The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2863: Let the indians go

"Are we building the armored train ourselves?" Li Mu asked, looking at the armored train modified by the Zhao State Weapon Technology Bureau. A middle-aged engineer on the side nodded quickly.

"Such an armored chariot is a copy of the Qin State's armored chariot, mainly obtained from photos." The engineer explained.

"These armors are installed by ourselves with rivets. They can withstand the direct firing of five-inch guns at three hundred steps. This is a great defense. There are many shooting holes on them, and soldiers can shoot through those shooting holes. "The engineer then explained.

"Well, how many people can an armored train carry?" Li Mu then asked.

"General, we calculated that if the locomotive power is very sufficient, if the high-power locomotive of Qin is used instead of the medium-sized locomotive of South Korea, I think it is estimated that it can carry 500 fully armed soldiers. Two, eight hundred people, and five guns of various calibers can do this." The engineer then said to Li Mu. Li Mu nodded.

"In addition, we propose to introduce a new technology from Qin, or for the people of Qin, it is already an old technology." The engineer said at this time.

"Oh. What technology?" Li Mu asked curiously.

"It's the tractor technology. Although the tractors that use steam engines look very large, they still have a certain degree of maneuverability, and they use crawler tracks. At present, there are many gears. There are also various auxiliary wheels, and we can all train wheels. Manufacturing, once we get this technology and cover them with a lot of iron armor, we can make them extremely invincible, and the enemy's position can be easily broken through. This is our iron armored chariot." Middle-aged engineer Speaking of.

"Wait, what did you say?" Li Mu asked curiously at this time.

"Well, I, I don't know what to say?" The middle-aged engineer looked at Li Mu in amazement. He didn't know what he said, but was able to make Li Mu stop him, or was very surprised.

"Just now, you said the armored chariot, right?" Li Mu asked.

"Yes. Qin people have made it before. They use an internal combustion engine, which is smaller, and they are equipped with rapid-fire artillery. The price is extremely expensive, and the welding technology is used, which is much more powerful than our armored chariot." The engineer said.

"You mean, Qin people have built such a weapon?" Li Mu seemed to ask with interest.

"Yes, it's just that such weapons are expensive and the technology is immature. For example, if we use an internal combustion engine, the situation may be much better. However, the current situation is that we do not have such technology and cannot achieve this. In terms of technology, there are only a few careful steam engine assembly plants in our country, and their power is relatively small. The things we make may be very large. Big scary." The engineer said.

"Well. It doesn't matter, just have it. These things can indeed help us solve many problems in Zhao Guo." Li Mu said. The engineer looked at Li Mu incomprehensibly, Li Mu just shook his head, and then walked away. The armored chariot and the armored train gave Li Mu a lot of inspiration.

Perhaps the State of Zhao can solve their strategic disadvantages through the establishment of these technical arms. If you use these powerful weapons that can be deployed quickly. Li Mu felt that they could establish related technical arms to make up for the lack of strategy.

Qin State, Xianyang. Wei Liao is discussing matters related to the Shah state with Shang Wen.

"Meng Yi, Meng Tian's idea is to launch a war to resolve the affairs of the Parthsian nation, but in that case, Qin will need to spend a lot of financial funds on military expenditures, but they think we can let Dawan and Tochara In doing such things, the State of Qin can lend them a large amount of funds to arm their forces and expand their armaments." Shang Wen said.

"What I am worried about is that if we let Dawan and Tocharo do this, it will arouse the vigilance of the rest of the people, which may not be a very good thing for us." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"However, the attitude of the Parthian nation is very tough. They have already annoyed many Qin bankers. Moreover, Qin must maintain a military presence in the Western Regions. However, I think we can use our technical arms. The advantage is to strengthen the control in this area. For example, more technical weapons such as airships and armored trains are used. We can use fast-fire artillery to suppress the opponent." Wei Liao said.

"In this way, we can maintain our tactical victory to suppress the entire Sabbath country. For countries like Dawan and Tocharou, we can give them great weapon support, but we need to rely on banks. Power, eat up their large amount of bonds, and solve their infrastructure. This is not just a trade issue, we also need more mineral resources." Wei Liao said.

"You are right. We need these things very much." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"But for now, we still need a lot of things to do such things. For example, we need to make contact with Dawan and Tocharo in this regard, so that they are aware of their safety issues." Shangwen said .

"For this, we can encourage them. The area occupied by the Tocharians is extremely barren and narrow, and the situation of the Yue people is also very bad, otherwise they will not actively fight south. However, the Tocharians cannot go south. , Because the Yueshi people blocked all passages, the only way is to develop westward, or get their superior position in trade." Wei Liao said.

"The Dawan side has serious security problems. Such a problem will inevitably cause them to reconsider their security situation. After all, the Dawan people can easily launch an offensive from this aspect. This is a big deal for them. Threat." Wei Liao said to Shang Wen.

"Well. If this is the case, the Dawan people must solve the security problem." Shang Wen nodded and said.

Seth, a Korean residential area. Today, Guo Xiang was extremely happy because a group of merchant ships arrived here. The most incredible thing is that the submarine cable was connected here, although the telegram could not be sent out, it seems that the telegraph machine appeared. Some glitches, but this does not prevent Guo Xiang from being very happy to see such a scene.

"You came too in time. Dude. We haven't seen a new Korean for a long time. If you come a month later, maybe I have forgotten what the Koreans look like?" Guo Xiang said excitedly to a first officer.

"We are also very happy to be here. I heard that the business here is very good. We are all happy. You know, we have brought a lot of guns, gunpowder, artillery, and binoculars. We can sell glass mirrors, even those glass cups, to Seth people." The first officer said excitedly.

"Great. I believe the Parthians will be very happy with the things you brought. They are now fighting and they need everything. I think they will definitely give you a lot of money." Guo Xiang said. Many people are asking, they are asking about the situation of the Seth people, they want to know what these things can be exchanged for. Is it a gold coin or a silver coin, preferably a gold coin, or some pearls? Or ivory. On the western continent, they used these things in exchange for various precious things, natural pearls of the Mengla people, ivory, and a large number of gold coins. Their existence directly led to the rapid increase in the price of local gold coins. . This makes the purchasing power of gold coins quite large. Bankers are making such huge profits.

"If that's the case, that would be great. I'm also worried that our things won't sell." the first officer said.

"To be honest, when we received your telegram, especially the telegram from Wang Shang, we actively prepared. Those artillery pieces are really difficult, but we got it. These things are too expensive for us." The first officer said.

"Well, the situation is very unfavorable for the Parthians. The Seth people have launched a counterattack. I don't know what the situation is? But I think it may be extremely unfavorable for the Parthians because they are in unfavorable conditions everywhere, and many people are positive. They have launched some offensives, they are difficult to resist." Guo Xiang said.

"We don't care about these, and we don't participate in it. They beat them. As long as they need artillery, we will sell them. Regardless of this." The chief officer took a sip of wine as he said, and then left with Guo Xiang. Enough news. The next step is to find local women. Guo Xiang shook his head, no one understands, and no one will pay attention to this. They come here just to seek opportunities to make a fortune, and they don't care about the situation they face.

This is the attitude of Koreans. They only seek large amounts of money, but they do not pursue national interests.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

Han Shu looked at a report. This report came from the Technical Bureau of the War Department. They finally got the formula for smokeless powder, but they needed more raw materials. A lot of sulfuric acid, nitric acid. South Korea can only produce some low-end sulfuric acid and nitric acid and waste a lot of raw materials, so the cost price is very expensive. In this way, the cost price of smokeless gunpowder will be extremely high, which is not the kind of situation she hopes to see. The cotton problem can be solved. Bangla has a lot of land. In addition, there are also a lot of land in the south. They can make full use of these land to solve some things. For example, when they grow cotton, those merchants plant some sugar cane. For things like linen, South Korea cannot yet accept cotton on a large scale. However, how to solve sulfuric acid and nitric acid, this is their most difficult problem to solve.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"What you mean is that if we want to agree to Qi State's ideas, we must accept the fact that we must build an armored train force?" Guo Kai asked Li Mu.

"Yes, if we accept Qi's request, we must consider how to respond quickly to the attacks of the Chinese people. They can easily cut off our lines of communication. The navy needs such a line of communication. There is no such line of communication. The line of communication, our navy is easily defeated from the land, and the navy without any possibility of supply is easily destroyed. This is the most unacceptable thing for us, for such safety considerations. We must use this They can effectively help us solve such difficulties." Li Mu said.

"With the help of the armored train, we can easily build a fort, pose a maneuvering threat to the enemy, and protect our railway lines. In this way, it is difficult for them to pose a direct threat to us." Li Mu said.

"In this way, we have to spend some money again." Guo Kai heard some unhappy words here.

"However, we can get the navy. With the navy, our maritime trade can bring great results." Li Mu continued.

"It's true. Okay." Guo Kai nodded. For the naval base project provided by Qi, Guo Kai originally agreed. Qi and Zhao originally wanted to reach some maritime military alliances. Such a relationship is conducive to their further expansion of their careers, especially maritime undertakings. Zhao Guo has always needed an excuse to do such a thing, and now they finally have such an opportunity, which is very beneficial to them. Since it can solve the threat of strategic security. Naturally, Zhao Guo was willing to do this.

Adventure, they finally docked. But what the people here said, none of them understood. There are black people here, and some people who seem to have lighter skin than those black people. They don't know where it is. Zhang Zhi just knows that they are in a more western position.

"Let those scholars talk to the people here, see if they can speak the language here, talk about what happened here, I want to know what place it is." Zhang Zhi said.

One of his subordinates quickly made gestures, and they also found a few locals. The locals were very interested in these outsiders. They were not malicious, they were just curious. They kept touching them. Things that have never been seen before, muskets, binoculars, their clothes, leather boots, and all kinds of gadgets. These gadgets make them look very curious.

"What do they mean, what do they mean?" Zhang Zhi asked curiously.

"The scholar said. They want to go to the Mediterranean Sea, but they can't get there, there is a piece of land there, and it is directly blocked here. Unless their ship can turn over, there is no way at all." The subordinate said. In fact, what the scholars meant to him was even simpler, that he could not get through, the Mediterranean, where it was blocked. land. With the meaning of these simple words, he made such an explanation.

"Can't make it, that is, I can't get to that place." Zhang Zhi felt his head exploded when he heard such news.

"Head. Let's go back. The people here are not very good. Look at them, they have random contact with their things, and you don't know if they have money." His men said worriedly.

"Stay for a few days, take out all your private goods and sell them, exchange for some valuable things, and then let's go." Zhang Zhi was a little disappointed. He could reach them through this sea area, but unfortunately, the Red Sea could not. Connecting to the Mediterranean Sea, because there is no Suez Canal here, the development of this canal will take two thousand years to appear. The entire Sinai Peninsula blocked the connection between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. However, this is already a very remarkable thing for them. Zhang Zhi was a little disappointed to record everything that happened here. Now what they need to do is how to do what they want. It seems a little barren here. There is no attraction, but their goods can be easily sold. This is the first benefit Zhang Zhi felt.

Yueshi, on the battlefield on the southern front.

"They're here." A sergeant shouted in his trench, and he quickly took out his musket and aimed. Others also took out their own muskets. The Indians launched an offensive. They sent a dense formation. At the front were some light shield players. These shields were made of leather wrapped in wooden shields. If they were to deal with cold weapons, they might have a good defense. , But they are already somewhat reluctant to deal with the musket. This shield is not very heavy, and the Indians can carry them with them so that they can quickly arrange them. This is also the only effective defensive weapon used by the Indians to launch an attack. Then there is their spear.

"Don't shoot, let them get closer." A lieutenant officer shouted loudly. They have very few troops and can only defend a few defensive points. Behind them, some soldiers still have bayonet-mounted rifles. Looking at the Indian volunteers, they looked calm, but some people were still afraid. They were the Indian soldiers who had just surrendered. They surrendered because of fear. Participating in the volunteers means they are dead. Because the Indians will never be merciful when dealing with betrayers.

"Fight." The lieutenant shouted immediately after the Indian approached.

"Bang bang bang. Bang." The intensive gunfire sounded immediately.

"Quick, get up, you take your weapons and use hand cannons to attack them." A captain commanded a group of Indian volunteers. They fought with captured Indy match guns. This is the only lethality in their hands. Weapons of Indian volunteers, they are very clear about their fate. They have already killed their own officers. Only by killing more people and helping the people of the Yue family to defend here can they have a chance to survive. Now they are about to do so, this is their only chance.

"Shoot, shoot. Hurry up." The lieutenant saw the Indian volunteers coming over. Order it immediately. Those Indians have opened a big gap, and if you shoot at this time, the Indians will definitely collapse.

"We also need to fight back and get those Indian volunteers to prepare." The captain said to the lieutenant after seeing the situation in front of the position.

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