fortune. Tea and silk are definitely huge profits. But how to get this is the problem.

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