The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2872: Han Chu cooperation

"I heard about such a thing." Fan Zeng said to Xiang Yan.

"What's the matter?" Xiang Yan asked curiously.

"Poison gas, this is a special weapon. It has been used by the people of Yan and Goguryeo on this peninsula. I just don’t know how effective they are. Judging from the spy information from various countries, it seems that Zhao is right. I am also more interested in this aspect, perhaps because of the threat from the people of Yan." Fan Zeng said.

"Poisonous gas." Xiang Yan looked at Fan Zeng. His knowledge of poisonous gas was only in the report, perhaps in the news papers. After all, Qin Guo had published many such news reports.

"This is a weapon capable of mass destruction. I heard that the two armies confronted each other, and one of them launched a large-scale poisonous gas. Overnight, there was no casualties on their side, and how many people died on the other side's position. It's a terrible weapon." Fan Zeng said.

"So powerful?" Xiang Yan said.

"Yes, this thing is not difficult to get. As long as you have money, you can buy it. I think we should prepare for this in Chu country. After all, if such a weapon of mass destruction is used continuously, that way. The result for us is quite bad." Fan Zeng said.

"This. I really want to hear that the people of Qin are particularly opposed to it." Xiang Yan said embarrassedly. At present, Chu State could not entangle with Qin State too much. In terms of strength, they were too far apart.

"That is the opposition of the people of Qin. They are only opposed to doing this in the Central Plains. After all, they are all killed. However, if we are on the Western Continent or elsewhere, they don’t know anyway. I think this is the case. Feasible." Fan Zeng said.

"Furthermore, there are a lot of people in those areas. We can't kill them. This has a great impact on us. We can't wait like this. It's not good for us. Therefore, the only way is to use poison gas. The data supports this, that's it. I think we should do this." Fan Zeng said.

"Okay. It's just financial funds." Xiang Yan said embarrassedly.

"This is a special weapon, I will naturally give it." Fan Zeng said. Chu State also joined the ranks of releasing poison gas. With regard to chemical gas weapons, a country has also noticed this.

Yueshi, the southern line.

"Sir, they are from the State of Zhao." A lieutenant officer explained to Sharp.

"We are from the Zhao State Advisory Group. My name is Zhao Fang. Sir." Zhao Fang saluted.

"Yeah. Zhao, I've heard that this is a very brave country, and the people of Qin have mentioned it." General Sharp said.

"Yes. Sir, we are here to help you." Zhao Fang said.

"How many people did you bring? Lieutenant Colonel?" Sharp asked curiously. He knew that these people from the Zhao country came to lay mines, but he didn't know how much help these people could provide. They also laid mines, but they didn't know how much they were able to play a defensive weapon because it was a defensive weapon. It seems that the Indians are very afraid of landmines, but he does not think that landmines can attract enough attention, or that he is just a defensive weapon.

"Sir, we only have one hundred and twenty people. We are here to lay mines. I think landmines are not only defensive weapons. They can effectively block the Indians' south passage." Zhao Fang said.

"Well. Okay, but, I think, you should understand that the current situation is very unfavorable to us, I think you should understand this." Zhao Fang said.

"For example, in a more northerly position, there are as many Indians as ants, and they can cause great losses to us. Their offensive power is extremely powerful." Sharp said.

"At this point, I think you know better than me, how many people can be killed by our mines? I don't think you brought a lot of materials. This." Sharp continued.

"Sir, there is another factor in the key to landmines, fear. If soldiers are afraid, they will be morale mines. If morale is low, they will not be able to move forward. If we can be in some key areas, such as river crossings, and important passages. , Set up a large number of landmines, the way these landmines are buried is extremely weird, and the casualties caused are extraordinary. I think they will definitely play such a role." Zhao Fang said.

"Well, you guys have a try. But I remind you that I can't provide you with more troops, because I don't have any reserve team in my hands. If necessary, you may also participate in the battle." Sharp said .

"This is no problem. But we must do everything first. However, our country of Zhao is not involved in this war." Zhao Fang said.

"Okay. You are right." Sharp said. He didn't have a lot of good feelings about Zhao Guoren's principles, but he felt that they were able to defend the Indians from going south.

Sim. On the east side of the road. Captain Stig is looking at a wounded Indian soldier with his binoculars.

"Ah. Ah." The injured Indian soldier's leg was blown off. The power of the mine seemed to be small, but it just exploded his leg short, and a calf shot out black blood not far from him. His wounds have turned black and blood has shed a lot. It is estimated that he will bleed to death soon.

"Sir. That Indian soldier will die." A second lieutenant said worriedly.

"I know who told them to spy our place." Captain Stig said.

"This is their price, and for this, they have to pay a heavy price." Captain Stig said.

"But the mines planted by the people of Zhao are really cruel. Have you seen it? Those **** Indians, they were just wounded, and if they were killed, they might not attract the other party’s attention, that is to say, the other party’s attention. The force may not be too much. After all, people die when they die. However, if they are injured, the situation may be different. Because they will scream and interfere with the living people. For them, It will form a psychological shock. Such a shock is cruel to them. It is a kind of psychological pressure. Such pressure will make them feel very uncomfortable. This is the situation they have to face." Said the captain.

The mines laid by the people of Zhao were very strange. They laid some small anti-infantry landmines. These mines were made by Zhao themselves, but some of them were equipped with parts of the Qin State. The power of this kind of mine is very small, it only hurts people, and the main power is to blow off the opponent's legs, causing great harm to the opponent.

The impact of this kind of injury is that some Indian soldiers can only be thrown away by their partners, and they have a sense of fear that is difficult to suppress, and this kind of fear will make them feel unbearable.

And this is the effect that Zhao Guo's advisory team wants to achieve. It uses the psychological effect of fear to suppress the opponent and make the opponent feel a kind of desperate fear. Such a fear will bring despair to them and lose their motivation to move forward.

Yueshi, the northern line. Qin State Airship Base.

"How are your preparations?" Chen Gong asked his deputy.

"Sir, it's okay. We can go anytime," the lieutenant said. He is strengthening some wooden boxes. Inside the boxes are a large number of Molotov cocktails. These Molotov cocktails took them a long time to fill. In addition, in the middle of each wooden box, some Molotov cocktails with phosphorus will be added to ensure that They can ignite those Molotov cocktails.

"Very good, but these things must be done well. I don't want our airship to become a big fireball in the air. In that case, it would be a disaster for us." Chen Gong said.

"Yes, sir," the lieutenant nodded. Chen Gong nodded. They want to perform a bombing mission, but their airship is not suitable for bombing missions. For this, they need to modify the airship. First, they need to remove some decks and then empty a certain space. For this, they disassemble Most of their machine guns were dropped, leaving only one to two. Ammunition is only half the base. For them, bombing is everything. In addition, they have added some additional fuel tanks. These fuels can provide sufficient power.

As for the sighting equipment, they have not learned how to throw these incendiary bombs in the air. The only way is that they can only maintain a certain level. At a position of about 700 feet, this position is enough for them to do some things. In this regard, they are very confident.

After the preparations were completed, they began to do the final check, and then took off. Flying towards their goal, this is their best mission. Just throw those Molotov cocktails and the task is complete.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Zhang Liang hurriedly came to Han Shu's office.

"What's the matter, I heard the footsteps from far away." Han Shu said with a smile.

"Telegram from Seth Country." Zhang Liang said directly.

"Oh. What did they say?" Han Shu asked.

"War. It's a war. We need to mediate a war. This is their own opinion. And it is very beneficial for us to retain the rights of the Parthians or ourselves in the Basra area, but we have no troops to mobilize, or It means that we do not have enough troops to ensure the safety of Basra." Zhang Liang said. Han Shu read the telegram quickly, then frowned.

"This matter is difficult to handle, and the situation seems very complicated." Han Shu put down the telegram in his hand and said.

"Yes, we need to open the trade port of Seth, Basra, and the place we currently occupy are very important. Not only that, we don’t know the idea of ​​Seth yet, I think they will launch it. Attack, in this case, their situation will become extremely bad. Once they repel the Parthians, only us Koreans are left. Judging from our help to the Parthians and not providing more weapons and equipment, It seems difficult for us Koreans to have further plans. The most important thing is that we don't know the Seth people and they can do anything." Zhang Liang said. Han Shu felt a little troublesome when she heard this. She felt that this matter seemed not as simple as she thought.

"From a trade perspective, we do need such a trade port, but how to get it is the key." Han Shu stood up and said.

"For now, a Western continent still cannot meet our trade needs, and from the future perspective, Zhao and Qi will also join in. As a result, the Western continent will become extremely tense. Get up." Han Shu said.

"The country of Seth is just such an opportunity. The question is whether we are currently United Seth, or United Rest, or we remain neutral. But in terms of three possibilities, we all need to strengthen our presence in Seth. If there is no such force to maintain, it will be difficult for us to maintain our trade ports." Han Shu said.

"My lord, it takes a certain amount of time to transfer troops from the Western Continent. In addition, we don't have any troops to mobilize nearby. The only thing that can be used is the local soldiers. I find it very difficult for them to fight. Xi has already recruited soldiers from the local area, and they may not fight against Seth. After all." Zhang Liang said.

"So, for such a thing, our attitude is unlikely to rely on our own strength to solve it. After all, we lack sufficient supplies and soldiers." Zhang Liang said of the difficulties. How could Han Shu not understand this. They simply cannot raise a very powerful combat force to appear in a short period of time. The combat effectiveness of the native soldiers on the western continent is low, and they have no combat effectiveness. And the enthusiasm for combat is very low.

"We need a strong army, but what kind of direction will we have." Han Shu said with some annoyance. But at this moment Zhang Liang suddenly thought of one thing.

"My lord, I remembered one thing that may have a certain impact on our future, but for the present, we don't know yet." Zhang Liang said embarrassingly.

"What do you mean?" Han Shu asked puzzledly.

"I got some information, saying that there are blacks with more energy in the more western area. If we can use those blacks, we may supplement our soldiers more perfectly." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. That would take a lot of time. We don’t understand that place yet. Any accidents take time, let’s say. Training them may take longer. This is our worst part. This is extremely for us. Not good." Han Shu said.

"Thinking of this, I think we might choose another thing." Han Shu said.

"For Qi and Zhao to carry out maritime cooperation, we may also need some allies, such as Chu." Han Shu thought for a while and said.

"Han Chu alliance." Zhang Liang said casually.

"Yes, it is the Han-Chu Alliance. If we can reach a certain agreement on the expansion of overseas colonies, the Chu people will have sufficient troops, but their expansion speed is obviously very slow, but our expansion speed is very fast, but there is no Sufficient soldiers, both sides have demand, we are unlikely to expand more troops to appear, then our financial pressure will be great." Han Shu said.

"The Chu people have always believed that their expansion is very slow, their nobles are extremely dissatisfied, and the Chu government itself is dissatisfied. In this way, they need to spend a longer time to expand." Han Shu said .

"If we two form an alliance. In this case, it will be very beneficial to us." Han Shu said.

"It's just that Chu will agree?" Zhang Liang asked worriedly.

"As long as the national interests are consistent, I think they will agree. Telegram." Han Shu decided. Although it seems a bit sloppy, but this is a reliable conclusion after thinking. Because doing so is beneficial to the interests of South Korea and the Kingdom of Chu.

Chu State Pengcheng.

"What do you think of this matter?" Fan Zeng has been watching Han Shu's telegram for half an hour. Within half an hour, he didn't say a word, and kept thinking about things. Fan Zeng didn't know what he would think of.

"The alliance between South Korea and the State of Chu, I think, we still can't. At most, we are cooperating on some projects. It is not yet time to form an alliance." Chen Ping said.

"Talk about it." Fan Zeng said.

"Chu and South Korea only have needs for certain things. For example, the expansion of the colony. Qi and Zhao have reached a naval agreement. However, on the specific colony issue, the two sides did not have further cooperation. This is one point. "Chen Ping said.

"Secondly, we need our own colony in Chu country, and Koreans need to expand trade ports. Both sides have needs. If we do not expand our colony quickly, then Qi and Zhao will expand rapidly. The State of Yan is also building a navy. If the State of Yan also catches up, the situation will become extremely dangerous." Chen Ping said.

"The situation of repression and control is not conducive to our development. We need to do something. This is to develop our own colony quickly. In this way, we need to cooperate with the Koreans. We may become the largest colony beneficiary country, but , We still need some time, while Qi and Zhao have not yet developed." Chen Ping said of his opinion.

"The most important thing is that Koreans have the capital, they can bring in investment, and we also lack some technology. Koreans seem to have great benefits in this regard. Therefore, cooperation is still very beneficial to our country. Yes, if we do not cooperate, our situation is the most dangerous. Thinking of this, I think we should only cooperate with the Koreans in some parts, rather than full cooperation. Think about it, if the two sides form an alliance, it will cause Qin people are vigilant, they will think that our two countries will unite against Qin country. In that case, what would Qin people think?" Fan Zeng said. In fact, this is what Fan Zeng worries about, because there has been a naval agreement between Qi and Zhao. If there is another one, what would the people of Qin think?

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