The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2849: Frontal offense is not advisable

"We can't kill everyone. Sir." Gran said to his sir. They are dining. Sharp has his own opinion on this issue, because he hates these Indians. In his opinion, only the dead Indians are the best Indians. The living people are ultimately A threat. Such threats will make them very uncomfortable.

"Tell me, why don't we kill them all." Sharp said after taking a bite of the can. This is their best food.

"Well, we still need them to do a lot of things, not only that, our troops are tense, these places need to be defended, if there are no troops to defend here, our situation will be very bad." Grand said.

"Moreover, in the next battle plan, we also need these people to make some other soldiers for us, for example, to build fortifications. If necessary, we can encourage them to fight. As long as we can actively mobilize them, they are also indispensable. The power of neglect." Gran said. Grand’s idea is to achieve great political success. But it contains a lot of risks.

"I think those Indians are unreliable people. If we use them, they cannot kill their own people, let them become our enemies, and the enemies become our friends. I think the Indians are untrustworthy people." In consideration of its own safety. Sharp rejected such a view. In his opinion, Grand's view is very crazy, so crazy that they must take extreme measures to carry out such behavior.

"But, sir. We need these people. For example, now, although we can attack each other, we have too few troops in the rear. We need to stick to these places. Once something happens, if something happens behind us, we really I can’t come back. In that case, the situation will be very troublesome. If you can give me some troops and give me some of these people, I think I will do this. We may need a battalion of troops. Can control more than 20,000 Indians." Grand said.

Sharp stopped eating and looked at Gran.

"Do you think those Indians are trustworthy?" Sharp asked seriously.

"Completely trustworthy, sir. They can be our assistants. In your opinion, those people are timid, scared, and unwilling to fight, but if they can be mobilized, they are also possible, as long as we give them a certain amount. Good, they will become our helpers, such as land, food, and women. They will become our vassals. In the future Indy, we may need such people, after all, not everything we can go to Do it," Gran said.

"Okay. I can only give you a company of troops. You come to do such a thing. What I need you to do is, remember, you must remember, that is, use the Indians you trust to help us defend. Here, and if possible, let them attack. We need to control this, a stable and safe rear." Sharp thought about it and decided. After all, Grand was right. They are unlikely to kill all the Indians, and they also need a stable rear, maybe the Indians can do this, they still have a very useful place.

Qin State Staff.

"As for how the Yues can solve the problem of their lack of military strength, this is best if the locals can be used, but the Indians don’t know how effective they are? What I know is that the Koreans used those native soldiers, Those native soldiers can do many things." Wang Jian told Yang Duanhe. They are discussing the issue of Yueshi and Indy. They don't know much about Indy, most of them know through reports.

"Yeah. You have seen the situation of the native soldiers. The combat effectiveness of those Indian soldiers is very poor. When fighting the rebellion, they need the new South Korean army to hold the line. If there is no hold, their situation will be very bad. , If you can't make it right, I believe they will definitely collapse." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yeah. The morale of these soldiers is too bad." Wang Jian said.

"However, I have a suggestion. Should we let our special forces participate in operations? After all, we need to experiment with such a situation, and that is, they need to verify the feasibility of their operational theories under such conditions. , I think we can experiment on the Yueshi battlefield. After all, we can’t spend much. If future operations are possible, I think we can do that.” Yang Duanhe said.

"Yes. That's right, we can experiment, after all, we still need to do this." Wang Jian said.

On the Yueshi front, Moran and Meng Ping could not accept some changes on the battlefield in the first time. After all, there are still many places with poor communication. It is precisely because that such poor communication caused Moran to be very worried. He was worried about some things, that is, some places with poor communication were suddenly attacked by the Indians, and then they flanked. Was attacked. Such things can happen. And it is very likely to happen. Moran has always had this worry.

"Should we do something? After all, the forces I have at hand are battalion after battalion input. For the South, we have too little news. If the news cannot be delivered in time, they cannot start. Offensive. Damn, God knows what will happen to us. I can't wait for something like this. I feel like I'm suffocating." Moran shook his head and said.

"This, I think we still need to wait and see, we won't make trouble here." Meng Ping persuaded.

"Well, you are right, maybe you are right." Moran said.

"However, I need your help, maybe we need you to do something. For example, we need." Moran was a little excited, but he didn't know what he was talking about, maybe he suddenly forgot.

"Right. I remember. We should launch an offensive from the front, for example, from our original position, let the 1st Infantry Regiment launch an offensive." Moran said.

"But they only have three infantry regiments." Meng Ping said.

"Enough. They are enough. As long as they launch an offensive, perhaps the Indians will feel the pressure. In that case, they will realize that they should withdraw their troops. After all, in front of them, we still have a lot of Odds." Moran said.

"Okay." Meng Ping nodded. At present, the army in the south still needs some communication. The poor communication makes them ignorant of what happened to Sharp’s 3rd Cavalry Brigade. At present, they can only contact the combat troops on the front line, and they lack the necessary offensive force. But in this case, a new front can still solve their big problems.

After all, the pressure on the wings is too great. They need a new line of defense to completely reduce their pressure.

Casa. In the east of Yueshi, the first corps resident. Colonel Modi took the binoculars and looked at the position of the Indians on the opposite side. They were very relaxed. They did not look like fighting. Because of the fortresses, he could not see the situation behind. If he knew that some troops were transferred away If he does, he will definitely take some action, but he doesn't know anything now. According to his experience, the recent battle has been very peaceful.

"Sir. An urgent call from the headquarters." Modi's adjutant. Lieutenant Katcher handed him a telegram. Modi looked over quickly.

"Damn it, let us launch an attack when there is nothing." Modi scolded after reading the telegram.

"Sir. What happened?" Adjutant Katcher asked worriedly.

"The above allowed us to launch an offensive, but our troops are not very sufficient, and the ammunition is not very sufficient. A large amount of ammunition has been transferred. They are very hot on the western front. Unfortunately, the plan is perfect and our logistics cannot Make sure they can get there, the raid was successful." Modi said.

"But nothing happened on our side." Modi said unhappily. The adjutant knew that his chief was grumbling. After all, when fighting on the Western Front was the most powerful, several strong combat troops were waiting here. The Indians opposite them were very patient, but they didn't have the patience to consume them like this.

"Now, the order came suddenly. What does this mean? It means that the offensive on the Western Front is not very smooth, or they are under a lot of pressure. You have also seen it. In the telegrams a few days ago, many telegrams stated that the flanks came from They can’t keep going south, or advancing east. In this case, they will have to bear considerable flank pressure. It is very likely that the forces they have won will be surrounded and eaten by the opponent. In that case, a victory. It will become a huge disaster." Modi said.

"But, sir, the command of the headquarters is for us to launch an offensive. We must do this. After all, if we don’t do this, we will face the pressure from the headquarters. At that time, we may be completely lost. Such a war." Adjutant Katcher said worriedly.

"Yeah. The offense is still going to be offensive, but we don’t have enough strength and ammunition. How to launch an offense. This has become the biggest problem, and the above requires us to launch an offense immediately. This is difficult." Modi Speaking of.

"Sir, do we launch a sneak attack and set up an assault squad? We just need to be a big fan. Let the Indians feel that they are under a great threat, such words." The adjutant said.

"Okay, we just need to move more and more. But don't do too much. After all, there are only three infantry regiments near us, and our opposite, at least more than 100,000 Indian soldiers, once we attack Excessive, they will take the opportunity to attack us. In that case, we will be beaten by the other party instead." Colonel Modi said.

"It's the sir." The adjutant agreed.

Seth country.

"Have you figured it out? How do we deal with the Seth people and the rest people." Guo Xiang asked.

"This, none of us agreed." Zhang Xi said.

"This. Well, I think so too. After all, we are on that side. We must be injured. If we don't stand on either side, maybe the other side can't take us?" Guo Xiang said.

"I know this very well, but our situation will also change a lot with the development of the situation. If we still maintain the status quo, our situation may be very bad. You know. Our situation is. Will become the biggest target." Zhang Xi said.

"Then, what shall we do?" Guo Xiang asked.

"It's very simple. We formed our own army. I think you have formed an army. They can provide a lot of defensive tasks. Although they are not enough offensive, they can do so. And you have the protection of the rest. It can be done. As for the Seth people who have arrived, we will give them a certain amount of land and remuneration, and they will definitely do it.” Zhang Xi said. Zhang Xi has his own views on the safety of the South Korean safety zone. In his opinion, the Seth and the Shah are not credible. If the Koreans put their lives and safety on each other's body, then they will Fall into a very passive position. In order to maintain their initiative and a certain degree of flexibility, the only way is to let them themselves enter and maintain a certain combat effectiveness. From the downside, it seems that such combat effectiveness is very necessary.

"But, you know, we don't have weapons. The most important thing is that muskets and those things can only be transported from the mainland. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to adapt to this kind of combat." Guo Xiang said.

"We can do that. Here, they are all low-intensity operations. We can build our own defensive fortresses, such as trenches, fortresses, and that is, we can also make gunpowder. Weapons are very simple and there is no gun. We can use long guns instead, and we can add them after our muskets arrive, or we can cast some ourselves, of course. We also need to build some effective factories on our own to produce some things, and the trade must go on." Zhang Xi said.

"We are here to make a fortune. I saw it. It's just a piece of ordinary paper. We can sell it at a very high price. We can produce many things without them. As long as we can provide them, we can make use of them. Value, Seth people, rest people, they dare not do anything to us?" Zhang Xi said.

"Okay. You are right. Of course you are our security commander here. Anyway, we can't do anything." Guo Xiang said.

"However, for the sake of safety, we will strongly support you." Guo Xiang said.

"Okay. Thank you very much for that." Zhang Xi said with a smile.

In today's Burma, Chu is the new colonial state. A fierce naval battle is going on in the waters of Myanmar and Taizhou. Five fast light warships are fully assaulting Qi State's merchant ships. And around them. The three Qi State warships are slowly approaching.

"Damn it, this **** guy." The bearded man looked at the naval battle with a binoculars. The one who attacked was the **** guy. Because he was long and tall, people called him the **** guy. This guy is a businessman. , But sometimes also a pirate. Now he feels that the merchant ships and cargoes from Qi are all his. So he took his five clippers, which were actually an armed merchant ship that tended to fight, equipped with thirty large-caliber artillery. It is still very threatening to deal with some small-scale merchant fleets. Unfortunately, they are facing three large Qi State warships with more than one hundred artillery on them. The muzzles are densely packed, the artillery. Make Bearded feel a very big threat.

"Damn it. They're done." In the telescope, the beard saw. Three warships have already entered the five pirate ships that are in full assault.

"Bang bang bang bang." At this moment, there was a fierce shot. The smoke instantly blocked the space between the Qi State warship and the pirate warship.

"It's over. There are more than a hundred artillery pieces. On one side, there are at least more than fifty artillery pieces. This is a very powerful warship, and the pirate ship will definitely not be able to withstand such an attack." Bearded said.

"Look, brother, the pirate ship has come out." Just then. The youngest exclaimed excitedly. It's one thing that those pirate ships may be too inappropriate for the Qi state warship. They believe that the people of Qi are not capable of naval battles, so their goal at the beginning is simple, to enter the ranks of the merchant ships of Qi. In this way, in order to protect the safety of those merchant ships, they will not dare to fire and shoot indiscriminately. In that case, they Can use merchant ships as a cover to bombard those warships. But as a result, they thought wrong. Those merchant ships resisted desperately, and their anticipation of offensive was very short of time. As a result, the battleship came over like a dog looking at the bones, and rushed towards it with a violent beating.

"Oh my God." The youngest saw it. On the one hand, the pirate warships suffered a very serious blow. Fortunately, their mainsail masts were not interrupted. From this point of view, the Qi state warships did not have sufficient experience in naval warfare, because if the opponent’s main mast was destroyed, the opponent would lose it. Mobility. However, the pirate warships were also very unlucky. They even suffered a direct bombardment from each other and suffered extremely heavy losses. The bombarded side of the warship received a complete blow, and the scene was extremely embarrassing.

"Boom boom boom." In the dense smoke, some thunder-like artillery bombardment can still erupt from time to time. That kind of business is like a summer storm, with thunder and lightning. People can't help but feel scared.

"It seems that a frontal attack is not advisable." The beard shook his head and said.

"Yes, yes." The old third nodded and said.

"It's just that I don't know what happened to the merchant ships? It would be a pity if you were silent." The third child said worriedly. The beard said nothing.

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