The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2873: Molotov cocktail

On a high ground 120 miles from the Yuezhi Highway in the territory of Yuezhi. Stone fort. It is an important fortress that controls this road. The fortress is built with the strongest granite. Qin's artillery bombarded more than a hundred times, but it might not be able to shoot down. As for the stone fortress, there is a reinforcement regiment stationed there, with more than five thousand people. There are about fifty guns equipped. The firepower is sufficient. This is mainly to respond to the threat from the Qin State.

Although the relationship between Qin and Yue is very good. But on the issue of national defense, Yue Shi did not trust Qin. However, as the fighting in the south became tense, a lot of soldiers were transferred here. There were originally more than 5,000 people, but fewer than 1,500 were stationed, and the artillery was quickly reduced to less than 20.

Shibao has gradually become a place where carriage drivers come and go to live with merchants. It can be said that the original military function here is gradually evolving into an important turning point on the commercial road.

"The scenery here is very good. If the food here is delicious, it would be even better." Fan Dou said to Yue's Finance Minister with a smile. This time they came to discuss matters related to bank funds borrowing. Such matters are very complicated for them, because many things need to be involved.

"Haha, I think, Mr. Fan is also very clear that the supplies here are very scarce, and we can’t make some delicious things. Only some goat cheese is still in the past. Other things are really hard to satisfy on the commercial road. The appetite of businessmen." The Minister of Finance said.

"However, those businessmen are here to make money, and they don't care about food." The Minister of Finance said.

"Mr. Fan, if we get the land of the South, the Indians in the South, it’s warm, fertile, rich in resources, and most importantly, there is a lot of income that can be provided for us to use. If we can use so many things, I think our food situation here will change a lot. After all, it is too barren here." Yueshi’s defense minister said. He is now very worried about the battle on the front line, because they too need a lot of money to support them in such a war. This war has been going on for a long time. For the Yueshi people, they need to rest, or in other words, they already hate war. However, they had to go to war.

As the Secretary of Defense said, they need the land of the Indians in the South, and they need a large number of Indians to cultivate on the land, and then generate wealth. For the land here, it is too barren. Can't produce what they need most.

However, it takes more money to conduct this war. Yue’s Finance does not have that much income. Tariffs have fallen into the hands of other banks. They have formed a bank alliance. Now they need more funds to carry out this war. war.

"Yeah. It's just that I'm a little worried, will those Indians let you occupy their land so boldly?" Fan Dou asked worriedly. Actually, for this question. Fan Dou had already received instructions from Qin Guoguanzhong.

The Wenyang Bank headquarters believes that the Qin State Wenyang Bank must borrow such a fund, because this money can help the Yueshi people end the war, or that they can end the war early, the key lies in financial support, and Wenyang Bank It may be the last sum of money, and the attitude of the government is also the same. If the Yue people lose in the Indy War or cause heavy losses, then the situation will be extremely unfavorable to them. This adverse effect is huge. . The government will not only lose a large amount of financial support, but will also come to a standstill in the strategic direction, because the Yue people cannot open the door to the Indians. This is the worst situation they face. Therefore, the Qin government does not want such a situation, and Wenyang Bank can only earn a lot of funds by following the Qin government. On this issue, Wenyang Bank and the Qin government have the same interests, and neither party can do without either.

"Well, the war has reached the final critical moment. I think you should understand this situation. We Yueshi now need to send more troops to the south. However, there needs more arms and materials, but the current government’s The financial funds have been exhausted, and they cannot provide more financial funds to support such a thing, which is very unfavorable for us. We need at least one million gold funds. The war on the battlefield will end." The Secretary of Defense said.

"Yeah. I understand, but what I want to know is, what can we get from Wenyang Bank?" Fan Dou said.

"What I know is that the tariffs have been mortgaged. It seems that Wenyang Bank came very late." Fan Dou said. One million gold coins is not a small number. I am afraid that other banks will carefully consider this issue. After all, they have already invested one-third of their funds in the direction of Yueshi. If it continues, other banks The bank's share of funds will be very high. What is the situation that such a high share of funds will bring? The answer is risk. Banks have no statutes to avoid such risks. As a result, they may face a complete collapse of the bank. They can lose a large amount of money, but they will never allow the bank to collapse.

"This. We don't know what else needs to be able to satisfy your bank's appetite." The Minister of Finance said embarrassingly. Yes, the Yue's government has lost their tariffs. They have a Yue's highway, which can bring great financial revenue, but they have lost it. They need to repay the debts of other banks in Qin State, otherwise, they would not be able to do such a thing at all.

"Well. It's very simple. We may need more trophies from you, but if that happens, the Yue government will collapse even if it won the final war victory." Fan Dou ease said. To force people too much is extremely unwise, besides, the situation of the Yueshi people has reached the final key. Such an approach is extremely irrational, and Wenyang Bank headquarters prohibits it. The reason is that Wenyang Bank needs further profitability.

"We need a railway. If you can open the door to Indian trade and build a railway. A steady stream of taxes can provide you with a great state of development. What we need is that we provide financial support and allow us to lend. . We will charge more interest. Isn't that a problem?" Fan Dou said. After hearing such words, Yue's Finance Minister was very surprised. He didn't know how to say such things. He couldn't describe it. Perhaps nothing happened to his ears.

"We Qin people will fund the railway. However, you need to mortgage it to us. The other is to allow the Qin government to send garrisons to garrison. To ensure safety, the railway can bring us more benefits." Fan Dou said.

"The right to operate the railway is of great help to us, and it is also one of the important ways for the Yueshi government to repay interest. Not only that, but also that you need to maintain the railway and our bank also needs to invest in Yueshi and other places. , Can invest a lot of factories." Fan Dou said.

"There is no problem with this." The Minister of Finance replied immediately.

"Yeah." Fan Dou nodded and looked at the Minister of Defense.

"If there is no problem, we will prepare the documents. However, before, we need to worry about another issue. This issue is when the war will end, and now we need peace. The war continues like this, which seems to be very detrimental to both of us. "Fan Dou said. He looked at Yue's Minister of Defense. Obviously, the Secretary of Defense should have answered this question.

"This." The Minister of Defense was puzzled. He didn't know what Qin State Bank meant? Do they think that the war is not fast enough.

"I don't understand, what does Mr. Fan mean?" the defense minister asked at this time.

"What I mean is very simple. No matter what method is used to end the war, although I know that your Yueshi has a great possibility of victory in the military, the war will continue. In that case, no one can control it. The war can be quickly ended, 50,000 people, and hundreds of thousands of people surrounded, this is a huge victory, I admit." Fan Dou said.

"We Qin people may not be able to fight such a result, but the war is not over yet, I suggest peace talks. Negotiations in a peaceful way." Fan Dou said. The Minister of National Defense thought about what Fan Dou said. He didn't understand why Qin asked for peace talks at this time.

However, it seems that the Yueshi people have taken this into consideration. Peace talks may be a key to quickly resolve war issues.

Indy is in the air within fifty miles of depth.

"How far are we flying?" Chen Gong asked a map operator. He was measuring with a ruler and compass, which seemed very laborious.

"Sir. We have entered the range of fifty miles. Our fuel can still support us for a hundred miles. After a hundred miles, we must go back. We are carrying too many Molotov cocktails." The operator Answered.

"Okay." Chen Gong nodded.

"Did you find any important goals?" Chen Gong was a little worried.

"I can't see clearly, there is fog below," said the flying sergeant.

"Well, you try to observe as much as possible, we have come behind the Indians, but you have to be careful, check which **** Molotov cocktails, if you bump, our situation will be very bad." Chen Gong Speaking very worried. When he was driving the airship. All are very careful, afraid of any unexpected accidents that cannot be controlled.

"Sir. Don't worry, we have done a special treatment." The sergeant said. Molotov cocktails are extremely flammable things, and flying is still uncontrollable. An uncontrollable air current can cause the airship to sway from side to side. The Molotov cocktails are glass bottles which are easily broken. In order to prevent breakage, they adopted some special methods for filling. A large number of Molotov cocktails are placed in a wooden box with some compartments inside. They are put in one by one. When throwing, they will throw these boxes down, of course. This is the most ideal state. In fact, many Molotov cocktails do not have so many boxes to fill. They can only put some special Molotov cocktails in this kind of box, and put some dead grass inside to buffer them. Some moderate collisions can cause huge fires. This is a disaster for airships, because they can't have good fire extinguishing equipment to deal with these things.

"Sir, there seems to be something underneath." At this moment, a corporal reported.

"What is it?" Chen Gong asked.

"Sir, I can't see clearly, we fly a little higher, but we can fly lower, we may know what it is." The corporal said.

"Well, we will do something like this." Chen Gong immediately returned to the cockpit, and the airship began to lower its height. Their height was only a thousand feet. At this height, the fog dissipated a lot, and there were many ants on the ground. Black spots of things moving back and forth.

"It's people, it's a large number of people. It must be an important military stronghold for the Indians, and it seems that there is a warehouse." The corporal said with a telescope. Chen Gong also raised the telescope in his hand.

What he saw was that the people below didn't seem to be scared at all. Some people looked very flustered. They ran around, but some people stood still and looked at them.

"Teach them some lessons, we have to throw these **** things, we need to go home and rest." Chen Gong's nervousness made him feel very tired. Soon they sent a signal, followed by five airships, they also sent a signal. The Molotov cocktail began to throw.

However, they have no experience in throwing bombs, nor do they know how much inertia affects them. They are only approximate estimates and feel that they are suffering from a headache, so the modified bomb bay is opened, and a large number of wooden boxes are thrown down. Some airships do not have extra wooden boxes, and their Molotov cocktails are scattered and thrown out. It seems that they are throwing away **** and dumping a large number of glass bottles.

"Watch out, watch out." After throwing the Molotov cocktail safely. The airship has risen slightly, and they need to be safe. Then they looked at their masterpiece with binoculars.

"Damn it. Many boxes deviate." The corporal said. Chen Gong looked at it with the binoculars and felt it was a pity. They were aiming, but they were not stationary, but in motion. Under the action of inertia, many incendiary bombs deviated from their original target, but Even specialized bombing airships cannot do this, because Qin State does not have a dedicated bombing device. On the one hand, it can control the airship very well, and on the other hand, it can drop bombs accurately. Perhaps only a stopped airship can throw more accurately.

"Blasted. Blasted. The fire, I saw the fire." The sergeant exclaimed excitedly. He shouted excitedly while holding the telescope.

"Look. Those big fires, they lit some warehouses, and the Indians are dead." The sergeant shouted loudly. Chen Gong nodded. Then began to order and return home.

They have no experience in bombing, because at the end of the bombing, there will be a special airship to observe, or multiple airships to observe in order to evaluate the effect of their bombing. Unfortunately, they are army aviation and they have nothing. In terms of bombing experience, they are just a group of temporarily modified machine gun airships. Most of their tasks are machine gun shooting. For bombing, they are still laymen.

Seth country. The deal here is still very hot. Although the war is not far away from them. The Parths were beaten back to Basra, and the situation was extremely unfavorable for the Parths. They could not defend against the sharp attack of the Seth. They don't know how to stop the Seth. Maybe the Seth people have a lot of craftsmen, and there are some craftsmen who specialize in combat. The Koreans call them combat engineers. They can use their methods of digging trenches and tunnels. They use a lot of black powder and they use a kind of trunk to hollow out. , Or use a kind of clay pot, and then place a large number of them in petroleum vessels, throw them through tunnels, trenches, or detonate them. The losses caused by such explosions are extremely terrifying. And the accuracy far exceeds that of artillery. The Parthians had to withdraw from the Seth land they occupied. Now they have one last place, Basra, but there is no defense against the city there. Even if there is, many Parthians believe that they cannot defend such a place.

"Boss, we found some good things." A young Korean guy whispered to his boss.

"What? Gold, or something valuable?" the boss asked excitedly. When they came here, they harvested a lot. Many worthless things can be sold at high prices here, because many things are not available, such as glass bottles. This kind of thing is their wine bottle, and many things are leftover rubbish. . But for those Seth people who have never seen anything, this kind of thing is a glass bottle with works of art and rubbish. They can also give you five gold coins. This made the sailors feel excited and depressed, because they had to drink their fine wine in advance, which was what they stored, and then sold the drunk bottles to the Seth people in exchange for a gold coin. , But they are relieved that the bottle can be exchanged for more fine wine.

"It's oil. I found oil here. Those Seth people told me." The guy whispered. It seems that a big secret has been discovered.

"Oil. This thing." The boss calculated by touching his chin.

"How much money can you make when you ship it back? The most important thing is that our cargo ship can carry some gold and that oil. I see." The boss hesitated. After all, those things are also valuable and need to be refined, but they are all gold, and it seems that there is no need for such things at present.

"It would be great if there was a piece of land with oil," the guy said. The boss nodded. But he still touched his chin. He thought about a lot of things.

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