The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2848: Dead Indians are good people

Sim. The Yue army was leaving here one after another. Their goal was to go east. Most of those leaving were cavalry. They carried three days' worth of dry food, while the rest of the supplies were very small. Most of them are ammunition.

"Sir, are we thinking about it?" Grand said to Major General Sharp worriedly.

"Don't think about it. Sim has released three hundred people, which is enough for us to keep the whole place." Sharp said on his horse. For Gran’s concern, Sharp is very clear that once the Karachi in the south will launch an attack. They will completely lose Sim, that is, unless they fight back to Yueshi from south to north, they will never retreat.

Three hundred people, there are still quite a few wounded soldiers. Under such circumstances, their defensive strength is extremely weak, and most importantly, no artillery is deployed. Sharp has reached the point of madness, he decided to put all the artillery into offensive operations, only this way. They can greatly solve their current situation.

"But, sir." Grand still wanted to persuade.

But Sharp has already shown some impatience.

"I know, what kind of situation are we facing? But if we don't do this, or wait in vain, what will be the result? We are all over. In the end we won't withdraw, no, no We may retreat, we may retreat back." Sharp said.

"Yes, sir, we just have to face such a situation." Grand said.

"So, we can't do this. We still have another chance. It's better to fight hard and put all the offensive forces here. In this way, we can greatly guarantee our victory. Is it a retreat or a retreat? Victory is between this line, between the first line." Sharp said.

Grand nodded helplessly, indicating that he understood. He couldn't say anything about this. After all, he was his chief, and he could only follow the orders issued by the chief unconditionally.

In the Yueshi Frontline Command. Moran was pouring Qin's spirits into his throat. He hoped that the alcohol could numb his nerves. He felt very painful, because the entire south combat flank was in a precarious situation.

"Da da da." Meng Ping's boots came in anxiously, Moran looked at Meng Ping, and then sighed.

"Tell me. My friend, what's wrong with our flanks. Whether to cut off the mountain or other places, I can't give them too many reinforcements. The most is to give up some fortresses and form some temporary combat groups. Only in this way can we keep there, **** Indians." Moran said annoyedly.

"They can tear our gaps everywhere, and then violently pour in them. If our flanks suffer a great loss, we will completely collapse." Moran said discouragedly.

"No. That's not the case. This is an opinion from the Qin State General Staff." Meng Ping looked at Moran and shook his head. It seemed that Yue Shi was still an immature general. He knew that this kind of threat from the flanks was very serious. Big, the risk is high, and the results are great. However, as a commander, you have to endure tremendous pressure. Perhaps Moran underestimated the Indians’ responsiveness from the beginning, or in other words, he felt that the Indians Will not launch an offense. They commanded to hide in the fortress, but in fact, the Indians may react faster than they expected. However, in Meng Ping's view, it is actually the bad roads of the Yueshi people, and the lack of quick and emergency logistical response has delayed them. If their logistical can do very well. At least it can solve their big troubles. For example, their troops can be quickly deployed to their pre-set combat area, and the initiative will be firmly in their hands. Unlike now, they feel very passive. This is the situation they face.

"What's that?" Moran asked.

"Tell me. My friend, can we hold on to our flank?" Moran said. Regarding Moran, Meng Ping’s view is that he is definitely not a very qualified commander, because he did not well withstand such pressure. He knows what the pressure is for commanding operations, but if even this pressure is If they don't bear it, they will lose this situation completely.

"Our flanks are still very good. We have established several battle groups. Many units are mixed and organized together. Cavalry, infantry, engineers, and artillery are all mixed together. Some commanders are also fighting on the front line. , Their combat effectiveness is even better than usual. The Indians are at a geographical disadvantage. Their offense will soon succeed, but our defensive line is still very calm and nothing happens. Really." Meng Ping reported.

"This. Great." Moran breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, the Qin State General Staff’s suggestion is that they need us to launch a flanking attack from the forefront troops in the south, that is, turn to the east with ease, and then threaten the entire Indian army from the rear, forming a situation of encirclement. In this case, our flank safety can be solved very well." Meng Ping said.

"What? Launch an attack?" Moran looked at Meng Ping in surprise.

"Yes, that's what we mean. Only by launching an offense can all problems be completely solved. Because the Indians will only stop their offense if they feel the pressure. Maybe they will collapse, or they will be crazy, and they will be deadly. A blow, but now." Meng Ping looked at Moran, his face was full of fear or surprise.

"We must launch an offense. Only in this way can we be more in a favorable position." Meng Ping said.

"But we don't have any more troops. I think, you know this. First, we must ensure the safety of our flanks, and then we can solve all the problems. Going south, the offensive force must be strengthened." Moran said .

"Perhaps we can launch a raid while the Indians are all on our side. As long as we launch a raid, I think the effect is still very obvious." Meng Ping said.

"Well, but the offensive force is insufficient." Moran said.

"The war is not fighting strength, it is courage, it is morale. Now the Indians still have the last bit of morale. As long as we break their morale, all the problems can be solved. Or we can put a battalion in the south to solve this problem. Difficulty." Meng Ping said.

"No, it's too risky. Our offensive strength is not much, and the value of offense is really not great." Moran hesitated.

"We only need the strength of one battalion. I think they can do this." Meng Ping said. For the above command. Meng Ping also has his own views. In his opinion, under such circumstances, passively defending the flanks will gradually make the Yue people abandon their original plan. Under such circumstances, the situation of the Yue people will be Not good, an offensive will turn into a rush into the battle, as the battle conditions stalemate, once you can not grasp the initiative, the final situation is to give up. The staff's idea is correct, only to launch an attack in the south, such an attack. It can pose a great threat to the Indians, and they can completely solve their flank threats, because the whole place will be in a state of encirclement. The Indians will definitely find that they have been surrounded.

"We must give it a try. If we don't do this, we must be defeated in the end. The people of the Yue family cannot afford to lose such a war. Really." Meng Ping said.

"Okay. Now that's the case. We can only do this. Let's launch an attack. Maybe we should defeat those Indian talents." Moran said.

"Well, just do this." Meng Ping nodded. He immediately began to draft the telegram. Hope it's still too late.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"I don't know if the Yue people will have time to launch an attack. You know, their current situation is very bad." Wang Jian said while looking at the sand table. The people of Yueshi are red arrows. They have penetrated into a large area from the right wing. If the arrow rotates eastward, they will attack again. The Indians will be completely surrounded. To their east is a high mountain, and no one can climb over there.

"I don't know. However, I think that we are launching an offensive operation from the rear, but we still cannot block the passage to the south. You must know that there will be an extreme lack of troops, and the situation will have very catastrophic consequences. "Yang Duanhe said.

"Yeah. It's a pity that the people of the Yue family are in a very poor condition. It's terribly bad." Wang Jian said helplessly. But they only looked at the whole war from a macro perspective. If the Indians continue to attack the Yue people on the flanks, the Yue people will be under tremendous pressure, and a large number of troops will be attracted. Under such conditions, they will not be able to vacate their hands to attack south. In the end, such an offense may be over.

About one hundred and fifty miles east of Sim, Yue's 3rd Cavalry Brigade and the 5th Cavalry Company of the 2nd Battalion of the 7th Cavalry Regiment were moving fast. On their way forward, they found an Indian warehouse, but the defense force here is very lax. Obviously, the Indians think this is their rear area. The most important thing is that there are some villages here. Actually Above, those are places where logistics personnel live temporarily. Of course, there are still some people who live here boldly. After all, it was a war zone before.

"Kill." The Yue family called out loudly. They brandished the sabers in their hands and galloped on their horses, and they came over frantically. They have only one platoon that can use muskets, the other platoons can only wield sabers, because they don't have many bullets. Some soldiers didn't even have half the base number of ammunition. Perhaps the only one who can fight is the saber.

"Bang bang bang." There was a burst of chaos, and the front row had already opened the gap. The Indian soldiers saw the Yue cavalry fleeing here in panic. They were originally non-combat troops, but now the Yue clan was suddenly killed, and they collapsed all at once. Coupled with the musket attack, they quickly retreated and left here.

In the eyes of the Indians, the troops equipped with muskets are definitely elite troops.

"Kill." A cavalry sergeant brandished his saber and suddenly split the head of an Indian soldier. His head was split like a watermelon, and his brain splashed like watermelon juice. But the sergeant can't take care of this now. He manipulates his horse to hit the Indian soldiers who he has no time to kill. The two-legged soldiers can't run the four-legged cavalry after all. The battle soon ended.

The Yue cavalry were cleaning the battlefield, or in other words, the living people they were seeing were all gathered together.

"Sir, what should those people do?" The first sergeant looked at their company commander.

"Killed. Take a look at the people who resolved before." The company commander. Said Captain Kerry. He is a cruel and ruthless person. He was the first officer who proposed to launch an attack. Unfortunately, their commander disagreed at first, and then the battle started. His chance came. At first, like today, they attacked an Indian logistics warehouse, where more than 30,000 shi of grain was stored, but unfortunately, he burned it all in a fire. There are more than a thousand prisoners. They were divided into two batches. The old and weak batches were directly imprisoned in the granary, and they were all burned to death in a fire. The miserable cry made the first-level sergeant major feel the tragic burned alive. condition.

However, it was much more humane to solve one batch later. They shot batch after batch, or saw their heads, perhaps because they wereted too much ammunition. Or even cutting off their heads felt very intrusive, and finally they chose another method. They used ropes to tie up the Indians, and then hang them one after another. The trees are hanging everywhere. And they all hanged one after another.

"Anyway? All hanged. Save ammunition, or chop off their heads." Captain Kerry said easily.

"But, sir, it's a bit inhumane to do this," the first sergeant said worriedly.

"I know, but those Indians are likely to attack at any time. We are not strong enough. We only have more than a hundred people. And today we have two dead. Every time we attack a place like this, we will lose some troops. , But those **** Indians, they will not decrease, they will become many, now we can only kill one and count one. Those people are all put to death, it is best to hang all of them. In this way, we can save some time , Physical strength, we have to pack them all up as soon as possible and attack other places. Raid is our only way." Captain Kerry said.

"But, sir. That's right. sir. How to deal with the food?" The first sergeant knows that such a thing cannot be changed, and can only do so.

"Burn. Leave what we need, and burn the rest." The captain gave the order. The first sergeant nodded helplessly. Those are the most abundant fuel. Maybe they should drive those people into the warehouse and burn them to death.

The order was passed quickly.

"Ah. @#¥%" Some words came from a Yue cavalry lieutenant that did not understand. Those Indian soldiers and people nearby were gathered here. Hanging them would waste a lot of time. The only solution is to hang them. The solution is to gather them together and burn them alive, anyway, they have to deal with everyone.

"Sir, do you have to deal with so many people?" a sergeant asked.

"Yes. This is the order from above. We are just being ordered." said the lieutenant.

"But, sir, if you do this." The sergeant still felt helpless, after all, they had already killed a lot of people.

"That's how things were resolved. We have few troops and many Indians. Only by killing them can we solve our worries, understand. Here, there is only one kind of Indians who are good." The lieutenant said.

"The kind of sergeant?" the sergeant asked.

"Dead," the lieutenant said calmly.

Sharp's temporary station, they have advanced more than a hundred miles, such a distance horses can not bear.

"Sir, come and see here." A lieutenant said solemnly.

"What's the matter?" Sharp followed the lieutenant to where they were going.

"Oh my God." Sharp saw a bunch of Indians hanging from a tree not far away. They all had ropes around their necks, and there were more than five Indians hanging on the ropes. There are also some cars on the car. They must have people stand on the car and pull the car away after hanging the rope. In that case, those people will be hanged alive, and this happens in nearby trees.

"Huh." Sharp couldn't say anything, he knew the reason for doing this. Their strength is too small. Only four battalions are launching the offense. Where they can attack depends mainly on their strength. They can't send someone to stay here. Because the situation here is difficult to control.

"Sir. There are still some things." At this moment, Gran came over and said.

"We found some big pits, maybe some people were buried alive, and there were also some warehouses, where the grain was burned. It was difficult for us to find food, there were some charred corpses inside, and they were just like charcoal. People are the same." Gran said.

"I know these. We are an offensive force with a small number of people. You should know what kind of situation we are facing." Sharp said.

"However, I think we killed a bit too much. If we kill all of us, how could we kill them all. And we still need some food. If we kill all of us, our condition will not be too good. . So, I think, do we think of a way to solve this problem." Grand said. In his opinion, killing people all the time is definitely not the solution to the problem. Because if this goes on, everything will become extremely complicated. This is definitely not a result they want.

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