Zhao Guo decided to take a break and think about it after persuading Lou Jing's side.

"Lou Jing is right. At present, Zhao Guo can't support it for a long time just by relying on the current market." Guo Kai said to his assistant worriedly. Lou Jing did talk about an important pain point of Zhao Guo.

Zhao Guo does have technical advantages, but in comparison, who has the greater technical advantage between Zhao and Qin is naturally Qin. Qin’s advantages in this regard are in a state of crushing, but Qin’s expansion is only the bank. , And technology companies have transferred this technology. They are mainly concentrated in countries such as Zhao and South Korea. Therefore, for the time being, they have not radiated to such countries as Qi, Chu, Wei, and Yan. However, once Qin reacts, the situation will be immediate. Out of an unfavorable state for Zhao Guo.

When Zhao’s products were transferred to Qin’s technology, there was no cost advantage at all, and Zhao’s technical reserves were not very large. At this time, when Qin’s resistance was encountered, it was absolutely a disastrous defeat, which was absolutely detrimental to Zhao’s development. .

Qin Guo does not have such interest, because Zhao Guo's products have been in a low-end state, and there is not much profit at all, such as railroad tracks, bearings, and various railway locomotive parts. Such things require a lot of manpower, and Qin's labor costs are quite high, and it does not have a cost advantage at all. Unless a joint venture is adopted, Qin's products will not be able to expand further.

But Zhao Guo had to face such a threat.

"No, Zhao must have its own outlet to the sea. Even in the face of such a threat, Zhao must do the same. Maybe Zhao will be able to make up for it from other aspects, such as the army." Guo Kai said to his assistant. To. The assistant records these. These are Guo Kai's bold ideas. Then the assistant gave this idea to Li Mu. After seeing it, Li Mu threw it aside.

"General, I think this idea is more feasible. We can deploy heavy troops on the Qi side." Li Zuoche suggested.

"In that case, the State of Zhao will face the squeeze of the State of Qin and State of Qi. Although we can build a defensive line to deal with the offensive of the people of Qin State. But State of Qi, can we defeat the other party at once?" Li Mu asked.

"We can't do this at all. Therefore, from a military strategic point of view, this idea of ​​Guo Kai is very dangerous and very dangerous." Li Mu denied Guo Kai's idea from a strategic point of view.

Li Zuoche was unable to make a correct judgment. From the perspective of the maritime era, the State of Zhao did need a navy. However, the State of Zhao is an inland country and they have no outlet to the sea. This is the same as the people of the Qin State. However, the people of Qin people can make some strategic adjustments to achieve their goal of going to the sea. For example, the people of Yan people will give them a port. The prerequisite is the existence of a railway, but this is not a big deal for the people of Qin.

However, Zhao Guo's situation is not so good. They are faced with powerful squeezing, and Li Mu dare not take such a risk until they lack sufficient mobile forces.

"What does Li Mu know?" Guo Kai said after getting Li Mu's reply. However, Guo Kai decided to adopt other methods to do such a thing.

Bangladesh. Inside Zhang Shi's office.

"As far as the news we have received. The Champus directly attacked the Western Champus. Their reason is that the country still believes in the religions of the gods. And these gods pose a great threat to the religious beliefs of the Champus. ." Zhang Dahui reported to Zhang Shi.

"In this case, the Zhanpu people said they had done it." Zhang Shi said.

"Yes. It can be said that. They directly launched an offensive posture against the Western Occupy Prussia. In this way, they are equivalent to unifying the separatist state of Occupy Prussia." Zhang Dahui said. The Western Occupy Prussia is actually part of the Prussian country. Only when the Occupy Prussia was established, the two princes split, and the Western Occupy Prussia was relatively small. However, he has great independence, and I don’t know what caused the great contradiction between Zhanpu and the Western Zhanpu. The military dominance of the Zhanpu now has such an advantage that they can directly control the Western Occupy. Putuo has started.

"Yeah. Just do it. But. The situation in the north doesn't seem to be very good. News from the mainland. The Qin State Defense Ministry said." Zhang Shi found a telegram and said.

"The Yueshi people launched a bigger siege in the north, and the situation of the Indians may not be very good." Zhang Shi said.

"If you are surrounded by hundreds of thousands and join the team, the Northern Dynasty will be completely destroyed. If that's the case, no one can manage these countries." Zhang Dahui said.

"Yeah. Therefore, this offense is very important to Zhanpu. We must make good use of this opportunity, and it is best to be able to quickly intervene after our people are repaired." Zhang Shi said.

"Yeah." Zhang Dahui nodded. He is conceiving such a thing.

Yueshi, inside Moran Command.

"According to the prisoners we caught, especially those from the Southern Passage, they seem to have received a strong order to stop the attack. This is mainly reflected in the positions they gave up. They spent a lot of money before. The position that can only be captured at a price was easily abandoned when we launched the offensive. The captives confessed that they seemed to have received a great attack in the south." Meng Ping said.

"According to our telegram from the south, the situation seems to confirm this. General Sharp led only four battalions, but they launched a big offensive. They captured a line of defense more than two hundred miles long. And it seriously threatened the connection between the Indian army and their rear. The Indians seemed unable to restore the connection between the Indian army. However, the army on the southern front was too weak. We need to strengthen the deployment of troops in this area." Ping said.

"In other words, our offensive on the southern front has completely threatened the military operations of the Indian Army. Isn't it?" Moran asked.

"Yes, but on the southern front, our situation is still very bad. There are too few troops there. General Sharp told us another thing." Meng Ping continued.

"Because of their extremely tense forces, on many lines of defense, they have to use Indian surrender soldiers to defend themselves. They are called Indian volunteers." Meng Ping said.

"What? It's not true. What a joke. The Indian volunteers, let the soldiers who surrendered by the Indians come to defend the Southern Front, what a joke. This is a huge joke." Moran heard Then shouted loudly.

"This, this is definitely not true. This is definitely a joke." Moran said.

"But, General, this is not a joke. It is true. We only have four battalions in the south, but the Indians have an absolute advantage in numbers. They have to do this. They already have several thousand. "Meng Ping said. The delay effect of the telegram, in fact, they have almost 20,000 people.

"No, we must send troops to support them as soon as possible. If this continues, it will be very unfavorable to us. We must never have such a situation, which is very unfavorable to us." Moran shook his head and said. In his opinion, the Indians are still untrustworthy. In fact, this situation has not changed.


"I'm sorry, our troops are very insufficient. As you know, our situation in the north has changed a lot." General Hasi said to Zhang Si.

"I can understand this." Zhang Si nodded and said. In fact, they needed an army, and this army was chosen from the locals. This made Zhang Si very suspicious of their combat effectiveness, whether such an army is capable of solving the problems of Seth.

"After we resolve the situation in the north, we can send an army to fight. However, we cannot do this now. The situation in the north is developing very fast. Some Indians have taken refuge in the Yueshi people. A very good understanding will pose a great threat to us, but for now, our soldiers lack training and cannot go to war. They simply cannot provide assistance to the Indian army in the north." General Hasi said. For these, Zhang Si does not care now.

"We can solve all the problems as long as we defend here well." Zhang Si said. In his view, the Indians lack the spirit of active offensive. Even if the Karachis have certain combat capabilities, they still cannot fight. After all, the Yues are well-equipped.

Karachi people lack such specialized training. They are not yet capable of fighting against Yue's field troops in a field environment. Zhang Si simply disagrees that the Karachi people take such a big risk to fight.

Seth country. Zhang Bi found Zhang Xi. He solemnly explained to Zhang Xi what he had learned from the north.

"The Seth people made full use of their petroleum weapon, which is a weapon that can burn a huge flame. I don't know how they did it, but they can attack like this. At the same time, they dug a lot of trenches. , And tunnels. Their tunnels didn’t excavate very long, they just led to some front-line positions in the Parthian artillery positions, and then they placed a lot of explosives. Then, they ignited, just like that, many of their positions were blown away Although the Seth people lack enough artillery, they can tear apart the defensive positions of the Parthians in this way, and then they charge a lot. They hide in front of the position before attacking, and the Parthians simply cannot react. . They were knocked out." Zhang Bi explained the Seth tactics again.

"Oh my God, how did they come up with such creative tactics." Zhang Xi was very surprised at this, because such tactics are basically the same as those of Qi and Zhao.

"I, I doubt if they have specialized engineers, because only engineers can do this." Zhang Xi said.

"Engineer?" Zhang Bi asked.

"Yes, engineers, combat engineers, engineers are usually logistic units, but digging tunnels is in Qi, but Zhao is combative. Therefore, I doubt if such tactics are provided by Zhao or Qi. Such tactical support." Zhang Xi asked suspiciously.

"No, no. There must be no Qi, Zhao. That’s how they came up with it. For this, the Parthians were very afraid, and their front had collapsed. Now they have retreated. They have retreated more than three hundred miles. , Some troops have retreated to a position only 120 miles north of Basra." Zhang Bi said.

"The situation is very unfavorable for the rest. It can be said. Their condition is already very bad." Zhang Bi said.

"Faced with such tactics, we can't make some changes." Zhang Xi said helplessly.

"However, the Parthians need our help. If they cannot change this situation, their condition will continue to deteriorate. In that case, the Parthians will have to withdraw from Basra." Zhang Bi said.

"In this situation, there is no good way. They can only retreat. They must detour other lines of defense to launch an offensive. They are mostly cavalry units, making the Seth's defense loopholes. Only in this way can the Peaceers have an offensive. Opportunity." Zhang Xi thought for a while and said. The Shaman’s cavalry advantage is mobility, but now the Shaman puts the cavalry on the defensive line. In this case, the situation will only be disadvantageous for the Shaman. This will make the Parthians lose their advantages.

"This. Okay, I'll explain this to them." Zhang Bi thought about it and said. However, Zhang Bi was very worried about the situation of the Parthians. Although he does not support the two sides in such a war, and does not do any harm to South Korea, but after all, it is both sides in a struggle. If one loses one, the Koreans' chips will become extremely disadvantageous.


"Damn, the defenders in the city finally surrendered." Lieutenant Colonel Barra cursed. After the Indian volunteers and their urgently mobilized horse artillery bombarded, the defenders in the city finally surrendered. Because of such ineffective resistance, they knew very well what kind of situation they were facing. The Yue people had already controlled the situation, and they could no longer resist.

"Sir, the Rica Fortress has finally been taken down. However, we received a bad news from the Scout Cavalry from the north." Captain Kerry reported. He has always been nervous and busy about attacking the fortress, but he must have a cannon to attack the fortress. After countless requests, the cannon was finally transferred to him. Only then did Rica Fortress be taken down. The defenders in the city are accepting the arrangement of Colonel Gland. Many of them will be asked whether they will serve as Indian volunteers. If they do not want to, they will be executed. If they do, they will stay and execute those who do not want to. This is a cruel process, but it is also a process that must be experienced. Many Indy soldiers have undergone great changes in their mentality during this process. This is very important to them.

"What's the situation?" Lieutenant Colonel Kerry asked.

"We found signs of a large number of Indian soldiers in the north. They may attack us. At present, our situation is very bad. According to our current strength, it is impossible for us to hold on to such a broad position. "Captain Kerry reported.

"Okay. I know. I will tell the above about this situation. But I hope they can come later." Lieutenant Colonel Carat said. The news was extremely damn, because they had just taken the fortress, and before they had time to build the fortifications, there was an attack by the Indians, which made them feel very hasty.

Sharp's headquarters, Sharp also received the same reconnaissance report.

"How many of them are there?" Sharp calmed down after receiving such a reconnaissance report. He knew that he had to figure out the situation now.

"Reporter sir, we have detected about 3,000 people. It may be the nature of the vanguard. If they launch an offensive, it may be tentative. However, if we wait for a day or two, there may be more people. ." A lieutenant reported.

"There are a lot of people." Sharp said.

"Yes, sir, if the opponent launches an offensive, we cannot defend such a wide front at all. The only way is to defend some strategic points. Only in this way can we barely block the passage of the Indians to the south." The major staff suggested it.

"Well, but our fortifications have not been built. Such a battle is too hasty." Sharp said worriedly.

"We can only do our best. Sir, at present we can only ask the top to deploy the army as soon as possible. Without them, we would not be able to do such a thing. Our current situation is very unfavorable." said the major.

"Well, record the order. We need our officers and soldiers to immediately switch to a defensive state. According to some important points, we should immediately give up and shrink the troops for unimportant places." Sharp can only issue such an order. When the Indians have an absolute advantage, they can only do so.

Many Yueshi soldiers are full of worries. After all, they only have four battalions, and their reserve forces are simply not sufficient.

"Sir, the Indian volunteers, should they be used intensively or dispersed. If they are dispersed, the risk is lower. If they can help us, it will be too good for us. After all, there are a lot of them." The lieutenant suggested.

"Yeah. I also meant to separate them into several regiments, separate them into other fortresses, and let them become our defensive force. I hope that they will not cause a big disturbance. You must be careful with these people. They are not people we can trust very much. If there are accidents to these people, our situation will be too bad." Sharp said.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant recorded. In the case of military strength, the Indian volunteers became their last resort.

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